EWR MAtches

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    • Meinst du das hier:
      Adult Film Star
      This worker portrays an adult film star.
      eg. Val Venis
      This worker plays a flag waving, apple pie-eating, college stand-out All American.
      eg: The Steiners, Face Kurt Angle, Face Brock Lesnar
      Angry Minority
      This person comes from a minority and is taking his anger out on select people.
      eg. Konnan
      Angry Young Man
      This young worker is ready to take on the world for everything bad that has ever happened to him.
      eg: Jeff Hardy
      Anti USA
      This worker is an anti-USA character, going against all that America stands for.
      eg. Lance Storm
      This worker acts like an old-school 'camel clutch and curly boots' Arabian heel.
      eg. Iron Sheik
      Armed Forces
      This worker's gimmick is that he is part of the armed forces.
      eg. Sgt. Slaughter
      This worker looks down on everyone.
      eg. Christopher Nowinski
      Authority Figure
      This character has some sort of power within the company, and can be used in authority angles.
      eg. Cheif Morley
      Bad Ass
      This worker is a no-nonsense ass-kicking anti-authority fighter.
      eg. Chief Morley
      This worker is a Big Friendly Giant type of character.
      eg. Andre The Giant
      This person is a leather-clad biker
      eg. The Undertaker
      This worker is an old-school bitch, who is always doing what's best for her.
      eg. Missy Hyatt
      Blue Chipper
      This worker is a young clean-cut worker who looks like he will become a star.
      eg. Randy Orton
      Blue Collar
      This worker portrays a blue collar worker.
      eg. Duke Droese
      This worker is employed as a bodyguard for another worker.
      eg. Diesel
      Bounty Hunter
      This worker hunts down and beats up other wrestlers for money.
      Boy Band
      This worker portrays a boy band member.
      eg. 3 Count
      This worker plays a raging no-surrender Scotsman.
      eg. Roddy Piper
      This worker bullies other, usually smaller workers.
      eg. Bill DeMott
      This person portrays a homeless bum.
      eg. Homeless Jimmy
      Bumbling Englishman
      This worker portrays a Hugh Grant-style bumbling Englishman.
      This worker portrays a pro-censorship figure.
      eg. Steven Richards
      This worker does a 'mirror man' gimmick, where he immitates his opponent's clothing, mannerisms, and fighting style.
      This worker is an old-school cheat-to-win fighter.
      eg. Los Guerreros
      This worker is a ringside always-happy always-perky babe.
      eg. Beulah
      Chosen One
      This worker is the 'chosen one' of the company, and gets preferential treatment.
      eg. Jeff Jarrett
      City Slicker
      This worker plays a streotypical slimy Wall Street city slicker.
      Clean Cut
      This worker keeps himself in great shape, and is anti-drugs, anti-alcohol, etc.
      eg. CM Punk
      This worker plays a happy-go-lucky clown.
      eg. Doink II
      This manager works as a Coach for other workers, encouraging and training them.
      This worker is ultra-cocky and arrogant.
      This worker plays a comedian, making with the funny stuff whenever possible.
      Comedy Character
      This worker has a cartoonish gimmick , and is used for laughs.
      Comic Book Hero
      This worker plays a comic book hero character, fighting evil.
      eg. The Hurricane
      Comic Book Villain
      This worker plays a comic book villain character, planning to take over the world.
      This worker portrays a commisioner-figure, and can be used in authority angles.
      eg. Mick Foley
      This worker plays the classic old-school communist Russian heel.
      This worker plays a fast-talking con artist.
      This person plays a brutal escaped \ ex-convict.
      eg. Nailz
      This worker drips charisma and makes The Fonz look uncool.
      eg. Rob Van Dam
      Corrupt Law Enforcer
      This worker plays a corrupt, evil law enforcer.
      Country Singer
      This person portrays a country singer who is using wrestling as a path to fame in the music industry.
      eg. Jeff Jarrett
      This worker is a sneaky coward who will cheat as much as possible to win.
      This worker has an old-school cowboy gimmick.
      eg. James Storm, Bradshaw
      This worker is off-the-wall, and completely unpredictable.
      Cult Leader
      This worker leads a cult, whose members follow him no matter what.
      Daddy's Girl
      This female worker plays a spoiled daddy's girl, who gets everything she wants by throwing tantrums.
      This worker plays a character who was a dancer before coming to wrestling.
      This worker is a risk-taker who has no fear.
      This worker has the gimmick of a drug dealer.
      This worker is a crude anti-authority degenerate.
      This worker has a demonic quality to him - he uses his size, power, and fury to crush his opponents into the mat.
      This worker plays the part of a detective, investigating on behalf of clients.
      Dual-Sport Superstar
      This worker plays a character who came to wrestling after starring another sport.
      >EG. Monty Brown, Cody Hawk
      This worker is a California-style dude, complete with surfer-speak.
      This worker is all about himself, and considers himself the greatest.
      This worker plays the methodical, ruthless enforcer figure.
      >eg. Arn Anderson
      Equality Fighter
      This female worker wants to fight men as well as women, to prove that she is equal.
      This worker is evil in every respect, and will do anything to win.
      >eg. The Undertaker (Deadman Gimmick), Disciples of the New Church
      Evil Boss
      This worker is an evil boss, messing around with his employees because he can.
      Evil Clown
      This worker plays a dark nightmarish version of a clown
      eg. Original Doink
      Evil Dentist
      This worker plays an evil dentist.
      Evil Foreigner
      This worker has the classic old-school evil foreigner gimmick.
      Evil Knight
      This worker plays an evil old-style knight.
      Evil Pimp
      This worker plays a violent sneaky pimp.
      Evil Preacher
      This worker acts like a corrupt southern preacher. Testify!
      eg. James Mitchell
      Evil Referee
      This worker plays a former corrupt referee who has become a wrestler.
      This worker believes he has evolved to the 'next level', and is superior to everyone else.
      eg. Kriss Sprules
      Executive Consultant
      This worker\manager works as an executive consultant for another, i.e. a high class manager.
      This worker never backs down, and always comes ready for a brawl.
      Family Guy
      This person plays up the fact that he comes from a famous wrestling family.
      eg. David Flair
      Fiery Italian
      This worker plays the stereotypical tempremental Italian.
      eg. Full Blooded Italians
      Fitness Instructor
      This worker plays a hyperactive annoying fitness obsessive.
      Foreign Royalty
      This worker portrays a foreign royalty, and is pompous to people.
      Foreign Star
      This worker is a big name in a foreign contry, and is now bringing his skills to the US.
      Franchise Player
      This worker considers himself the 'franchise player' of the company, and is always the center of things.
      eg. Triple H, Shane Douglas
      This worker is an over-the-top freakish character, prone to doing weird things.
      eg. Goldust
      Fun Babyface
      This worker is a happy-go-lucky babyface.
      Fun Drunk
      This worker plays a fun-to-be-around drunk.
      This worker has a rap-influenced gangsta gimmick.
      >eg. New Jack
      This worker is overly effeminate.
      This worker is a geek.
      Gender Bender
      This worker dresses like a member of the opposite sex.
      This worker thinks he is smarter than anyone else, and uses cunning plan.
      Girl Power
      This female worker is all about 'girl power' and not taking a back seat to the men.
      This worker is a naive innocent girl-next-door type.
      Glam Rocker
      This worker has an outrageous 'spandex and big hair' glam rock look.
      This worker has a gothic look, and uses occult symbols and references.
      >eg. Gangrel
      Grizzled Veteran
      This worker plays a nasty old grizzled veteran.
      This worker dresses in a grunge style, a la Pearl Jam \ Nirvana.
      This worker portrays a guru, whose fast-talking and persuasive tongue get him what he wants.
      Harsh German
      This worker plays the stereotypical strict, harsh, efficient German.
      This worker is a heroic figure who always does the right thing.
      High Society
      This worker moves in upper social circles, and is used to the good life.
      Highlight Reel
      This is a thrillseeker, interested only in hitting the big moves that get everyone talking.
      This worker plays a hillbilly character.
      Hired Gun
      This worker gives his services to whoever the highest bidder is.
      Ice Man
      This worker is a cold calculating, ruthlessly efficient fighter.
      eg. Dean Malenko
      This worker's character is an impression of someone else - either one specific person or a different one each time.
      This worker plays a mysterious informer, who seems to always pop up with information when least expected.
      Inspirational Leader
      This worker is a natural leader, whose charisma inspires others.
      This worker portrays a mild mannered journalis, always on the look out for a big story
      This worker has the gimmick of a drug addict.
      This worker plays a righteous evil-fighting old-style knight.
      This worker is a lackey for another person, and does their dirty deeds.
      Law Enforcer
      This worker plays a hard working law enforcer.
      eg. Big Bossman
      This worker plays a lawyer.
      Legitimate Athlete
      This worker is promoted on his ability and skills, not on his character.
      eg. Kurt Angle, Charlie Haas, Shelton Benjamin
      This worker shuns the company of others. He tends to be a dark brooding figure.
      >eg. Raven
      This worker plays a traditional masked mexican luchadore.
      eg. Psicosis
      This worker plays a lumberjack. Insert your own Monty Python gags here.
      This worker is a cold, calculating fighter, who methodically destroys people in the ring.
      This worker portrays someone with mafia connections.
      This worker does magic tricks and illusions, sometimes even during matches.
      Man Beast
      This worker is a violent psycho, but who also has the intelligence that means he is more than just a wild animal
      eg. Rhyno
      Man In Black
      This worker is a smartly-dressed 'government agent' type figure.
      Man On A Mission
      This worker has one particular goal, and will stop at nothing to achieve it.
      Manic Depressive
      This worker's character is depressed all the time.
      Martial Arts
      This worker is a martial arts expert, and uses these techniques in his fighting style.
      This worker plays a character who loves to experience pain and suffering.
      This worker works as a mentor for others, passing on his knowledge of the game to a new generation.
      This worker is a head-banging leather-dressed hardcore heavy metal fan.
      This worker hates women, and thinks nothing of beating them up.
      This worker is a big guy who just destroys people with his size.
      >Requires Menacing Look
      This character plays a mountie
      eg. The Mountie
      Movie Star
      This worker plays a egomaniacal movie star, who feel he is above the regular wrestlers.
      This worker is an enigma who nobody knows much about.
      Native American
      This worker is a native american.
      This person portrays a sci-fi obsessed nerd.
      This worker is a stealth fighter, incorporating eastern styles into his attack. Usually ninjas are masked
      No Gimmick Needed
      This worker doesn't need a fancy gimmick, he just wants to kick some ass.
      This worker has no character \ personality at all. He is just a guy who wrestles.
      This worker just drives everyone crazy with his obnoxious behaviour.
      Obsessed Fan
      This person acts like a fan who has become scarily obsessed with another worker
      This worker is into the occult - the supernatural devil worship, etc.
      Old School Face
      This worker is a classic face - never cheats, always tries to save the day, etc.
      Old School Heel
      This worker is a classic villain - cheating, lying, plotting, etc.
      This worker plays a stereotypical Aussie outbacker, in the style of Crocodile Dundee. G'day mate!
      This worker is into the whole peace movement and so is against violence...unless provoked.
      Paper Boy
      This person plays a newspaper delivery person.
      eg. Rapid Fire Maldonado
      People's Boss
      This person portrays a fan-friendly boss, and can be used in authority angles
      eg. Steve Austin
      This worker plays a happy-go-lucky pimp daddy.
      This worker portrays a pirate character.
      eg. Jean-Pierre Laffite
      Postal Worker
      This worker plays a postal worker.
      Power and Paint
      This worker is a face-painted powerhouse, who fans rally behind.
      Pretentious Artist
      This worker plays a pertentious self-obsessed artist.
      Prima Donna
      This worker gets by on looks, and consides himself better than anyone else.
      Pro USA
      This worker is a flag-waving pro USA character, standing up for the ideals of America.
      This worker is an unbalanced individual who has a tendency toward random violence.
      This worker is a nasty anti-social punk.
      This worker is a clueless putz.
      This worker plays someone who is obsessed with fire.
      This worker plays a racist gimmick.
      This worker uses a rapper gimmick
      This worker plays a Rastafarian.
      This worker is a good-looking but overly-cocky ladies man.
      This worker is a rebel, defying authority and doing whatever he feels like.
      This worker's gimmick is that he is a down-and-dirty redneck.
      Religious Zealot
      This worker plays a character who is passionate about his beliefs, and wants everyone to agree with him, no matter what the cost.
      Rich Snob
      This worker is hypocritical snob, who flaunts his wealth and power.
      Rock Star
      This person plays the stereotypical egomaniacal rock god.
      eg. Chris Jericho
      This worker acts like royalty, usually calling himself 'The King' and having a crown.
      This worker is a wild uncontrollable animal.
      This worker plays a sexy secretary.
      This worker uses her sex appeal to get men what to do what she wants.
      This worker plays a servant to another character
      Shark Boy
      This gimmick is specifically for the leader of the Fin Fans, the masked cult superstar himself, Shark Boy!
      eg. Shark Boy
      This worker uses the old tea-towel-on-the-head trick to play a sheik
      eg. Iron Sheik
      Show Stealer
      This worker is loved because of his excellent jaw-dropping performances that leave the crowd breathless
      eg. Rey Mysterio
      This worker plays a heelish interference-running sidekick for another worker.
      This worker is a dirty slob.
      This girl tends to end up in the corner of lots of men, and will use her body to get what she wants.
      Split Personality
      This worker exhibits two distinct personalities, and keeps swithching between them.
      Sports Agent
      This manager plays a fast-talking sports agent.
      Staff Member
      This worker plays a backstage announcer \ worker.
      This worker's character is one of a stoner, like Jay and Silent Bob for example.
      This worker is a character who runs through arenas with little or nothing on.
      eg. Naked Mideon
      Street Fighter
      This worker portrays a character who was brought up on the street, and fought for survival every day.
      This worker is a slick ladies man, who is always stylish and composed.
      This worker plays a Mr. T influenced bad ass.
      This worker plays a sumo wrestler,
      This worker has a character that is supernaturally based, maybe even having special powers.
      Teen Idol
      This worker plays directly to the female teenage fanbase.
      That 70's Guy
      This worker acts like he's out of the 1970's
      That 80's Guy
      This worker plays a stereotypical 1980's person - obsessed with money, and not caring about anything but himself.
      The Brain
      This manager is an old-school heel, a coward who relies on his brains to lead his men to victory.
      The Ryland Effect
      This worker acts like EWR creator Adam Ryland - a clueless loser with good one-liners who always ends up on top somehow. :)
      This worker is a thief, stealing other worker's property.
      This worker is a girl who gets just as physically involved as the men.
      This worker is trailer park trash.
      This worker portrays someone with connections to an eastern triad.
      This worker is always stirring up trouble and getting people in hot water.
      This worker is the plucky underdog who always has to overcome overwhelming odds.
      This worker is involved in the criminal underworld. He is a shady, menacing type of character.
      This worker's gimmick has evolved into something totally unique. [NB This gimmick cannot be assigned, it naturally occurs.]
      This worker portrays a hapless accident-prone person.
      Valley Girl
      This female worker plays a ditzy valley girl usually a blonde.
      This worker plays a vampiric character.
      eg. Gangrel
      Violent Drunk
      This worker portrays a sadistic, violent drunk.
      This worker's gimmick is that of a voodoo master.
      This worker is an outcast, a misfit. He dresses and acts weird.
      White Witch
      This woman plays a good witch.
      Whole Damn Show
      This worker plays an egomaniac whose great performances have caused him to think he is the only thing worth watching on the show
      eg. Heel Rob Van Dam
      This female worker portrays an evil witch-type character.
      Das Forum für Wrestling Diarys :)
      Noch viele Freie Stellen im Team
    • Und für die TV-Networks ist ein niedrigeres auch wichtig, aber bei PPVs kannste das Level hochsetzen ud solche Matches booken, mir wurde ein TV-Deal mal gekündigt wegen 70% und dann bin ich runter auf 65% (nachdem ein Network wieder angefragt hat ob ich es runterschrauben kann) und da waren eben die oben genannten Matcharten nicht mehr verfügbar.

      Aber gut zu wissen, dass es solche Matches gibt, wusst ich vorher nicht:ja:
      Counter culture must be amplified.
      bisschen dilettantismus
    • Naja es geht grade so. Es ist sehr viel Fummelarbeit. Also das was man alles so einstellen muss, damit man seine Firma nicht in den Ruin treibt. Für mich ist das ein wenig zu viel Lesen und Action. Wers mag...........
      " Mit jedem Tag meines Lebens steigt die Zahl derer, die MICH am ARSCH lecken können "
    • Also wer mit EWR Probleme hat der hat entweder noch eine lange Schullaufbahn vor sich oder hat nicht ganz in der Schule aufgepasst. Ich zock momentan ein 1983 Szenario für TEW und bau gerade an einem 50er Szenario, was sich als sehr schwer darstellt
      "u dont like my hair
      well i can wear a hat
      but u broke and u fat
      there aint no hat 4 that"

      Katt "Money Mike" Williams