WGL // ROSTER // Don (Legendenvertrag bis zum 7. Januar 2022)

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    • "Johnny Mainevent" John Morrison
      6 ft 1 in (1.85 m)
      215 lbs (97 kg)
      Los Angeles, Kalifornien
      WGL // WGL NXT John Morrison Titantron 2k17

      • Starship Pain (Spli-Legged Corkscrew Moonsault)
      • The Moonlight Drive (Corkscrew Neckbreaker)
      • Running Knee Smash
      • Standing Shooting Star Press
      • Dancing Leg Drop
      • Asai Moonsault
      • Wheelbarrow Facebuster
      • Corkscrew Plancha
      • Dropsault
      • European Uppercut
      • Flying Chuck Kick (Springboard Roundhouse Kick)
      • Hangmans Neckbreaker
      • Slingshot Elbow Drop
      • C4 (Standing Spanish Fly)
      • Superkick
      • Tilt-A-Whirl DDT

      Everyone's Different, Everyone's Special - Tokyo Cyber Squad - Yes, Sir!
      A world without smiles and humor... has no bright future.
      Never End

      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 2 mal editiert, zuletzt von Payne ()

    • "Latina Heat" Shaul Guerrero
      5 ft 3 in (1.60 m)
      145 lbs (65 kg)
      El Paso, Texas
      WGL // Shaul Guerrero Titantron 2k21

      • Gory Special
      • Frog Splash
      • Drop Toe Hold
      • Leg Drop
      • Camel Clutch
      • Rolling Necksnap
      • Scoop Powerslam
      • Snapmare Followed By A Shoot Kick
      • Three Amigas (Triple Rolling Vertical Suplexes)

      Everyone's Different, Everyone's Special - Tokyo Cyber Squad - Yes, Sir!
      A world without smiles and humor... has no bright future.
      Never End

      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von Payne ()