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    • KANE ohne Maske



      start at black and hit L twice then click should be on 2nd page of color samples-Highlight

      Same as Above-Hue

      Start On Black 1 Push Of L Button should be the blck on page 3-Shadow

      Costume-Steal Clothes From Kane in season mode

      Left Elbow
      Symmetry ON

      All setting-104




      Upper Body-X110,Y111,Z109

      Lower Body-X99,Y107,Z110


      Left Shoulder-X106,Y100,Z98

      Right Shoulder-X106,Y100,Z98

      Upper Arms

      Left Upper Arm-X116,Y111,Z115

      Right Upper Arm-X116,Y111,Z115


      Left Forearm-X111,Y111,Z113

      Right Forarm-X111,Y111,Z113


      Left Hand-X112,Y113,Z104

      Right Hand-X112,Y113,Z104


      Left Thigh-X110,Y109,Z111

      Right Thigh-X110,Y109,Z111


      Left Leg-X113,Y113,Z113

      Right Leg-X113,Y113,Z113


      Left Foot-Z104,Y105,Z106

      Right Foot-Y104,Y105,Z106


      look at the actual masked 1 for the rest also make sure you copy

      the entrance and moves from the actual kane

      Gewicht Grösse: 7 ft 320 pounds

      Falls euch der Kopf nicht gefällt macht das:
      Head Correction* Make that X110,Y104,Z106

      Hier noch die Attribut Eínstellung:


      Punch 4
      kick 3
      Grappling 3
      Submissions 3
      Acrobatics 2
      Rough Housing 2


      Punch 4
      Kick 3
      Grappling 3
      Submissions 2
      Acrobatics 2
      Rough Housing 3


      Recovery Power 4
      Voltage Recovery 3
      Jumping Distance 2
      Movement Speed 2

      Credits gehen an Linkin_Parks_Rocks aus dem Ign.com forum
      Ob THQ oder 2kSports, es bleibt das gleiche Lied: 2 Schritte nach vorne und 1 zurück
    • 1, 2, 3, (color)
      That means 1=Model 2=Texture 1 3=Texture 2 and the color I used.


      Outfit 1

      Skin: B00
      Face: 1, B08, 0
      Hair: 16 (Black)
      Upper Body: 80, 3
      ARMS: 1, 3
      Lower Body: 13, 0, Black
      Feet: 10, Black

      Outfit 2: (Skin, face & Hair are same)

      Upper: 56, 0, Blue
      Arms: 3, 0, Blue
      Lower: 11, 0, Black
      Feet: 5, 0, White

      credits an Vamp vom raw2 forum auf ign.com
      Ob THQ oder 2kSports, es bleibt das gleiche Lied: 2 Schritte nach vorne und 1 zurück
    • Old School Undertaker:

      Skin - A00

      Model 1
      texture 1 - A01
      Texture 2 - 55

      Model - 12
      texture 1 - 0
      highlight - Black
      Hue - Gray (33,33,33)
      Shadow - Black

      Upper Body
      Model - 60
      Texture 1
      Hightlight - Black
      Hue - Gray (31,31,31)
      Shadow - Gray (31,31,31)

      Left Arm/Right Arm
      Model 1
      Symetry on

      Left Elbow/Right Elbow
      Model 3
      Highlight - Black (31,31,31)
      Hue - Black (31,31,31)
      Shadow - Black (31,31,31)
      Symmetry - on

      Left/Right Wrist
      Model 14
      Texture 0
      Highlight - Black (31,31,31)
      Hue - Purple (97,31,103)
      Shadow - Black (31,31,31)
      Symmetry on

      Left/Right Hand
      Model 11
      Texture 0
      Highlight - Same as wrist
      Hue - Same as wrist
      Shadow - Same as wrist

      Lower Body
      Model 4
      Texture 0
      Highlight - Black(31,31,31)
      Hue - Black(31,31,31)
      Shadow - Black(31,31,31)

      Left/Right Knee
      Model - 2
      Texture - 0
      Highlight - Black(31,31,31)
      Hue - Purple(97,31,109)
      Shadow - Black(31,31,31)

      Left/Right Foot
      Model 15
      texture 1
      Highlight Black(0,0,0)
      Hue - Purple(97,39,110)
      Shadow - Black(31,31,31)


      Model 68
      texture 17
      wear during match - off
      Defult Colors


      Model 6
      texture 0
      wear during match - off
      Highlight - Black(31,31,31)
      Hue - Purple(97,41,136)
      Shadow - Black(31,31,31)

      Now for the Entrance

      Enterance - Kane
      Vs Screen - Edit 6
      Interference 1 - Clothesline
      Interference 2 - Clothesline

      All Light Off

      Fog on - Black

      Camera Flash - Off

      Pyro 1 off

      Pyro 2 on Put what you want here, this is what I used
      Pyro - Thunder D
      Time - 46.0 Seconds
      Darkness - 0%

      No Screen Effects

      No Screen Color

      Entrance Music
      I used his very 1st theme from the WWF Full Metal Album

      Titantron i just left black

      and there you have it, my old school takers entrance.

      Also for his second appearance, i just changed all the purple to gray, so he looks very old school.


      Credits an GrassIsGoodCXT vom... na ihr wisst schon,...
      Ob THQ oder 2kSports, es bleibt das gleiche Lied: 2 Schritte nach vorne und 1 zurück
    • =Scott Hall=
      Sorry I forgot who gave me this CAW. If it was you, please remind me so
      I could give you your proper credit.

      Texture 1: B07
      Highlight: 31, 31, 31
      Hue: White
      Shadow: 127, 127, 127

      Model: 1
      T1: B00
      T2: 49

      Model: 11
      T1: 1
      Highlight: 90, 85, 82
      Hue: Black
      Shadow: 28, 21, 12

      ::LEFT ELBOW::
      Model: 6
      T1: 0
      ::RIGHT ELBOW::
      Model: 3
      ::LOWER BODY::
      Model: 1
      T1: 34 (or 31 for the blood drip tights)
      Model: 2
      Symmetry: ON
      Model: 14
      Highlight/Shadow: 31, 31, 31
      Hue: Black
      Symmetry: ON


      All: 103
      Head: 100, 102, 102, 102
      Body: 100, 106, 106, 106
      Shoulders (Left/Right): 100, 104, 104, 104
      Upper Arms (Left/Right): 100, 103, 103, 103
      Forearms (Left/Right): 100, 103, 103, 103
      Hands (left/right): 100, 102, 102, 102
      Thighs (left/right): 100, 103, 103, 103
      Legs (left/right): 100, 107, 107, 107
      Feet (left/right): 100, 102, 102, 102

      Call: Scott, Hall, 00(empty), 00(empty).

      von gamefaqs.com an wen die credits gehen weiss ich nicht da der jenige der das gepostet hat selber nicht wiess von wem ers hat. könnte ihr oben ja lesen.
      Ob THQ oder 2kSports, es bleibt das gleiche Lied: 2 Schritte nach vorne und 1 zurück
    • Old School Randy "Macho Man" Savage

      Green = 69/242/0
      Yellow = 255/242/0

      Name: Randy Savage
      Nickname: Macho Man
      Call: 0/26/268/0 (The macho man)
      Gender: Male
      Hometown: Sarasota, Florida
      Height: 6'04"
      Weight: 280lbs
      Picture: 127
      Tag Line: Oh Yeah
      Sign Board: what ever you want
      Voice: Male 4

      Texture 1: B07
      Highlight: default
      Hue: default
      Shadow: default

      Model: 4
      T1: b00
      T2: 63
      Model: 5
      T1: 0
      Highlight: 42, 38,38
      Hue/Shadow: Black

      ::UPPER BODY::
      Model: 15
      T1: 46
      Highlight: Green
      Hue: Green
      Shadow: 31, 31, 31
      ::LEFT ELBOW::
      Model: 6
      T1: 0
      Highlight/Hue: Yellow
      Hue: 31/31/31
      Symmetry: ON
      ::LEFT ARM:
      Texture: 0
      Highlight/Hue Green
      Shadow: 31
      ::RIGHT ARM:
      Texture: 0
      Highlight/Hue yellow
      Shadow: 31

      ::LOWER BODY::
      Model: 6
      T1: 80
      Highlight: Green
      Hue: GREEN
      Shadow: 31,31,31
      Model: 2
      T1: 20
      Highlight/Hue: yellow
      Hue: 31,31,31
      Symmetry: ON

      Model: 2
      T1: 4
      Highlight/Hue: Green
      Shadow: 31/31/31

      Model: 53
      T1: 2
      Wear During Match: OFF
      Highlight/Hue/Shadow: Yellow

      Head: 110
      Neck: 105
      Upper body: 115
      Lower body: 110
      Shoulders: 108
      Upper arms: 125
      Forearms: 121
      Hands: 105
      Thighs: 110
      Legs: 110
      Feet: 110

      Entrance: Edit 5
      VS Screen: Hulk Hogan
      interference1: Clothesline
      Interference2: Double Hammer

      Credits an RockRacin vom raw2 board auf etc........
      Ob THQ oder 2kSports, es bleibt das gleiche Lied: 2 Schritte nach vorne und 1 zurück
    • Originally posted by Scorpion@26.09.2003 - 12:02:40
      hallo leute kann mir vielleicht einer sagen wie man bei SYM Rey Mysterio hinbekommt ich schaffs net  :(  :t-up:

      Das passt hier nicht hin. Hier geht es um RAW 2 CWA's. Naja, trotzdem hier mal paar Links:

      Baclash 2003 & WM 19 Attire

      Red Debut Attire

      WM XIX Attire

      Spider-mask Attire
      [COLOR="Gray"]ECW Champion,[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]World Heavyweight Champion,[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]WWE Champion[/COLOR]
      [COLOR="Red"]Meine[/COLOR] [COLOR="DeepSkyBlue"]my[/COLOR][COLOR="Yellow"]BUZZ![/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Quiz-Fragen[/COLOR]
    • The Ultimate Warrior

      sams versions my version hes wearing lime green instead

      Attire: Blue/Yellow Version: Alpha
      Keep in mind this warrior may have different boots and entrance based on gradual
      enhancement of his character had he stayed in the WWE. ... oh plus they didnt have the
      loose string boots.
      | TYPE | Male
      | SKIN | Texture: B01 Hightlight: 99/99/99 Hue: 210/221/197 Shadow: 0/0/0
      | FACE | Model: 8 Texture 1: B00 Texture 2: 19
      | HAIR | Model: 12 Texture 1: 0 Highlight: 139/121/77 Hue: 56/40/17 Shadow: 42/33/28
      | UPPER BODY | Model: 7
      | LEFT ARM | Default
      | RIGHT ARM | Default
      | LEFT ARM BAND | Model: 2 Texture: 0 Highlight: 255/255/255 Hue: Default Shadow: 0/0/0
      | RIGHT ARM BAND | Model: 2 Texture: 0 Highlight: 255/255/255 Hue: Default Shadow: 0/0/0
      | LEFT ELBOW | Model: 6 Texture: 0 Highlight: 0/108/173 Hue: 0/75/140 Shadow: 0/0/0
      | RIGHT ELBOW | Model: 6 Texture: 0 Highlight: 0/108/173 Hue: 0/75/140 Shadow: 0/0/0
      | LEFT WRIST | Model: 16 Texture1: 0 Highlight: 255/255/255 Hue: 255/242/0 Shadow: 0/0/0
      | RIGHT WRIST | Model: 16 Texture1: 0 Highlight: 255/255/255 Hue: 255/242/0 Shadow: 0/0/0
      | LEFT HAND | Default
      | RIGHT HAND | Default
      | LOWER BODY | Model: 2 Texture1: 97 Highlight: 192/192/255 Hue: 0/81/155 Shadow: 0/0/0
      | LEFT KNEE | Model: 11 Texture1: 0 Highlight: 255/255/255 Hue: 255/242/0 Shadow: 0/0/0
      | RIGHT KNEE | Model: 11 Texture1: 0 Highlight: 255/255/255 Hue: 255/242/0 Shadow: 0/0/0
      | LEFT BOOT | Model: 1 Texture 1: 0 Highlight: 255/255/255 Hue: 255/255/255 Shadow: Default
      | RIGHT BOOT | Model: 1 Texture 1: 0 Highlight: 255/255/255 Hue: 255/255/255 Shadow: Default
      APPEARANCE 1 (cont'd)
      -) | FACE | Model: 9 Wear During Match: ON Highlight: 255/242/112 Hue: 255/242/0 Shadow: 156/143/0
      ==== What I did was basically add 4 to every statistic listed except for thighs which I added 5
    • "CLASSIC" Hulk Hogan edit

      Left & Right Wrists-
      Model 4, Test 0
      Highlight 31 31 31
      Hue 237 28 36
      Shadow 63 31 31

      Lower Body-
      Model 8, Test 0
      Highlight 31 31 31
      Hue 255 242 0
      Shadow 63 31 31

      Left & Right Knees-
      Model 1, Text 1
      Highlight 31 31 31
      Hue 237 28 36
      Shadow 63 31 31

      Left & Right Feet-
      Model 22, Text 1
      Highlight 31 31 31
      Hue 255 242 0
      Shadow 63 31 31

      HEAD -
      Model 4, Text 4
      Highlight 31 31 31
      Hue 237 28 36
      Shadow 63 31 31
      Wear During Match : off

      NECK -
      Model 3, Text 1
      Highlight 127 95 63
      Hue 191 159 95
      Shadow 95 63 31
      Wear During Match : off

      USA! USA! USA!)

      Model 4, Text 2
      default colors
    • Sting

      Attire: late 90's black/white Version: Alpha
      COMMENTS: I tell ya what .... Sting isn't easy to create because he just has a completely
      different outfit that has no relation to any of the wwe attires available in RAW. Do not
      expect anything perfect from anyone, but this does the trick for me. Perhaps it will for
      you too.
      | TYPE | Male
      | SKIN | Texture: A01 Hightlight: 31/31/31 Hue: 172/172/159 Shadow: 127/127/127
      | FACE | Model: 3 Texture 1: A00 Texture 2: 32
      | HAIR | Model: 11 Texture 1: 1 Highlight: 33/33/33 Hue: 0/0/0 Shadow: 0/0/0
      | UPPER BODY | Model: 15 Texture: 1 Highlight: 255/255/255 Hue: 0/0/0 Shadow: 0/0/0
      | LEFT ARM | Default
      | RIGHT ARM | Default
      | LEFT ARM BAND | default
      | RIGHT ARM BAND | default
      | LEFT ELBOW | default
      | RIGHT ELBOW | default
      | LEFT WRIST | Model: 4 Texture1: 2 Highlight: 255/255/255 Hue: 255/255/255 Shadow: 31/31/31
      | RIGHT WRIST | Model: 4 Texture1: 2 Highlight: 255/255/255 Hue: 255/255/255 Shadow: 31/31/31
      | LEFT HAND | Model: 4 Texture1: 0 Highlight: default Hue: default Shadow: default
      | RIGHT HAND | Model: 4 Texture1: 0 Highlight: default Hue: default Shadow: default
      | LOWER BODY | Model: 6 Texture1: 146 Highlight: 121/121/121 Hue: 0/0/0 Shadow: 0/0/0
      | LEFT KNEE | NONE
      | LEFT BOOT | Model: 35 Texture 1: 1 Highlight: 255/255/255 Hue: 0/0/0 Shadow: 33/33/33
      | RIGHT BOOT | Model: 35 Texture 1: 1 Highlight: 255/255/255 Hue: 0/0/0 Shadow: 33/33/33
      APPEARANCE 1 (cont'd)
      | FAVORITE WEAPON | Weapon: Baseball Bat Entrance: ON
      What I did was go to all and increase everything by "1" ... Sting isn't THAT big of a guy
      but a smidget moreso than most wrestlers.
      Attire: Early 80's purple/orange/yellow Version: Beta
      COMMENTS: I'm VERY freaking proud of this creation. Enjoy it.
      | TYPE | Male
      | SKIN | Texture: A01 Hightlight: 31/31/31 Hue: 172/172/159 Shadow: 127/127/127
      | FACE | Model: 3 Texture 1: A01 Texture 2: 5
      | HAIR | Model: 15 Texture 1: n/a Highlight: 168/120/14 Hue: 255/255/255 Shadow: 255/242/0
      | UPPER BODY | Model: 14
      | LEFT ARM | Default
      | RIGHT ARM | Default
      | LEFT ARM BAND | default
      | RIGHT ARM BAND | default
      | LEFT ELBOW | default
      | RIGHT ELBOW | default
      | LEFT WRIST | Model: 4 Texture1: 2 Highlight: 255/255/255 Hue: 255/255/255 Shadow: 31/31/31
      | RIGHT WRIST | Model: 4 Texture1: 2 Highlight: 255/255/255 Hue: 255/255/255 Shadow: 31/31/31
      | LEFT HAND | Model: 4 Texture1: 0 Highlight: default Hue: default Shadow: default
      | RIGHT HAND | Model: 4 Texture1: 0 Highlight: default Hue: default Shadow: default
      | LOWER BODY | Model: 4 Texture1: 125 Highlight: 168/111/211 Hue: 0/0/0 Shadow: 36/0/79
      | LEFT KNEE | NONE
      | LEFT BOOT | Model: 33 Texture 1: 0 Highlight: 255/255/255 Hue: 255/134/67 Shadow: 148/49/0
      | RIGHT BOOT | Model: 33 Texture 1: 0 Highlight: 255/255/255 Hue: 255/134/67 Shadow: 148/49/0
      What I did was go to all and increase everything by "1" ... Sting isn't THAT big of a guy
      but a smidget moreso than most wrestlers.
      First off, go to sample and choose Hurricane. Now we change some small stuff
      | MOVES | Entrance: Edit 2 VS Screen: Edit 3 Interference 1: Tackle Interference 2: Bulldog
      Switch: ON Color: Any Color you want.
      Switch: ON Amount: 5
      PYRO 1
      Switch: ON Pyro: Edge Start Time: 6.0 Darkness: 0%
      PYRO 2
      Switch: ON Pyro: Goldberg B Start Time: 17.1 Darkness: 0%
      Switch: ON WideScreen: ON Flicker: ON Filter: Noise B Soft
      Switch:ON Value A: 57/181/74 Value B: 99/99/99 Value C: 0/0/0
      Entrance Music
      The "Crow" Sting theme he used in WCW. Don't have it? get it :D It's not the same without it.
      Movies: Original
      |Screen Effects | Switch: ON Widescreen: OFF Flicker: ON Filter: Noise A SOFT
      Screen Color: All 3 Values: 0/0/0
      | Text Animation | Switch: ON Animation: 2 Text Color: 255/255/255 Line 1: THIS Line 2: IS Line 3: STING
      Credit gos to Sam97154