Gesicht von Kane

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    • Kane

      Credit = maddogturner

      skin color 2 (-93,16,-6)

      head (-27,19)
      neck (-14,15,39)
      chest (69,31)
      shoulder (4,-19,-15)
      abdomen (1,-1,54)
      arms (-16,13,-7)
      forearms (-21,-19,-100)
      hands (-12,32,-39)
      waist (15,-19)
      thigh (2,13,-15)
      legs (18,-18,-53)
      ankles (31,-17)

      height 6' 7"

      skin 2

      cheek face edit 13 model 4
      eyebrow (26,69)
      eyes (-1,7,0,-37)
      nose (60,-9,20,-66)
      cheek (-5)
      mouth (16,-19)
      jaw (6,34,-29)

      eyes 20 (-87,11,-28)

      eyebrows 1

      hair 1

      underwear 1

      paint 85 (-78,-89,100,-36)

      tights others 39 (100,100,-100,-40,0)

      no sleeves 20 (100,-100,-66,0)

      wristband left blank 6 (-40,100,30,-90,-100)

      gloves right 12 (100,-100,-100)

      elbowpad right blank 9 (100,-100,-3,0)

      2x pattern simple 166 each centered on the back of the knee

      pattern simple 12 outside of left leg up as far as it will go then down 5 spaces rotate twice (-35,-95,100,-64)

      kneepads blank 2 (100,100,53,-12)

      sign page 2 top left corner "-" right arm reduce once put on back of the elbow pad up towards the top (51,23,100,-100)

      8x sign page 2 top left corner "-" 4 on each leg use to put the black line on the front of each kneepad double thick and long enough to reach the entire front half of the kneepad centered on the front of the kneepad (100,100,-100,-100)

      shoes blank 11 (-33,-100,-80,-100)

      ***these next are used to make the torn kneepad look use 1 of each pattern on each leg on the front of the kneepad with the straight base of each pattern pointing up and being just above the kneepad so its hidden by the black tights. arrange so it looks like torn black kneepad lapping over the red kneepad. this effect takes 4 slots total***

      2x pattern simple 7 turn three times reduce once (100,100,-100,-100)

      2x pattern simple 1 turn once reduce once (71,18,-100,-100)

      ***end kneepad patterns***

      2x pattern simple 159 face 1st one up as far as can go centered on the front 2nd one stacked directly below it (-73,100,100,-100)

      face accessories 11 (-57,-92,-3,-6)

      face accessories 23 (-26,-100,-3,0)

      mask 140 (-81,100,100,-100)

      sign page 1 "(" 1st row 1 up from bottom face place to make cheekline on left side of mouth (-79,100,-100,-88)

      sign page 1 "(" 1st row 1 up from bottom face rotate twice place to make cheekline on right side of mouth (-79,100,-100,-88)

      sign page 1 "(" 1st row 1 up from bottom face rotate three times place just above chin (-82,100,-100,-88)

      2x sign page 1 bottom left corner rotate once face place on each browline up as far as will go (-85,100,-100,-69)
    • Originally posted by Jeffrey Himself@11.07.2003 - 11:06:24

      Credit = maddogturner

      skin color 2 (-93,16,-6)

      head (-27,19)
      neck (-14,15,39)
      chest (69,31)
      shoulder (4,-19,-15)
      abdomen (1,-1,54)
      arms (-16,13,-7)
      forearms (-21,-19,-100)
      hands (-12,32,-39)
      waist (15,-19)
      thigh (2,13,-15)
      legs (18,-18,-53)
      ankles (31,-17)

      height 6' 7"

      skin 2

      cheek face edit 13 model 4
      eyebrow (26,69)
      eyes (-1,7,0,-37)
      nose (60,-9,20,-66)
      cheek (-5)
      mouth (16,-19)
      jaw (6,34,-29)

      eyes 20 (-87,11,-28)

      eyebrows 1

      hair 1

      underwear 1

      paint 85 (-78,-89,100,-36)

      tights others 39 (100,100,-100,-40,0)

      no sleeves 20 (100,-100,-66,0)

      wristband left blank 6 (-40,100,30,-90,-100)

      gloves right 12 (100,-100,-100)

      elbowpad right blank 9 (100,-100,-3,0)

      2x pattern simple 166 each centered on the back of the knee

      pattern simple 12 outside of left leg up as far as it will go then down 5 spaces rotate twice (-35,-95,100,-64)

      kneepads blank 2 (100,100,53,-12)

      sign page 2 top left corner "-" right arm reduce once put on back of the elbow pad up towards the top (51,23,100,-100)

      8x sign page 2 top left corner "-" 4 on each leg use to put the black line on the front of each kneepad double thick and long enough to reach the entire front half of the kneepad centered on the front of the kneepad (100,100,-100,-100)

      shoes blank 11 (-33,-100,-80,-100)

      ***these next are used to make the torn kneepad look use 1 of each pattern on each leg on the front of the kneepad with the straight base of each pattern pointing up and being just above the kneepad so its hidden by the black tights. arrange so it looks like torn black kneepad lapping over the red kneepad. this effect takes 4 slots total***

      2x pattern simple 7 turn three times reduce once (100,100,-100,-100)

      2x pattern simple 1 turn once reduce once (71,18,-100,-100)

      ***end kneepad patterns***

      2x pattern simple 159 face 1st one up as far as can go centered on the front 2nd one stacked directly below it (-73,100,100,-100)

      face accessories 11 (-57,-92,-3,-6)

      face accessories 23 (-26,-100,-3,0)

      mask 140 (-81,100,100,-100)

      sign page 1 "(" 1st row 1 up from bottom face place to make cheekline on left side of mouth (-79,100,-100,-88)

      sign page 1 "(" 1st row 1 up from bottom face rotate twice place to make cheekline on right side of mouth (-79,100,-100,-88)

      sign page 1 "(" 1st row 1 up from bottom face rotate three times place just above chin (-82,100,-100,-88)

      2x sign page 1 bottom left corner rotate once face place on each browline up as far as will go (-85,100,-100,-69)

      ahm danke aber ich wollte eigentlich nur das gesicht................egal
    • Originally posted by Slowflame@13.07.2003 - 22:45:15
      Das Bild geht nicht... hat es noch jemand?

      Das ist ein Bild von desmaskierten Kane CAW (ohne Maske)

      Hier der komplette CAW.
      [COLOR="Gray"]ECW Champion,[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]World Heavyweight Champion,[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]WWE Champion[/COLOR]
      [COLOR="Red"]Meine[/COLOR] [COLOR="DeepSkyBlue"]my[/COLOR][COLOR="Yellow"]BUZZ![/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Quiz-Fragen[/COLOR]