[SDvs.RAW] Muhammad Hassan Gelbes Attire

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    • Just about started from scratch on this one, and I think it's quite a bit better than my first Hassan personally. Hope you guys like ;)

      One note, there is a hair hack but it's only used to make the hairline just a touch darker...so if you can't hack, just use Hair 9 in the formula.

      Muhammad Hassan version 2 (yellow attire)


      Body Toning: (-16)

      Face Skin: 6
      Body Skin: 2
      Skin Color: NOW (-92,1) (4)
      Hair: 27 (-81,-44) (0)
      Hair#2: 9 (-86,-75) (0)
      Eyebrows: 69 (-88,-13) (0)
      Eyes: 7 (-96,-10) (30)
      Lips: 34 (-100,-21) (-9)

      Head: (33,11) (0)
      Eyebrows: (-100,71) (-51)
      Eyes: (-47,-55) (-15,-66)
      Nose: (18,18) (26,23)
      Cheek: (7,-65) (23,0)
      Mouth: (-10,50) (0,-59)
      Jaw: (0,75) (25,36)
      Ears: (79,100) (0,83)
      Age: (-100)

      Head: (100,0) (74)
      Neck: (51,23) (62)
      Chest: (48,7) (-33)
      Shoulders: (30,-67)
      Abdomen: (61,24) (100)
      Arms: (0,0) (0)
      Hands: (0,-32)
      Waist: (2,8)
      Legs: (19,29) (0,0)
      Feet: (0,0) (0)

      Height: 6'4" (21)

      Rest of layer list in following order:

      10.)Underwear 1, 19 (-69,50,-29,100)

      11.)Kneepads 1, 14 (12,-100,0,100)

      12.)Wristbands 1, 1 (12,-100,0,100) Length:(66)

      13.)Facial Hair 15 (-92,-7,0,47)

      14.)Facial Hair 53 (-99,2,0,100)

      15.)Shoes 1, 1 (-69,34,-29) Length:(-37)

      16.)Dress Up Upper: Design, WWE 48, rotate once,largest horizontal,second largest vertical,place on right hip **See help pic 1** (95,9,0,100)

      17.)Copy previous design, and move the new design to the left hip

      18.)and 19.)Dress Up Upper: Design, Simple 147, rotate once,2nd largest horizontal and vertical,place one inside of previous 2 designs **See help pic 2** (-69,77,-50,100)

      20.)and 21.)Dress Up Upper: Design, Simple 133, smallest vertical,2nd largest horizontal,place one over top of previous 2 designs **See help pic 3** (100,9,-65,29)

      22.)and 23.)Dress Up Lower: Design, WWE 57, rotate once,2nd smallest horizontal,largest vertical,center starting at the top of each boot and place over bootlaces **See help pic 4** (-100,-100,0,100)

      24.)and 25.)Dress Up Lower: Design, Simple 128,rotate twice,second largest horizontal,second smallest vertical,center and place one on front of each kneepad (19,60,-100,100)

      26.)Dress Up Arms: Design,Left Arm,Simple 33, 2nd largest horizontal and vertical,place on upper left arm near shoulder (29,-73,11,-52)

      27.)Dress Up Arms: Design,Right Arm,Simple 101, rotate twice,2nd largest horizontal,2nd smallest vertical,place on upper right arm near shoulder (21,-27,0,-25)

      28.)Makeup 10 (-92,-34,0,-45)

      29.)Sideburns 1 (-89,-10,0,-18)

      30.)Dress Up Head: Design,Simple 153,rotate once,2nd smallest horizontal,smallest vertical,place below lip on facial hair leaving a small amount under the lip **See help pic 5** (-91,34,-50,18)

      31.)Dress Up Head: Design,Simple 150,2nd smallest vertical,smallest horizontal,place beside the right edge of his nose **See help pic 5** (-88,27,-45,4)

      32.)Copy previous design, rotate once, and place beside the left edge of his nose **See help pic 5**
    • Face 4/10 , hat irgendwie wenig Ähnlichkeit mit Hassen , auch viel zu eckig
      Body 7/10 , geht in Ordnung
      Attire 7/10 , geht auch in Ordnung.
      Gesamt 6/10
      Mein Ort ist so leer.Meine Gedanken drehen sich im Kreis.
      Ich weiß nicht wie es überhaupt soweit kommen konnte.
      Manchmal ist es so verrückt.Nichts kann mich noch retten.
      Aber das ist das einzigste , woran ich noch denke.
    • Originally posted by M@RCU$@03.05.2005 - 10:24:08
      - Gesicht nicht so gut
      - Attire ist gut
      - Körper ist auch gut
      6/10 ;)
      [post=179952]Quoted post[/post]

      Unterschreib ich!
      The best there is, the best there was and the best there ever will be: John "Bradshaw" Layfield :)