Lance Storm [SvR08 - PS2]

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    • Lance Storm [SvR08 - PS2]


      CAW by: Mr. Monkey
      Formula by: Mr. double_G
      Help pics by: .:Deadman Inc:.

      Head Morphing:

      Head: -3, 3, -14
      Forehead: -33, 0, 92, -28

      Face Morphing:

      Eyebrows: -77, 14, 41, -32
      Eyes: -19, -18, -7, -48, 1, 3, 3
      Nose: 7, 21, 6, 3, 10, 4, 14, 18
      Cheeks: -10, -18, 7, -39
      Mouth: 80, -31, -5, -3, 12, 3, -40
      Jaw: -100, 49, 3, -2, -2, 14
      Ears: 6, 22, -5, 2
      Skin Aging: 50

      Body Morphing:

      Body Type: -4

      Neck: -86, 38, 54
      Chest: -5 -19, 18
      Shoulder: -82, 14, 5
      Abdomen: -31, 24, 7
      Waist: 6, 7
      Arms: 3, 6, 4
      Hands: 0, 0, 0
      Legs: 12, 7, 7
      Feet: 0, 0, 0

      Height: 182cm


      01. Definition 1
      02. Skin Tone 11: 89, 0, 0
      03. Eye Type 1: -100, 23, -14
      04. Eyebrows 35: 88, -9, 0
      05. Eyelashes 15
      06. Lips 15: 91, 0, 1
      07. Teeth 1: 87, 0, 0
      08. Hair 56: 90, 0, 7
      09. Wrestling Tights 16: -94, 75, -9, 100
      10. Wrestling Tights 16: -93, -100, 100, 100 (Use the length glitch and set the length to 3)
      11. Underwear 1: 100, -100, 66
      12. Make Up 19: 92, 0, -11, 83
      13. Marks 3: 89, 0, -9, 82
      14. Marks 6 (Stylize: Shiny Dots): 89, -6, -1, 17
      15. Arms/Wrist 1: -13, -100, 20, 100, 14
      16. Elbows 2 (Left arm): -13, -100, -70, 100
      17. Design 104 (Left leg), Largest V & 2nd Largest H: -19, -100, 43, 100
      18. Design 104 (Left leg), Rotate once, Largest V & Largest H: -19, -100, 43, 100
      19. Design 104 (Left leg), Rotate twice, Largest V & 2nd Smallest H: -95, 55, 19, 100
      20. Design 104 (Left leg), Rotate x3, Largest V & Largest H: -95, 55, 19, 100
      21. Socks 1: -13, -100, 8, 100, 52
      22. WWE 46, 2nd Smallest V & 2nd Smallest H: 16, 92, -29, 93
      23. WWE 37, 2nd Smallest V & Smallest H: -99, 100, -44, 90
      24. Alphabet Page 1, "V" (Left leg), Rotate twice, 2nd Largest V & Largest H: -96, 0, -16, 100
      25. Design 138 (Front), 2nd Largest V & Largest H: -95, 55, 19, 100
      26. Design 104 (Left leg), Rotate x3, Largest V & 2nd Largest H: -19, -100, 43, 100
      27. Design 104 (Left leg), Rotate twice, Largest V & Largest H: -19, -100, 43, 100
      28. Design 104 (Left leg), Rotate x3, Largest V & 2nd Smallest H: -95, 55, 19, 100
      29. Design 104 (Left leg), Rotate twice, Largest V & Largest H: -95, 55, 19, 100
      30. Alphabet Page 1, "V" (Right leg), Rotate twice, Largest V & Largest H: -96, 0, -17, 100
      31. Design 138 (Front), 2nd Largest V & Largest H: -95, 55, 19, 100
      32. Boots/Shoes 30: Colour 1: -96, 66, 40 ll Colour 2: 5, -66, 10


      Voice: Voice-1
      Match Specialty: None
      Fighting Style 1: Submission
      Fighting Style 2: Technical

      Employment Application Form:

      Name: Lance Storm
      Nickname: Default
      Nickname Placement: None
      HUD Name: Storm
      Announcer Introduction: Lauren
      Hometown: Canada
      Weight Class: Light Heavyweight (103kg)
      Crowd Reaction: Good
      Show: ECW
    • Kann ich mich den beiden nur anschliessen, gefällt mir auch gut.
      Bekommst auch eine 10/10.
      [COLOR="Gray"]Frieden gibt es nicht, nur Leidenschaft.
      Durch Leidenschaft erlange ich Stärke.
      Durch Stärke erlange ich Macht.
      Durch die Macht erlange ich den Sieg.
      Durch den Sieg zerbersten meine Ketten.
      Die Macht wird mich befreien. [/COLOR]