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    • Superstars

      Rey Mysterio
      Chris Nowinski
      Scott Steiner
      The Hurricane
      Kurt Angle
      Rod Van Dam
      Sheltion Benjam
      Charlie Haas
      Nathan Jones
      Johny Stanboli
      Rowdy Roddy Piper
      Shawn O' Haire
      Bill Demott
      Brian Kendrick
      Rodney Mack
      Stone Cold
      Billy Kidman
      Kevin Nash
      Chris Jerchio
      Ric Flair
      Thriple H
      Tommy Dreamer
      Al Snow
      Mr America
      The Rock
      Sting(Maybe Suppose To Return At Badd Blood)
      Booker T
      Randy Ortan
      Matt Hardy
      Shannon Moore
      Bubba Ray Dudley
      Cheif Morely
      Eric Bishoff
      Lance Storm
      Lilian Garica(Ring Annoucer)
      Molly Holly
      Jerry Lawler
      Shawn Micheals
      Steven Richards
      Micheal Cole
      The Cat
      William Regal
      Big Show
      Brock Lesnar
      Chris Beniot
      Dawn Marie
      Jamie Noble
      John Cena
      Hardcore Holly

      ok guys i went to the website for THQ and i guess heres what some of the features we will definetly see

      casket match
      eliminaotion chamber
      bra and panty match
      can pick up to 64 wrestlers in a royal rumble(might take long)
      40 CAW slots
      create your own manager and also create your own clothes(this must be kool)

      heres what THQ is talking about actually doing to make the game better:

      CReate your own PPV and also a title 7 slots for the create your own title ( I.C. E.C. Hardcore, Lightweight for the other brand since RAW doesnt have one)

      25 slots to load your own music in( there thinking about fixing the CD to where u can load the music permantly onto the SD5 from your computer which will be hard to do i think) also might have some few legends in the game too but not sure about that. plus heres a great match to have in the game

      Create your own match styles( by which you can have an elimination chamber match along having the hell in the cell cage over it so that basically would be awesome)

      also about changing the wrestlers from haveing 6 in at once to 8 n at once.

      thats all i know so far so ill still be checking in to find out
      thanks and keep creating more CAWS so i can put them on my game lol

      Q. Will the Intercontinental Title, World Title, Cruserweight title be
      in the game
      A. Intercontenatal - 50/50
      World Title - Yes
      Crusierweight - Yes

      Q. Will Goldberg be shown walking through the back, then through the
      curtain and then through the fireworks and breathing out the smoke
      like he does in real life for his entrance because if in the game
      this is done correctly it should be the most popular entrance. (it
      would also be cool if the crowd chanted GOLDBERG in time to his
      music, but unlikely to be included)
      A. Goldbergs entrence will be in but showing him from backstage is
      what we are working on at the moment if we can get this right then
      yes but the fire works and smoke breathing is in and the goldberg
      chants are as well so are many other chants whilst playing the game
      depending on who you are

      Q Will the crowd be able to boo and cheer instead of cheering for
      every superstar that comes out
      A - Yes the crowd are gonna be amazing we are trying to make this as
      realsitic as possible so for instence if you are certain superstar
      and you cheat you will be boo - ed and other chants but if you are
      exciting the crowd then you will feel the electricity running through
      you bones because blood is almost a certainty and the rating being
      moved up if blood is included we will add more adult material which
      you will find in the wwe. These are some of the chants we are hoping
      to put in -
      Crowd against you -
      You Suck
      Crowd with you -
      Your Name e.g. - Rocky!, Austin
      Holy S**t
      Some spuerstars will have many chants for them like austin, rock and

      Q Will there be alot more themes in CAW and if so will they be music
      that a superstar is more likely to have instead of surfing music
      A. the music is uncertain at the moment we are not at the point yet
      accept the roster

      Q In CAW will it have better entrances for your superstars for
      example: more pyro less bikes
      A. like before not at that point yet but I would say so

      Q On Raw will it have dave hebner and on smackdown the other ref with
      the blue and black uniform.
      A. Yes Seprate refs will be in

      Q Will Mr.America be in.
      A. yes his attire will be in the game as an unlockable

      Q Will William Regal be playable.
      A. reagal will be in

      Q Will Jeff Hardy be in the game.
      A. No Jeff has been removed :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(

      Q Will Victoria have her new TATU intro.
      A. Yes victora will have tatu as her entrance theme

      Q.will raw have dave or earl hebner as a ref.
      A. Raw will have earl hebner

      Q.will create an animation be out. because it really sucked.
      A. Not to sure if we will keep that in but at the moment it is in but
      it will probably be taken out

      Q.will scotty 2 hotty,mark henry,ddp and apa be in.
      A. Scotty 2 Hotty is 50/50, Mark henry is highly doubtful DDP is not
      in and the apa are returning to the wwe shortly so they will be in

      Q.when Matt Hardy come out will shannon Moore come out with him like
      A. No only if you choose him as a manager in singles other wise he
      will come out on his own

      Q.will cheif morley be in.
      A.Yes cheif morley is in

      Q.will crash comes out as volume one.
      A.well we are not around to crash yet but we will make everything
      updated by the time of the realese

      Q.will hardcore holly and Terri be in.
      A.Hardcore Holly has a strong chance of not being included as for
      terri we are still decided to put her as a playable character or non-
      playable but will see our it goes

      Q.In smackdown 5 when your playing will the screen always come up
      that your controller is not in even though its in. (Other people had
      this problem to.)
      A.That will be fixed

      Q.when someone interferes will the screen freeze or do you still
      A.Carry on playing

      Q.will it take longer to knock your oppenent out the ring because
      royal rumble goes to fast when your just hit them and they fly out.
      A.Harder to knock out we have a brand new engine for smackdown 5 so
      expect this game to be the most realistic wwe/wrestling game to date

      Q.will wrestlers bleed on their arms and legs to besides the face.
      A.wrestlers will bleed from the face because we do not feel that
      wrestler bleed from there arms or there legs very often

      Q.will you be able to use william regals brass knuckles and title
      belt as weapons.
      A.title belts will be at ring side in title matches and you can use
      them also the brass knucks are also useable

      Q.Will Dawn Marie be in.
      A.Dawn Marie will be in

      Q.If yall decide to put the annoucers in will you be able to beat
      them up.
      A.if we decide to put them in that would be an intresting feature

      Q. In season mode will the wrestlers speak in their real voices
      instead of just reading the subtitles.
      A.probably subtitles with a few voices

      Q When Rikishi comes out will he raise his hands up.
      A - we have not worked on his entrance yet put probably yes

      Q will funaki and tommy dreamer be in.
      A - Funaki is not at the moment Dreamer will be in

      Q Will Rhyno have his new intro.
      A Yes Rhyno will have his new entrance

      Q. Will Scott Steiner do his push ups after he do one of his moves.
      A.Yes steiner will do his push ups probaby as a taunt

      Q.Will Theodore long be in.
      A.No not at the moment we have no plans for to be in them game either

      Q.will the side views of the wrestlers and created wrestlers be fixed
      because the side of them looked crappy.
      A.Yes this will be alot better then the previous smackdown

      Q.Will the casket match be in.
      A.we might throw this back in but first of all the wwe need to use
      this match more often for us to do this

      Q.will yall have the big ladder in.
      A.we don't know if we are gonna put a big ladder in but from a
      personal point of view I doubt this will be in but you never know! the screens you have look great.
      A.the screens are looking awsome

      Q.will tazz be playable or will he be the one of the annoucers for
      A.annoucer for smackdown we are having to sets of commentry this year
      raw - jr & king smackdown - cole & tazz

      Q.will lita be in.
      A.Yes she will (probably as an unlockable)

      Q.will xpac and mr. america be in.
      A.Xpac is not on the roster but if he comes back before late
      september he will there are remours going around that he will return
      with billy gunn and join up with hbk & knash o make dx but as i said
      Mr america will be on hogans attire

      Q.In royal Rumble when you knock the people out the ring will you see
      them running back to the entrance instead of disappering.
      A.not sure at the moment i think this will stay the same for this
      time being but we might change it

      Q.will booker T be in bacause i heard he is retiring.
      A.Booker T will be in and he is not retiring (at least not for
      another year - rumour)

      Q. is King of the Ring going to be on the game, because i heard that
      they are calling the june ppv Bad Blood this year?
      A. Both will be in the game

      Q. Can you change wrestlers during season?
      A. Not to sure because yukes are working on it as we speak

      Q. would u be able to unlock items or purchase items with money?

      Q. Can u unlock or purchase movies in thearter?

      Q. when u get to wrestlemania in season, will Limp Bizkit be there

      Q. Will Chris Jericho's Hilite reel be on the game?
      A.Yes only as apart of a story

      Q. Can u interfere in entrances? like Raw
      A.No plans for that to be in

      Q. are those Replay ideas true because i think they would be
      A.Yes they are

      Q. Will there be Bikini Challenges?

      Q. Does THQ have a website where u can read info and see screenshots?
      A.Soon there will be not just yest in a few months

      Q.will brock have a 4 type of the F-5.the first one is the
      overpowering version of the F-5 like he do to RVD at King Of The Ring
      last year,the second one is the F-5 he do to the crusierweights like
      Rey Mysterio and Tajiri last year, the third one should be the F-5 he
      do to heavyweights like A-train, Mark Henry,the last one should be
      the F-5 he do to the 500 pounder,Big Show.Also MUST change his 2nd
      finisher to Lesnar Double Powerbomb to Lesnar Spiral Bomb(Please tell
      them I really want this move,Remember he do this move to Jeff Hardy
      last year at Backlash).Also give him some amazing own moves like
      Lesnar Shooting Star Press(MUST BE IN),Lesnar Belly to Belly(not same
      compare to Kurt Belly to Belly),Lesnar shoulders trusts(It should be
      powerful like in real life)and also for the other moves.If thq could
      do this , I will be very very thanks to them.
      A.No there will be no 4 types of f-5 his second special has been
      changed but to what i can not remember and he does have shooting star
      press in his move set

      Q.will edge be in.

      Q. Will certain wrestlers be able to do their finishers from the top
      rope turnbuckle? (like the Olympic Slam and Twist Of Fate for
      example) If they could do this as well as their normal 2 finishers
      it'd be great!
      A.Kurt will be able to do his angle slam but for the rest i highly
      doubt it unless the special is from the top rope

      Q. Will there be a triple tag team match where you can tag any other
      team in?
      A.Not at the moment

      Q. If you miss a move from the top rope, will it damage you and keep
      you on the ground for longer?

      Q. Will Shawn Michaels be able to do his stamping taunt before the
      Sweet Chin Music in the corner of the ring?

      Q. Will you be able to do moves on the outside of the ringpost like
      Figure fours/sharpshooters/F-5's?

      Q. Will the match bookings on be more realistic? (meaning no Hell In
      A Cell on Smackdown.. Cage matches only for high ranking superstars,
      most gimmick matches at PPV's, etc..)
      A.Yes they will

      Q. Will the targetting system be improved on? (because it takes too
      long to target the right person on automatic.. and is impossible to
      find the right person in a six man match in time to break up a
      pin/grab their ankles in a ladder match)
      A.We are using a brand new game engine so it should be will the moves, and finishers work?
      A.The same as the previous smackdowns the SCSA co-manager storyline will be in?
      A.Yes it will

      Q.can you do taunts on the turnbuckle

      Q.Is the CAW mode a lot improved this time, if it is how much?
      A.yukes are developing that in a few weeks thats all i can say really
      about that

      5.Will a lot of moves like showstopper will be reanimated?

      Q. What type of diva matches will be in? ( for example bra & panties,
      mudd bath)
      A.Bra & Panties, Paddle on a pole , something like mudd bath will be
      in and in season mode only bikini match

      Q. Will create a belt be in?
      A.we are still undecided with yukes because if we add this we might
      as well add create ppv because you can not defend the real titles on
      your created ppv, because this will mess the season mode up, we might
      add create a belt so you can defend your created titles at your
      created ppv's.

      Q. In CAW will you be able to copy and edit an original wrestler, you
      could do it in smackdown 1 but then u guys took it out in the rest.
      A.Not at the moment

      Q. Can u get weapons from under the ring?

      Q. What type of weapons will be added?
      A. Chains, Brass knucks etc...

      Q. will ther be a demo of smackdown 5 coming out anytime like u guys
      did for smackdown just bring?
      A. No plans for that at the moment

      Q. Can u hold more than one belt at a time, and if so will u see both
      when ur wrestler comes out?

      Q. Will u be able to fight for a belt in exibition mode, cuz in sym u
      couldn't and that sucked, because you have so many good matches and
      they are all there for nothing.
      A.No (but remember the possibility of Create-A-Belt)

      Q. When u hit someone in one place for a long time will they so pain
      to that area, like on no mercy for N64 they'll hold there leg, arm,

      Q-What are all the new matches in the game?
      A.Elimination Chamber, Bra & panties and other diva matches, First
      blood are the ones that have been added

      Q-Will there be Bood in the game if so, will first blood by in.
      A.Yes & Yes

      Q-Will Mr. America be in "AND" Hogan?
      A.Mr America attire will be in hogans attire

      Q-Will there be weapons under Hell In A Cell?

      Q-Will The Announce table on RAW be near the ramp?

      Q-Will there be 2 refrees like. RAW=Earl Hebner Smackdown=Mike Keota

      Q-Can you do YOURs finisher on a chair

      Q-Will you be able to do a FiveStarFrogSplash and NOT pinning the

      Q-If youre deastroiang you opponent and you do a pin and you press R1
      again to stop the pin, will the opponent just stand up and be fine?

      Q-Can you do a 3D trugh a table (Answer)

      Q-In CAWmode, and fore example youre creating an old undertaker will
      his oldest 1 theme be in?
      A.No plans for that to be in

      Q-Will Jeff Hardy, Ray Mysterio, Lita , Sting ,Goldberg be in the
      A.Jeff no, Rey Yes, Lita Yes, Sting Yes, Goldberg Yes

      Q-Will all the titles be in story mode. RAW Hevyweyght title,
      Smackdown Undispuidet title, Intercontimetal Title, World Tag Team
      Titles, Smackdown Tag Team Titles, Cruserweyght title, Womens title
      and Hardcore title?
      A.Hardcore will not be in but all the rest are

      Q-Will Albert´s name be A-Train and Will the crowd call "Shave you´re
      A.Yes it will and the crowd will

      Q-Will the stupid "I Quit Match" be in amckdown 5, if so WHY
      A.Yes, because more match choices

      Q-CAN Spike Bodyslam The Big Show and Will F-5 be
      diffrent when you do it to spike then Big Show?
      A.No & Yes

      Q-Will the Royal Rumble be more relistic and be harder to throw you
      out than just do an Irys Wip, and can you go trugh the bottom rope? will be harder

      Q-In Season Will Ric Flair be HHH manager?
      He will be a part of evolution

      Q-In Exhibition mode, when you´re playin 2Player or against AI and
      soon as you will get a "SMACK" like i like to call it, and do you
      finisher to him will you kick out of the pin ore loos after 1
      finisher move like in SYM?
      A.It will be harder to beat your opponent

      Q-In the CAWmode can you create an enteranche, i mean how you walk,
      the lights and the crowd will BOO you or chear you
      A.Not at the moment but you never know

      Q-In a Cage match, will there be a dor and can you throw youre
      opponent into the cage to bust him open?
      A.There might be, we are undecided on this issue because it could be
      too easy

      Q-Will 3 Minute Warning be in the game and 5 minute white boy
      A.Yes & No

      Q-Will Stone Cold/Erik Bischoff be RAW CO-GM and will Stephanie
      McMahon be an smackdown General Manager
      A.Stone cold will be later on in season mode its apart of the story
      and yes steph will be

      Q Will the cage match be more realisticlike on raw when Christian
      tried to gore Goldberg but Goldberg move and he hi the steel cage and
      started bleeding,because on sym when you do that they just stop.
      A. Yes if you run into the cage you will hit it and you can keep
      throwing your opponent onto the steel and scrape there face and doing
      in doing this they will bleed

      Q. Will Chris Beniot do his headbutt how he did it in the new raw 2
      A.Chris beniot headbutt will look as realistic as possible

      Q.after you do a tight move will it show the replay on the side like
      in the raw 2 movie.
      A.This option we are still undecided on but i'll let you know

      Q.Will create a ppv be in.
      A.we are still decided on this feature, because you will not beable
      to defend titles in exhibtion mode we think there is no point for
      create a ppv in BUT we might add create a belt in smackdown 5 so you
      can defend them in the created ppv instead!
      the reason why you cannot defend your titles in exhibtion mode
      because the season mode is to complex and it will mess the season
      mode up

      Q.will Raven be in,if now thank you.
      A.Raven will not be in

      Q.Will Brian Spanky Kendrick be in.
      A.Yes he should be in

      Q.Can you decribe the screens you have to us.
      A.The screens are basically of steiner posing in the ring with his
      head gear on, Rey Mysterio doing a 619, The Rock new look and
      Goldberg spearing HBK through a table and Stone Cold stunning

      Q.Will there bea handicap match of 2 vs 3.
      A.Yes 2v3 handicap will be in

      Q.Will the wrestlers stay down longer when you keep kicking them on
      the ground because in sym they get up after you kept on hitting them.
      A.We are using a brand new engine that will improve every aspect of
      the game including how long they will stay down for.

      Q. will AI's also do matrix style finishers,and will you be able to
      A.The Matrix feature might be taken out and instead of that if you
      press L1 whilst doing a special move it will show a reply

      Q. will RVD's rolling thunder be more like his handspring splash and
      connect more solidly.
      A.Yes it will connect as clear as crystal as i keep saying we are
      using a totally brand new engine

      Q.will you be able to turn the give up option in HIAC on or off,and
      will you have more control over match rules in general.
      A.we are keeping that in at the moment but you will have more control
      over the general match types

      Q.will you be able to choose anyone as a special ref, and if he is in
      a stable with one of the wrestlers in match will it really matter eg
      very slow count ,attacks opposing wrestler etc.
      A.yes you can choose anyone now and yes it will matter if your
      special ref is in a stable or has a grudge aginst the opponent BUT we
      are trying to make the ai so smart that they will sometimes go
      against there stable member and start a rivalry
      do these in matches with more than 2 wrestlers.

      Q.will hogans bandanna come off when he gets hit.
      A.this feature might be added but not at the moment

      Q.will it take a while to break/reverse submission holds (20-30 secs)
      A.Depending on how much strength either you or the computer has left
      but if the computer fights hard and you fight back on the power meter
      then it could take about 30 sec max

      Q. will there be different pics for CAWS.
      A.not to sure at the moment have not came to that part of the game
      yukes are working on it as we speak

      Q.will AI's stick to their style eg austin,hogan never go to top rope
      and do a moonsault,elbow drop etc.
      A.AI's will be smarter so think they will be programmed to the spefic

      Q.will the strength factor count (no-one can bodypress the bigshow
      over their head, and very few could do that to the likes of kane,a-
      train ,taker etc.)
      A.Yes people like spike would never bodypress big show but brock can
      pull it of quite often, rock rarely depending on there weight

      Q.will their be a match were you could fight without a ref, and the
      only way to win would be by knockout. like when someone jumps someone
      in the ring,carpark etc ,and maybe a few refs come out, but only to
      try stop it. you could see the winner escaping in a limo like HHH, or
      through the crowd. that will not be in

      Q.will a-trains shave your back chant be in, will the chants be
      A.yes the chants will be clear and that chant might make it

      Q.will there be rankings in exhibition mode like in smack2 that you
      can control (like if you created your own belts you could put top 10
      contenders underneath them)
      A.if create a belt mode is in you defend it against anyone

      Q.will you be able to leave the ring in triple threats,fatal
      fourways. and if you did could you grab a weapon and if you were DQ
      it would become a triple,singles depending on match type. (if not
      could you still leave ring and put people through announcers
      table,steps etc.)
      A.I highly doubt that will be in.

      Q.Will the F.B.I be in.
      A.Yes they will be in

      Q.Will the stretcher match be in.
      A.Not at the moment depends on how popular the match is

      Q.Will Shane McMahon be in.
      A.No, but if he comes back before the cut of date and makes an impact
      then yes

      Q.When Matt Hardy come out will he come out as Matt Hardy version 1
      how it shows it connecting and stuff.
      A.Yes matts entrance will be like his one on smackdown

      Q.Will you be able to fight in the crowd.
      A.That feature is not in but it would be intresting to try out

      Q.Will they show how they show it in real life who's going to be
      fighting each other at the ppv's.

      Q.Will Linda Mcmahon be playable.
      A.No she will not

      Q. Will the new wrestlemania arena be in.
      A. Yes the new wrestlemania arena will be in

      Q. Will d-von and bubba ray have their new theme.
      A. Yes they will have there new theme

      Q. Will the triple suplex move be in.
      A. Yes

      Q. Will you be able to fight after the match.
      A. No plans for that at the moment

      Q. In season mode will you be able to steal other wrestlers title
      A. No you will not

      Q. Will jacqueline be in.
      A. She should make it but we also are thinking of takingher out

      Q. Who will the smackdown ref be.
      A. The main event smackdown ref can't remember his name (I should
      remember he's name is always being said around the office)

      Q. Andre the Giant be in.
      A. No but his created parts will be BUT we might add a feature to win
      past wrestlers.

      Q. When you create a stable will it be them that interfere in your
      A. Yes or another wrestler who has a grudge against you or your stable

      Q. Will the women be more involved in season mode.
      A. Yes they will

      Q.will there be more interference in season mode.
      A.Depending on who you piss off if you piss someone of real bad then

      Q.will there be a draft like smackdown 4 or are each roster already
      A.The roster will be set but we are adding a feature where you can
      trade so you can stay up to date

      Q. do you get the oportunity to go to the other show if you don't
      like it.
      A. yes there will something like that in season mode where you get
      approached by eric or steph

      Q. can you please tell us all you can about the stables in the new
      A.we haven't added that yet but you must remember we are still at a
      early stage the game is not even 50% complete

      Q. will there be multiplayer season mode?
      A. Yes season mode will be multiplayer but we are trying to push the
      boundrys and make it 6 player but we could be getting a head of our
      selfs so it will probably end up being 2 player

      Q. will there be a womens title?
      A. Yes the womens title will be back in

      Q. would you be able to go into the crowd? , not like just bring it
      but have like a little blue triangle thing near the security walls
      and you press R1 and it will show a close up with 3d fans.
      A. I don't think so but as i keep stressing the game is not even 50%
      complete so theres some questions i simply can not answer

      Q.would u be able to make a door on the cage matches so you can
      A.This feature might be in

      Q.Can u tell me all the titles that are going to be on the game?
      A.Raw - Worlds Title Smackdown - WWE Title
      Raw Tag Team titles SD Tag Titles
      Intercontinetal Cruiserweight
      Womens title

      Q. what divas are going to be on the game?
      A. Dawn Marie, Torrie Wilson, Sable, Stacy Keibler, Nidia, Victoria,
      Trish Stratus, Jazz, Jacqueline (might be removed), Ivory, Lita,
      Molly Holy

      Q. are you going to put the raw commentry table near the entrance
      A. Yes

      Q. are the season mode programs going to have more than 3 matches? if
      so, how many?
      A. Yes we are not sure yet

      Q. last question- how long is the season mode going to go for?
      A. two years but we are hoping for three years
      Q Will batista be in the game
      A YES Batista is in

      Q Will create a move be in.
      A No (but we are thinking about it if we fill its right)

      Q Will goldberg have his new attire and theme.
      A Yes Goldberg will

      Q Will kane have his new attire and music.
      A Yes Kane Will

      Q will you see the annoucers after and before the matches.
      A we might throw that in

      Q Will Eric bishoff,rowdy piperand stone cold be playbles wrestlers.
      A Bischoff - (yes only in exhibition)
      Rowdy Piper - (if he wrestles in the future yes but if he wrestles
      onece or twice he will only be in playable in exhibition mode)
      Stone Cold - (Yes in both season & exhibition but we might have him
      as a unlockable)

      Q How many wrestlers will be in.
      A We are hoping for 70 + superstars

      Q In triple threats, tag matches etc. will other wrestlers be able to
      break up submission holds like they do pin attempts. i always hated
      when your locked in a hold eg CROSSFACE and the other wrestlers can
      only stand and watch.
      A We are trying to find a way around this, because of the new
      submission feature we have added we do not want to spoil this, BUT we
      are hoping for the wrestlers to reverse every move instead of a few
      like the previous smackdowns

      Q)in hell in a cell will it go back to the way it used to be in
      earlier smackdowns, where you could only get the pinfall in the ring,
      which made for much more realistic,longer and far better matches.
      also in HIAC will you climb the cage at a slower and more realistic
      pace like in cage matches.
      A - well I think we are keeping with the pinfall out & in the ring
      and about the HIAC climbing we will go in two directions for this,
      because as you know we had a server on a website asking you would you
      like the game to be arcade or simulation, at the moment smackdown is
      a arcade based game so if we change it to simulation then it will be
      slower but we might throw that optoin in but at the moment its still
      the same but we are looking to improve this so don't be suprised if
      it is and also we might slow it down because we can add different
      features in this match like kicking someone down or climbing side by
      side or one in front of the other so you kick each other off

      Q)when thrown off cell,ladder,cage will you no longer bounce like a
      A - No this will be changed (no more bouncing)

      Q)will you be able to move around on the top of the cage, instead of
      been made climb down.
      A - another thing we might change is the cage structure at the top
      but i doubt you will be able unless the team change there mind

      Q)when your thrown/suplexed off the ladder will you stay down longer.
      in SYM the person who is suplexed off the ladder always gets up 1st.
      A - Yes you will this game will be the most realistic wwe/wrestling
      game ever so expect to be down longer from suplexs from ladders,
      angleslams from ladders/toprope and chair shots especially when you

      Q)in tag will the opposite team always try to break up pin attempts,
      alot of the time they just stand there and let you get the pin,
      whereas you can always call your team mate in to help you.
      A - AI are alot smarter this time round so expect them breaking the
      pin up the least of your worrys whilst the destracting the ref or
      sliding chairs in the ring of other weapons.
      we are aiming to make the ai so smart its like facing a friend

      Q)in manager matches will you be able to call in your manager to
      break up pin like in tag. (only in manager your only given a random
      amount of break attempts before the ref bans the manager from
      ringside for the rest of match, the same would go for the opposite
      team,and the manager would only try to break up pin attempts with a
      chance of succedding like after a smackdown).
      A - good idea about the mangers i'll take that with me

      Q) will you be able to put someone through a table while standind
      beside and doind a powerbomb,backdrop etc.
      A - Yes you will rockbottoms, lastrides, powerbombs, chokeslams,

      Q)will stables be bigger and will there be far more interference, i
      liked in smack2 where you good choose the yes option instead of
      A - stables will be 5 people and interference will depend on who you
      are fighting. We will start with every stable from our roster cut of
      which is late sepetmber

      Q)will there be 8 wrestlers in the ring.
      A - still 6 at the moment but as i say this you never no

      Q)will you be able to attack an opponent during there entrance.

      A - a featuer what is known from wwe raw on the xbox BUT we might add
      this in but its hard with smackdown entrances because smackdowns
      enterences are more technical the raws

      Q)will there be more weapon finishers besides from just the chair.
      (HHH sledgehammer would be cool).
      A - some will have three - two or just one many peolpe are asking for
      us to put the edit a wrestler feature but we are still not conviced
      everyone wants this
    • Hallo Leuz!

      ich halts auch für nen fake.
      unter anderem deshalb weil es schwer ist auf der ps2 eigen musiken einzubauen, wie sollen die gespeichert werden?
      es gibt keine festplatte für die ps2. der steckplatz der dafür vorgesehen ist, ist jetzt für den netzwerkadapter
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    • Originally posted by DX-Treme@11.06.2003 - 06:22:44
      Klar gibts ne HDD (Linux-Kit !). Trotzdem glaub ich das ned. Und selbst wenn, bis zum Release wird eh wieder die Hälfte entfernt. :D

      also wenn du ein linux kit brauchst um diese ideen fürs neue smackdown umzusetzen, ist was falsch. ausserdem rät ein freund von mir, der sich gut mit linux auskennt, ab das PS2 Linux Kit als Linux Lösung zu verwenden, da das ganze eher einem kinderchemiekasten gleicht als ner vernünftigen platform.
      nur soviel: Never Winter Nights - Linux client damit zu spielen soll NICHT funktionieren
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    • Hi Leuz!

      also ich finde lange texte nicht so schlimm, da man dann viel vom game erfährt.
      nur je öfter ich den text lese, desto mehr glaube ich dases ein fake oder leeres BlaBla ist.
      es steht etwas drinn "di KI so gut zu machen, das man denkt man würde gegen einen anderen freund/spieler spielen."
      also ich denke das das bullshit ist. wen die ki echt so gut ist wird das spiel fast unspielbar weil es zu schwer werden könnte. oder es sind grossspurige worte, dann das würde heissen die haben geschafft
      was noch kein programmierer der welt geschafft hat, nämlich dem programm menschliche logik beizubringen. und DAS halte ich für ein gerücht!
      Ob THQ oder 2kSports, es bleibt das gleiche Lied: 2 Schritte nach vorne und 1 zurück