Sting CaW

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    • Wenn du willst kann ich dir CAW Find per ICQ senden. Melde dich bei mir dann mal. ;)
      [COLOR="Gray"]ECW Champion,[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]World Heavyweight Champion,[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]WWE Champion[/COLOR]
      [COLOR="Red"]Meine[/COLOR] [COLOR="DeepSkyBlue"]my[/COLOR][COLOR="Yellow"]BUZZ![/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Quiz-Fragen[/COLOR]
    • Originally posted by spielejunkie@25.11.2003 - 11:17:34
      Wenn du willst kann ich dir CAW Find per ICQ senden. Melde dich bei mir dann mal. ;)

      Würde ich auch gerne haben wenn es gehen würde
      wär cool sting ist der coolste
      der fehlt hatt er eigentlich erestling an den nagel gehängt??
    • Originally posted by BILL GOLDBERG$@25.11.2003 - 15:06:55
      ähm sting ist doch gar net im Cawfind enthalten
      ich hab mir einen sehr guten Sting caw gebastelt wenn ihr wollt werde ich ihn nachher hier rein schreiben
      aber er ist mit langen haaren :ja:

      Immer her damit. Mit langen Haaren ist gut.
      [COLOR="Gray"]ECW Champion,[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]World Heavyweight Champion,[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]WWE Champion[/COLOR]
      [COLOR="Red"]Meine[/COLOR] [COLOR="DeepSkyBlue"]my[/COLOR][COLOR="Yellow"]BUZZ![/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Quiz-Fragen[/COLOR]
    • Sting

      Skin color 3

      Head –45/60
      Neck –33/-15/68
      Chest 53/0
      Shoulder -45/0/-12
      Abdomen –16/-4/60
      Arms –16/17/-66
      Forearms –27/-8/-91
      Hands –89/-12/-39
      Waist 9/-38
      Thigh –10/1/-27
      Legs –5/-3/-6
      Ankles –36/-1

      Height 6’3”

      Skin 8

      Face edit/cheek 8/face model 13
      Eyebrow 27/0
      Eyes –12/-48/-82/34
      Nose –85/52/-28/-51
      Cheek 8
      Mouth -82/0
      Jaw 0/9/-25

      Eyes 5 –99/-3/0
      Eyebrows 32 100/-95/-14/0
      Hair 26 –86/-27/3
      Underwear/blank 1 6/17/-100

      Face/paint 77 100/31/48/-100
      Face/paint 53 100/-100/-100/-100

      Face/accessories 79 100/-80/-100/-100

      Design/pattern/face/simple 157 100/9/66/-100
      Reduce twice, center on face and move all the way down.
      Then move 40 spaces up and 21 spaces right.

      Design/pattern/face/simple 157 100/9/66/-100
      Reduce twice, center on face and move all the way down.
      Then move 40 spaces up and 21 spaces left

      Design/letters/face/sign ~ 100/23/-66/-100
      Rotate once, center on face and move all the way down.
      Then move 30 spaces up and 16 spaces right until it connects
      with the corner of his mouth.

      Design/letters/face/sign ( 100/23/-100/-100
      Center on face and move all the way down.
      Then moves 44 spaces up and 17 spaces left until it connects
      with the corner of his mouth.

      Design/letters/face/sign ( 100/23/-100/-100
      Rotate twice, center on face and move all the way down.
      Then moves 31 spaces up and 15 spaces left until it connects
      with the bottom of the previous pattern.

      Design/pattern/face/simple 157 95/9/-100/-100
      Reduce twice, center on face and move all the way up.
      Then move 12 spaces down and 25 spaces right.

      Design/pattern/face/simple 157 95/9/-100/-100
      Reduce twice, center on face and move all the way up.
      Then move 12 spaces down and 25 spaces left.

      Design/pattern/face/simple 166 89/21/-43/-100
      Reduce once, center on face and move all the way up.
      Then move 3 spaces down and 11 spaces left.

      Design/pattern/face/simple 166 89/21/-43/-100
      Reduce once, center on face and move all the way up.
      Then move 3 spaces down and 11 spaces right.

      Design/pattern/face/simple 156 100/-59/-95/-100
      Reduce twice, center on face and move all the way up.
      Then move 5 spaces down and 14 spaces right until it matches up with his facepaint.

      Design/pattern/face/simple 156 100/-59/-95/-100
      Reduce twice, center on face and move all the way up.
      Then move 5 spaces down and 14 spaces left until it matches up with his facepaint.

      Body/costume/others/ 4 (two sleeves) 100/-100/-30/-100

      Design/pattern/body/simple 166 100/21/-43/-100 (rotate once)
      Center on back and move all the way up.
      Then move 18 spaces right and 30 spaces down.

      Design/pattern/body/simple 166 100/21/-43/-100 (rotate once)
      Center on chest and move all the way up.
      Then move 39 spaces left and 38 spaces down.

      Design/pattern/body/simple 166 100/21/-43/-100 (rotate once)
      Center on back and move all the way up.
      Then move 25-26 spaces right and 38 spaces down.

      Design/pattern/body/simple 166 100/21/-43/-100 (rotate once)
      Center on back and move all the way up.
      Then move 18 spaces left and 30 spaces down.

      Design/pattern/body/simple 166 100/21/-43/-100 (rotate once)
      Center on chest and move all the way up.
      Then move 39 spaces right and 38 spaces down.

      Design/pattern/body/simple 166 100/21/-43/-100 (rotate once)
      Center on back and move all the way up.
      Then move 25-26 spaces left and 38 spaces down.

      Shoes/blank 14 –100/-17/-100
      Tights/one point 19 43/100/25/-43/-100

      Design/pattern/body/simple 137 100/-93/77/-19
      Reduce once, then center on back and move all the way up.
      Rotate once, then move down 31 spaces and left 31 spaces.

      Design/pattern/body/simple 137 100/-93/77/-19
      Reduce once, then center on back and move all the way up.
      Rotate once, then move down 31 spaces and right 31 spaces.

      Design/pattern/body/simple 157 100/-93/72/-50
      Reduce twice, then center on chest and move all the way up.
      Move down 40 spaces and right 40 spaces.

      Design/pattern/body/simple 157 100/-93/72/-50
      Reduce twice, then center on chest and move all the way up.
      Move down 40 spaces and left 40 spaces.

      Design/pattern/body/simple 157 100/-94/79/-50
      Reduce twice, then center on back and move all the way down.
      Move up 68 spaces and left 23 spaces.

      Design/pattern/body/simple 157 100/-94/79/-50
      Reduce twice, then center on back and move all the way down.
      Move up 68 spaces and right 23 spaces.

      Body/tattoo 26 100/33/100/-100
      Body/tattoo 27 100/33/100/-100

      Gloves 32 27/-25/-100
      Gloves 16 28/-100/-100
      Wristbands/blank 1 –4/100/-90/17/-33
      I'm the Master of Disaster and that's is very good!

      D-Generation X

      4 life!