[SVR07 - 360] Brock Lesnar by Wolfgang JT

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    • [SVR07 - 360] Brock Lesnar by Wolfgang JT

      Brock Lesnar – SvR07
      By WolfgangJT

      Start with face model 12 (default model)

      Head: -22, 7, 39
      Forehead: -57, -51, -71, -65

      Eyebrows: -28, 23,-100, 6 <-- note, the eyebrow depth should have been -100
      Eyes: -49, 11, -5, -18, 0, 0, 25
      Nose: -21, -45, 65, -22, 30, -63, -1, 16
      Cheek: 0, 67, 11, 38
      Mouth: 44, 34, -76, 22, 70, 0, -63
      Jaw: -57, -13, 25, 5, 100, 67
      Ears: -10, 0, -51, -19
      Age: 12

      Body Type: -74
      Neck: -68, 25, 59
      Chest: 11, -27, 17
      Shoulder: -100, 56, -53
      Abdomen: -77, 17, 43
      Waist: 12, 43
      Arms: -43, -30, -66
      Hands: 7, 15, 5
      Legs: 31, -48, -42
      Feet: -2, 25, 15

      1. Body Skin 5 (94, -5, 2, 13)
      2. Face Skin 5
      3. Eyes 1: 100, 0, 0
      4. Eyebrows 1: 80, -25, 74
      5. Eyelashes 21
      6. Lips 1: -100, -4, 4
      7. Teeth: default
      8. Hair 15: 77, -12, 9
      9. Body Hair: None
      10. Underwear: 1

      H=Horizontal, V=Vertical:

      11. Clothing >Headwear >Logos>Design 99, rotate once, largest H, 2nd smallest V, place
      just over eyebrow area to create a light shading on the eyebrow crown area:
      94, -67, 53, 39

      12. Makeup 60: 96, -8, 37, 71
      13. Makeup 47: 95, -10, 9, 100
      14. Makeup 22 (don’t stylize): 93, -26, 66, 45
      15. Makeup 19 (stylize to cheek and neck combo makeup): 94, -17, 100, 40
      16. Facial Hair Others 1: 90, -20, 64, 0
      17. Clothing >Headwear >Logos>Flag 7, largest H and V, place on his left side of hair as high as possible to lighten up the hair on the sides and part of the back of the head (once colored, the stars will still be seen some, but will be blondish so will blend fine in-game): 91, -63, -26, 59
      18. repeat, rotating one for left side.
      19. repeat 17 for upper center area between the other two…make sure in the end all three flags connect so things blend and there are no holes.
      20. repeat and place centered on back of head below the 3 flags and connected but not overlapping to lighter the lower back area of hair. This will finish Brock’s hair.
      21. Knee Pads 5: -13, -78, -74, 100
      22. Legs>Logos>Design Simple 103: largest H, 2nd smallest V: Place on back of Kneepads to cover the hole. (-18, -70, - 30, 100)
      23. Repeat for other leg.
      24. Wristbands 1: -13, -77, -58, 100, 16
      25. Shoes 1
      26. Arms>Right Arm>Logos>WWE 46: Rotate twice, Smallest H, 2nd largest V, place on upper arm so that everything of the snout section is on his deltoid/shoulder muscle (the horns will become the fork out teeth outside the “fangs” of the skull tat): 94, 4, -58, 31
      27. Arms>Right Arm>Logos>Design 113: 2nd Smallest H and V, place on upper arm above the previous design to where the fangs land centered between the bull horns and level with them): 94, -4, -16, 46
      28. Arms>Left Arm>Logos>Design 113: Rotate 3 times, 2nd Smallest H, smallest V, place on upper arm to create his left arm tat: 100, -59, -62, 34

      Rest of the remaining layers is all of the back tattoo. I might type it up at a later date. Not sure yet due to how complex it is.
    • Also ich weiss nicht. Das Backtatoo is natürlich der Hammer. Attire 10/10
      Aber das Gesicht? Kann da so ziemlich null Lesnar erkennen! 2/10
      [COLOR="Red"]I´m not a slave to a god that doesnt exist!!![/COLOR]

      [COLOR="red"]Cut the head of,
      grows back hard,
      i am the hydra,
      now you see your star!
      -Antichrist Superstar-[/COLOR]
    • The-Beast85 schrieb:

      Also ich weiss nicht. Das Backtatoo is natürlich der Hammer. Attire 10/10
      Aber das Gesicht? Kann da so ziemlich null Lesnar erkennen! 2/10

      if you can't see Brock in that face, something's wrong.

      Here's the rest of the formula:
      Brock Lesnar - SvR07
      By WolfgangJT
      Start with face model 12 (default model)
      Head: -22, 7, 39
      Forehead: -57, -51, -71, -65
      Eyebrows: -28, 23,100, 6
      Eyes: -49, 11, -5, -18, 0, 0, 25
      Nose: -21, -45, 65, -22, 30, -63, -1, 16
      Cheek: 0, 67, 11, 38
      Mouth: 44, 34, -76, 22, 70, 0, -63
      Jaw: -57, -13, 25, 5, 100, 67
      Ears: -10, 0, -51, -19
      Age: 12
      Body Type: -74
      Neck: -68, 25, 59
      Chest: 11, -27, 17
      Shoulder: -100, 56, -53
      Abdomen: -77, 17, 43
      Waist: 12, 43
      Arms: -43, -30, -66
      Hands: 7, 15, 5
      Legs: 31, -48, -42
      Feet: -2, 25, 15
      Height: 6'3"
      * updated HCTP-ish styled body:
      Body Type: -74
      Neck: -69, 6, 59
      Chest: 0, -12, 66
      Shoulder: -100, 86, -53
      Abdomen: -67, 6, 34
      Waist: 7, 47
      Arms: -75, -30, -12
      Hands: 7, 15, 5
      Legs: 7, -57, -42
      Feet: -2, 25, 15
      1. Body Skin 5 (93, -5, 2, 13)
      2. Face Skin 5
      3. Eyes 1: 100, 0, 0
      4. Eyebrows 1: 80, -25, 74
      5. Eyelashes 21
      6. Lips 1: -100, -4, 4
      7. Teeth: default
      8. Hair 50: 77, -12, 9
      9. Body Hair: None
      10. Underwear: 1
      H=Horizontal, V=Vertical:
      11. Clothing >Headwear >Logos>Design 99, rotate once, largest H, 2nd smallest V, place
      just over eyebrow area to create a light shading on the eyebrow crown area:
      94, -67, 53, 39
      12. Makeup 60: 96, -8, 37, 71
      13. Makeup 47: 95, -10, 9, 100
      14. Makeup 22 (don't stylize): 93, -26, 66, 45
      15. Makeup 19 (stylize to cheek and neck combo makeup): 94, -17, 100, 40
      16. Facial Hair Others 1: 90, -20, 64, 0
      17. Clothing >Headwear >Logos>Flag 7, largest H and V, place on his left side of hair as high as possible to lighten up the hair on the sides and part of the back of the head (once colored, the stars will still be seen some, but will be blondish so will blend fine in-game): 91, -63, -26, 59
      18. Repeat, rotating one for left side.
      19. Repeat 17 for upper center area between the other two...make sure in the end all three flags connect so things blend and there are no holes.
      20. Repeat and place centered on back of head below the 3 flags and connected but not overlapping to lighter the lower back area of hair. This will finish Brock's hair.
      21. Knee Pads 5: -13, -78, -74, 100
      22. Legs>Logos>Design Simple 103: largest H, 2nd smallest V: Place on back of Kneepads to cover the hole. -18, -70, - 30, 100
      23. Repeat for other leg.
      24. Wristbands 1: -13, -77, -58, 100, 16
      25. Shoes 1
      26. Arms>Right Arm>Logos>WWE 46: Rotate twice, Smallest H, 2nd largest V, place on upper arm so that everything of the snout section is on his deltoid/shoulder muscle (the horns will become the fork out teeth outside the “fangs” of the skull tat): 94, 4, -58, 31
      27. Arms>Right Arm>Logos>Design 113: 2nd Smallest H and V, place on upper arm above the previous design to where the fangs land centered between the bull horns and level with them): 94, -4, -16, 46
      28. Arms>Left Arm>Logos>Design 113: Rotate 3 times, 2nd Smallest H, smallest V, place on upper arm to create his left arm tat: 100, -59, -62, 34
      29. Torso>Back>Logos>WWE 10: Largest H, 2nd Smallest V, see help pics for placement. 100, -100, -76, 71
      30. Torso>Back>Logos>Design 99: 2nd Largest H, Smallest V, see help pics for placement. 93, -61, 42, 100
      31. Torso>Back>Logos>Design 19: Rotate 3 times, Smallest H, 2nd Smallest V, see help pics for placement. -18, 0, -100, 74
      32. Torso>Back>Logos>WWE 10: Largest H, 2nd Smallest V, see help pics for placement. 100, -100, -76, 71
      33. Torso>Back>Logos>Design 99: Rotate once, Smallest H, 2nd Smallest V, see help pics for placement. 93, -61, 35, 100
      34. Torso>Back>Logos>Design 19: Rotate 3 times, Smallest H, 2nd Smallest V, see help pics for placement. -18, 0, -100, 74
      35. Torso>Back>Logos>WWE 23: 2nd Largest H, Largest V, see help pics for placement. 99, -100, -100, 56
      36. Torso>Back>Logos>WWE 33: 2nd Smallest H, Largest V, see help pics for placement. 85, -62, -76, 35
      37. Torso>Back>Logos>Design 43: Rotate twice, 2nd Largest H, Smallest V, see help pics for placement. -18, -100, -100, 44
      38. Torso>Back>Logos>Design 43: Rotate twice, 2nd Largest H, Smallest V, see help pics for placement. -18, -100, -100, 44
      39. Torso>Back>Logos>Design 93: Largest H, 2nd Largest V, see help pics for placement. 93, -63, 46, 100
      40. Copy previous pattern, see help pics for placement. 93, -63, 46, 100
      41. Torso>Back>Logos>Design 17: Rotate once, 2nd Largest H, 2nd Smallest V, see help pics for placement. -18, -100, -100, 45
      42. Copy previous pattern, rotate two more times so it points the opposite direction, see help pics for placement. -18, -100, -100, 45
      43. Torso>Back>Logos>Design 93: Largest H, 2nd Smallest V, see help pics for placement. 94, -60, 39, 100
      44. Torso>Back>Logos>Design 97: Rotate once, Largest H and V, see help pics for placement. 93, -63, 43, 100
      45. Copy previous pattern, Largest H, 2nd Largest V, see help pics for placement (sits a little higher upward than the previous pattern): 93, -63, 43, 100
      46. Torso>Back>Logos>WWE 23: 2nd Largest H, 2nd Smallest V, see help pics for placement. 99, -100, -100, 44
      47. Torso>Back>Logos>Design 98: 2nd Smallest H, Smallest V, see help pics for placement. 93, -63, 44, 100
      48. Copy previous pattern, rotate once, see help pics for placement: 93, -63, 44, 100
      49. Torso>Back>Logos>Design 97: Rotate once, 2nd Smallest H, Smallest V, see help pics for placement. 93, -60, 48, 90
      50. Torso>Back>Logos>Design 55: Largest H, 2nd Smallest V, see help pics for placement. -18,-100, -100, 37
      51. Torso>Back>Logos>Design 103: Smallest H and V, see help pics for placement. 93, -60, 34, 100
      52. Torso>Back>Logos>Design 97: Rotate once, Largest H, 2nd Largest V, see help pics for placement. 93, -62, 39, 100
      53. Torso>Back>Logos>Design 55: Largest H, 2nd Smallest V, see help pics for placement. -18,-100, -100, 51
      54. Torso>Back>Logos>Letters>Sign Page 1, 1st column, 5th row: rotate once, 2nd Largest H, 2nd Smallest V, see help pics for placement. 93, -60, 6, 100
      55. Torso>Back>Logos>Design 97: 2nd Smallest H and V, see help pics for placement. 93, -61, 41, 100
      56. Torso>Back>Logos>Letters>Japanese Page 1, 4th column, 3rd row: 2nd Smallest H and V, see help pics for placement. -18, -100, -100, 45
      57. Torso>Back>Logos>Letters>Japanese Page 1, 7th column, 3rd row “(“: rotate 3 times, Largest H, 2nd Largest V, see help pics for placement. -18, -100, -100, 45
      58. Torso>Back>Logos>Letters>Sign Page 1, 1st column, 5th row: rotate once, 2nd Largest H, 2nd Smallest V, see help pics for placement. -18, -100, -100, 16
      59. Torso>Back>Logos>Design 99: rotate once, 2nd Smallest H, Smallest V, see help pics for placement. 93, -62, 41, 100
      60. Torso>Back>Logos>Letters>Japanese Page 1, 1st column, 2nd row: rotate three times, 2nd Smallest H and V, see help pics for placement. -18, -100, -100, 30
      61. Torso>Back>Logos>Letters>Sign Page 1, 4th column, 2nd row: 2nd Smallest H and V, see help pics for placement. -18, -100, -100, 40
      62. Torso>Back>Logos>Letters>Alphabet Page 1>the comma, rotate twice, 2nd Largest H and V, see help pics for placement. -18, -100, -100, 45
      63. Torso>Back>Logos>Letters>Sign Page 1, 1st column, 1st row: 2nd Smallest H, 2nd Largest V, see help pics for placement. -18, -100, -100, 40
      64. Torso>Back>Logos>Design 14: rotate twice, 2nd Largest H, Smallest V, see help pics for placement. -18, -71, -80, 8

      help shot for the flag placements on the head:

      ZIP file of full size shots for the back tat (if anyone wants to pull this into a collage, by all means, post it and I'll post the link with this):
    • David schrieb:

      This one is perfect


      Perfect? I don't think so. He's good, but not perfect. He could be better.

      [COLOR="Gray"]ECW Champion,[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]World Heavyweight Champion,[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]WWE Champion[/COLOR]
      [COLOR="Red"]Meine[/COLOR] [COLOR="DeepSkyBlue"]my[/COLOR][COLOR="Yellow"]BUZZ![/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Quiz-Fragen[/COLOR]
    • Da_Man schrieb:

      this should not be the last post here. you say there could be a better brock lesnar caw??? prove it!!!

      No, i don't want to search one now. I think he don't looks like Brock Lesnar. That's why i think he could be better.
      [COLOR="Gray"]ECW Champion,[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]World Heavyweight Champion,[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]WWE Champion[/COLOR]
      [COLOR="Red"]Meine[/COLOR] [COLOR="DeepSkyBlue"]my[/COLOR][COLOR="Yellow"]BUZZ![/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Quiz-Fragen[/COLOR]
    • ^ then you have no idea what he looks like...the pics above show it looks like him...it's still to date the highest rated Lesnar released for the game...vast majority of people think it looks almost exactly like him, but I agree, you think it doesn't look like him, prove it doesn't...give me some refs that show it doesn't...as I've already shown the likewise.
    • lol...and you guys can't deal with proof that you are wrong either. "Deal with critic"..that's funny...if what you are saying is so true, explain why every other board (7 of them to be exact) disagrees with you. Again, if you guys are so much better or know of so much better, please show it.

      Seems you have a problem being able to say what wrong on the caws....you just downrate certain people for some odd reason, give no suggestions at all, act like there is better, and when challenged to show one, you can't, then you chalk it off like we can't take criticism. no, you can't give truthful feedback or at least even prove your reasonings, especially when you are the only one saying it's not good...7 other boards, including the top caw site for the game, state otherwise....so out of what, the 2 of you, vs what 1000+ people who've voted...who do you think is wrong? me and the 1000+ people, or you 2? lol. Take your own criticism...you wouldn't know a good caw if it hit you in the face. Mine wouldn't be rated high if it didn't look like him. I might need a few things here and there, quite minor tweaks or changes (like since the posting, I have changed the eye makeup), but to say it sucks and doesn't look like him...yeah, ok, whatever. Your loss.