PS2 (Tastenerklärung)

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    • PS2 (Tastenerklärung)

      ich bräuchte mal eine Seite wo die Tasten Erklärungen stehen für PS2 Spiele.
      Also zb auf welcehr Taste schiessen/werfe sonst was ist.Ich weis zwar das man ne Anleitung hat,aber wenn man keine Anleitung hat,ist es sehr schwer,auf welchen Tasten was ist,zb bei Madden NFL 2006,da ist es sehr schwer es herauszufinden.
    • Dann geh halt auf und geb in das Suchfeld Maden NFL ein. Wird doch wohl nicht so schwer sein mal selbst die Seite zu durchforsten. :rolleyes:
      [COLOR="Gray"]ECW Champion,[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]World Heavyweight Champion,[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]WWE Champion[/COLOR]
      [COLOR="Red"]Meine[/COLOR] [COLOR="DeepSkyBlue"]my[/COLOR][COLOR="Yellow"]BUZZ![/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Quiz-Fragen[/COLOR]
    • (From Instruction Manual)

      Move your player: left analog stick
      Flip play at the line: square button then R2 button
      Play art: R2 button
      Coach's cam--unavailable online: L2 button
      Call an audible before the snap: square button then square button, X button,
      O button, L1 button, or R1 button
      Cancel the audible before selecting a play: triangle button
      Reset original play after calling an audible: square button then L2 button
      Call timeout: select button

      'Before The Snap'
      Snap ball: X button
      Switch direction of a running play: right analog stick left/right
      Change primary receiver's route on a passing play: right analog stick
      left/right up/down
      Hot Route to a different receiver: Triangel button then the button of the
      receiver, then:
      D-button up for a fly pattern
      D-button down for a curl pattern
      D-button left/right for an in/out pattern
      right analog stick down to run a smart route
      L2 button/R2 button for a left/right slant pattern
      Note: You can press the left analog stick to change the receiver's route.
      Send a player in motion: left analog stick up.down to highlight eligble player
      then left analog stick left/right to send a player in
      Slide offensive line protection: L1 button, then:
      D-button up to spread the offensive line
      D-button down to pinch the line
      D-button left/right to shift blocking left/right
      Quiet crowd: L3 button
      Formation shift: R1 button then D-button
      Fake snap: O button

      'Running with the ball'
      Sprint: X button
      New - Truck Stick: right analog stick up
      QB or wide receiver slide/Dive: Square button (tap)/Square button (hold)
      Cover up/Protect ball: Triangle button
      Spin: O button
      Juke left/right: L1 button/R1 button
      Juke backward: right analog stick down
      Stiff Arm left/right: L2 button/R2 button

      New - QB Vision control: right analog stick left/right
      New - Lock on to receiver: R2 button + receiver's button
      New - Precision pasing: left analog stick or D-button
      Throw the ball: Tringle button, square button, O button, L1 button, or R1
      button (tap button for lob pass; hold button for a bullet)
      Activate playmaker passing to guide closest receiver: R3 button then right
      analog stick
      Throw ball away: L2 button (tap)
      QB Scramble behind the line with all the rushing move availabe: L2 button(hold)
      Squre button,
      P button, L1
      button, R1
      button, or R2
      Pump fake: R2 button (tap)
      Control intended receiver: O button (while ball is airborne
      Dive for pass: Square button
      Sprint: X button
      Catch: Triangle button
      Swat: L1 button

      Switch to closest blocker: O button
      Cut block: Square button
      Sprint/Power block: X button
      Jump: Triangle button
      Change blocking assignment before the snap: Trinagle button, then press the
      button of the running back or tight
      end who passing/blocking route you
      want to change. Then press the L2
      button/R2 button to change the
      assignment left/right

      'After The Play'
      Spike ball to stop the clock: O button (hold)
      Instant replay: L1 button + R1 button (before Playcalling screen appears)
      Fake spike ball trick play: Square button (hold)
      No huddle/Hurry-up offense: Triangle button (hold) to repeat previous play

      'Before The Snap'
      Choose a player to control: X button or O button (tap to change players one
      by one)
      Switch to closest defender: X button or O button (hold) + D-button in any
      View individual assignments: R3 button
      Defensive Playmaker: Highlight a player then press right analog stick:
      Up to put linebackers and defensive lineman in a hook zone
      (yellow) or DBs in a deep zone (dark blue)--if the DB is
      already in a deep zone, it becomes a short zone down to
      blitz/down twice for a QB contain blitz left to go into QB
      spy coverage (orange) right to play a flat zone (light
      blue)--if the coverage is already a flat zone, it becomes
      a curl zone/right twice to play a curl zone (purple)
      Defensive line shift: L1 button then D-button:
      Up to spread the defensive ends outside the tackles
      Down to move the line in tight between the tackles
      Left/right to shift the line left/right
      L1 button then L2 button to reset the shift
      Defensive line adjustment: L1 button then right analog stick:
      Down to make line crash in
      Up to make line rush to the outside
      Left/right to make line crash left/right
      Linebacker shifts: R1 button then D-button:
      Up/down to spread linebackers out/move them in tight
      Left/right to shift linebackers left/right
      R1 button then L2 button to reset the shift
      Linebacker adjustments: R1 button then right analog stick:
      Down to blitz all linebackers
      Up to call off all linebacker blitzes and put them into
      hook zone
      Left/right to blitz the right/left outside linebackers
      Seconary adjustments: Triangle button then right analog stick left/right
      up/down to shift the safties' zone coverage to the
      Coverage audibles: Triangle button then D-button:
      Up/down to put DBs into bump and run/loose coverage
      Right to shift the safeties and linebackers into better
      position to cover their assigned man
      Triangle button then R2 button to make your defenders go to
      their default positions on the field (as seen on the playcall
      Change individual matchups: Traingle button then the button of the offensive
      player you want to match up against), then D-button:
      Down/up to bump/play off the receiver
      Right to double team the receiver with the
      highlighted defender
      Pump up crowd (linebackers only): L3 button

      'After The Snap'
      Control player nearest to the ball: O button
      Unleash the Hit Stick: right analog stick (in any direction)
      Dive: Square button
      Sprint/Shove blocker: X button
      Jump/Intercept/Hands up while rushing QB: Triangle button
      Strip ball (when not engaged): L2 button/R2 button
      Rip/Swim/Spin (when engaged): L1 button/R1 button
      Strafe (when not engaged): R1 button
      Rip/Swat ball/Swim move (when engaged)

      'Kicking Game'
      Change kick direction/elevation: left analog stick
      Kick the ball: X button for all three steps:
      1. Start Kick Meter
      2. Stop Kick Meter on the upswing to set power (over-kicking adds
      power, but decreases accuracy)
      3. Stop on the downswing to set accuracy (aim for the center of
      the center of the accuracy zone for best results)
      Switch players: O button
      Fair catch (while controlling return man): Triangle button
      Touchback: Remain in the endzone

      Aus der FAQ.
    • Rhyno schrieb:

      Guck doch einfach in deine Anleitung, liegt normalerweise jeder Packung eines Originalspiels bei! ;)

      - verloren
      - gebraucht in einem laden gekauft
      - bei ebay ersteigert

      könnten gründe sein warum man keine anleitung vorfindet bei einem originalen spiel ;)

      gibts bei madden keine optionen in der man die steuerung ansehen/anpassen kann? ist doch auch so gut wie standart
      "Power is only given to those who are willing to lower themselves to pick it up."
      "You and your Gods are wrong. You see... I guided my fate. I fashioned the course of my life and my death. ME. NOT YOU. NOT THE GODS. ME. It was MY idea to come here to die. I don't believe in the gods existence. Man is the master of his own fate. Not the Gods. The Gods are men's creation to give answers that they are too afraid to give themselves."