[SD!vsRAW06]Randy Savage + Owen Hart

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    • [SD!vsRAW06]Randy Savage + Owen Hart


      Randy Savage
      Name : Randy Savage

      Hud : Savage

      Nick Name: Macho Man

      Nick Name placement: Prefix

      Announcer : The Man

      Hometown : Florida

      Weight : 245

      Tactic : Clean

      Show :

      Voice : Voice 5


      Morphing - Head : S: (-99) H: (-99) W: (-64) D: (-95)

      Eyebrows: Y-Axis: (100) T: (-21) D: (-5) A: (46)

      Eyes: S: (-3) H: (-23) W: (-8) Y-AXIS : (-19) X-AXIS: (17) D: (0) A: (0)

      Nose: S: (-11) H: (0) W: (20) L: (-27) NH: (0) HW: (-14) A: (-14) ARC: (3)

      Cheek: S: (-70) Y: (-37) X: (-34) D: (-44)

      Mouth: H: (-11) T: (-52) HW: (12) D: (-71) Upper Lip: (0) Lower Lip: (0) Angle: (33)

      Jaw: H: (34) HW: (8) D: (34) O: (-16) UL: (16) T: (-3)

      Ear: Default

      AGE : (75)


      Hair: 77 (97, 46, 32, 13)

      Eyes: 16 (100, 56, 32)

      Eyebrows: 1 (95, 64, 45, 100)

      Facial Hair - Mustache 4 (95,50,40,73)

      Facial Hair - Goatee 8 (95,50,41,100)

      Facial Hair - Sideburns 16 (95,50,39,100)

      Lips - 1 (98, 52, 43, 100)

      Face Skin - 7

      Eyelids - Default

      Teeth - Default

      Body Type:

      Ripped-Thick - 22

      Advanced Options:

      Head (6,-18,-25)

      Neck (-45,16,5)

      Chest (0,0,20)

      Shoulder (-55,56,0)

      Abdomen (-22,-18,2)

      Waist (-7,10)

      Arms (0,6,19)

      Hands - Default

      Legs (-25,-12,18)

      Feet - Default

      Body Skin - 5 (98, 52, 44)

      Height - 6'1


      Underwear Materials 4 Pattern 1 (0,80,44)

      Socks Materials 1 Pattern 1 (43,0,47,100,34)

      Kneepads Materials 15 Pattern 1 (90,49,73,100)

      Wristbands Materials 1 Pattern 1 (43,0,50,100,88)

      Glasses 36 (91,31,30) (entrance only)

      Shoes Materials 1 Pattern 1 (89,50,63)

      Pattern Picture 95 (These are hair strands on forehead, place one on each side of forehead, refer to pic) (99,50,23,100)

      Pattern Simple 153 (Use these to make underwear higher, refer to pic) (100,50,66,100)

      Pattern Picture 109 (Place one on each side of underwear, refer to pic) (0,0,98,100)

      Hats Materials 14 Pattern 17 (95,100,50) (entrance only)

      Pattern Simple 153 (Use these to make tape on hands, use one on each hand to just cover the front, refer to pic) (40,0,72,100)

      Pattern Simple 10 (This is another hair strand on forehead, refer to pic) (40,50,24,100)

      Created by: JPDean310

      Owen Hart
      Name: Owen Hart
      HUD Name: Owen Hart
      Nick Name: King of Harts
      Nick Name Placement: Prefix
      Announcer Introduction: The Legend
      Hometown: Calgary, Canada
      Gender: Male
      Weight Class: Heavyweight
      Match Tactic: Fight Dirty
      Show: RAW
      Voice: Dunno...It's up to you...

      {Basic Faces}
      Face Type: 5 [Go into the layers section and delete the default face other, shoes, and make-up layers before proceeding]

      Head (13,19,0,8)
      Eyebrows (100,0,57,-99)
      Eyes (7,0,0,100,6,-29,0)
      Nose (100,10,100,42,0,-33,18,58)
      Cheek (46,1,58,0)
      Mouth (7,0,23,0,1,38,5)
      Jaw (74,25,17,17,0,60)
      Ear (0,0,0,0)
      Age (29)

      Hair: 39 (92,48,54)
      Eyes: 16 (72,36,34)
      Eyebrows: 1 (92,55,44,53)
      Lips: 1 (100,43,48,33)
      Face Skin: 6
      Eyelashes: 1 (93,50,50)
      Teeth: 1 (98,50,50)


      {Body Type}
      --->ADVANCE OPTIONS<---
      Head: (24,22,0)
      Neck: (36,55,37)
      Chest: (33,47,14)
      Shoulder: (-73,62,0)
      Abdomen: (0,42,13)
      Waist: (43,44)
      Arms: (0,25,0)
      Hands: (0,0,0)
      Legs: (10,14,25)
      Feet: (0,0,0)

      {Body Skin}: 5 (96,50,50)
      {Body Hair}: 1 (100,50,50,100)
      {Body Height}: 5'10"

      *Torso/Costume: 15-1 (7,34,58,100,100)
      *Legs/Tights: 1-1 (7,34,58,100,77)
      *Legs/Tights: 1-1 (43,0,46,100,81)
      *Legs/Tights: 1-1 (7,34,58,100,86)
      *Torso/Costume: 11-1 (43,0,11,100)
      *Legs/Kneepads/Both: 7-1 (43,0,0,100)
      *Feet/Shoes: 4-1 (43,0,7)
      *Legs/Leg Paint: 149 (7,44,96,100)

      ~Heart/Skull/Wings Chest Design~
      *Torso/Tattoos&Logos/Design/Front: 139 {Leave As Is} [[Move: See Help Pix]] (9,52,69,100)
      *Torso/Tattoos&Logos/Picture/Front: 136 {Hit Rotate 2 times} {Hit Horizontal Scaling Up 1 time} [[Move: See Help Pix]] (100,0,43,100)
      *Torso/Tattoos&Logos/Picture/Front: 117 {Hit Vertical Scaling Down 1 time} [[Move: See Help Pix]] (40,0,50,100)

      ~Right & Left Shoe Heart/Lightning Designs~
      *Legs/Tattoos&Logos/Design/Left Leg: 140 {Hit Vertical Scaling Down 1 time} [[Move: See Help Pix]] (17,36,50,100)
      *Legs/Tattoos&Logos/Picture/Left Leg: 137 {Hit Vertical Scaling Down 1 time} [[Move: See Help Pix]] (86,0,35,100)
      *Legs/Tattoos&Logos/Design/Right Leg: 140 {Hit Vertical Scaling Down 1 time} [[Move: See Help Pix]] (17,36,50,100)
      *Legs/Tattoos&Logos/Picture/Right Leg: 137 {Hit Vertical Scaling Down 1 time} [[Move: See Help Pix]] (86,0,35,100)

      ~Facial Details~
      *Head/Tattoos&Logos/Letter/Sign: Page 2, Row 1, Box 1 {Hit Rotate 2 times} [[Move: See Help Pix]] (38,50,0,4)
      *Head/Tattoos&Logos/Picture: 18 {Leave As Is} [[Move: See Help Pix]] (98,56,31,0)
      *Head/Tattoos&Logos/Picture: 18 {Leave As Is} [[Move: See Help Pix]] (98,56,31,0)

      *Head/Make-Up: 12 (99,50,0,4)
      *Head/Make-Up: 130 (98,43,56,19)
      *Head/Make-Up: 48 (97,50,48,17)

      Created by: Broken One

      Persönliche Meinung:

      Randy Savage: Gesicht ist sehr gut. wird wohl kaum besser gehn. Attire gefällt mir aber nicht, vielleicht mach ich NWO Style oder was altes bzw etwas wo er MADNESS auf dem Hosenbein stehen hatte

      Owen Hart: Gesicht ginge wohl besser, Attire passt

      Ich werde mir beide sicher erstellen und sobald ein besseres Formular für Gesicht oder Körper auftaucht, werde ich die natürlich entsprechend verbessern.
      "Power is only given to those who are willing to lower themselves to pick it up."
      "You and your Gods are wrong. You see... I guided my fate. I fashioned the course of my life and my death. ME. NOT YOU. NOT THE GODS. ME. It was MY idea to come here to die. I don't believe in the gods existence. Man is the master of his own fate. Not the Gods. The Gods are men's creation to give answers that they are too afraid to give themselves."