[SD vs. Raw] Heidenreich (LOD-Version)

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    • Heidenreich

      LOD face paint Smackdown 08/11/05 attire
      by WolfgangJT

      Help Pic

      Name: Heidenreich
      Ring Name:
      Call Name: Prototype
      Classification: Heavyweight
      Gender: Male
      Match Tactics: Dirty
      Show: Smackdown
      Crowd Sign 1: RIP
      Crowd Sign 2: One Sadistic Man
      Logic 1: Brawler
      Logic 2: Grappler
      Move: Aggressive
      Irish Whip: Less Often
      Diving Moves: Less Often
      Taunt: Less Often

      Creation Type: Create Your Own

      Body Toning: (-70)

      Face Skin: 8
      Body Skin: 2
      Skin Color: NOW (-87,9) (1)
      Hair: 81 (-72,77) (-1)
      Body Hair: None (1)
      Eyebrows: 120 (-74,100) (-51)
      Eyes: 7 (24,12) (-16)
      Lips: 33 (-93,-26) (3)
      Teeth: 1 (default)

      Head: (20,60) (22)
      Eyebrows: (38,55) (-35)
      Eyes: (-34,20) (-58,-60)
      Nose: (28,81) (-25,7)
      Cheek: (-53,-28) (-31,-75)
      Mouth: (2,-3) (-1,-22)
      Jaw: (24,-17) (49,15)
      Ears: (39,0) (100,-100)
      Age: (-17)

      Head: (7,28) (-70)
      Neck: (40,95) (-51)
      Chest: (33,-5) (-100)
      Shoulders: (14,-100)
      Abdomen: (38,27) (100)
      Arms: (-26,17) (-52)
      Hands: (0,0)
      Waist: (71,47)
      Legs: (7,-5) (-27,-8)
      Feet: (-20,15) (24)

      Height: (41) 6'7"

      Dress Up Head:

      Facial Hair: 58 (-83,45) (28) (-75)

      *for LOD face paint, make sure these following steps are in this order:

      Head Paint 38 (-100,-100) (0) (100)

      Design: Simple: 150, second largest horizontal, second smallest vertical: Place so that the lower point is at the edge of HIS left eye. See help pics for placement (placement may have to be adjusted later, will make the outer black outline…to adjust, move until the upper point meets with the rest of the upper outline to bring to a full point and outlining). (15,-100) (0) (100)

      Copy previous pattern, rotate once, place at the edge of HIS right eye as seen in help pics. (placement may have to be adjusted later, will make the outer black outline…to adjust, move until the upper point meets with the rest of the upper outline to bring to a full point and outlining). (15,-100) (0) (100)

      Head Paint 19 (-99,-51) (32) (100)

      Design: Simple: 154, largest horizontal, second largest vertical: Place over HIS left eye so that the lowest point of the rectangle sits just below the eye touching the edge of the previous Head Paint. See help pics for placement (100,-100) (0) (100)

      Copy previous pattern, rotate once, place over HIS right eye so that the lowest point of the rectangle sits just below the eye touching the edge of the previous Head Paint as seen in help pics. (100,-100) (0) (100)

      Design: Simple: 154, second largest horizontal, second smallest vertical: Place over HIS left eye black rectangle pattern so that it sits inside the pattern to fill in with red. See help pics for placement (100,17) (0) (100)

      Copy previous pattern, rotate once, place over HIS right eye black rectangle pattern so that it sits inside the pattern to fill in with red as seen in help pics. (100,17) (0) (100)

      Design: Simple: 149, rotate once, largest horizontal and vertical: Place so that it creates black lining around the eyes from one eye to the other. See help pics for placement (39,-100) (0) (-11)

      Design: Simple: 138, second smallest horizontal and vertical: Place over the black triangle-ish part of the face paint to cover it and part of the remaining scar (makes flesh colored and finalizes paint shaping). See help pics for placement (-88,27) (-25) (100)

      Dress Up Upper:

      Design: Front: Picture 11: rotate three times, smallest horizontal, second smallest vertical: place on HIS left chest. See help pics for placement. (-100, -100) (-73) (-68)

      Design: Front: Tattoo 6: rotate once, smallest horizontal, smallest vertical: place over last pattern to finish chest tattoo. See help pics for placement. (-100, -41) (-95) (-56)

      Design: Front: Letter: Sign " . ." (7th column, 1st row), default size: place just above tights centered so it appears to encircle a belly button. *Repeat with same sign, rotate once, default horizontal, smallest vertical: place just above tights centered so it appears to encircle a belly button. See help pics for placement. (35, -20) (-6) (-20)

      Dress Up Arms:

      Design: Left Arm: WWE 46: largest horizontal, second smallest vertical: place in center of outside bicep vertically. See help pics for placement. (35, -20) (-6) (-20)

      Design: Left Arm: WWE 46: rotate twice largest horizontal, second smallest vertical: place so that the ends connect with ends of last pattern and finishes completely encircling arm. See help pics for placement. (35, -20) (-6) (-20)

      *Repeat last two steps for right arm

      Gloves: Pattern 1: Gloves 8 (100,-8) (0)
      Wrist Bands: Both: Pattern 1: Band 4: (12,-100) (0) (100) L(89)

      Dress Up Lower:

      Edit ("O" button): Original Underwear (Layer 9 in Layer List): Pattern 1: Underwear 5 (100,-27) (36)

      Dress Up Feet:

      Knee Pads: Both: Pattern 1: Pads 14: (100,-22) (1) (100)

      Shoes: Pattern 1: Shoes 3 (100,-16) (0)
    • Gesicht: 8/10: die Gesichtbemalung gefällt mir nicht so richtig, aber ansonsten top
      Körper: 9/10: fast Perfekt
      Attire: 10/10: Perfekt

      Werde mein editieren!
      The best there is, the best there was and the best there ever will be: John "Bradshaw" Layfield :)