[SDvs.Raw] Terry Funk

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    • Created By Dan Fookes

      Body Toning: 10

      Body Parts:
      Body Skin 1 (-91,20,4)

      Face Skin 7
      Face Morphing:
      Head (-4,22)(3)
      Eyebrow (41,-66)(-49)
      Eyes (-33,12)(-32,-100)
      Nose (22,18)(-17,57)
      Cheek (-37,26)(5,-72)
      Mouth (-45,71)(-35,-60)
      Jaw (-15,-59)(14,17)
      Ear (0,0)(0,0)
      Age (100)

      Eyes 7 (-96,9,11)
      Eyebrow 3 (-88,1,0)
      Lips 28 (-98,-3,0)
      Teeth 1 (Default)
      Body Hair 32 (-88,-5,0,-47)


      If using a hair hack, have the default hair layer as: 61 (-84,-10,-7,-35)
      And replace the underwear layer (Layer 9) with Hair 8 (-86,-44,19,-35)

      If you are unable to use a hair hack, use either one of these two (I prefer Hair 61 personally), and change the underwear to underwear 2

      Long Hemline – Material 1 – Design 10 (12,-100,0,100,6)
      Long Hemline – Material 1 – Design 10 (12,9,-100,100,83)
      Tights – Material 19 – Design 2 (-79,-40,44,100,-100)
      Kneepads – Material 1 – Design 5 (12,-100,0,100)
      Underwear – Material 1 – Design 5 (12,-100,0,100)
      Facial Hair 33 (-88,-4,0,81)
      Facial Hair 63 (-92,28,36,100)
      Facial Hair 49 (-93,17,56,20)
      Head Accessories 101 (-100,-12,38) Entrance and cutscene only
      Shoes – Material 1 – Design 1 (12,-71,0,-10)
      Gloves – Material 1 – Design 6 (12,5,-100)
      Sideburns 9 (-87,9,-16,-65)

      Shirt design:
      Body – WWE 40 (2nd largest horizontal, 2nd smallest vertical) (29,-100,0,25)
      Body – WWE 33 (2nd smallest horizontal and vertical) (82,9,-100,100)
      Body – Word 143 (2nd largest horizontal, smallest vertical) (24,-100,0,100)

      Makeup 50 (-92,31,0,6)
      Makeup 60 (-92,15,0,-50)
      Makeup 7 (-92,-20,-12,-100)

      Face – Letters – Japanese – Page 12 (1st row, 6th column) (2nd smallest horizontal and vertical) (-93,9,-31,-6) Place between eyes as in help pic
      Face – Letters – Sign (Page 2, 1st row,1st column)(Rotate 3x, 2nd smallest horizontal and vertical) (-96,-5,-32,-54) Place under right eye as in help pics
      Face – Letters – Sign (Page 2, 1st row,1st column)(Rotate 3x, 2nd smallest horizontal and vertical) (-96,-5,-32,-54) Place under left eye as in help pics

      Face- Simple 153 (Rotate 1x, 2nd largest horizontal, 2nd smallest vertical) (-92,66,-47,-100) Place underneath mouth as in help pics

      Full Body Scaling:
      Head (42,29)(24)
      Neck (25,-1)(7)
      Chest (-7,-12)(-96)
      Shoulder (-14,-15)
      Abdomen (47,38)(51)
      Arms (12,6)(-21)
      Hands (-10,-14)
      Waist (33,16)
      Legs (18,13)(16,-20)
      Feet (0,0)(0)

      Height: 6’2” (-2)