Wrestling News vom 10.6.04

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    • NWA Total Nonstop Action
      09. Juni 2004
      Nashville, Tennessee (Fairgrounds Coliseum)

      NWA Tag Team Championship Match
      America’s Most Wanted © besiegen The NYCs

      Michael Shane besiegt Chris Sabin mit dem Superkick.

      Gutcheck Match
      Sonjay Dutt besiegt Shark Boy, David Young & D-Ray 3000 nach dem Sunset Flip gegen Young.

      6 Men Tag Team Match
      Petey Williams & Bobby Roode & Eric Young besiegen Jerry Lynn & Heavy Metal & Hector Garza.

      The Barrio Strap Match
      -Jeff Jarrett besiegt Konnan
      -Jeff Jarrett besiegt BG James
      -Ron Killings besiegt Jeff Jarrett mit einem RollUp.

      NWA-TNA X-Division Championship Match
      A.J. Styles besiegt Frankie Kazarian ©. Nach dem Spiral Tap waren beide Männer am Boden und der Ringrichter zählte bis drei. Es war nicht ganz klar wer nun gewonnen hatte und der Ringrichter entschied, dass A.J. Styles gewonnen habe und neuer X-Division Champion ist. --> Titelwechsel!

      © Moonsault.de
    • Hier mal der komplette Show-Bericht von der offiziellen TNA-Site.

      This week’s show got off to an unusual start. First off, the new six sided ring that you saw on Impact last week made its debut on pay per view. Secondly, instead of a match, fans witnessed Jeff Jarrett walk down the red carpet and into the ring wearing a tuxedo and ready to crown himself “King of the Mountain.” In the ring, there were 4 trumpet players that added to the flare of Jarrett’s entrance.

      In true Jarrett fashion, the champ talked his mouth off proclaiming to be the top dog in NWA TNA. He then demanded that Director of Authority, Vince Russo come to the ring to do the honors of crowning him King of the Mountain and NWA World Heavyweight Champion. Russo came out at Jarrett’s request and hesitantly placed the belt around Jeff’s waist and the crown on his head. The two then had a heated argument as to how TNA gained so much success in the last 2 years. Jarrett claimed to have done everything, while Russo gave credit to all the workers in TNA and the fans.

      Jarrett didn’t like what he was hearing and told Russo to bow to the new king. He then grabbed the DOA by the throat and forced him to his knees until the 3 Live Kru hit the ring and began to beat down the champ. Ron “The Truth” Killings got the microphone and told Jarrett that he would be in action tonight in a Triple Jeopardy matchup!

      Camera’s shifted to the back where Scott Hudson was standing by with “Primetime” Elix Skipper. Hudson stated that Skipper and Christopher Daniels were declared the winners of the fans vote to take on America’s Most Wanted for the belts tonight. They won by a landslide, but unfortunately for both, Daniels could not compete tonight due to an injury sustained in Japan. Skipper thanked the fans for voting for them and that they are looking forward to a future shot at the tag team titles. Before he could finish talking, he was interrupted by the NYC who would be taking their place. Trinity, Swinger, and Gilberti were all bragging about how they were going to get the gold tonight.

      [b]America’s Most Wanted vs. NYC

      Although it was supposed to be AMW vs. Skipper and Daniels tonight, Cowboy James Storm and Wildcat Chris Harris had to face Johnny Swinger and Glen Gilberti instead. By coming second in the fans voting, the NYC got a lucky break and a shot at the tag team gold. The match got off to a blistering start with both teams not wasting any time. Swinger and Gilberti immediately went to work on Chris Harris’ left shoulder to get the early advantage. This is the same left shoulder that Raven had injured on Harris last month.

      It almost seemed like the numbers game was going to get the best of the tag champs with Trinity getting involved later on in the match, but that wasn’t going to be the case. Desire saw Trinity getting involved and ran down to take out her rival. Desire began to unleash her fury on Trinity all the way through the crowd at the Asylum towards the back entrance. She used a chair and any other weapon she could to punish Trinity. Just when she thought her revenge would be complete, Gilberti came in and elbowed Desire right on her injured back. Trinity took the opportunity to put Desire in a submission hold that almost snapped Desire’s back in half. Just before the NYC could do anymore damage to the helpless Desire, Pat Kenney and Sonny Siaki ran them off.

      Back in the dressing room area, Kid Kash and Dallas were standing by with Scott Hudson. Hudson asked them when they are going to get a return shot at the tag team titles. Kash stated that they are not going for the titles again. Kash said that TNA and the world will find out how easy it is to get gold and to watch and learn.

      Chris Sabin vs. Michael Shane

      Former X Champions collide in this match which pitted Michael Shane vs. Chris Sabin. Both of these competitors have quite a history and were hoping to prove to each other and all the fans who the better X Division Champion was. Sabin was a 2 time X Division Champion while his opponent Shane was the longest reigning X Champion ever. Accompanying Michael Shane to the ring was Traci. As you may have suspected she became a factor early.

      Chris Sabin seemed to be heading towards a victory until Traci grabbed his legs from the outside. Although Sabin wound up stealing a kiss from the vixen, Michael Shane was waiting in the background with a superkick which he connected. This led to the eventual 123 and victory for the opportunistic Shane. It was truly a gift to be able to watch these 2 athletes compete in the ring tonight. This might go down as one of the best rivalries in the history of professional wrestling when it is all said and done.

      TNA’s newest member of the announce team, Shane Douglas caught up with Raven who was at a remote location waiting on Sabu to accept his challenge from earlier in the evening to come and fight him. Raven told the Franchise that Sabu is terrified of him. Raven also told Douglas that Sabu has never wrestled him one on one.

      Back standing with Scott Hudson, David Young was about to partake in a gut check match. Young asked why he had to earn anything. Hudson had to remind him that his losing streak is up to 0-53. Young said it couldn’t be that high. Just as he said this, D-Ray 3000 walked by looking for the ring. When he caught up to Young, he told him to fear the fro. David then headed to the ring while Scott Hudson had to stop D-Ray from going the wrong way.

      Sonjay Dutt vs. D-Ray 3000 vs. Sharkboy vs. David Young

      This next match would be a 4 corners “Gut Check” match where the winner will be looked on favorably by TNA management. David Young was out to end his incredible losing streak and prove to TNA that he belongs. He definitely had the size advantage going into this match. Young seemed to have taken control as hit the spinebuster on both Sharkboy and D-Ray 3000, but just when he was about to do the same to Dutt, The Original Play from the Himalaya reversed the move and rolled up Young for a 3 count, thus adding to his losing streak,

      Cameras turned to the back again where Scott Hudson was standing by with all 3 members of 3 Live Kru. Konnan told Jarrett that he had him in a strap match tonight followed by BG James proclaiming that he has Jarrett next in a trailer park trash match if he survives Konnan. James said if you can swing it, you could bring it. Killings concluded by saying he gets the champ in a ghetto justice match if Jarrett gets by both of them.

      Jerry Lynn, Hector Garza, and Heavy Metal vs. Team Canada

      For the second week in a row, Team NWA and Team Mexico joined forces to take on Team Canada led by Scott D’Amore. Both Team Mexico and Team NWA share a mutual hatred for the Canadians, especially D’Amore. Once Jerry Lynn’s music hit, he charged the ring, going right after D’Amore. He chased the Canadian Manager through the crowd in the Asylum until both were out of sight. Later on in the match, both D’Amore and Lynn reappeared, but Jerry Lynn was cut off in his pursuit in the middle of the ring by members of the Canadian team.

      In true X style, this match was unbelievable. Bobby Roode, Showtime Eric Young, and Petey Williams showed tremendous athletic ability as well as Lynn, Metal, and Garza. D’Amore also got involved again with a cheap shot to Lynn and breaking a hockey stick over the back of Heavy Metal for the eventual win. After Bobby Roode had pinned Heavy Metal, his teammates draped the Canadian flag over his motionless body. In seeing this, Lynn took the NWA flag and began to take some shots on Scott D’Amore until Team Canada got the best of him due to the numbers game. Once D’Amore got his bearings, he found the NWA flag and ripped it right down the middle. Sabin and Skipper raced to the ring and ran off the brothers from the North.

      Attention turned to the remote site out of the Asylum where Raven was waiting anxiously. Sonjay Dutt showed up and said that he had a message for Raven from Sabu. He told Raven that there wouldn’t be a match and that he knew about the promise. Raven told Dutt to give Sabu a message and then continued to viscously attack the X competitor and then handcuffed him to the ring. Raven left saying promises are meant to be broken. Then the cameras showed Sabu later in the ring, helping Dutt back to his feet.

      Back in the Asylum, Scott Hudson was standing by with Jeff Jarrett. He told Hudson that 3 Live Kru will find out why his is King of the Mountain!

      Triple Jeopardy
      Jeff Jarrett vs. Konnan

      The rules to this strap match were simple. The person who whips his opponents 10 times first, wins the match. Konnan got to a quick start and began to give the champ some licks with the leather strap. Jarrett had an ace up his sleeve for this one, and threw powder into the eyes of an unsuspecting Konnan. Blinded by the powder Jarrett continued to whip K-Dawg until he reached 10.

      Jeff Jarrett vs. BG James

      B-Gizzle came to the ring with a shopping cart full of weapons. This was a falls count anywhere encounter and quickly started on the floor of the Asylum. Jeff Jarrett took some hard shots from James, but managed to get the win by hitting the Stroke on the outside safety rail.

      Jeff Jarrett vs. The Truth

      Once he was through with James, Jeff Jarrett turned his attention to the entrance ramp where Killings was standing with a guitar. Jarrett was furious that his opponent would bring his weapon of choice to the ring. During this match, Jeff Jarrett got a hold of the guitar and was going to use it on Killings, but the referee stopped him. Jarrett didn’t take to kind to this and smashed it over the referee’s head. Killings seized the opportunity and pulled Jarrett to the ground for a quick rollup and the victory. Another referee ran to the ring to make the 3 count and declare the Truth the winner. Jeff Jarrett was furious!

      Video footage was then shown of Goldylocks ranting on to Vince Russo about how she doesn’t need to steal money. She told Russo that she wanted Erik Watt’s contract. She then concluded by saying it all started over love and it ended over money.

      Scott Hudson was standing by with AJ Styles who was ready to take on X Division Champion, Frankie Kazarian in the main event of the evening. Styles said that he fully intends to walk out the 3 time X Division Champion tonight.

      Kazarian vs. AJ Styles

      Last week on Impact, AJ Styles made his surprise return to the X Division and won a match against Sabin, Shane, and Primetime Elix Skipper to win a shot at the X Division title tonight on Pay Per View. Styles went back to his roots and got in the ring with “The Coolest Guy in the World”, Frankie Kazarian for the X Division Title. It was X Division’s past vs. the future. AJ came into this match no stranger to the X style, but a talented Kazarian gave Styles one heck of a fight.

      Both men put it all on the line in this high flying, death defying encounter. Kazarian seemed to have control in the end and hit all his finishing moves on Styles, but AJ just kept kicking out. In the end, AJ went back to the air to put his opponent away and once again become X Division Champion! While a winded Styles celebrated, Dallas hit the ring and attacked the 2 time triple crown winner. Styles slipped out of the ring and headed back up the ramp until he was met by a blow from Kid Kash in what turned out to be an ambush on the champ. The show went off the air with Kid Kash and Dallas standing over a beaten AJ Styles.[/b]

      Und hier noch einige WWE-News von Moonsault.de:

      Wie bereits berichtet fällt Christian nun schon seit einigen Wochen aus. Wie ebenfalls berichtet, haben ihm seine Ärzte vorgeschlagen für ca. 2 Monate zu pausieren. Die andere Möglichkeit wäre eine Operation gewesen, in diesem falle hätte Christian allerdings bis zu einem Jahr pausieren müssen.

      Die SmackDown! Tapings am vergangenen Dienstag sollen einigen Berichten zufolge nicht sonderlich gut gewesen sein. Zum einen lag es daran, dass die Show mehr mal unterbrochen werden musste. Außerdem soll Kenzo Suzuki´s Debüt sehr enttäuscht haben, sein Match gegen Scotty 2 Hotty war alles andere als gut. Chris Candido hätte bei dieses SmackDown! Tapings in einem Dark match auf Carly Colon treffen sollen. Dieses Fand allerdings nicht statt und Chris Candido wurde durch Funaki ersetzt. Der Grund für diese Änderung ist allerdings noch nicht bekannt.

      Kurt Angle gab kürzlich eine kleine Autogrammstunde, bei der er unter anderem gefragt wurde wann man den SmackDown! General Manager wieder im Ring sehen werde, woraufhin Kurt Angle meinte "In ein paar Monaten". Außerdem sagte er auch, dass er keine weitere Operation benötige (wir berichteten). Diese Aussage würde genau in die Gerüchte um ein Kurt Angle Comeback beim diesjährigen SummerSlam passen.

      World Wrestling Entertainment bestätigte nun ihre Australien Tour 2004 diese wird in den folgenden Städten stattfinden: Sydney, Melbourne & Brisbane

      Wir berichteten bereits, dass es Gerüchte gibt, dass es möglicherweise auch beim SummerSlam zu einem Match zwischen John Bradshaw Layfield und Eddie Guerrero kommen könnte. Diese Gerüchte verdichten sich nun und Backstage geht man davon aus, dass es tatsächlich beim SummerSlam zu diesem Match kommen könnte. Unter anderem deshalb, weil Vince McMahon viel von Bradshaw hält und er ihm im Main Event gefällt.

      Pat Patterson, Arn Anderson & Michael Hayes sollen angeblich hauptverantwortlich für die RAW Matches in den letzten Wochen gewesen sein. Vorallem für die Match ansetztungen sowie das Ende der jeweiligen Matches.

      (Quelle: PWInsider.com & 411wrestling.com)
    • Originally posted by Blackbohnster@11.06.2004 - 00:29:55
      [b]Ultimo Dragon hat nun seine Entlassungspapiere von WWE erhalten. Somit ist seine Wrestlingkarriere wie zuvor vermutet bei WWE beendet. Derzeit lebt Ultimo Dragon in Mexiko.

      Quelle: wwe-germany.de

      Und ein weiterer Zugang bei TNA. :D

      Naja, warscheinlich wird er wohl eher in Japan antreten, trotzdem, man wird ja hoffen dürfen.

      @Molence: Ich denke, Vince wird es den böööösen I-Net Fans (die Bradshaw ja auch nicht leiden kann) zeigen wollen. Beim GAB gehe ich davon aus, daß JBL Champion wird (Eingreifen von Kurt Angle vielleicht), beim Summerslam gibt es dann das Rematch.
    • Originally posted by Blackbohnster+11.06.2004 - 12:37:19--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Blackbohnster @ 11.06.2004 - 12:37:19)</div><div class='quotemain'> Ultimo ist einfach ein Mann, denn man einsetzen muss. Und das er nach dem Hype, den er bekommen hat, nicht so schnell wie möglich Crusierweight Champion geworden ist, war schon ein witz.

      Es ist besser für Ultimo, wo anderes zu wrestlen, als in der WWE zu versauern. Andere Ligen nutzen sein Talent bestimmt besser :t-up: [/b]

      In letzter Zeit ist er ja gar nicht mehr bei WWE Smackdown aufgetreten. Ist so besser für ihn. :ja:

      @11.06.2004 - 07:05:40
      Wie lange wollen die Bradshaw noch im main event zeigen..??[/quote]

      Solange, bis Vince McMahon ihn nicht mehr sehen will. Aber Vince ist ja begeistert von JBL.
      [COLOR="Gray"]ECW Champion,[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]World Heavyweight Champion,[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]WWE Champion[/COLOR]
      [COLOR="Red"]Meine[/COLOR] [COLOR="DeepSkyBlue"]my[/COLOR][COLOR="Yellow"]BUZZ![/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Quiz-Fragen[/COLOR]
    • Ich verstehe Vince nicht! :t-down:

      Die CW Division soltte man WC Division nennen!

      Außerdem, was findet der an Bradshaw toll? Was? Was kann man an den toll finden?
      eddie guerrero | 1967 - 2005 | nur die besten sterben jung

      William Regal über Chris Benoit: I'm going to remember Chris for everything except the last two days of his life.

      MrKothoga hat auch 'nen Twitter und so!
    • Originally posted by Blackbohnster@11.06.2004 - 12:37:19
      Es ist besser für Ultimo, wo anderes zu wrestlen, als in der WWE zu versauern. Andere Ligen nutzen sein Talent bestimmt besser :t-up:

      Jo würd mich freuen wenn leute wie der Ultimo Dragon und RVD zur TNA gehen würden.Da sie dort mehr freiheiten etc. hätten.Für den Dragon tuts mir Leid aber ihm wirds eh egal sein da er auch woanders seine Brötchen verdienen kann.
    • Originally posted by The Whole F'n Show+11.06.2004 - 23:38:15--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(The Whole F'n Show @ 11.06.2004 - 23:38:15)</div><div class='quotemain'> <!--QuoteBegin-Blackbohnster@11.06.2004 - 12:37:19
      Es ist besser für Ultimo, wo anderes zu wrestlen, als in der WWE zu versauern. Andere Ligen nutzen sein Talent bestimmt besser :t-up:

      Jo würd mich freuen wenn leute wie der Ultimo Dragon und RVD zur TNA gehen würden.Da sie dort mehr freiheiten etc. hätten.Für den Dragon tuts mir Leid aber ihm wirds eh egal sein da er auch woanders seine Brötchen verdienen kann. [/b][/quote]
      RVD könnte man dann sogar in Europa bestimmt mal außerhalb der WWE zu sehen bekommen. Da Michael Kovac ja noch Kontakt zu ihm hat :)

      Warum tut es dir für den Dragon leid? Er hat sich seinen Traum bei WrestleMania XX im MSG zu sein erfüllt :)

      Man sagt die Guten sterben jung
      Doch die Besten sterben nie..
    • Originally posted by Marc+12.06.2004 - 00:06:08--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Marc @ 12.06.2004 - 00:06:08)</div><div class='quotemain'>
      Originally posted by The Whole F'n Show@11.06.2004 - 23:38:15
      @11.06.2004 - 12:37:19
      [b] Es ist besser für Ultimo, wo anderes zu wrestlen, als in der WWE zu versauern. Andere Ligen nutzen sein Talent bestimmt besser :t-up:

      Jo würd mich freuen wenn leute wie der Ultimo Dragon und RVD zur TNA gehen würden.Da sie dort mehr freiheiten etc. hätten.Für den Dragon tuts mir Leid aber ihm wirds eh egal sein da er auch woanders seine Brötchen verdienen kann. [/b]

      RVD könnte man dann sogar in Europa bestimmt mal außerhalb der WWE zu sehen bekommen. Da Michael Kovac ja noch Kontakt zu ihm hat :)

      Warum tut es dir für den Dragon leid? Er hat sich seinen Traum bei WrestleMania XX im MSG zu sein erfüllt :) [/b][/quote]
      In Europa wär ziemlich geil aber das lässt sich glaub ich nicht mit seinen Lohnanforderungen nicht vereinbaren...leider

      Hmm naja es tut mir leid wieder einen guten CW zu sehen der in ne andere Liga geht.Wär schon geil wenn der inne TNA gehen würde*träum* :)
    • Originally posted by The Whole F'n Show@12.06.2004 - 10:30:02
      In Europa wär ziemlich geil aber das lässt sich glaub ich nicht mit seinen Lohnanforderungen nicht vereinbaren...leider

      Ich denke, dass es schon möglich wäre, denn immerhin hat man auch D'Lo und Raven jetzt schon in Europa gehabt.

      Wobei man sagen muss, dass Raven wirklich ein Herz für das Business hat. :)

      Man sagt die Guten sterben jung
      Doch die Besten sterben nie..
    • Originally posted by Marc+12.06.2004 - 10:52:07--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Marc @ 12.06.2004 - 10:52:07)</div><div class='quotemain'> <!--QuoteBegin-The Whole F'n Show@12.06.2004 - 10:30:02
      In Europa wär ziemlich geil aber das lässt sich glaub ich nicht mit seinen Lohnanforderungen nicht vereinbaren...leider

      Wobei man sagen muss, dass Raven wirklich ein Herz für das Business hat. :) [/b][/quote]
      Ich denke RVD auch ,wird sich wohl erst dann zeigen wenn er wirklich in europa ist...