WG Survivor Series

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    • @Marc: is mir jetzt auch eigentlich scheißegal, hätte sowieso nix am Ergebnis geändert :)

      Flash vs. Tyrant

      Elimination No-Time-Limit-No-Countout-No-DQ-Match
      Jody Fleisch, Jonny Storm, Mitsuharu Misawa and Christopher Daniels beat
      The Big Show, Masahiro Chono, Lance Storm and Shinjiro Otani
      4 falls to 1
      x J. Storm beat Otani via the Split Legged Moonsault in 0:09:23
      x J. Fleisch beat Chono via pinfall in 0:15:17
      x Show beat J. Storm via the Choke Slam in 0:21:21
      x C. Daniels beat Show via a moonsault in 0:21:49
      x Misawa beat L. Storm via the running elbow smash in 0:25:07
      Survivors: Jody Fleisch, Mitsuharu Misawa, Christopher Daniels
      Rating: **

      Muffi vs. TheMessiah

      Elimination No-Time-Limit-No-Countout-No-DQ-Match
      AJ Styles, Low Ki, Jerry Lynn and Paul London beat
      Ace Steel, EZ Money, Kid Kash and Juventud Guerrera 4 falls to 2:
      x Ki beat J. Guerrera via the Ki Krusher in 0:03:03
      x Ki beat Kid Kash via the Ki Krusher in 0:12:11
      x Styles beat Steel via the Styles Clash in 0:18:16
      x EZ beat Styles via the Ch-Ching in 0:19:55
      x EZ beat J. Lynn via a ropeflip clothesline in 0:20:21
      x P. London beat EZ via the London Calling in 0:23:08
      Survivors: Low Ki, Paul London
      Rating: ** 3/4

      BigVik vs. Marc

      Elimination No-Time-Limit-No-Countout-No-DQ-Match
      Brock Lesnar, Rhyno, Frankie Kazarian and Jeff Jarrett beat
      Chris the Bambikiller, The Rock, American Dragon and Shinjiro Otani 4 falls to 2
      x The Rock beat F. Kazarian via the Rock Bottom in 0:13:02
      x Rhyno beat Bambikiller via the Gore in 0:16:09
      x Otani beat Rhyno via the Liger Bomb in 0:18:14
      x J. Jarrett beat Otani via a chokehold in 0:24:51
      x J. Jarrett beat The Rock via the Stroke in 0:26:18
      x J. Jarrett beat A. Dragon via the Stroke in 0:28:08
      Survivors: Brock Lesnar, Jeff Jarrett
      Rating: **

      Version 1.0 vs. The Angel

      Elimination No-Time-Limit-No-Countout-No-DQ-Match
      Test, The Sandman, Tommy Dreamer and Sabu beat
      Jeff Hardy, Nick Mondo, Raven and Vampiro 4 falls to 2:
      x Sandman beat Raven via the White Russian Legsweep in 0:08:39
      x J. Hardy beat Dreamer via a Northern Lights suplex in 0:17:49
      x Sabu beat J. Hardy via the Triple Jump Moonsault in 0:19:00
      x Vampiro beat Sabu via the Vampiro Spike in 0:25:51
      x Sandman beat Vampiro via the White Russian Legsweep in 0:37:32
      x Test beat Mondo via a pumphandle powerslam in 0:39:04
      Survivors: Test, The Sandman
      Rating: **

      Nächste Runde:

      Flash vs. Muffi

      Jody Fleisch, Jonny Storm, Mitsuharu Misawa & Christopher Daniels
      AJ Styles, Low Ki, Jerry Lynn & Paul London

      BigVik vs. Version 1.0

      Brock Lesnar, Rhyno, Frankie Kazarian & Jeff Jarrett
      Test, The Sandman, Tommy Dreamer & Sabu
    • Originally posted by Tyrant@13.09.2003 - 15:56:45
      :rolleyes: :D

      ja, mein gott, bei der nächsten Runde sind Japse Wrestler verboten, ich komm da immer durcheinander

      Elimination No-Time-Limit-No-Countout-No-DQ-Match
      Jody Fleisch, Jonny Storm, Mitsuharu Misawa and Christopher Daniels beat
      The Big Show, Masahiro Chono, Yuji Nagata and Lance Storm 4 falls to 1:
      x Misawa beat Nagata via the running elbow smash in 0:19:28
      x J. Storm beat Show via the Split Legged Moonsault in 0:31:01
      x L. Storm beat J. Storm via a power bomb in 0:32:28
      x Misawa beat L. Storm via the Emerald Frosion in 0:33:33
      x Misawa beat Chono via a tiger driver in 0:34:17
      Survivors: Jody Fleisch, Mitsuharu Misawa, Christopher Daniels
      Rating: * 1/4

      hast trotzdem verloren, son Pech aber auch :p
    • Flash vs. Muffi

      Elimination No-Time-Limit-No-Countout-No-DQ-Match
      Jody Fleisch, Jonny Storm, Mitsuharu Misawa and Christopher Daniels beat
      AJ Styles, Low Ki, Jerry Lynn and Paul London 4 falls to 3:
      x J. Fleisch beat J. Lynn via a powerslam in 0:01:23
      x C. Daniels beat Ki via the Last Rites in 0:16:38
      x P. London beat C. Daniels via a flying somersault dropkick in
      x P. London beat J. Storm via an enzuigiri in 0:23:52
      x Styles beat J. Fleisch via the Styles Clash in 0:28:53
      x Misawa beat P. London via the running elbow smash in 0:31:41
      x Misawa beat Styles via a tiger driver in 0:31:55
      Survivors: Mitsuharu Misawa
      Rating: ** 1/2

      Version 1.0 vs. BigVik

      Elimination No-Time-Limit-No-Countout-No-DQ-Match
      Test, The Sandman, Tommy Dreamer and Sabu beat
      Brock Lesnar, Rhyno, Frankie Kazarian and Jeff Jarrett 4 falls to 2:
      x Dreamer beat F. Kazarian via a swinging neckbreaker in 0:03:53
      x Sandman beat J. Jarrett via the White Russian Legsweep in 0:14:42
      x Lesnar beat Test via a powerslam in 0:25:31
      x Rhyno beat Sabu via a powerslam in 0:29:12
      x Sandman beat Lesnar via the White Russian Legsweep in 0:34:55
      x Sandman beat Rhyno via the White Russian Legsweep in 0:40:51
      Survivors: The Sandman, Tommy Dreamer
      Rating: ** 1/4

      Match um Platz 3

      Muffi vs. BigVik

      AJ Styles, Low Ki, Jerry Lynn & Paul London
      Brock Lesnar, Rhyno, Frankie Kazarian & Jeff Jarrett


      Flash vs. Version 1.0

      Jody Fleisch, Jonny Storm, Mitsuharu Misawa & Christopher Daniels
      Test, The Sandman, Tommy Dreamer & Sabu
      + Regeländerung: Im Finale muss jeder 2mal eleminiert werden!

      Kommt heute Abend noch
    • Match um Platz 3
      Muffi vs. BigVik

      Elimination No-Time-Limit-No-Countout-No-DQ-Match
      Brock Lesnar, Rhyno, Frankie Kazarian and Jeff Jarrett beat
      AJ Styles, Low Ki, Paul London and Jerry Lynn 4 falls to 2:
      x J. Lynn beat Rhyno via a high cross body in 0:07:32
      x Lesnar beat J. Lynn via an inside cradle in 0:11:18
      x F. Kazarian beat Ki via the Wave Of The Future in 0:13:27
      x Styles beat F. Kazarian via the STF in 0:15:09
      x J. Jarrett beat Styles via the Stroke in 0:19:22
      x J. Jarrett beat P. London via a sleeperhold in 0:20:17
      Survivors: Brock Lesnar, Jeff Jarrett
      Rating: * 3/4

      Flash vs. Version 1.0

      Elimination No-Time-Limit-No-Countout-No-DQ-Match
      Jody Fleisch, Jonny Storm, Christopher Daniels and Mitsuharu Misawa beat
      Test, Sabu, The Sandman and Tommy Dreamer 8 falls to 4:
      x Misawa beat Sabu via a flying elbow smash in 0:20:25
      x Misawa beat Test via a back elbow in 0:29:27
      x C. Daniels beat Sabu via the Last Rites in 0:38:31
      x Test beat C. Daniels via a lariat in 0:38:54
      x Dreamer beat Misawa via the Dreamer DDT in 0:46:48
      x J. Fleisch beat Sandman via a moonsault bodyblock in 0:50:58
      x J. Fleisch beat Sandman via the Phoenix 720 DDT in 0:52:19
      x Dreamer beat J. Fleisch via the Dreamer DDT in 0:55:33
      x J. Fleisch beat Dreamer via the Phoenix 720 DDT in 0:57:01
      x C. Daniels beat Test via a Soviet suplex in 1:02:42
      x Dreamer beat C. Daniels via an inside cradle in 1:03:37
      x J. Fleisch beat Dreamer via pinfall in 1:04:15
      Survivors: Jody Fleisch, Jonny Storm, Mitsuharu Misawa
      Rating: ***
    • Originally posted by Flash@13.09.2003 - 21:42:55
      das ist unglaublich, ich bin so gut, ich bin so toll JUHUUUUUU

      = zufall, naja, hgw, auch wenn du es dir nicht verdient hast :rolleyes:

      Ausblicke auf das Jahr 2023

      Muffi beat Flash via a headlock in 0:00:05
      Rating: *****