Wunsch Liste / Wish List ('08/09 Version)

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  • Wunsch Liste / Wish List ('08/09 Version)

    Hier könnt ihr eure Wünsche für zukünftige Versionen posten.

    -Aus dem englischen Forums ist zu entnehmen, das sich die meisten, 10 oder mehr Wrestler im Ring wünschen um so folgende Matcharten aufwerten zu können: Battle Royal, Royal Rumble und Survivor Series.
    -Ebenfalls wird sehr oft der Wunsch nach mehr Wrestlern gewünscht, sprich das Roster soll massiv aufgestockt werden und auch viel mehr Legenden (Steiner Brothers, Lex Luger, Raven usw.) eingearbeitet werden, ebenso sollen die aktuellen Wrestler nicht vernachlässigt werden (Jeff Hardy CM Punkt)
    - ein weitere wichtiger Punkt sind mehr Matcharten, vorallem im Multiplayer
    - Ganz oben steht auch noch die Mehrspieler Saison 2+ x Spieler und diese am besten unendlich lang mit Zufalls Generator... Stables Gründung, Freundschaft und Feten.

    ++ Ich habe euch mal die wichtigsten Zusammenfassungen gepostet und würde mir von euch wünschen, dass ihr eures Wrestler für ein zukünftiges Roster postet und eure wichtigsten Wünsche für die zukünftigen Versionen.

    Die Listen, werden dann überarbeitet, übersetzt und mit den Listen anderen Foren ausgetauscht und an THQ weitergeleitet...
    Auch wenn es uns nur gelinkt, 3-5 Wünsche umzusetzen zu lassen, wäre das gut.

    Aus dem englischen Forum, habe ich schonmal ein paa gute Ideen zusammen getragen.
    GM Mode:
    - Unlimited Roster Capacity. You'd still have to worry about putting them in matches and finances, etc...
    - Add shows (ie: Heat, Velocity, ECW or pre-Raw/Smackdown taped matches. This will accommodate lower card wrestlers without affecting your ratings. Then you can build up low-popularity people and eventually start booking them on Raw/Smackdown. (NO LONGER A WISH)
    - Able to choose CAW or wrestler or NPC as GM. This way, you can have you GM involved in storylines, able to wrestle, able to be fired and replaced, etc...
    - Cut scenes with text. NO VOICE-OVERS!!!
    - More options, more variation, more matches, more ways to spend money or earn it, more, more more. GM Mode was awesome and has to potential to be the greatest mode ever.
    - Online GM Mode. Compete against another person in GM Mode.
    - Stables are recognized by GM Mode. (NO LONGER A WISH) The computer will try to draft BOTH members of a tag team or a stable and not just go on popularity.
    - Stable and Tag Team Rivalries. (NO LONGER A WISH)
    - Less injuries. But if we have unlimited rosters, this becomes less important.
    - Set run-ins. Set Win/Loss if you don't want to play the matches, but want to determine the winner.
    - Playing matches can improve popularity of the match. Let's say you play a cruiserweight title match with 2 mid/lower card wrestlers. This would normally bring in only average ratings. But if you play it and make the match exciting, ie: not using same moves over and over, using weapons, blood, taunts, etc... the match could get a 4 or 5 star rating instead.
    - Ability to play matches and call a random run-in. Ups the popularity of the match unless over-used.
    - Ability to set CAWs starting Popularity. I hate having ALL CAWs at 20, even the Ultimate Warrior, Macho Man, Yokozuna, etc...
    - Computer suffers injuries too, as well as mad superstars.
    - Computer offers trades, sends interference in your matches, cuts promos on your shows, etc...
    - Stable and Tag Team drama. Include random heel/face/defection cut scenes, ie: Tag team loses too many times in a row, member A attacks member B after a match. Begins Rivalry.
    - Tournaments.
    - #1 Contender Matches.
    - Record keeping separate from locker room records and highly detailed.
    - The ability to start a new GM Mode and keep everyone's records, stats and popularity carried over.
    - Superstar Mode (see below)
    - Face/Heel means something. Face vs. Heel = good ratings. Heel vs. Heel = usually sucking. Face vs. Face = Random depending on how popular both of them are. Run-ins for heels ups the ratings, but run-ins for faces lowers them. Faces winning at major PPVs ups the ratings, while heels with long title runs ups the ratings. Heel stables > Face Stables.
    - Tag Teams and Stables have separate popularity meters from the individual ones. If the stars involved in the stable are popular, the stable is popular automatically, but the more they win, the higher the stable popularity gets. Run-ins, manager matches all help. This way, 2 mid-carders can make a super popular tag team, without making them individually main-eventers. This will make it so tag team matches don't always ruin ratings.

    CAW Mode:
    - REMOVE CROTCH BLUR!!! Impossible to make real wrestlers like Razor Ramon, Macho Man, etc...
    - Capes.
    - Tassles.
    - 3D attire, like ties, sleeves, necklaces, etc... (NO LONGER A WISH)
    - Ability to set strengths, weaknesses, match specialties, (NO LONGER A WISH) friends and enemies. If I make Yokozuna, I'd like to be able to say he's great at the Royal Rumble, hates Bret Hart and Hulk Hogan, and has a hard head. Or if I make Brutus Beefcake, state that he has a weak neck, likes Hulk Hogan and is great in Hair vs. Hair matches.
    - Attire that can be knocked off during a match. IE: Bandanas that can fall off, face paint that wears off, hats/glasses/chains, etc...
    - Unlimited CAW slots with Hard Drive.
    - Stop removing stuff, ie: moves, clothing, patterns, etc.

    Create•a•Stable Mode:
    - 6 or more members.
    - Ability to select what role each wrestler plays in stable, ie: Manager, Tag Team, Valet, Leader, etc...
    - Create•a•Entrance for tag teams, stables, tag with manager, etc...
    - Stables recognized in all other modes, ie: Royal Rumble - members WON'T attack each other unless last 2 left, Season, GM Mode, etc... Stable members help each other out in Royal Rumbles to avoid being eliminated.
    - Online Stables, like Clans.

    - Sticks to a profile AND a specific wrestler, like the in-game titles, but with the ability to jump profiles. If a CAW holds the title and is deleted, then the title just becomes vacant.
    - Able to import them into GM mode. Maybe have the 4 'Main" title permanent. Then have a slot to add in a Legend title (ie: Hardcore, Million $, etc...) and 2 slots for CABs, either singles or tag team. Titles in GM Mode can't be used in Title matches or online unless removed from GM Mode first.
    - Ability to set restrictions (ie: weight limit, gender, match types, rules, venue, etc...) Then you can make Cruiserweight Tag Titles or a Women's Hardcore or whatever.
    - Make a list of the top Create•a•Belts online. The more one is defended, the more prestigious. Online matches up the prestige faster than non-online matches or matches against the computer. CABs maintain History, ie: who made it, who won it, which wrestlers held it, current holder, etc...

    Match Types:
    - More multiplayer matches, ie: 4-Way First Blood Elimination, Triple Threat Ultimate Submission, 6 Man Ladder, Tag Team Iron Man, Stable Matches (Survivor Series style), 5-Man Table Elimination, Triple Threat Tag Team Backstage Brawl, etc...
    - Make Table matches harder, ie: must have a red body part to be put through or a double team move, or a finisher on table. (NO LONGER A WISH)
    - Stamina effects how fast you climb the ladder in TLC and Ladder matches. Or you can use a stored finisher to be able to regain your stamina to climb faster.
    - Royal Rumble corner eliminations. Finisher eliminations.
    - Bring back I Quit!, Lumberjack, Hardcore Time Limit Title and Casket Matches.
    - Backstage environments that can be accessed again like in HCTP.
    - Moves on weapons do more damage.
    - Allow wrestlers to help others from being eliminated in Royal Rumble/Battle Royals instead of always helping to eliminate.
    - Any match can become a Title Match.
    - Heel/Face determines how wrestlers play Royal Rumble/Elimination Chamber/HIAC matches. Heels generally team up against faces, with sudden backstabbing moves. Faces generally go at them all alone attacking anyone they determine as a threat or whoever is closest to them.

    Season Mode:
    - I can't fix this. VO's ruined it for me, so all my hope lies in an improved GM Mode. If anyone has any way to fix this mode I'd be happy to hear your ideas.

    - Corner Ring post moves from outside to inside, ie: Sharpshooter around ring post, crotching an opponent, etc...
    - Apron moves.
    - Smarter AI, ie: no constant jumping from the top of the Elimination Chamber.
    - 30 person Royal Rumble Lobby online.
    - Online Tournaments/King of the Ring
    - Downloadable Content, ie: Legend Packs, updated rosters, match types, moves, music, movies, etc... Stop DLC about mid summer to begin hyping the next installment.
    - Rip songs to hard drive for use in-game and entrances.
    - Match ratings for ALL matches to see how exciting you are making matches. Included in Top 10 Record Book in Locker Room/GM Mode.
    - Highly detailed online records.
    - Take the Smackdown Engine and everything in it and make a WWE: Legends game.
    - Bring back Create•a•taunt.

    NEW Superstar Mode:

    Since Season Mode is so linear, due to voice-overs, here is a way to bring back the old Season Mode fairly simply. Superstar Mode is a mode that is added to GM Mode. Basically, it gives you the ability to choose a wrestler to follow through GM Mode like you would Season Mode. There are 3 options for this mode:

    1. 1 player GM Mode with the computer AI taking the opposing brand.
    Basically, you do GM Mode the same way as normal. But you are given the option to enable Superstar Mode. This mode allows you to pick a wrestler on the computer's roster to play with. You control your brand, the computer controls their’s, but you also get to participate in their brand, affecting storylines, going up (or down) through the ranks, competing for any title of your choice, etc…

    2. 2 people playing GM Mode.
    If there are 2 people playing GM Mode, you have the ability to choose a wrestler in the opponent's brand and vice-versa. Then he can place you in all sorts of bad matches, or try to injure you, or start a rivalry with you and vice versa. Could turn into "you give my guy a title shot and I'll give your's one". The options for this seem unlimited. Also available online.

    3. 2 AI GMs.
    This gives you the ability to just choose a wrestler and have two computer GMs control the entire mode. If your star gets injured you can skip ahead to when he returns or choose a temp wrestler to control till he heals. This allows 2-6 players to play, on any brand, and no controlling GM Mode. All GM decisions are made by the AI. Matches, title shots, ticket prices, advertising, etc... but you have a locker room option (see below).

    Things required for this mode:
    1. Locker Room.
    Example: You choose to GM Raw and the AI GMs Smackdown. Raw is handled like the current GM Mode, except with more features and options obviously. When on Smackdown, you only control your superstar. Instead of the GM control scheme, you get a Locker Room layout. The locker room allows you to form stables, tag teams, request title shots, attack people, schedule run-ins, etc...

    2. Specific GMs.
    All GMs are to be selected from either the wrestler pool, the CAW pool or the NPC pool. This allows the GM to be involved in storylines, commit run-ins, participate in matches, etc. All wrestlers and CAWs will be selectable for the role of GM. Also, all NPCs will be available, like Vince, Shane, Steph, King, JR, Tazz, Teddy, Heyman and others. This means that they all need movesets, regardless of how crappy a wrestler they are.

    3. Way more advanced GM Mode.
    Things like tournaments, #1 contender matches, GM feuds, replaceable GMs, better GM AI, etc... Also needed is Record Book that keeps detailed stats for GM Mode.

    4. You cannot be fired or let go. Only if you choose to quit, ask to be traded or if you lose a career-ending match, may your character go to the free agent pool or to the opposing brand. You are then instantly given the option to choose a new wrestler on the AI brand. Even if you choose to quit, the GM has final say and can put you through torturous matches to punish you. Career-ending matches only come up at the pinnacle of a GM/Superstar feud. If you are feuding with the GM, at a PPV, you can either challenge him for his spot as GM or he can place you in a loser leaves the WWE match. If you take over the role of GM, you have 2 options. Select a new GM or your wrestler becomes the new GM. If you become the GM, you lose control of him/her to the computer/opponent and are forced to choose a new Superstar. The old GM is either fired or becomes a wrestler (up to opponent).

    5. Cut scenes with text. NO VOICE-OVERS!!! Cut scenes need to be played out to give the Superstar the option to accept a challenge, run-in, interrupt or anything else that is an option.

    6. Computer suffers injuries too, as well as having mad superstars. If you are prone to injury, your opponents should be as well. You should be able to injury rivals, setting up a rivalry returns angle when they are healed.

    7. Stable and Tag Team drama. Include random heel/face/defection cut scenes, ie: Tag team loses too many times in a row, member A attacks member B after a match. Begins Rivalry. Allows you to turn on your tag partner, defect to a rival stable, or turn heel/face.

    8. Face/Heel means something. Face vs. Heel = good ratings. Heel vs. Heel = usually sucking. Face vs. Face = Random depending on how popular both of them are. Run-ins for heels ups the ratings, but run-ins for faces lowers them. Faces winning at major PPVs ups the ratings, while heels with long title runs ups the ratings. Heel stables > Face Stables. Also affects how the GM deals with you. If you are a face and the GM is a face, he will be more likely to help you. Same goes for if you are a heel and so is the GM. When you are a face and the GM is a heel, he will try to punish you, especially if you attack his stable, foil his plans or disrupt his show in any way. If you are a heel and the GM is a face, he will generally treat you fairly, unless you do something to anger him. Heel GMs are likely to form heel stables to rule over and carry out their schemes, face GMs won’t do this.

    9. The GM on the opposing show is forced to put you in a match or promo every week. This guarantees you play time. If you are low Popularity, you might start out on Heat/Velocity/ECW or whatever the lesser shows will be. Once you gain Pop. you’ll graduate to Raw/Smackdown and then to PPVs.
    1.Redmarks appearing when getting smacked or hit on chest or back.
    2.Tapping a button when laying on mat in tag matches to reach your tag team partner and tag him if you don't want to tap rapidly to get up.
    3.Being able to attack another wrestler when he does a move/finishing move to a wrestler like in day of reckoning.]
    4.Being able to have some kind of meter to pitch voices for created wrestlers so they sound the way you want them to sound.
    5.Having the camera guys around the ring that take pictures like in real life.
    6.Season mode like smackdown 2 with being able to play up to 2-4 people. BEST SEASON EVER.
    10 men on screen
    Why cant they just forget about making the wrestlers look as great as possible. You know what makes a game? The gameplay, and how fun it is. In the end graphics really dont mean shit, unless you are trying to attract someone to buy your game that doesnt know anything about it. Why not make a game where 10 men can fight on the screen. (look at GTA, great games, not so great graphics) Then you can have royal rumbles feel more realistic(as long as they fix the timer so they dont come out every 20 seconds), and have the ability to have classic Survivor Series matches, and more realistic lumber jack matches. But just think of getting 10 people online for a mega battle royal, royal rumble, or survivor series match. Makes me think of the Royal Rumble game that was out for Dreamcast. That was a bit more of an arcade game though.

    Now that games are going to be widescreen, can they do something about that? When you have like 4 or more wrestlers on screen the player icons take up alot of room. We dont need some big chalk outline of a body. Id much rather have a few bars, and whatever else that limits how much space these icons take up. Or how about thise idea, make the icons half faded into the background.

    2 player season mode
    This mode in Smackdown 2 was great....why in the fuck did they never do this again??? Hey how about making season mode more fun for more people instead of making it a one player borefest. Smackdown 2 was one of my favorite smackdown games of all time.

    Unlocking characters
    This really isnt a new idea, but an enhanced old idea. I hated the day ever since WWE made the shopzone. I loved when you just unlocked a wrestler through season mode. But now you have to win awards, gain so much money, and then you can buy them. Why cant they go back to unlocking a character through season mode? How about an angle where your wrestling and some unlockable character comes out of the crowd and beats you down, or costs you a match, then you have to fight them and unlock them if you win.

    Secret Characters
    WTS! Whatever happened to them? Now we always know who is in and who is out in everygame. Cant anyone at THQ hold a secret? You know sometimes the best part of a game is unlocking, or being surprised about something you didnt know was in the game.

    Create a wrestler
    PLEASE....if you are going to allow us to create wrestlers, at least let us be able to edit their music using MP3's and edit their tron videos with WMV, MPEG, AVI, MOV files we have stored on our systems. Also include clothes, tatts, move entrances, moves from wrestlers that didnt make the game, or legends. And whatever happened to those presets that if you lined them all up (making all face parts 7) would kind of unlock a wrestler that didnt make it into the game.

    Legends game
    Why cant they make a legends game? Make it look old school with that cena word life logo WW instead of the old WWF logo(copyright issues). Old school ring, arenas, wrestlers, titles, matches, managers. It would be something new, and with all the legends they have under contract, it doesnt seem impossible. Just slap these arenas, wrestlers over the smackdown vs raw engine and there you go.
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