[SVR07 - Xbox360] Charlie Haas by BHANGRA MAN

    • [SVR07 - Xbox360] Charlie Haas by BHANGRA MAN

      Charlie Haas by BHANGRA MAN


      Help pics :

      Attire help : geocities.com/pes220001/haasattirehelp.JPG
      Face Help: geocities.com/pes220001/haashelp2.JPG

      Head: -1, 19, 42
      Forehead: 6, 42, 10, 0
      Eyebrows: -73, 25, -26, -21
      Eyes: 4, 9, 31, 2, -65, 9, -41, -57 for smaller eyes OR 37,11,-65, 9, -41, -57
      Nose: 12, 51, 29, -28, -33,-27, -39, 21
      Cheek: -63, 37, -43, 0
      Mouth: 0, -23, -49, -43, 61, 36, -87
      Jaw: 26, -20,-5,-28,89,20
      Ears: 48, 7,-31,32
      Age: 0
      Body Type: -2
      Neck: 0,0,0
      Chest: 9,-32, 17
      Shoulder: -41,0,-3
      Abdomen: -8,19,33
      Waist: 19, 11
      Arms: -32, -1, -27
      Hands: -1,1,5
      Legs: 0,0,2
      Feet: 0,5,26

      Body Height: 6’2” (All the way up. )
      1. Body Skin 5: 88 or 89, 0,0,0 better
      2. Face Skin 12
      3. Eyes 4: 91, -14, -23
      4. Eyebrows 37: 87, -23, 28
      5. Eyelashes: 6, 87,0,0
      6. Lips 27, 89,-17,31
      7. Teeth: default
      8. Hair 15, 81,-9,4 OR Hair 3: 78, -7, 13 OR Hair 9
      9. Default
      10. Underwear 5, -26,-100,100
      11. sideburns: 17 ( 90,0,-15,100)
      12. goatee: 5, (88,0,6,100)
      13.) mustache: 1, 89,-17, -4,4
      14.)sideburns: 11, (88,3,-29,79)
      15.)make up: 32, (88, -66,56,59)
      16.) make up: 22, (89, -32,2,75)
      17.) headgear> logo: wwe> 23, rotate 3*,second biggest vertical, second smallest horizontal, place on side of mouth it helps to connect this piece to facial hair on chin, see help pic, 83,-29,-77,78
      18.) headgear> logo: wwe> 23, rotate 1* (Rotations I have to check again),second biggest vertical, second smallest horizontal, place on side of mouth it helps to connect this piece to facial hair on chin, see help pic, 83,-29,-77,78
      19.) head gear, logo: wwe> 23, , rotate 2*,biggest horizontal, second biggest vertical, place on chin see help pic, 83, -28, -77,80
      20.) Wristbands: 21, (-13, -78, -74, 100)
      21.) Kneepads: 14, (-96,-93,-73,100)
      22.)Shoes: 6, -26, -100, -67
      23.) make up: 19, (88,-27,85,56) stylise to cheeks and neck
      24.) make up: 19, (89, -38, 53, 8)
      25.)make up: 59, (88 or 97,-4,68,6)
      26.) make up: 5, (77, 16, -54,32)
      27.)make up: 65, (88, -19,66,27)
      28.) headgear> design: 103, second smallest vertical, smallest horizontal, place on nose, see help pic, 88,-85,56,1
      29.) headgear> design: 103, smallest vertical, secondsmallest horizontal, place on cleft area below nose for ligher shading in moustache in that area, see help pic, 88,-54,57,2
      30.) Headgear> Design>103 rotate 1*, second smallest horizontal second biggest vertical, -88, -16, -26, 6, place near left sideburns this is to make hair blend in better towards sideburns see help pic
      31.) Headgear> Design>103 rotate 1*, second smallest horizontal second biggest vertical, -88, -16, -26, 6, place near left sideburns this is to make hair blend in better towards sideburns see help pic
      32.) Headgear> Design>103 rotate 1*, second smallest horizontal second biggest vertical, -88, -16, -26, 6, place near right sideburns this is to make hair blend in better towards sideburns see help pic
      33.) Headgear> Design>103 rotate 1*, second smallest horizontal second biggest vertical, -88, -16, -26, 6, place near right sideburns this is to make hair blend in better towards sideburns see help pic
      **with the next four flags just make them extend around the waist until they connect and have extended upwards in height towards belly button so that the shorts look longer
      34.)torso>logo, flags: 10, smallest vertical, biggest horizontal, make white
      35.) torso>logo, flags: 10, smallest vertical, biggest horizontal, make white
      36.) torso>logo, flags: 10, smallest vertical, biggest horizontal, make white
      37.) torso>logo, flags: 10, smallest vertical, biggest horizontal, make white
      38.) torso> design> 99, rotate 1*, biggest horizontal, second smallest vertical, see help pic, -88,-58, 35,92 (should be skin colored adjust if necessary guys)
      39.) torso> design> 99, rotate 1*, biggest horizontal, second smallest vertical, see help pic, -88,-55, 32,93
      40.)torso> back, design, 97, rotate 1*, biggest horizontal, second smallest vertical, place near your right hip, see help pic, 96, 10, 23,100
      41.) Repeat above but for other side, see help pic
      42.) torso: flag: 10, smallest vertical, second biggest horizontal, place near crotch area, see help, make white
      43.) torso, back, logo>flag: 7,biggest horizontal, smallest vertical, ( this is the yellow area for the HAAS writing to fit in later, 68,0,-30,100
      44.) copy previous layer and place it tad higher , see help pic, 70,-34,-35,100
      45.) torso, back, design: 95, biggest horizontal, second smallest vertical, rotate 1*, make white, see help pic
      46.) Copy previous layer and make sure it there is no gap make it over lap , see help pic
      47.) Copy previous layer Make red , place on top end of yellow flag so that there is no green area on flag and that flag has red border instead of white, 96,10,23,100 see help pic
      48.) Torso> back>logo> design: 98, rotate 1*,biggest horizontal, second smallest vertical, see help pic ( diagonal piece connecting with layer 40), 96,25,23,100
      49.) Repeat above but for other side see help
      50.) Torso> back> design> 92, rotate 1*,second smallest horizontal, smallest vertical, see help pic, make white, -18, 100, 55, 100,
      51.) Repeat above but for other side
      52.) Torso> back, design: 92, rotate 1*, second biggest horizontal, smallest vertical, see help, 96,31,25,100
      53.) Repeat above but for other side, see help pic
      54.) Torso: design: 100, diagonal piece connecting with hip design in front of shorts, see help , biggest horizontal, smallest vertical, 96, 30,25,100
      55.) Repeat above but for other side, see help pic
      56.) Torso, back, design: 97, rotate 1*, largest horizontal, smallest vertical, this will cut into the yellow flag but will go into the butt blur a little, its part of the design this, see help pic, 96,1,14,100
      57.) Torso, back, design: 112, second smallest vertical and horizontal, this will be part of two lightening type designs below the yellow flag, see help pic, 96,0,14,100
      58.) Copy previous layer, rotate 1*, see help pic
      59.)Torso: back: design: 99,second smallest vertical, second biggest hortizonal, 96,6,21,100
      60.) Repeat previous layer but for other lightening design
      Time for Haas writing
      61.) Torso, back, letters, 3/14, ‘S’, second biggest horizontal, smallest vertical, see help pic, make black
      62.) Toros, back, letters: 2/14’ H’ make black, see help pic
      63.) and 64.) Torso> back: letters: 1/14, ‘A’, make black. see help pic