Moveset für CAW´s

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    • Moveset für CAW´s

      Ich hab son einen Thread nicht gefunden,also mach ich einen auf.
      Hier könnt ihr nach Movesets für CAW´s fragen und die können auch hier reingeschrieben werden.
      Hoffe wird nicht geclosed,aber wenn niemand ihn brauch ist auch gut.
      (Nur für Smackdown vs. Raw 2007)
    • Standard Actions
      Ring In:Jumping 2
      Ring Out:Quick Ring-Out
      Fighting Stance:Wrestling 3
      Taunts:Wake Up 2/Taunt Roar/Taunt Right&Left 2x
      Strike Attacks:Enzuigiri/Dropkick 2/Strong Spinning Elbow/Toe Kick 1/Quick Jab/Shack Jab
      Grapple Moves:
      Quick:Leg Whip/Leg Trip/Sweep 3/European Uppercut
      Submission:SUPLEX 1/Abdominal Stretch 1/Chin Lock/Hammer Lock/Leg Lock 1
      Luchador:SUPLEX 2/Step Up Enzuigiri/Crucifix Head Scissor/Suplex 5/DDT 11
      Luchador:DDT/Snapmare&Dropkick 1/Hurracanrana 1/DDT 5/DDt 8
      Clean:SAMOAN DROP 2/Arm Drag Leg Drop/Neckbreaker 3/Scoop Slam 4/Small Package 1
      Dirty:SAMOAN DROP 2/Low Blow 2/Eye Rake 2L/Head Pound/Reverse Atomic Drop
      Grapple Moves from behind:
      Strike:Flip Senton/Moonsault Splash/Dropkick
      [/B]Grapple:[/B]UPPER:Fury Punch 6/Knee Drop 4/Fury Punch 7 LOWER:Boston Crab/Bow&Arrow 2/Tope Atomico
      Strike:Dropkick/On the Top Rope
      Grapple:Dropkick 5/Monkey Flip/Super Hurracanrana/DDT 20
      Grapple from behind:Lucha DDT/Deadly Dog/Spider Suplex/Mexican Stretch
      Sitting:Stink Face
      Groggy on ropes:Arcrobatic Clothsline
      Rebound attack:Kitchen Sink/Dropkick to Knee
      Diving out of ring:Vaulting Body Press 2
      Standing:Missile Dropkick/Diving Hurracanrana
      Downed:Diving Moonsault/Rolling Thunder/Super Star Press
      Strikes:Spinning Wheel Kick 2/Front Dropkick 2
      Grapple:DDT3/Bulldog 6
      Grapple from behind:Bulldog 4/School Boy Pin 1
      Crouching attack:Senton/Running Leg Drop
      Counter:Counter Dropkick/Dropkich&Flapjack
      Tag Team
      Standing:Double Suplex/Double DDT/Double Clothesline/Shining Wizard
      Corner:Whip&Lay Down/Accident:lol: /Play Leapfrog Attack/Moonsault Combination
      Finisher:The Worm/DDT 12
      Signature Moves:IS MIR WURSCHT
      Chair Finisher:Chair DDT/Vandaminator
    • Sabu

      Standard Actions:
      Ring-In- Slide In
      Ring-Out- Quick
      Taunts- Sit down, Taunt Extreme 4, Cut the air, Taunt Spirit
      Fighting Stance- RVD

      Strike Attacks- Elbow Smash 1, Dragon Whip 1, Dropkick to Knee 2, Dropkick 1, Enzuiguri, Buzzsaw Punches

      Grapple Moves:
      Quick- Armdrag 2, Sweep 3, Snapmare 2, Leg Whip

      Submission-R3 Samoandrop 2, armbar 1, Abdominal stretch 1, Sleeper hold, Headlock

      Clean-R3 Suplex 2, DDT 13, Scoop slam 4, Neckbreaker 5, Hiptoss 1

      Dirty-R3 Oklahoma, Reverse Atomic Drop, Jawbreaker 1, Forehead Bite 1, Head Pound

      Category 1 Old School
      Moves 1- R3 Piledriver, Armdrag Legdrop, Hurracanrana 6, Suplex 7, Small Package 1

      Category 2 Technical
      Moves 2: R3 Powerbomb, Northern Lights Suplex 1, Step Up Enzuiguri, German Suplex 1, Hurracanrana 4

      Grapple from behind:DDT 18, Octopus stretch 2, German Suplex Pin 1, Throw back

      Top of Cell Attack: Downward Thrust, Downward Thrust

      Strike Attacks- Angry Stomp, Fist drop 2, Elbow drop 1
      Grapple Moves- Handspring Splash, Slingshot elobw drop, furry puch 7
      Lower Body- Tope Atomico, Leg Drop 1, Toss 2

      Strike Attacks- Shining Wizard 2, Clothesline & Bulldog, Turnbuckle Dropkick
      Grapple Moves- Back Elbow, Whisper in the Wind, Triangle Dropkick, Super Hurracanrana
      Grapple from behind- Illegal Pin, Rolling Powerbomb, Spider Suplex, Neckbreaker 12
      Sitting Corner Grapple- Running Knee Strike 2

      Groogy on ropes- Handspring Back Elbow
      Rebound attack- Lionsault, Springboard Legdrop
      Out of Ring attack- Moonsault Attack
      Diving out of ring attack- High Flying Body Press

      Diving Attack vs Standing Opp- Over Castle, Diving Clothesline
      Diving Attack vs Down Opp- Diving Legdrop, Leap of Faith, Superstar Press Pin

      Running Strikes- Clothesline 9, Flying Forearm Smash 1
      Running Grapple- Hurracanrana 9, Bulldog 6
      Grapple from behind- Neckbreaker 9, Schoolboy Roll up
      Crouching Attack- Flying Senton, Dropkick to Knee 3
      Counter Attack- powerslam 1, counter dropkick

      Tag Team:
      Standing Tag Team- Double Dropkick, Extreme legdrop 2, Shinig Wizard, Double Flapjack
      Corner Tag Team- Extreme legdrop 1, High angle Superplex, Leap Frog Attack, Whip & Lay down

      Finishers- Lionsault Pin, Camel Clutch 2
      Signature Moves- Diving Legdrop(substituted for Arabian Face buster), High Flying Body Press, Vandaminator
      Chair Finishers- Chair DDT, Vandaminator
      Combination Attack- Benoit Punches, Back Chop 3, Dragon Whip 1 (reversed)


      Standard Actions

      Ring In: Triple H
      Ring Out: Normal
      Taunt: Get Up!
      Wake up 2
      Beat Chest 2
      Hold up 2
      Fighting Stance: FP Outlaw


      Strike Attacks: Haymaker
      Toe Kick 1
      Benoit Punches
      Clothesline 3
      Punch to Head
      Outlaw Punches 1
      Grapple Moves:
      QUICK: Body Knee Strike
      Eye Poke 2
      Back Club
      Snapmare 2
      SUBMISSION: (Backbreaker)
      Chin Lock
      Armbar 2
      Abdominal Stretch 1

      MOVE 1: Power
      (Suplex 1)
      Full Nelson Slam 1
      Scoop Slam 2
      Backbreaker 7
      Powerful Knee Strike

      CLEAN: (Backbreaker)
      Wrist Clutch & Elbow
      Suplex 7
      Neckbreaker 3
      Hip Toss 1

      DIRTY: (Suplex 2)
      Eye Rake 1
      Low Blow 4
      Reverse Atomic Drop
      Low Blow 5

      MOVE 2: Power
      (Samoan Drop 2)
      Back Suplex 2
      Scoop Slam & Knee
      Gutwrench Suplex
      Flapjack 1

      Grapple From Behind: Pump Handle Drop
      School Boy Roll Up
      Forearm Smash
      Sleeper Hold 3

      Top of Cell Attack: Downward Thrust
      Downward Thrust


      Strike Move: Angry Stomp
      Kurt Angle Stomp
      Elbow Drop 1

      Grapple Moves: Armbar 5
      Reverse Chin Lock 1
      Mounted Punching 1
      Kick to Groin
      Kick to Back
      Toss 2


      Strike Attacks: Turnbuckle Clothesline 1
      Turnbuckle Clothesline 2
      Knee Attack 1

      Grapple Moves: Superplex 2
      Back Elbow Strike
      Clothesline 25
      Body Strikes

      Grapple From Behind: Forearm to Back
      Toss into Ring Post
      Illegal Pin
      Tie to Tree of Woe

      Sitting Corner Grapple: Foot Choke 2


      Groggy On Ropes: Choke 3

      Rebound Attack: Clothesline 7
      Elbow Drop 5
      Vaulting Body Press 2

      Diving Out Of Ring Attack: Baseball Slide 1


      Diving Attack vs. Standing Opp: Diving Clotheslines
      Double Axe Handle 3

      Diving Attack vs. Drowned Opp: Diving Elbow Drop
      Leap of Faith
      Diving Leg Drop


      Running Strikes: Clothesline 17
      Shoulder Block 2

      Running Grapple: Neckbreaker & Punches
      Lou Thesz Press

      Grapple From Behind: Chop Block
      Bulldog 5

      Crouching Attack: Elbow Drop 5
      Double Axe Handle 5

      Counter Attack: Sidewalk Slam 5
      Free Fall Drop

      Tag Team:

      Standing Tag Team: Double Punches 2
      Double Suplex
      Double Clothesline
      Double Beat Head

      Corner Tag Team: Spine & Neckbreaker
      Double Stomping
      Spike Piledriver
      Kick to Gut 1


      Finishers: Pump Handle Slam (Old Finisher because TKO is not in the game)
      Big Boot 2

      Chair Finishers: Chair Guillotine
      Chair DDT

      Combination: Angle Punches
      Angle Punches
      Big Boot 1

      CM Punk

      Ring In: Jumping 2
      Ring Out: Normal
      Taunt: Taunt Matt Hardy 1, Shouting, Sit Down, Taunt Benoit 1
      Fighting Stance: FP Wrestling 1
      Strike Attacks: Slap1, Toe Kick 1, Roundhouse Kick 1, Spinning Back Kick 2, Shuffle Side Kick 1, Elbow Smash 1
      QUICK: Snapmare 2, Body Knee Strike, Arm Drag 2, Arm Wrench 3
      SUBMISSION:R3-Arm Wrench, Hammer Lock, Arm Wrench 1, Leg Lock 1, Abdominal Stretch 1
      Brawler:R3-Suplex 1, Double Knee Attack, Undertaker Knee Strike, Powerful Knee Strike 2, Finishing Punch
      CLEAN:R3-Suplex 1, Suplex 7, Back Chop 4, Wrist Clutch & Elbow, Side Slam 1
      DIRTY:R3-Arm Wrench, Reverse Atomic Drop, Jawbreaker 1, Low Blow 4, Triple H Choke
      Technical:R3-Arm Wrench, Back Suplex 2, Suplex 7, Spinebuster 1, Arm Twist Kick
      Grapple From Behind: Forearm Smash, Back Suplex 4, School Boy Pin 1, Elbow To Back Of Head
      Top Of Cell Attack: Downward Thrust, Downward Thrust
      Strike Move: Angry Stomp, Knee Drop 2, Dropkick 3
      Grapple Moves: Mounted Punching 4, Mounted Punching 2, Oklahoma Roll Pin 2, Kick To Back, High Angle Boston Crab 2, Leg Breaker 2
      Strike Attacks: Shining Wizard 2, Clothesline & Bulldog, Knee Attack1
      Grapple Moves: Dropkick 5, Back Elbow Strike, Body Strikes, Super Hurracanrana
      Grapple From Behind: Tarantula, Mule Kick, Toss Into Ring Post, Rolling Powerbomb
      Sitting Corner Grapple: Pushes Turnbuckle
      Groggy On Ropes: Drop Out
      Rebound Attack: Elbow Attack 4, Dropkick To Knee 3, Vaulting Body Press 2
      Diving Out Of Ring Attack: Diving Through Ropes
      Diving Attack vs. Standing Opp: Diving Clothesline, Diving Cross Body Pin 1
      Diving Attack vs. Drowned Opp: Diving Moonsault 1, Diving Elbow Drop Pin 2, Corkscrew Body Pin
      Running Strikes: Running Calf Kick, Jumping Knee Attack 2
      Running Grapple: School Boy Pin 3, Back Rolling 1
      Grapple From Behind: School Boy Pin 1, Bulldog 4
      Crouching Attack: Dropkick To Knee 3, Senton
      Counter Attack: Hurracanrana Pin 2, Drop Toe Hold
      Tag Team
      Standing Tag Team: Double Dropkick, Double Suplex, Double Beat Head, Double Facecrusher
      Corner Tag Team: Kick To Gut 1, Double Stomping, Whip & Lay Down, Hip Toss 2
      Finishers: Sleeper Hold 5, Sambo Suplex
      Chair Finishers: Chair DDT, Chair DDT
      Combination: Slap 1, Slap 1(flipped), Spinning Punches
    • Bei Signature Moves kannst du Moves von dir auswählen, die besonders viel Fan-Reaktion hervorrufen. Wenn du Clean bist, füllen diese dein Momentum-Meter auf, wenn du sie im Match ausführst.
      All of Chuck Norris' genes are dominant.
      Chuck Norris has no hair on his body. Hair doesn't grow on steel.

      J.B.L über die Xbox 360-Version von SvR2007;385746 schrieb:

      wen da zumbeispiel ein ein benoit in den ring kommt der sieht aus wie ein frosch weil die augen so dumm aussehen