Luther Reigns

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    • Luther Reigns

      Credit: Wahe 70


      Body Toning -100

      Face Morphing

      Head 37/24 48

      Eyebrows -32/-56 44

      Eyes 0/-13 -19/-19

      Nose 33/40 -18/19

      Cheek -7/-37 -19/-25

      Mouth 5/-15 -13/1

      Jaw -6/30 0/15

      Ear DEFAULT

      Age -48

      Full Body Scaling

      Head DEFAULT

      Neck 95/75 -68

      Chest DEFAULT

      Shoulder DEFAULT

      Abdomen DEFAULT

      Arms DEFAULT

      Hands DEFAULT

      Waist 49/48

      Legs 13/27 0/0

      Feet DEFAULT

      Height 6"10

      Body Skin 2/4

      Face Skin 13/13

      Skin Color 2 -95/4 Shade -4

      Eyes DEFAULT

      Eyebrows 100/154 -88/-26 Shade 0

      Lips 1/65 -100/2 Shade 2

      Good Teeth

      Hair 9/88 -100/-44 Shade -7

      No Body Hair

      Facial Hair 33/84 -88/0 shade 0 trans 100

      Facial Hair 25/84 -84/9 shade 29 trans 100

      Facial Hair 30/84 -94/4 shade 58 trans 100

      Facial Hair 9/84 -97/2 shade 0 trans 100

      Design/Face/simple 153/162 (Place on hiss left side of the beard that is sticking out)2nd smalest size -94/43 shade -59 trans -100
      Copy and do on the other side to!

      Make-Up 50/60 -95/9 shade -9 trans -100

      Elbow Pads ONLY RIGHT 12/16 12/-100 shade -0 trans -100

      Wrist Bands Both Material 1/41 Design 1/12 - 12/-100 Shade -0 Trans 100 Length 79

      Underwear 5/19 Material 1/41 - 12/-100 Shade 0

      Design/Patern/Body 153/162 (Put 1 of this on his back of short and 2 on the front to cover the white things) Make it Black

      Knee Pads Material 1/41 Design 14/15 - 12/-100 Shade 0 Trans 100

      Shoes Material 1/41 1/45 - 12/-70 shade -100 Lenght 39

      Design/Sign/Face " ´ " (Make them the Biggest Size and place them on the empty space of hiss mustache "USE 2 OF THEM")
      -89/-40 shade 0 trans 100

      Design/Sign/Face " ( " (Make them the Biggest Size and Make A Connection Between The Mustache And The Beard "USE 2 OF THEM")
      -93/-51 shade 0 trans 100


      Long Hemline 36/69 Material 1/41 - -82/9 Shade 0 Trans 100 Length -100

      Shoes 7/45 Material 1/41 - 12/-100 Shade 0

      Pants 18/19 Default Color

      Jakcets 25/26 Material 1/41 - 12/-62 Shade -100

      Pearcing 1/13 DEFAULT

      I Changed hiss Moveset And tooked Mark Jindraks And Changed hiss finishers to Neckbreaker 3 And DDT 23!!! and hiss entrance

      Moves: Normal
      Music: Kurt Angle
      Movie: Kurt Angle



      Der sieht IMO geil aus. :t-up:
      Besser geht's nicht. :)
      [COLOR="Gray"]ECW Champion,[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]World Heavyweight Champion,[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]WWE Champion[/COLOR]
      [COLOR="Red"]Meine[/COLOR] [COLOR="DeepSkyBlue"]my[/COLOR][COLOR="Yellow"]BUZZ![/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Quiz-Fragen[/COLOR]
    • Originally posted by Cr@zy_Doc@29.11.2004 - 12:15:27
      Luther Reigns

      Credit: Wahe 70


      Body Toning -100

      Face Morphing

      Head 37/24 48

      Eyebrows -32/-56 44

      Eyes 0/-13 -19/-19

      Nose 33/40 -18/19

      Cheek -7/-37 -19/-25

      Mouth 5/-15 -13/1

      Jaw -6/30 0/15

      Ear DEFAULT

      Age -48

      Full Body Scaling

      Head DEFAULT

      Neck 95/75 -68

      Chest DEFAULT

      Shoulder DEFAULT

      Abdomen DEFAULT

      Arms DEFAULT

      Hands DEFAULT

      Waist 49/48

      Legs 13/27 0/0

      Feet DEFAULT

      Height 6"10

      Body Skin 2/4

      Face Skin 13/13

      Skin Color 2 -95/4 Shade -4

      Eyes DEFAULT

      Eyebrows 100/154 -88/-26 Shade 0

      Lips 1/65 -100/2 Shade 2

      Good Teeth

      Hair 9/88 -100/-44 Shade -7

      No Body Hair

      Facial Hair 33/84 -88/0 shade 0 trans 100

      Facial Hair 25/84 -84/9 shade 29 trans 100

      Facial Hair 30/84 -94/4 shade 58 trans 100

      Facial Hair 9/84 -97/2 shade 0 trans 100

      Design/Face/simple 153/162 (Place on hiss left side of the beard that is sticking out)2nd smalest size -94/43 shade -59 trans -100
      Copy and do on the other side to!

      Make-Up 50/60 -95/9 shade -9 trans -100

      Elbow Pads ONLY RIGHT 12/16 12/-100 shade -0 trans -100

      Wrist Bands Both Material 1/41 Design 1/12 - 12/-100 Shade -0 Trans 100 Length 79

      Underwear 5/19 Material 1/41 - 12/-100 Shade 0

      Design/Patern/Body 153/162 (Put 1 of this on his back of short and 2 on the front to cover the white things) Make it Black

      Knee Pads Material 1/41 Design 14/15 - 12/-100 Shade 0 Trans 100

      Shoes Material 1/41 1/45 - 12/-70 shade -100 Lenght 39

      Design/Sign/Face " ´ " (Make them the Biggest Size and place them on the empty space of hiss mustache "USE 2 OF THEM")
      -89/-40 shade 0 trans 100

      Design/Sign/Face " ( " (Make them the Biggest Size and Make A Connection Between The Mustache And The Beard "USE 2 OF THEM")
      -93/-51 shade 0 trans 100


      Long Hemline 36/69 Material 1/41 - -82/9 Shade 0 Trans 100 Length -100

      Shoes 7/45 Material 1/41 - 12/-100 Shade 0

      Pants 18/19 Default Color

      Jakcets 25/26 Material 1/41 - 12/-62 Shade -100

      Pearcing 1/13 DEFAULT

      I Changed hiss Moveset And tooked Mark Jindraks And Changed hiss finishers to Neckbreaker 3 And DDT 23!!! and hiss entrance

      Moves: Normal
      Music: Kurt Angle
      Movie: Kurt Angle



      Der sieht IMO geil aus. :t-up:
      Besser geht's nicht. :)
      [post=129864]Quoted post[/post]

      ohringe fehlen ....ich hab schon einen luther reings sonst würde ich da ohrringe ergänzen und den machen
    • ich glaube eher er meinte das du das ganze formula nochmal kopiert hast
      Mein Ort ist so leer.Meine Gedanken drehen sich im Kreis.
      Ich weiß nicht wie es überhaupt soweit kommen konnte.
      Manchmal ist es so verrückt.Nichts kann mich noch retten.
      Aber das ist das einzigste , woran ich noch denke.
    • Luther Reigns Moveset By Benz


      Ring inver The rope
      Ringoutver the rope
      Taunt:Batista,Come on x 2,Wake up
      Fighting style:Bigshow
      Walking and running are normal
      Entrance:movie Kurt Angle
      Moves:Hardcore Holly
      Music:Kurt angle

      Ready Moves:

      Big Boot 02,Toekick 1,Chuck Right Punch,Snap Jab,Clothline 03


      Sub1: Armbar 02
      Sub2: Headlock 01
      Sub3: Standing Crossface
      Sub4: Shoulder lock
      Sig 1:Headlock & punch
      Sig 2: Suplex 13
      Sig 3:Scoopslam &knee
      Sig4: Neckbreaker 11 (turns out you cant use gordbuster)
      Pow1: Powerbomb 12
      Pow2: Backbreaker 01
      Pow3: Gordbuster01
      Pow4: DDT 17
      Qck1:Eye poke 03
      Qck2:Neck Breaker 7
      Qck3: Russian Leg Sweep 01
      Qck4: Falling Powerslam

      Back Attack:

      Matt Slam 01
      Backsuplex 04
      DDT 23
      Bulldog 04
      Back Breaker 05
      Bulldog 02

      Edge of cell: Downward Thrust x4

      Ground attack:

      Angry Stomp
      Elbow drop 01
      Elbow Drop 09

      Ground Grapple

      Armlock 02
      Fury Punch 09
      Headlock 04
      Leg lock 10
      Boston crab
      Knee Smash 02


      Turnbuckle Attack:

      Turbuckle Clothline x2
      Knee Attack

      Turnbuckle Grapple:

      Foot Choke 01
      Superplex 01
      Body Strikes
      Footchoke 02

      Turnbuckle Back:

      illegal pin
      Hanging in Reverse
      Super Back Suplex
      Shoulder Strike

      Rope Opponent:

      Rope Down: Choke 02

      Rebound Attack:
      Clothline 08
      Elbow drop 10
      Vaulting Body Press 02

      Jump Down Over:
      Baseball Slide 01


      Stand :

      Double Axe Handle 03
      Diving Elbow Bat


      Elbow Drop
      Elbow Drop
      Diving Elbow



      Clothline 12
      Kitchen sink 01


      Neck Breaker 01
      Spear 01


      Mattslam 02
      Neckbreaker 14

      Squatting Attack:

      Elbow Drop 10
      Double Axe Handle 04

      Titl A Whirl Side slam 02
      Neckbreaker 11
      Back body Drop 02

      Doulble team:


      Doulbe Suplex
      Double Beat Head
      Doulble Clothline:
      Doulble Flapjack


      Doulble Chockslam
      Doulble Stomping
      Face buster 01
      Kick to Gut


      Neckbreaker 03 (closest thing to his real neckbreaker)
      Scoopslam 05 (shuicide)


      Gordbuster 01
      Powerbomb 12
      DDT 17

      Weapon Finisher:

      DDT 29 x 2

      Combanation moves:
      Snap Jab
      Back Chop 01
      Big Boot 02