WGL // ROSTER // The Viper

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    • WGL // ROSTER // The Viper

      AJ Styles, Andrade Almas, Bobby Gunns & Shayna Baszler
      Eva Marie
      Unteranderen: World Champion, Intercontinental Champion, Royal Rumble Sieger & Womens Champion

      Everyone's Different, Everyone's Special - Tokyo Cyber Squad - Yes, Sir!
      A world without smiles and humor... has no bright future.
      Never End

      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 13 mal editiert, zuletzt von Payne ()

    • "The Phenomenal" AJ Styles
      5 ft 11 in (1.80 m)
      215 lbs (98 kg)
      Gainesville, Georgia
      Hybrid: Techniker / Highflyer
      WGL // AJ Styles Titantron 2k20

      • Styles Clash
      • Calf Crusher (Heel Hook)
      • Phenomenal Forearm (Springboard Forearm Smash)
      • Discus Clothesline
      • Dropkick
      • Jumping Knee Drop
      • Phenomenal DDT (Springboard Moonsault DDT)
      • Pele Kick
      • Snap Suplex
      • Phenomenal Blitz (Two Punches, Followed By A Kick, Followed By A Back Elbow, Followed By A Lariat)

      Everyone's Different, Everyone's Special - Tokyo Cyber Squad - Yes, Sir!
      A world without smiles and humor... has no bright future.
      Never End

      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 6 mal editiert, zuletzt von Payne ()

    • Eva Marie
      5 ft 8 in (1.73 m)
      125 lbs (57 kg)
      Hollywood, California
      WGL // Eva Marie Titantron 2k22

      • Sliced Bread #2 (Shiranui)
      • Sliding Reverse STO
      • Running Big Boot
      • Running Back Elbow
      • Running Senton
      • Schoolgirl
      • Running Shoulder Block
      • Tilt-A-Whirl Backbreaker

      Everyone's Different, Everyone's Special - Tokyo Cyber Squad - Yes, Sir!
      A world without smiles and humor... has no bright future.
      Never End

      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 5 mal editiert, zuletzt von Payne ()

    • Andrade "El Idolo" Almas
      5 ft 11 in (1.80 m)
      180 lbs (82 kg)
      Gomez Palacio, Durango, Mexico
      WGL // Andrade "El Idolo" Almas 2k22

      • La Sombra (Hammerlock DDT)
      • Gringo Killer (Vertebreaker)
      • Standing Moonsault
      • Discus Back Elbow
      • Rope Hung Triangle Armbar
      • Tornado Inverted DDT
      • Rope-assisted Enzuigiri

      Everyone's Different, Everyone's Special - Tokyo Cyber Squad - Yes, Sir!
      A world without smiles and humor... has no bright future.
      Never End

      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 5 mal editiert, zuletzt von Payne ()

    • "King Of Smoke Style" Bobby Gunns
      5 ft 10 in (1.78 m)
      202 lbs (92 kg)
      Bremen, Germany
      WGL // Bobby Gunns Titantron 2k21

      • Nicotine Overdose (Running Knee Strike)
      • Emerald Flowsion
      • Single Leg Boston Crab
      • Enzuigiri
      • German Suplex
      • Satellite DDT
      • Guillotine Choke
      • (Running) European Uppercut
      • Chain Smoker (Inverted Figure 4 Leglock)

      Everyone's Different, Everyone's Special - Tokyo Cyber Squad - Yes, Sir!
      A world without smiles and humor... has no bright future.
      Never End

      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 5 mal editiert, zuletzt von Payne ()