Neuer The Rock und Ultimo Dragon!

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      [BODY TONING](-20)

      [BODY PARTS]
      [FACE SKIN 13]
      [BODY SKIN 2]
      [SKIN COLOR] (-89,9) (9)
      [HAIR 1] (-94,50) (25)
      [BODY HAIR 1]
      [EYEBROWS 122] (-89,-10) (-30)
      [EYES 7] (-96,-10)
      [LIPS 18] (-95,-4) (-1)
      [HEAD] (-7,37) (7)
      [EYEBROWS] (17,-25) (-25)
      [EYES] (-44,83) (4,-75)
      [NOSE](40,77) (11,100)
      [CHEEK] (-38,85) (0,-100)
      [MOUTH] (-4,100) (30,100)
      [JAW] (17,15) (7,23)
      [EARS] (49,16) (100,9)
      [AGE] (-50)

      [HEAD] (11,-11) (16)
      [NECK] (71,14) (-41)
      [CHEST] (17,7) (0)
      [SHOULDER] (-4,-29)
      [ABDOMEN] (34,23) (18)
      [ARMS] (5,10) (3)
      [HANDS] (9,3)
      [WAIST] (25,20)
      [LEGS] (25,14) (0,-19)
      [FEET] (11,7) (7)

      [HEIGHT] 6'6" (38)

      [UNDERWEAR 5] (12,-100)
      [FACIAL HAIR 59] (-88,-22) T(-77)
      [DRESS UP HEAD - MAKE-UP 6] (-83,-25) T(-90)

      [DRESS UP HEAD - DESIGN - LETTER - Sign 1/8 (] ¢¢¡ß1,¢ª¡ß1 / (-83,-25) (-20) (-20) / ¡ß2
      [DRESS UP HEAD - DESIGN - SIMPLE 149] ¢¢¡ß1,¢«¡ß1 / (-88,9) (-24) (-81) / ¡ß2
      [DRESS UP HEAD - DESIGN - LETTER - Japanese 14/14 ¥ë] ¢¬¡ß1,¢ª¡ß2 / (-87,4) (-47) (-60)
      [DRESS UP HEAD - DESIGN - LETTER - Alphabet 1/18 .] ¢¢¡ß1 / (22,-100) (0) / ¡ß2

      [DRESS UP ARMS - ELBOW PADS 14] (12,-100)
      [DRESS UP FEET - KNEE PADS 15] (12,-100)
      [DRESS UP FEET - SHOES 1] (13,-100)

      [DRESS UP LOWER - DESIGN - SIMPLE - L LEG 153] ¢¢¡ß1,¢¬¡ß1,¢ª¡ß2 / (-89,45) S(-45)
      [DRESS UP LOWER - DESIGN - SIMPLE - R LEG 153] ¢¢¡ß1,¢¬¡ß1,¢ª¡ß2 / (-89,45) S(-45)
      [DRESS UP ARMS - PAINT - ONLY LEFT 125] (4,-4) (100) (-70)
      [DRESS UP ARMS - PAINT - ONLY LEFT 147] (4,9) (100) (-77)
      [DRESS UP UPPER - DESIGN - SIMPLE - FRONT 86] ¢¢¡ß1,¢¬¡ß1,¢ª¡ß1 / (4,-20) (100) (-100)
      [DRESS UP UPPER - DESIGN - SIMPLE - FRONT 86] ¢¢¡ß1,¢¬¡ß2,¢ª¡ß2 / (4,-20) (100) (-75)
      [DRESS UP UPPER - DESIGN - SIMPLE - BACK 86] ¢¢¡ß1,¢¬¡ß1,¢ª¡ß2 / (4,-20) (100) (-56)

      [DRESS UP ARMS - DESIGN - WWE - R ARM 22] ¢ª¡ß1 / (1,-41) T(-79)
      [DRESS UP UPPER - DESIGN - WWE - BACK 22] ¢¬¡ß1, ¢ª¡ß1 / (2,30)
      [DRESS UP UPPER - DESIGN - WWE - BACK 24] ¢¬¡ß1, ¢ª¡ß1 / (8,76)
      [DRESS UP UPPER - DESIGN - WWE - FRONT 26] ¢­¡ß1,¢ª¡ß2 / (8,100)

      Name: Ultimo Dragon
      Ring Name: Leave blank, or your choice...!
      Call Name: The Immortal, or your choice...!
      Classification: Light Heavyweight (for Speed & Power--
      what I chose) [or Cruiserweight]
      Gender: Male
      Match Tactics: Clean (or your choice, Dirty)
      Show: SmackDown! (or on RAW, your choice)
      Crowd Sign 1: Your Choice...
      my suggestions: Green Yin & Yang RVD type
      sign 1st page, 2nd row, 3rd column.
      Crowd Sign 2: Your Choice...
      my suggestions: Japan Flag, or Red Dot in
      middle of white sign 9th page, 3rd row, 1st

      Logic 1: Luchador
      Logic 2: Grappler
      Move: Agressive
      Irish Whip: Often
      Diving Moves: Often
      Taunt: Often, only if you want to, think about it-- on computer he tends to taunt too much when

      wrestling... I'm thinking about changing it but I normally play as him so it's no problem, just

      consider that though...

      Body Toning: (x: 29)

      Face Skin: 6
      Body Skin: 1
      Skin Color: NOW (X: -89,Y: 7) (X:8)
      Hair: 70 (X: 17,Y: 46) (X: -54) Length (X: -67)
      Body Hair: 1 (Default)
      Eyebrows: 1 (X: -87,Y: 9) (X:0)
      Eyes: 1 (X:-96 ,Y:-24 ) (X:0 )
      Facial Hair: NONE
      Sideburns: NONE
      Lips: 1 (X:-99,Y:9) (X:0)
      Teeth: 1 (X:-97,Y:9) (X:0) LEAVE as DEFAULT

      IMPORTANT TO do the mask first, so he won't TOTALLY scare the beejeebies out of you...
      It'll make more sense in what you are doing IMHO.
      [CAW LAYER # 10] DRESS UP: DRESS UP HEAD: MASK: 38/41, 5/21, Color: (X:19,Y:-25) (X: -1)

      Head: (X:19, Y:13) (X:10)
      Eyebrows: (X:51,Y:37 ) (Y:100) CREDIT TO STARMARTER, THANKS!
      Eyes: (X: -11,Y:53 ) (X:-46,Y:-100) CREDIT TO STARMARTER, THANKS!
      Nose: (X:81,Y:100) (X:-100,Y:-100)
      Cheek: (X:0,Y:0) (X:0,Y:0)
      Mouth: (X:-69,Y:100) (X:26,Y:71)
      Jaw: (X:48,Y:7) (X:-61,Y:32)
      Ears: (X:0,Y:0) (X:0,Y:0)
      Age: (X:-48)

      Head: (X:20,Y:23) (Y:20)
      Neck: (X:8,Y:18) (Y:-11)
      Chest: (X:29,Y:18) (Y:0)
      Shoulders: (X:-50,Y:-10)
      Abdomen: (X:20,Y:7) (Y:0)
      Arms: (X:3,Y:3) (Y:-3)
      Hands: (X:0,Y:0)
      Waist: (X:14,Y:0)
      Legs: (X:7,Y:9) (X:15,Y:0)
      Feet: (X:2,Y:2) (Y:0)

      Height: 5'8" (Y:-48)

      *DO THESE LAYERS IN ORDER!!!, that's why I'm numbering them, and that's
      the order in the finished CAW*

      [CAW LAYER # 11] DRESS UP: DRESS UP HEAD: HEAD ACCESSORIES:59/116 (X:22,Y:-27) (Y:-100)
      [CAW LAYER # 12] DRESS UP: DRESS UP HEAD: DESIGN: SIMPLE: Second Smallest Vertical,
      Largest Horizontal, Place on chin until it
      looks like re-tweaked pictures 1-3.
      153/162 (X:-89,Y:50) (Y:-46)(X:100)

      [CAW LAYER # 13] DRESS UP: DRESS UP LOWER: TIGHTS:38/41, 2/12, (X:11,Y:-5) (X:0) (X:100)
      [CAW LAYER # 14] DRESS UP: DRESS UP ARMS: WRIST BANDS:38/41,5/20,(X:37,Y:9)(X:0)(X:100)(Y:71)
      [CAW LAYER # 15] DRESS UP: DRESS UP FEET: SHOES:1/41,13/45,(X:28,Y:41)(X:-75)
      [CAW LAYER # 16] DRESS UP: DRESS UP FEET: ACCESSORIES:2/18,(X:26,Y:56)(X:-58)(X:100)
      [CAW LAYER # 17] DRESS UP: DRESS UP UPPER: ACCESSORIES:13/24,(X:37,Y:54)(X:-23)(X:100)

      END OF PART 1

      PART 2

      NOW FOR THE TRICKY PART, the shoulderpads/chest-gear...

      Bear with me on this... I'll post the best help pics I can... Try to follow what I say a far as

      rotating and placement (no clicks system this year). Go by the pics. I can give you size but
      you'll need to place it by looking at the pics.

      [CAW LAYER # 18] DRESS UP: DRESS UP UPPER: DESIGN: WWE: FRONT: 18/60,(X:24,Y:-25)(X:3)(X:100)
      Rotate 2 times, make 2nd smallest size height, and largest size width, move to cover left
      pectoral muscle right above nipple as in pics.

      [CAW LAYER # 19] Copy design from layer #18, Edit it, and place it over the Right pectoral muscle as in help pictures. [FIXED FROM FIRST POST...]

      [CAW LAYER # 20] DRESS UP: DRESS UP UPPER: ACCESSORIES: FRONT: 11/24,(X:11,Y:9)(X:-66)(X:100)
      This is the top of the shoulderpads/chest-guard
      *EDIT, or move if necessary, CAW LAYERS #18 & #19 LAYERS until they look like the picture!
      IF you lined them up like the picture or close, you should be ready to go ahead to the next

      [CAW LAYER # 21] DRESS UP: DRESS UP UPPER: PAINT: 50/58,(X:34,Y:85)(X:100)(X:100)
      This is the center back of the shoulderpads/chest-gear:

      [CAW LAYER # 22] DRESS UP: DRESS UP HEAD: DESIGN: SIMPLE: 114/162,(X:29,Y:62)(X:91)(X:100)
      Make LARGEST size height, and 2nd Largest size width, move to cover His Right side of the mask/head, and place it as shown in the help pics.

      [CAW LAYER # 23] Copy design from layer #21, and Keep it the same. Edit it, and place it on His
      left side of the mask as shown in help pictures.

      [CAW LAYER # 24] DRESS UP: DRESS UP HEAD: DESIGN: SIMPLE: 51/162,(X:36,Y:80)(X:93)(X:100)
      ROTATE IT TWICE, Make LARGEST size height, and LARGEST size width, move to His Right side of the
      mask/head, and place it as shown in the help pics.

      [CAW LAYER # 25] Copy design from layer #24, and Keep it the same. Edit it, and place it on His
      left side of the mask as shown in help pictures.

      [CAW LAYER # 26] DRESS UP: DRESS UP HEAD: DESIGN: TATTOO: 41/49,(X:30,Y:10)(X:100)(X:100)
      Make LARGEST size height, and LARGEST size width, move to His Right side of the mask/head, and
      place it as shown in the help pics.

      [CAW LAYER # 27] Copy design from layer #26, and Keep it the same. Edit it, and place it on His
      left side of the mask as shown in help pictures.

      [CAW LAYER # 28] DRESS UP: DRESS UP ARMS: DESIGN: WWE: L ARM: 52/60,(X:17,Y:14)(X:10)(X:100)
      Make 2nd SMALLEST size height, and LARGEST size width, Rotate so the ears on the changed logo are
      visible at the front of the body when you move it into place like in the pic move to His top of
      the shoulder place it as shown in the help pics. This may take a while to get right, but that is
      the size you want this, so work with it until you get it to look like the pic.

      [CAW LAYER # 29] DRESS UP: DRESS UP ARMS: DESIGN: WWE: R ARM: 52/60,(X:17,Y:14)(X:10)(X:100)
      Make 2nd SMALLEST size height, and LARGEST size width, Rotate so the Ears (again this time on
      re-tweaked version) on the changed logo are visible at the front of the body when you move it
      into place like in the pic move to His top of the shoulder place it as shown in the help pics.
      Again, This may take a while to get right, but that is the size you want this, so work with it
      until you get it to look like the pic. SEE HELP PICs.

      [CAW LAYER # 30] DRESS UP: DRESS UP UPPER: PAINT: 35/58,(X:25,Y:1)(X:100)(X:22)

      [CAW LAYER # 31] DRESS UP: DRESS UP UPPER: PAINT: 34/58,(X:25,Y:1)(X:100)(X:22)

      [CAW LAYER # 32] DRESS UP: DRESS UP LOWER: BELT: 6/25,(X:24,Y:19)(X:0)(X:100)