Impact Tapings vom 26.03.07

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    • Impact Tapings vom 26.03.07

      von MS

      Impact Thursday 3/29:

      *When Impact went on the air, Bob Backlund was doing the Harvard Step Test by the announcers.

      *Jerry Lynn won a Steel Cage X-Division Xscape Match that was designed to be a Lockdown preview. In order of elimination, the match featured, Alex Shelley, Sonjay Dutt, Shark Boy, Austin Starr. After the match, Daniels hit Lynn with a baseball bat and they brawl.

      *NWA champion Christian Cage, Scott Steiner, and AJ Styles come out. Cage announces Steiner is the third member of Cage's Lockdown team, then introduces Abyss as the fourth member. Cage announces Tomko is the fifth and final member of the team. Tomko takes his time coming out. Tomko says that Cage has made a bunch of promises but they all have been lies and he's second fiddle to no one. He claims that he's still owed a title shot and wants it before he'll join the team. Cage tells Tomko that he's selfish and promises Tomko a title match after Lockdown. Kurt Angle, Samoa Joe, and Rhino make their way out. Angle says that Tomko still won't get a title match and offers Tomko a spot on Team Angle. He says that would give Tomko a chance to kick Cage's ass. Tomko wonders if he can trust Angle, which brings out Jim Cornette. Cornette said that he's tired of all the nonsense and all of this will be settled in the ring, announcing a member of Team Cage vs. a member of Team Angle with the winner earning Tomko's services at Lockdown. Cornette tells Tomko that if he agrees, Tomko will get his title match. Tomko accepts.

      *James Storm defeated Eric Young. Chris Harris and Gail Kim brawl with Storm and Jackie Moore after the bout. Robert Roode and Tracy Brooks come out and tell Young that he's pathetic and a disgrace to the sport and Robert Roode, Inc. Young teases punching Roode, but Petey Williams hits the ring and hits Roode. Williams sets up for the Canadian Destroyer but Roode escapes.

      *Kurt Angle defeated Abyss to earn Tomko for his team. Tomko is at ringside. After the match, Tomko goes into the ring with the contract for Team Angle, raises Kurt's hand, then attacks him. He signs the Team Cage contract. Everyone from the respective teams hit the ring, and in the end of the melee Team Angle is left laying in the ring.


      *Rhino pinned Tomko in a 8 Mile Streetfight. Abyss comes to the ring during the match and accidentally hits Tomko with a steel chair. After the match, Abyss chokeslams Rhino. Angle and Joe hit the ring. Joe is choking out Abyss when the rest of Team Cage hits the ring. Team Angle is left laying in the ring again.

      *Voodoo Kin Mafia defeat NWA Tag Team champions LAX, DQ in a non-title match. The LAX Disciples attacks VKM. Christy Hemme tries to confront VKM early, but is carried to the back by Lance Hoyt, who was in their corner. Team 3D hit the ring to make the save, scattering LAX. Brother Ray takes the mic and says that if LAX won't accept their challenge to fight right now, Team 3D will accept the challenge for the Lockdown Electrified Cage match and vows 3D will win the tag titles.

      *Austin Starr defeated Senshi in a submission match after Bob Backlund threw in the towel. Backlund was doing the Harvard Step Test. Starr had Senshi in a half crab when the towel was tossed in. Backlund tried to put Starr in the crossface chicken wing, but Starr escaped and left the ring.

      *They did a Jim Cornette Town Hall Meeting. He noted it was a mandatory meeting for everyone but Christopher Daniels didn't show up. Cornette announced a number of Lockdown matches. When he gets to the Lethal Lockdown match, he noted that Angle has to announce the final members by next week. He said that next week, one member of each team will face off to determine who has the advantage for entrances during the Lockdown match. Christian Cage's team come to the ring. Cage says he didn't like being part of a mandatory meeting and they won't be held responsible for what happens to Team Angle at Lethal Lockdown. Cornette says that Cage has promised everyone a title match to join his crusade but he doesn't get to choose opponents for title matches, Cornette does. Cornette then announced that the person who gets the pinfall will be the next challenger for Cage's title. The lights go out and when they return, Sting is in the ring. He clears the ring of everyone from Team Cage. Sting announces that he's joined Team Angle.

      Impact 4/5

      *Team Angle is in the ring. Sting apologizes to Angle for not returning his call during the week and points out that Angle needs one more member. Angle says that he respects Sting but he can't announce who the final member of their team is yet. Joe gets on the mic and says that he doesn't believe Kurt Angle and says they all stepped up and joined the team so Angle needs to do the same and announce the fifth member. Angle tells Joe not to question his integrity and promises he'll announce the fifth member.

      *Kevin Nash comes out and introduces "Black Machismo" Jay Lethal. It was really over as he was in full Savage regalia. Lethal pinned X-Division champion Chris Sabin in a non-title match after a top rope elbow.

      *Robert Roode & Jackie Moore defeated Petey Williams & Gail Kim after Roode pinned Williams. James Storm came out during the match. Chris Harris comes out and they brawl. Eric Young comes out with a chair and hits the ring. Young teased hitting the heels with the chair but Roode told him to stop or he'd never wrestle again.

      *NWA Tag Team champions LAX came out and had Brother Runt tied up with his mouth taped shut. Konnan took the mic and said that they've been looking for "The Dudleys" since they've been ducking LAX. He tells Runt to tell 3D to get in shape for their match at Lockdown. He pulls a tazer and threatens to zap Runt with it. 3D comes out on the ramp and tell Konnan he's gone too far. Konnan shoots Runt with the tazer.

      *Samoa Joe defeated AJ Styles to capture the advantage at Lethal Lockdown. A really good 10 minute match. The ref is bumped. Joe choked AJ, but Cage comes out, signaling for the others. They come out but Team Angle prevents them from getting to the ring. Jeff Jarrett comes out from the heel entrance, and nails Styles with a guitar, setting up Joe's pin. After the match, Jarrett and Angle hugged. Jarrett shook Rhino's hand. Joe walked off, but returned and reluctantly shakes his hand. Sting doesn't want to shake Jarrett's hand but eventually does. That's the end of the show.

      Xplosion 4/12

      *TNA X-Division champion Chris Sabin pinned Sonjay Dutt with a rollup.

      *Lance Hoyt pinned Alex Shelley.

      *Serotonin's Havoc and Martyr defeated the Naturals. Raven came out but he didn't punish them. They all posed.

      (Quelle: PW Insider)

      [LEFT]Raw vom 6. August 2007: Eine 90 minütige Wrestlingshow, wo der Boss der Liga 60 min nur Scheiße labert !!!
