Sting für WWF No Mercy(N64)

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    • Front Weak Grapple

      Front Weak Grapple[A]-Overhand Punch
      Front Weak Grapple[A + dpad Left or Right]-Club To Neck
      Front Weak Grapple[A + dpad Up]-Snap Mare
      Front Weak Grapple[A + dpad Down]-Scoop Slam
      Front Weak Grapple-Headlock Takedown
      Front Weak Grapple[B + dpad Left or Right]-Arm Wrench/Elbow Smash
      Front Weak Grapple[B + dpad Up]-Suplex
      Front Weak Grapple[B + dpad Down]-Piledriver 02

      Front Strong Grapple

      Front Strong Grapple[A]-DDT 02
      Front Strong Grapple[A + dpad Left or Right]-Manhatten Drop
      Front Strong Grapple[A + dpad Up]-Military Press
      Front Strong Grapple[A + dpad Down]-Small Package
      Front Strong Grapple[B]-Headlock
      Front Strong Grapple[B + dpad Left or Right]-Standing Clothesline
      Front Strong Grapple[B + dpad Up]-Falling Suplex
      Front Strong Grapple[B + dpad Down]-Backslide Pin
      Front Special Move[Analog Stick]-Tilt A Whirl Piledriver

      Back Weak Grapple

      Back Weak Grapple[A]-Forearm Smash
      Back Weak Grapple[A + dpad Left or Right]-Falling Back Drop
      Back Weak Grapple[B]-School Boy Pin
      Back Weak Grapple[B + dpad Left or Right]-Pendulum Back Breaker

      Back Strong Grapple

      Back Strong Grapple[A]-Bulldog
      Back Strong Grapple[A + dpad Left or Right]-Atomic Drop
      Back Strong Grapple[B]-Abdominal Stretch
      Back Strong Grapple[B + dpad Left or Right]-Sleeper Hold
      Back Special Move[Analog Stick]-Back Drop Pin


      Back Weak Grapple Counter-Counter Elbow Strike
      Back Strong Grapple Counter-Counter Grapple


      Weak Attack

      Weak Arm Striking[B]-Hook Punch 2
      Weak Arm Striking[B + dpad]-Chop 1
      Weak Leg Striking[B]-Front Kick 01
      Weak Leg Striking[B + dpad]-Front Kick 05

      Strong Attack

      Strong Attack[B]-Flipping Dropkick
      Strong Attack[B+dpad]-Punch 1
      Strong Attack[A+B]-Spinning Clothesline
      Recovering Attack-Ducking Attack-Rising Clothesline
      Counter Attack-Counter Punch-Strong Attack A/B
      Special Counter-Backslide
      Counter Kick [A]-Manhatten Drop Counter
      Counter Kick [B]-Standing Clothersline 1
      Special Counter Kick-Special Back Grapple
      Walking Moves-Generic 1


      Running Attack
      Weak Running Attack[C-down]+[B]-Shoulder Block
      Weak Running Attack[C-down]+[A+B]-Jumping Back Elbow Attack
      Strong Running Attack[C-down + dpad]+[B]-Clothesline R 01
      Strong Running Attack[C-down + dpad]+[A+B]-Body Attack

      Running Grapple
      Running Front Grapple-Swinging Neck Breaker
      Running Back Grapple-Face Crusher 1
      Running Ground
      Attack Facing Up-Big Splashp
      Facing Down-Leg Drop
      Sitting Up-Stomp
      Sitting Down-Stomp


      Upper Body Submission
      Upper Body Submission Facing Up-Clutching Punch
      Upper Body Submission Facing Down-Sitting Reverse Armbar
      Upper Body Submission Sitting Up-Sleeper Hold
      Upper Body Submission Sitting Down-Mahistrol Cradle
      Facing Up [Special]-Head Pound
      Facing Down [Special]-Recliner Pin

      Lower Body Submission
      Lower Body Submission Facing Up-Figure 4 Leg Lock
      Lower Body Submission Facing Down-Knee Stomp
      Facing Up [Special]-Sharpshooter *(f)
      Facing Down [Special]-Indian Death Lock

      Ground Attack
      Ground Attack Facing Up-Elbow Drop 01
      Ground Attack Facing Down-Knee Drop 2
      Ground Attack Sitting Up-Double Axe Handle
      Ground Attack Sitting Down-Double Axe Handle


      Turnbuckle Attack
      Turnbuckle Attack[B]-Chop 3
      Turnbuckle Attack[B + dpad]-Chop 1
      Running Turnbuckle Attack[C-down]+[B]-Clothesline R 1
      Running Turnbuckle Attack[C-down]+[A+B]-Jumping Body Splash *(f)

      Corner Counter
      Irish Whip to Corner Counter-Boot to Face

      Tree of Woe Attack
      Tree of Woe Attack[B]-Front Kick 5
      Tree of Woe Attack[B + dpad]-Front Kick 5
      Running Tree of Woe Attack-Jumping Body Splash

      Front Turnbuckle Grapple
      Front Weak Turnbuckle Grapple[A]-Shoulder Trusts
      Front Weak Turnbuckle Grapple[B]-10 Punch
      Front Strong Turnbuckle Grapple[A]-High Kick
      Front Strong Turnbuckle Grapple[B]-Knee Strikes
      Front Special Turnbuckle Grapple[Analog Stick] Superplex

      Back Turnbuckle Grapple
      Back Weak Turnbuckle Grapple[A]-Forearm Smash
      Back Weak Turnbuckle Grapple[B]-Forearm Smash
      Back Strong Turnbuckle Grapple[A]-Super Back Drop
      Back Strong Turnbuckle Grapple[B]-Super Back Drop
      Back Special Turnbuckle Grapple[Analog Stick]-Super Back Drop

      Counter Grapple
      Front Counter Grapple-Throw
      Back Counter Grapple-Super Back Drop

      Flying Attack
      Flying Attack with Standing Opponent-Flying Clothesline
      Flying Attack with Standing Opponent to Outside-Flying Body Press
      Special Flying Attack with Standing Opponent-Flying Body Press
      Flying Attack with Laying Opponent-Knee Drop
      Flying Attack with Laying Opponent Outside-Body Splash
      Laying Opponent [Special]-Body Splash

      Turnbuckle Inside Attack
      Turnbuckle Inside Attack-Corner Sling Body Splash

      Turnbuckle Taunt
      Corner Taunt Taunt 02
      Turnbuckle Taunt Taunt 004


      Grapple To Apron
      Weak Grapple to Apron-Club to Chest
      Strong Grapple to Apron-Suplex to Inside
      Special Grapple to Apron-none
      Counter Grapple to Apron-Suplex Reversal to Inside

      Rope Inside Attack Rope Inside Attack-None

      Flying Attack to Outside
      Flying Attack-Vaulting Body Press
      Running Diving Attack [A]-Dropkick Through Ropese
      Running Diving Attack [A+D-pad]-Diving Body Press

      Running Diving Taunt
      Running Diving Taunt-None

      Rebound Flying Attack
      Rebound Flying Attack-None


      Apron Attack
      Apron Kick to Inside-Elbow Smash
      Apron Kick to Outside-Strong Kick

      Grapple From Apron
      Weak Grapple from Apron-Arm Breaker
      Strong Grapple from Apron-Sunset Flip Over Ropes
      Special Grapple from Apron-Suplex To Outside
      Counter Grapple from Apron-Suplex Reverse

      Flying Attack From Apron
      Flying Attack-Dropping Elbow
      Running Flying Attack-Diving Elbow

      Flying Attack To Ring
      Standing Opponent-None
      Laying Opponent-None
      Standing Opponent [Special]-Shoulder Block

      Apron Taunt
      Apron Taunt-Taunt 01


      Irish Whip Attack
      Running Opponent Attack-Back Elbow

      Irish Whip Grapple
      Front Weak Grapple [Tap A]-Monkey Toss
      Front Weak Grapple [Hold A]-Press Slam
      Front Strong Grapple [Hold A]-Back Toss
      Front Strong Grapple [Hold A]-Powerslam 1
      Front Special Grapple [Analog]-Sleeper Hold


      Taunt 1 [Analog Stick Up]-Taunt 170 *(f)
      Taunt 2 [Analog Stick Left]-Taunt 072
      Taunt 3 [Analog Stick Right]-Taunt 188
      Special Taunt Special Taunt-Taunt 049
      Ducking Taunt Ducking Taunt-Taunt 09
      Celebration Taunt Celebration Taunt-Taunt 170
      Entry Way Taunt Entry Way Taunt-Taunt 014


      Double Team Moves
      Double Team Front Grapple-Double Suplex
      Double Team Back Grapple-Double Face Crusher
      Double Team Sandwich Grapple-Double Piledriver
      Irish Whip Grapple-Double Arm Drag

      Double Team Attack
      Double Team Attack-Doomsday Device
      Attack to Outside-Doomsday Device
      Attack to Ring-None
      Reversals Counter Grapple-Roll Up Pinning Reversal

      Fighting Style

      Ring Entry- Jump
      Counter/Reversals- Heavy
      Speed- Normal
      Submission Skills-Expert
      Irish Whip Evasion- Yes
      Recovery Rate-Fast
      Reaction to blood-Agression
      Turnbuckle Climbing-Climbing
      Jumping Distance- Long
      Specific Weapon-Random


      Offensive Strength


      Defensive Strength



      der CAW