[TEW Diary] Ci-Ci fucking Doub

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    • Promotion: CZW
      Start Date: 01.02.2004
      Areas: USA,Japan,UK,No MMA
      Roster:Normales CZW-Roster
      Titel: Iron-Man-Champion: B-Boy
      Junior Heavyweight Champion: Sonjay Dutt
      Tag-Team-Champions: Chris Ca$h & JC Bailey
      World Heavyweight Champion: The Messiah

      CZW 6th Anniversary Show
      Tennessee, USA

      A video was shown to hype CZW 6th Anniversary Show

      El Generico vs Excalibur

      This match was a regular one fall bout. First out was El Generico. Next out was Excalibur. The referee for the match was Bryce Remsburg.

      ----- Match Highlights -----

      Excalibur blasted Generico with a rana...Generico doubled Excalibur up with a kick...Generico got hit with a rana from Excalibur...Excalibur nailed Generico with a double underhook powerbomb...Excalibur used a rana to take over Generico...El Generico hit Excalibur with a kick...Generico kicked Excalibur in the ribs...

      In a nice sequence, Excalibur came off the ropes with a spinning head-scissors on El Generico, after avoiding two clotheslines...Excalibur hit El Generico with a gutwrench suplex...Excalibur rocked Generico with a Tornado DDT off the ropes...Excalibur blasted Generico with a rana...Excalibur nailed Generico with a double underhook powerbomb...

      Generico came off the ropes with a charge, but Excalibur arm dragged him across the ring...Excalibur superplexed Generico to the mat...Generico got hit with a back suplex from Excalibur...After throwing him to the outside, Excalibur hit a running tope on a groggy Generico...After doubling him up, Excalibur blasted Generico with an axe kick off the ropes...Generico doubled Excalibur up with a kick...Generico hit Excalibur with a high dropkick to the face...

      Excalibur hit Generico with a belly to belly suplex...Generico missed a right hand, then turned into a Excalibur thrust kick...Excalibur hit a flying lariat off the top turnbuckle on Generico...That nearly got a three count...Excalibur hit a superplex on Generico...Excalibur sent Generico down with a kick to the side of the head...Excalibur missed a charge, turned, and got hit with a rana from Generico...El Generico blasted Excalibur with a tiger bomb...Excalibur backslided El Generico, and Bryce Remsburg made a lightning fast three count.

      Result - Excalibur wins

      ----- Match Summary -----

      Match Reaction = 24.8%
      Match Quality = 65.0%

      The Blackout (Maven Bentley, Robby Mireno, Ruckus and Sabian) were backstage, when they were approached by Kaos. He asked to join the group. They said they'd consider request.

      Table - 1v1v1v1 match for the CZW Junior Heavyweight title
      Sonjay Dutt vs Kaos vs Nate Webb vs Jude

      This match was an elimination bout for the CZW Junior Heavyweight title. First out was the CZW Junior Heavyweight champion, Sonjay Dutt. Next out was Kaos. Next out was Nate Webb. Last out was Jude. The referee for the match was Bryce Remsburg.

      ----- Match Highlights -----

      Jude hit a flurry of punches on Dutt...Jude DDTed Webb after a boot to the gut...Sonjay Dutt rocked Kaos with a Tornado DDT off the ropes...Jude hit a standing rana on Webb...Nate Webb blocked a Kaos kick by catching the foot, but couldn't block the follow up enziguri...Kaos hit a standing rana on Webb...Sonjay Dutt put Jude through a table with a moonsault off the top rope.

      A hip toss by Webb was countered by Kaos into a Tornado DDT...Sonjay Dutt applied a hammerlock to Kaos, then turned it into a bodyslam to weaken the arm...After stunning him with a back elbow, Webb climbed to the top rope and moonsaulted onto a standing Kaos...Webb came off the ropes with a charge, but Kaos arm dragged him across the ring...After doubling him up, Sonjay Dutt blasted Kaos with an axe kick off the ropes...Kaos hit Webb with a chair...Nate Webb put Kaos through a table with a legdrop off the top rope.

      Webb hit Dutt with a DDT...Three right hands from Dutt sent Webb down...The high flying Sonjay Dutt dived off the top turnbuckle to the outside with a flying tackle onto Webb...A big kick floored Webb, who got right back up, only to take another from Dutt...Sonjay Dutt hit a superplex on Webb...Sonjay Dutt used a plancha dive over the ropes to put Nate Webb through a table.

      Result - Sonjay Dutt wins

      ----- Match Summary -----

      Match Reaction = 25.0%
      Match Quality = 55.2%

      Chris Hero gave an in-ring interview. He insulted The Messiah.

      CZW vs. SoCal vs. Canada vs. Europe for the CZW Iron Man title
      B-Boy vs Super Dragon vs Kevin Steen vs Claudio Castagnoli

      This match was a regular one fall bout for the CZW Iron Man title. First out was the CZW Iron Man champion, B-Boy. Next out was Super Dragon. Next out was Kevin Steen. Last out was Claudio Castagnoli. The referee for the match was Brian Logan.

      ----- Match Highlights -----

      B-Boy blasted Super Dragon with a rana...B-Boy drove the ladder into the ribs of Super Dragon...After doubling him up, Super Dragon blasted B-Boy with an axe kick off the ropes...Super Dragon doubled B-Boy up with a kick...B-Boy was slammed by Double C...B-Boy rocked Double C with a Tornado DDT off the ropes...B-Boy arm dragged Double C, and followed with an arm bar...Claudio Castagnoli hit B-Boy with a chop...

      B-Boy walked into a big right hand from Double C...Kevin Steen blasted Double C with a clothesline into the corner...B-Boy dropped the ladder on top of Super Dragon...Claudio Castagnoli suplexed Steen through a table...B-Boy arm dragged Super Dragon, and followed with an arm bar...Super Dragon snap suplexed Steen over, and floated over into a chinlock...

      After doubling him up, Super Dragon blasted Steen with an axe kick off the ropes...Double C used a Japanese arm drag on Steen...B-Boy hit Super Dragon with a belly to belly suplex...Kevin Steen took a flying dropkick from Double C...Steen nailed Super Dragon with a baseball slide under the ropes...After ducking a clothesline, Double C used a deep arm drag on Steen...A big spin kick from B-Boy floored a groggy Double C...After a leap frog, B-Boy hit Double C with an arm drag as he came off the ropes...

      Super Dragon blasted Steen with a tiger bomb...Super Dragon scored with a top rope body press on B-Boy...Using the ropes to his advantage, B-Boy hit a springboard splash on Super Dragon...Steen took a belly to belly suplex off the top turnbuckle from Double C...A hip toss by Super Dragon was countered by B-Boy into a Tornado DDT...Steen scored with a top rope body press on Double C...B-Boy blasted Double C with a second turnbuckle moonsault...Super Dragon used a big suicide-plex on B-Boy...Super Dragon got choked with a leather strap by B-Boy...B-Boy rolled up Kevin Steen, and Brian Logan made a quick three count.

      After the match, B-Boy ran to the backstage area to get away from Claudio Castagnoli.

      Result - B-Boy wins after 22 minutes.

      ----- Match Summary -----

      Match Reaction = 22.8%
      Match Quality = 62.6%

      Sexxxy Eddy gave an in-ring interview. He thanked CZW for putting him over.

      Standard Rules match
      Chris Hero vs Jimmy Rave

      This match was a regular one fall bout. First out was Chris Hero. Next out was Jimmy Rave. The referee for the match was Brian Logan.

      ----- Match Highlights -----

      Hero put Rave down with a huge chop...Chris Hero took Rave down to the mat with a headlock...An arm bar by Rave let him control Hero...Hero got taken over with a fireman's carry by Rave...Hero used an amateur-style move to take down Rave...Jimmy Rave scored with a deep arm drag on Hero...Hero took Rave over with a spinning arm drag...

      Hero took Rave over with a spinning arm drag...Jimmy Rave nailed Hero with a flying bulldog off the top rope...Jimmy Rave had his knee driven into the mat by Hero...Three right hands from Rave sent Hero down...Hero got nailed with a Rave DDT...After doubling him up, Chris Hero blasted Rave with an axe kick off the ropes...Hero arm wrenched Jimmy Rave...

      Chris Hero countered a backdrop attempt with a stump piledriver on Rave...Hero arm dragged Rave to the canvas, and hooked an arm bar...Rave caught Hero with a big savate kick...A right hand from Hero put Rave down...After putting Hero down, Jimmy Rave hit an elbow drop from the second turnbuckle...Jimmy Rave hit a superplex on Hero...Hero got taken to the mat with a superplex by Jimmy Rave...A kick from Hero was countered by Rave into a half crab, but he wasn't able to lock it on fully before Hero reached the ropes...Chris Hero used a cradle with a handful of tights to pin Jimmy Rave.

      After the match, Chris Hero was confronted by The Messiah. The Messiah caught Chris Hero with the Godsmack...Chris Hero was left laid out. The Fans chanted "Messiah, Messiah, Messiah!" and The Messiah thanked the fans for it.

      Result - Chris Hero wins after 18 minutes.

      ----- Match Summary -----

      Match Reaction = 35.8%
      Match Quality = 73.6%

      Fans bring the Weapons - 1v1v1 match
      Nick Gage vs Wifebeater vs John Zandig

      This match was a regular one fall bout. First out was Nick Gage. Next out was Wifebeater. Last out was John Zandig. The referee for the match was Brian Logan.

      ----- Match Highlights -----

      Gage chopped Wifebeater...Wifebeater press slammed Gage...Wifebeater got hit with a back suplex from Gage...Gage rocked Wifebeater with a big forearm...Wifebeater got slammed upside down into the turnbuckles by Gage...

      Gage picked up and bodyslammed Zandig...Wifebeater kicked Nick Gage in the ribs...John Zandig choked Gage on the ropes...A big kick floored Wifebeater, who got right back up, only to take another from Gage...Wifebeater got hit with a garbage can by Gage...John Zandig blasted Gage with a series of forearms to the face...John Zandig got hit with a steel chair by Gage...Wifebeater used the ropes to choke away on Gage...

      Gage got hit with a garbage can by Wifebeater...Nick Gage hit Wifebeater with a punch...A series of five forearms to the chest from Wifebeater left Nick Gage down in the corner in pain...Nick Gage raked the eyes of Wifebeater...Nick Gage blasted Wifebeater with a big forearm to the jaw...

      Zandig missed a charge into the corner, got lifted up, and blasted with a Falcon Arrow onto a chair by Gage...John Zandig got rocked with a northern light's suplex, but the kick out came before the three...Wifebeater missed a right hand, then turned into a Gage thrust kick...Nick Gage hit an Implant DDT on Wifebeater...Gage pounded on Wifebeater with punches to the face...John Zandig caught Wifebeater with the Falcon Arrow...That got the three.

      After the match, John Zandig, Nick Gage and Wifebeater shook hands.

      Result - John Zandig wins

      ----- Match Summary -----

      Match Reaction = 51.3%
      Match Quality = 47.6%

      A video was shown to hype The Blackout.

      Scaffold - 2v2 match for the CZW Tag Team title
      JC Bailey and Chris Cash vs Ruckus & Sabian

      This match was an elimination bout for the CZW Tag Team titles. First out were one half of the CZW Tag Team champions, JC Bailey and one half of the CZW Tag Team champions, Chris Cash. Next out, accompanied by Maven Bentley, were Ruckus & Sabian (Sabian and Ruckus). The referee for the match was Bryce Remsburg.

      ----- Match Highlights -----

      After a leap frog, Sabian hit Bailey with an arm drag as he came off the ropes...Sabian rocked Bailey with a Tornado DDT off the ropes...Chris Cash applied a standing leglock to wear down Sabian...Chris Cash applied a standing leglock to wear down Ruckus...Sabian used a Japanese arm drag on Bailey...After doubling him up, Chris Cash blasted Ruckus with an axe kick off the ropes...Chris Cash knocked Sabian off the scaffold for the victory.

      Chris Cash ducked his head for a backdrop, but was too early, and was folded up with a Ruckus sit-out powerbomb as a result...From the apron to the inside, Ruckus used a springboard clothesline on Bailey...Ruckus nailed Bailey with a flying rana...Chris Cash snap suplexed Ruckus...Ruckus blasted Bailey with a super kick...JC Bailey belly to belly suplexed Ruckus...Chris Cash fell off the scaffold after being hit by Ruckus.

      From the apron to the inside, Bailey used a springboard clothesline on Ruckus...After setting up a pile of chairs, Ruckus slammed Bailey on them...JC Bailey got choked with a piece of electric cable by Ruckus...JC Bailey blocked a Ruckus kick by catching the foot, but couldn't block the follow up enziguri...Ruckus hit Bailey with a belly to belly suplex...Using the ropes to his advantage, Ruckus hit a springboard splash on Bailey...JC Bailey sent Ruckus off the edge of the scaffold.

      Result - JC Bailey and Chris Cash win

      ----- Match Summary -----

      Match Reaction = 24.2%
      Match Quality = 49.8%

      Flaming Cage - 1v1 match
      Sexxxy Eddy vs Nate Hatred

      This match was a regular one fall bout. First out was Sexxxy Eddy. Next out was Nate Hatred. The referee for the match was Brian Logan.

      ----- Match Highlights -----

      Nate Hatred press slammed Eddy...Eddy drove Hatred head first into the cage...Eddy got knocked down by a Hatred headbutt...Nate Hatred powerslammed Eddy as he came off the ropes...Hatred kicked Sexxxy Eddy in the ribs...Eddy smashed Hatred against the cage side...Sexxxy Eddy rocked Nate Hatred with a headbutt...Hatred headbutted Eddy...Nate Hatred hit Sexxxy Eddy with a chop...

      Sexxxy Eddy hit Hatred with a clothesline from the second rope...Sexxxy Eddy got floored by a Hatred clothesline...Hatred picked up and bodyslammed Eddy...With Nate Hatred down on the mat, Eddy hit a falling headbutt...Eddy got hit with a back suplex from Hatred...

      Eddy got slammed upside down into the turnbuckles by Hatred...Nate Hatred sent Eddy down with a kick to the side of the head...Sexxxy Eddy staggered into a nadowa slam from Hatred...A series of five forearms to the chest from Hatred left Sexxxy Eddy down in the corner in pain...A suplex by Eddy was countered by Nate Hatred, who slipped out of the back in mid-move and hit a reverse DDT...Eddy missed a right hand, then turned into a Hatred thrust kick...Nate Hatred scored with a boot to the stomach, then blasted Eddy with a cradle piledriver...Sexxxy Eddy got sent into the cage wall by Hatred...Sexxxy Eddy floored Nate Hatred, then went to the top rope. He came off with the Sextacy...That was enough for a pin.

      Result - Sexxxy Eddy wins

      ----- Match Summary -----

      Match Reaction = 35.2%
      Match Quality = 59.2%

      A video was shown to hype The Messiah against Justice Pain.

      Standard Rules match for the CZW World Heavyweight title
      The Messiah vs Justice Pain

      This match was a regular one fall bout for the CZW World Heavyweight title. First out was the CZW World Heavyweight champion, The Messiah. Next out was Justice Pain. The referee for the match was Bryce Remsburg.

      ----- Match Highlights -----

      Justice Pain got drilled by Messiah with a big knife-edge chop...The Messiah got drilled by Justice Pain with a big knife-edge chop...Justice Pain got hit with a back suplex from Messiah...The Messiah clotheslined Justice Pain to the mat...Messiah punched Justice Pain in the face...

      A clothesline by Messiah put Justice Pain down to the canvas...Justice Pain got forearmed several times in the head by The Messiah...A poke in the eye by Messiah slowed down Justice Pain...Justice Pain hit Messiah with a belly to belly suplex...A scoop slam put Justice Pain down to the mat, and gave Messiah the advantage...

      Justice Pain hit The Messiah with a chop...After ducking a clothesline, Justice Pain used a fallaway slam to hurt The Messiah...A series of five forearms to the chest from Messiah left Justice Pain down in the corner in pain...Messiah hit three vicious chops to the chest of Justice Pain...The Messiah hit Justice Pain with a chop...Three right hands from Messiah sent Justice Pain down...Justice Pain rocked The Messiah with a headbutt...The Messiah dropped Justice Pain with a big punch...

      Justice Pain got hit with a back suplex from Messiah...Messiah pounded on Justice Pain with punches to the face...Messiah headbutted Justice Pain...The Messiah dropped Justice Pain with a big punch...Justice Pain blocked a Messiah kick by catching the foot, but couldn't block the follow up enziguri...

      Justice Pain floored Messiah with a sharp short-arm clothesline...The Messiah countered a backdrop attempt with a stump piledriver on Justice Pain...Messiah punched Justice Pain in the face...Justice Pain took a double underhook piledriver from Messiah...Messiah short-arm clotheslined Justice Pain...After backing him into the corner, Messiah hammered away on Justice Pain with a series of chops...The Messiah blasted Justice Pain with a brainbuster...The Messiah caught Justice Pain with the Godsmack...That was enough for a pin.

      After the match, Chris Hero and Claudio Castagnoli got into an argument with The Messiah.

      Result - The Messiah wins

      ----- Match Summary -----

      Match Reaction = 39.3%
      Match Quality = 65.1%
    • Bin zwar kein CZW Fan, doch du bookst sehr schön den CZW-Style. Glaube, dass ich jetzt auch Time angeben werde! Wir können uns ja immer gegenseitig Feedback geben
      "u dont like my hair
      well i can wear a hat
      but u broke and u fat
      there aint no hat 4 that"

      Katt "Money Mike" Williams
    • Mike Quackenbush und Ares bei CZW/CZW sucht Sponsoren/viele weitere News!...

      CZW hat vor wenigen Tagen den Chikara Pro Wrestling Owner Mike Quackenbush und den Schweizer Ares, für ihr Roster gewinnen können. Ares teamte unteranderem mit Claudio Castagnoli in Europa unter dem Namen Swi$$ Money Holding und waren vorallem in Deutschland, bei der dort ansässigen wXw (Westside Xtreme Wrestling) sehr erfolgreich.

      CZW verhandelt im Moment mit dem Mexikaner Skyader und den Deathmatch-Ikonen, dem Necro Butcher und Toby Klein, um einen Pay-Per-Appereance "Vertrag". CZW soll angeblich auch bei Mike Quackenbush`s Schüler Jigsaw angefragt haben, dieser solle aber keine Interesse bekundet haben.

      Combat Zone Wrestling ist derzeit auf der Suche nach neuen Sponsoren. Man solle sogar, laut einem hier nicht gennanten Wrestler, bei RFVideo angefragt haben, was einige im Lockerroom ein wenig schummrig stimmte, da RFVideo von dem pedophilen und homosexuellen Rob Feinstein geführt wird.

      Mike Quackenbush und Chris Hero sind die neuen Head-Trainer der CZW Wrestling Academy. Das Hauptaugenmerk beim Training soll ab jetzt mehr auf gute Submissions und Chain-Wrestling gelegt werden. Außerdem solle man die Basics ab jetzt so lange trainieren, bis jeder diese 100%ig kann, da ein hier nicht genannter Wrestler schockiert darüber gewesen sein soll, dass einige Wrestler nochnichteinmal einen simplen Headlock richtig ausführen können, aber dafür meinen in jedem Match mehrere 450504° Splashes ausführen zu müssen. (;)) John Zandig wird den beiden Head-Trainern beim Training etwas unter die Arme greifen.

      Es sind immernoch gute Karten für CZW Bring on the Pain am 4.März und CZW Overdrive am 5.März. Matches stehen, bis jetzt, noch nicht fest.

      Quelle: CZW Magazin 03/05

      off: Sry, dass das solange gedauert hat, mit dem Update. Ich hatte nen Mainboard-Crash und nachdem ich ein neues Mainboard bekommen habe, wollten die Leute von Elicense erstmal meinen TEW-Regcode nicht resetten.
    • CZW Bring on the Pain
      Pennsylvania, USA

      Elimination - 1v1v1v1 match
      DJ Hyde vs Cory Kastle vs Jon Dahmer vs Eric Stevens

      This match was an elimination bout. First out was DJ Hyde. Next out was Cory Kastle. Next out was Jon Dahmer. Last out was Eric Stevens. The referee for the match was Brian Logan.

      ----- Match Highlights -----

      Kastle was slammed by DJ Hyde...Dahmer slammed E. Stevens...After putting DJ Hyde down, Cory Kastle hit an elbow drop from the second turnbuckle...Kastle snap suplexed DJ Hyde over, and floated over into a chinlock...Cory Kastle got floored by a DJ Hyde clothesline...Jon Dahmer nailed E. Stevens with a double underhook powerbomb...E. Stevens got planted with a sit-out powerbomb from Jon Dahmer...That was almost enough to get the pinfall...Showing off his athleticism, Cory Kastle used a flying rana on E. Stevens...Kastle was choked in the corner by DJ Hyde...DJ Hyde caught Eric Stevens with the Shadow Driver...That led to the three count.

      Dahmer picked up and bodyslammed Kastle...DJ Hyde came off the ropes with a charge, but Kastle arm dragged him across the ring...DJ Hyde doubled Dahmer up with a kick...DJ Hyde kicked Cory Kastle in the ribs...Jon Dahmer sent DJ Hyde down with a kick to the side of the head...Cory Kastle hit a sharp arm drag on DJ Hyde...After ducking a clothesline from DJ Hyde, Cory Kastle bounced off the ropes and came back with a lightning kick...A stunned Kastle staggered backward into Jon Dahmer, who hit the Pump Handle Erosion...That got the three.

      A big kick floored DJ Hyde, who got right back up, only to take another from Dahmer...DJ Hyde choke slammed Jon Dahmer...That nearly got a three count...Three right hands from DJ Hyde sent Dahmer down...Jon Dahmer hit DJ Hyde with a punch...A hooked-arm clothesline from Dahmer floored DJ Hyde...DJ Hyde snap suplexed Jon Dahmer...Jon Dahmer caught DJ Hyde with the Move Of 1000 Maniacs...That was enough to get the three count.

      Result - Jon Dahmer wins after 18 minutes

      ----- Match Summary -----

      Match Reaction = 12.6%
      Match Quality = 53.8%

      Ghost Shadow vs Ian Knoxx

      This match was a regular one fall bout. First out was Ghost Shadow. Next out was Ian Knoxx. The referee for the match was Brian Logan.

      ----- Match Highlights -----

      Ghost Shadow caught Knoxx with a dropkick as he came off the ropes...Knoxx walked into a kick to the gut from Ghost Shadow...Knoxx used a rana to take over Shadow...Ghost Shadow hit a sharp arm drag on Ian Knoxx...Knoxx walked into a kick to the gut from Ghost Shadow...Shadow doubled Knoxx up with a kick...Knoxx hit a standing rana on Shadow...Ian Knoxx came off the ropes with a running dropkick on Shadow...A big spin kick from Knoxx floored a groggy Shadow...

      An arm breaker from Knoxx hurt Ghost Shadow...Ian Knoxx hit a sharp arm drag on Ghost Shadow...After putting Shadow down, Ian Knoxx hit an elbow drop from the second turnbuckle...An arm twist by Knoxx was followed by three arm wrenches in a row to weaken Shadow...Ghost Shadow wore down Ian Knoxx with a sleeper variation...Knoxx used a Japanese arm drag on Shadow...Ian Knoxx used a fireman's carry to take down Ghost Shadow...

      Knoxx hit Shadow with a moonsault...Ian Knoxx got floored, and hit with a moonsault from Shadow...Ghost Shadow hit a superplex on Knoxx...Shadow floored Knoxx and went to the top rope. When Knoxx got up, he was greeted with a missile dropkick...Both Knoxx and Shadow were on top rope, until Shadow got shoved off and hit the mat. Ian Knoxx followed up with a flying legdrop from the top...Ian Knoxx floored Ghost Shadow, then went to the top rope. He came off with the Top Rope Leg Drop...That was enough to get the three count.

      Result - Ian Knoxx wins after 15 minutes

      ----- Match Summary -----

      Match Reaction = 17.8%
      Match Quality = 58.4%

      In-ring interview with Chris Hero and Claudio Castagnoli

      Chris Hero and Claudio Castagnoli gave an in-ring interview. They insulted The Messiah.

      ----- Interview Summary -----

      Overall Rating = 27.9%

      Nate Webb and Mike Quackenbush were in the ring, when out came Claudio Castagnoli. He introduced his mystery partner, who was Ares, making his debut.

      ----- Angle Summary -----

      Overall Rating = 25.7%

      Tag Team - 2v2 match
      Swiss Money Holding vs Nate Webb and Mike Quackenbush

      This match was a regular one fall bout. The referee for the match was Brian Logan.

      ----- Match Highlights -----

      Mike Quackenbush used a fireman's carry to take down Ares...Ares came off the ropes, but got sent down by a dropkick from Webb...Webb snap suplexed Ares over, and floated over into a chinlock...Nate Webb suplexed Double C...Mike Quackenbush scored with a rana on Ares...

      Quackenbush applied a knee bar on Claudio Castagnoli, weakening the legs...Claudio Castagnoli hit a sharp arm drag on Mike Quackenbush...Showing off his power, Ares blasted Webb with a high vertical suplex...Ares hit Webb with a series of vicious kicks to the body...Quackenbush nailed Double C with a flying rana...Ares suplexed Webb...Mike Quackenbush arm dragged Double C, and followed with an arm bar...

      Double C went to the top rope and scored with a diving headbutt on Mike Quackenbush...Webb missed a charge into the turnbuckle when Ares slipped behind him, and then got hit with a back suplex as he staggered backward...Ares hit a sharp arm drag on Nate Webb...Claudio Castagnoli blocked a Webb kick by catching the foot, but couldn't block the follow up enziguri...Webb nailed Ares with a flying rana...Ares sent Webb down with a kick to the side of the head...Ares hit Webb in the back with an elbow, then followed up with a spinning back suplex...That was enough for a pin.

      After the match, Ares, Claudio Castagnoli and Chris Hero celebrated.

      Result - Swiss Money Holding wins after 19 minutes.

      ----- Match Summary -----

      Match Reaction = 14.3%
      Match Quality = 65.1%

      B-Boy was backstage, when Swiss Money Holding came out of nowhere with weapons for a sneak attack. B-Boy was left down and out on the concrete floor.

      ----- Angle Summary -----

      Overall Rating = 19.7%

      Excalibur & Super Dragon vs El Generico and Sexxxy Eddy

      This match was a regular one fall bout. First out were Excalibur & Super Dragon (Excalibur and Super Dragon). Next out were El Generico and Sexxxy Eddy. The referee for the match was Brian Logan.

      ----- Match Highlights -----

      After putting Super Dragon down, El Generico hit an elbow drop from the second turnbuckle...After throwing him to the outside, Super Dragon hit a running tope on a groggy Generico...Eddy hit Excalibur with a clothesline...Generico was taken over with a suplex from Excalibur...Eddy pounded on Excalibur with punches to the face...Generico blasted Super Dragon with a rana...

      Excalibur hit Generico with a series of vicious kicks to the body...Sexxxy Eddy sent Super Dragon down with a kick to the side of the head...After ducking a clothesline from Generico, Super Dragon bounced off the ropes and came back with a lightning kick...After ducking a clothesline from Super Dragon, El Generico bounced off the ropes and came back with a lightning kick...Super Dragon suplexed Generico...

      Excalibur came off the top rope with a flying axe handle on to Eddy...After throwing him to the outside, Super Dragon hit a running tope on a groggy Eddy...An elbow drop from the top rope by Super Dragon hit Generico...A big spin kick from Super Dragon floored a groggy Eddy...Showing off his athleticism, Excalibur used a flying rana on Eddy...Generico used a Japanese arm drag on Super Dragon...

      Generico and Super Dragon were both on top rope, until Super Dragon used a rana to take them back down...Super Dragon hit a running powerbomb on Eddy...Excalibur floored Eddy with a savate kick to the jaw as he turned around...Generico blasted Excalibur with a super kick...Super Dragon hit a moonsault off the top rope on to El Generico...Three right hands from Eddy sent Excalibur down...Both Super Dragon and Generico were on top rope, until Generico got shoved off and hit the mat. Super Dragon followed up with a flying legdrop from the top...That was enough to get the pin.

      Result - Excalibur & Super Dragon win after 21 minutes

      ----- Match Summary -----

      Match Reaction = 21.2%
      Match Quality = 62.5%

      Standard Rules match for the CZW Iron Man title
      B-Boy vs Dan Maff

      This match was a regular one fall bout for the CZW Iron Man title. First out was the CZW Iron Man champion, B-Boy. Next out was Dan Maff. The referee for the match was Bryce Remsburg.

      ----- Match Highlights -----

      A big kick floored Maff, who got right back up, only to take another from B-Boy...Maff short-arm clotheslined B-Boy...Maff hit B-Boy with a gutwrench suplex...B-Boy belly to belly suplexed Maff...After putting B-Boy down, Dan Maff hit an elbow drop from the second turnbuckle...Maff used an amateur-style move to take down B-Boy...

      B-Boy walked into a kick to the gut from Dan Maff...Maff got hit with a rana from B-Boy...B-Boy scored with a rana on Maff...Maff used a standing arm bar on B-Boy...Maff got hit with a rana from B-Boy...Maff used a hammerlock to control B-Boy...

      A backdrop attempt by Maff was countered by B-Boy with a neckbreaker...B-Boy was slammed by Maff...Using the ropes to his advantage, B-Boy hit a springboard splash on Maff...An arm breaker from Maff hurt B-Boy...B-Boy took Maff over with a spinning arm drag...

      B-Boy hit Maff with a DDT...A big spin kick from B-Boy floored a groggy Maff...B-Boy snap suplexed Dan Maff...B-Boy ducked a standing clothesline from Maff, but got hit in the back of the head with a blind clothesline seconds later...Maff hit B-Boy with a running powerslam...That led to a count that was a split-second away from being three...Maff missed a charge, then took a kick to the gut. B-Boy lifted him up and dropped him with a powerbomb...B-Boy used a spinning rana off the ropes on Maff...

      After throwing him to the outside, B-Boy hit a running tope on a groggy Maff...Dan Maff superplexed B-Boy to the mat...Dan Maff powerslammed B-Boy as he came off the ropes...Maff used a big suicide-plex on B-Boy...B-Boy hit a flying lariat off the top turnbuckle on Maff...B-Boy rolled up Dan Maff, and Bryce Remsburg made a quick three count.

      After the match, B-Boy got into an intense staredown with Claudio Castagnoli.

      Result - B-Boy wins after 25 minutes.

      ----- Match Summary -----

      Match Reaction = 36.6%
      Match Quality = 65.0%

      Backstage interview with Excalibur

      Excalibur was interviewed by Big Mac Smack backstage. He insulted Sexxxy Eddy and El Generico.

      ----- Interview Summary -----

      Overall Rating = 48.1%

      Standard Rules match
      Chris Hero vs Adam Flash

      This match was a regular one fall bout. First out was Chris Hero. Next out was Adam Flash. The referee for the match was Brian Logan.

      ----- Match Highlights -----

      Hero short-arm clotheslined Flash...Hero picked up and bodyslammed Flash...Chris Hero hit a flurry of punches on Flash...Hero hit Flash with a dropkick...Chris Hero wore Flash down with a wrist lock...Flash got taken down with a side headlock takedown by Hero...Chris Hero ducked a standing clothesline from Flash, but got hit in the back of the head with a blind clothesline seconds later...

      After throwing him to the outside, Hero hit a running tope on a groggy Flash...Hero kicked Adam Flash in the ribs...Hero put Flash down with a huge chop...Adam Flash used a fireman's carry to take down Chris Hero...Hero was rocked by a Flash clothesline off the ropes...Chris Hero ducked a standing clothesline from Flash, but got hit in the back of the head with a blind clothesline seconds later...

      A suplex by Hero was countered by Adam Flash, who slipped out of the back in mid-move and hit a reverse DDT...Flash pounded on Hero with punches to the face...After backing him into the corner, Hero hammered away on Flash with a series of chops...Flash dropped Hero with a flying clothesline off the ropes...Chris Hero hit a moonsault off the top rope on to Adam Flash...Hero nailed Flash with a baseball slide under the ropes...Adam Flash floored Hero with a sharp short-arm clothesline...That led to a count that was a split-second away from being three...Flash came off the ropes with a charge, but Hero arm dragged him across the ring...A stunned Flash staggered backward into Chris Hero, who hit the Hero's Welcome...That was enough to get the three count.

      Result - Chris Hero wins after 19 minutes

      ----- Match Summary -----

      Match Reaction = 31.3%
      Match Quality = 71.9%

      Tag Team - 2v2 match for the CZW Tag Team title
      JC Bailey and Chris Cash vs The H8 Club II

      This match was a regular one fall bout for the CZW Tag Team titles. First out were one half of the CZW Tag Team champions, JC Bailey and one half of the CZW Tag Team champions, Chris Cash. Next out were The H8 Club II (Nick Gage and Justice Pain). The referee for the match was Bryce Remsburg.

      ----- Match Highlights -----

      Justice Pain raked the eyes of Chris Cash...Nick Gage hit JC Bailey with a kick...Cash used a standing arm bar on Justice Pain...A clothesline by Cash put Gage down to the canvas...Cash took Justice Pain over with a side headlock...Nick Gage chopped Chris Cash across the chest several times...

      Justice Pain locked his arms around Bailey and hit a series of headbutts to the chest...With JC Bailey down on the mat, Gage hit a falling headbutt...Nick Gage snap suplexed JC Bailey...With JC Bailey down on the mat, Justice Pain hit a falling headbutt...Chris Cash dropped Gage with a big punch...

      Gage hit three vicious chops to the chest of Cash...The H8 Club II hit Chris Cash with a Tag Finisher...That was almost enough for a three count...Justice Pain unloaded with knife-edge chops on Cash...Justice Pain rocked Bailey with a samoan drop...Cash scored with a top rope body press on Gage...Justice Pain was disqualified for using a chair to floor JC Bailey.

      Result - JC Bailey and Chris Cash win after 19 minutes

      ----- Match Summary -----

      Match Reaction = 32.6%
      Match Quality = 65.6%

      Eric Gargiulo was walking to the ring when Justice Pain attacked and blasted him with a steel chair to the back. Justice Pain then grabbed him and threw him off the entrance way, through a table covered with electrical equipment.

      ----- Angle Summary -----

      Overall Rating = 22.3%

      Standard Rules match for the CZW World Heavyweight title
      The Messiah vs Kaos

      This match was a regular one fall bout for the CZW World Heavyweight title. First out was the CZW World Heavyweight champion, The Messiah. Next out was Kaos. The referee for the match was Bryce Remsburg.

      ----- Match Highlights -----

      Messiah kicked Kaos in the ribs...The Messiah belly to belly suplexed Kaos...Kaos walked into a big right hand from Messiah...Messiah hit Kaos with a gutwrench suplex...Kaos wore down The Messiah with a sleeper variation...

      Kaos was rocked by a Messiah clothesline off the ropes...The Messiah clotheslined Kaos to the mat...A wild swing by Kaos left him vunerable, and Messiah capitalized with a belly to back suplex...A series of five forearms to the chest from Messiah left Kaos down in the corner in pain...After ducking two clotheslines, Kaos hit a flying leg lariat on Messiah off the ropes...

      The power of The Messiah was in evidence as he blasted Kaos with a hard clothesline...After throwing him to the outside, Kaos hit a running tope on a groggy Messiah...Kaos took Messiah over with a side headlock...Kaos hit a standing rana on Messiah...Messiah put Kaos down with a huge chop...After a leap frog, Kaos hit Messiah with an arm drag as he came off the ropes...Kaos ducked a standing clothesline from Messiah, but got hit in the back of the head with a blind clothesline seconds later...Three right hands from Messiah sent Kaos down...

      Three right hands from Messiah sent Kaos down...Kaos blasted Messiah with a rana off the ropes...Messiah hit Kaos with a belly to belly suplex...After an irish whip, Kaos ducked for a backdrop. Messiah blocked it by grabbing a suplex, and blasting Kaos with a brainbuster suplex...That led to a count that was a split-second away from being three...After ducking a clothesline, Messiah bounced off the opposite ropes and used a flying clothesline on his way back to floor Kaos...Messiah rocked Kaos with a samoan drop...The Messiah got floored, and hit with a moonsault from Kaos...Kaos missed a charge into the turnbuckle when Messiah slipped behind him, and then got hit with a back suplex as he staggered backward...Chris Hero and Claudio Castagnoli ran in...A stunned Kaos staggered backward into Chris Hero, who hit the Hero's Welcome...A stunned Messiah staggered backward into Chris Hero, who hit the Hero's Welcome...The match was ruled a double disqualification.

      After the match, The Messiah got into an intense staredown with Chris Hero and Claudio Castagnoli.

      Result - Draw after 20 minutes

      ----- Match Summary -----

      Match Reaction = 28.2%
      Match Quality = 66.0%

      Show Rating: 20,2%
      Attendance: 1,875
    • CZW Overdrive
      Pennsylvania, USA

      In-ring interview with Chris Hero

      Chris Hero gave an in-ring interview. He insulted John Zandig.

      ----- Interview Summary -----

      Overall Rating = 56.0%


      Chris Hero was in the ring, when out came John Zandig, who announced that if Hero lost the next match, he would be fired and if wins he would get a titleshot on the CZW World Heavyweight-Title tonight.

      ----- Angle Summary -----

      Overall Rating = 55.0%

      Handicap Match - 1v4 match
      Chris Hero vs DJ Hyde, Cory Kastle, Eric Stevens and Jon Dahmer

      This match was a regular one fall bout. First out was Chris Hero. Next out were DJ Hyde, Cory Kastle, Eric Stevens and Jon Dahmer. The referee for the match was Brian Logan.

      ----- Match Highlights -----

      Hero used a standing arm bar on Kastle...Hero caught E. Stevens with a big savate kick...Chris Hero hit Jon Dahmer with a punch...Chris Hero rocked Kastle with a Tornado DDT off the ropes...A stunned Jon Dahmer fell victim to a Hero flying clothesline from the top rope...

      Chris Hero wore DJ Hyde down with a wrist lock...Kastle was taken over with a suplex from Hero...DJ Hyde took a flying dropkick from Hero...Hero got taken over with an arm drag from Kastle...Hero hit Cory Kastle with a gutwrench suplex...An arm breaker from Hero hurt Eric Stevens...

      Chris Hero hit DJ Hyde in the back with an elbow, then followed up with a spinning back suplex...Hero hit DJ Hyde with a flying elbow off the top rope...Cory Kastle got rocked with a northern light's suplex, but the kick out came before the three...Chris Hero clotheslined Kastle as he staggered out of the corner...Dahmer used a sleeper hold to weaken Hero...Kastle took a belly to belly suplex off the top turnbuckle from Hero...An elbow drop from the top rope by Hero hit DJ Hyde...Jon Dahmer snap suplexed Chris Hero...Jon Dahmer powerslammed Hero as he came off the ropes...After flooring him, Hero locked Cory Kastle in the Hangman's Clutch, getting the tap out.

      Result - Chris Hero wins after 17 minutes

      ----- Match Summary -----

      Match Reaction = 23.9%
      Match Quality = 59.8%


      Backstage, the camera found a poker game going on, with the players being Ian Knoxx, Super Dragon, Wifebeater, and Eddie Kingston.

      ----- Angle Summary -----

      Overall Rating = 28.4%

      Tag Team - 2v2 match
      Excalibur & Super Dragon vs All Money Is Legal

      This match was a regular one fall bout. First out were Excalibur & Super Dragon (Super Dragon and Excalibur). Next out were All Money Is Legal (Luda Kash and Kayotic Kyd). The referee for the match was Brian Logan.

      ----- Match Highlights -----

      Super Dragon blasted Luda Kash with a leaping DDT off the ropes...Super Dragon floored Luda Kash with a savate kick to the jaw as he turned around...Super Dragon nailed Luda Kash with a double underhook powerbomb...Excalibur arm dragged Luda Kash to the canvas, and hooked an arm bar...After a boot to the gut, Super Dragon DDTed Luda Kash...Super Dragon hit Kayotic Kyd with a spin kick...Excalibur blasted Luda Kash with a super kick...Excalibur cradled Luda Kash, then used the ropes for leverage to get a three count.

      After the match, Excalibur & Super Dragon were attacked by El Generico and Sexxxy Eddy. El Generico floored Excalibur, then went to the top rope. He came off with the Moui Picante Splash...Sexxxy Eddy floored Super Dragon, then went to the top rope. He came off with the Sextacy...Excalibur and Super Dragon were left laid out.

      Result - Excalibur & Super Dragon win after 9 minutes

      ----- Match Summary -----

      Match Reaction = 20.4%
      Match Quality = 66.8%


      After the match Zandig came to the ring and announced that Excalibur vs. El Generico is next.

      ----- Angle Summary -----

      Overall Rating = 48.6%

      Standard Rules match
      El Generico vs Excalibur

      This match was a regular one fall bout. First out was El Generico. Next out was Excalibur. The referee for the match was Bryce Remsburg.

      ----- Match Highlights -----

      Excalibur snap suplexed Generico over, and floated over into a chinlock...Generico doubled Excalibur up with a kick...Excalibur nailed Generico with a flying bulldog off the top rope...Generico got hit with a back suplex from Excalibur...After putting Excalibur down, El Generico hit an elbow drop from the second turnbuckle...Generico kicked Excalibur in the ribs...Generico got taken to the mat with a superplex by Excalibur...After putting Generico down, Excalibur hit an elbow drop from the second turnbuckle...

      Excalibur hit a sharp arm drag on El Generico...After a boot to the gut, Excalibur DDTed Generico...Excalibur scored with a deep arm drag on Generico...Excalibur hit El Generico with a kick...Showing his high flying skills, Excalibur hit Generico with a springboard dropkick...Generico hit Excalibur with a belly to belly suplex...Excalibur used a Japanese arm drag on Generico...Excalibur arm dragged Generico, and followed with an arm bar...Excalibur nailed Generico with a flying bulldog off the top rope...

      Generico scored with a top rope body press on Excalibur...Excalibur got taken to the mat with a superplex by El Generico...Excalibur sent Generico down with a kick to the side of the head...Excalibur took a flying dropkick from Generico...Generico missed a charge into the turnbuckle when Excalibur slipped behind him, and then got hit with a back suplex as he staggered backward...El Generico got floored, and hit with a moonsault from Excalibur...El Generico superplexed Excalibur to the mat...Excalibur rocked Generico with a Tornado DDT off the ropes...Excalibur hit an Implant DDT on Generico...El Generico floored Excalibur, then went to the top rope. He came off with the Moui Picante Splash...That was enough to get the three count.

      Result - El Generico wins after 18 minutes.

      ----- Match Summary -----

      Match Reaction = 21.8%
      Match Quality = 57.4%

      Tag Team - 2v2 match
      Mike Quackenbush and Nate Webb vs Adam Flash and Kaos

      This match was a regular one fall bout. First out were Mike Quackenbush and Nate Webb. Next out were Adam Flash and Kaos. The referee for the match was Brian Logan.

      ----- Match Highlights -----

      Webb hit Kaos with a gutwrench suplex...After a leap frog, Kaos hit Webb with an arm drag as he came off the ropes...Flash nailed Quackenbush with a right hand...Flash used an amateur-style move to take down Quackenbush...After ducking two clotheslines, Flash hit a flying leg lariat on Quackenbush off the ropes...A right hand from Flash put Quackenbush down...

      Quackenbush walked into a big right hand from Flash...A hooked-arm clothesline from Flash floored Mike Quackenbush...Adam Flash applied a standing leglock to wear down Webb...An arm bar by Flash let him control Quackenbush...Webb got taken over with a fireman's carry by Kaos...After throwing him to the outside, Kaos hit a running tope on a groggy Quackenbush...Adam Flash blocked a Webb kick by catching the foot, but couldn't block the follow up enziguri...Nate Webb nailed Kaos with a double underhook powerbomb...

      An arm twist by Kaos was followed by three arm wrenches in a row to weaken Quackenbush...Kaos chop-blocked Webb...Kaos floored Webb and went to the top rope. When Webb got up, he was greeted with a missile dropkick...Webb went to the top rope and scored with a diving headbutt on Kaos...A hip toss by Webb was countered by Kaos into a Tornado DDT...Kaos floored Quackenbush with a savate kick to the jaw...That nearly got a three count...Flash scored with a top rope body press on Quackenbush...Nate Webb rolled up Adam Flash, and Brian Logan made a quick three count.

      Result - Mike Quackenbush and Nate Webb win after 19 minutes.

      ----- Match Summary -----

      Match Reaction = 23.2%
      Match Quality = 65.8%


      Ares came down to the ring, wearing a fake version of the CZW Junior Heavyweight Title. He said that he was the real champion, and from now on, only his would be considered the true title belt. Then Zandig came out and aked Ares if would wrestle a match against Sonjay Dutt and M-Dogg20 for the REAL CZW Junior Heavyweight Title, tonight. Ares accepted and put the fake title away.

      ----- Angle Summary -----

      Overall Rating = 59.5%

      No DQ - 1v1v1 match
      Sonjay Dutt vs M-Dogg 20 vs Ares

      This match was a regular one fall bout and for the CZW Junior Heavyweight Title. First out was the CZW Junior Heavyweight champion, Sonjay Dutt. Next out was M-Dogg 20. The referee for the match was Brian Logan.

      ----- Match Highlights -----

      Sonjay Dutt scored with a rana on M-Dogg 20...Dutt used a hammerlock to control Ares...M-Dogg 20 floored Ares with a garbage can...Showing off his athleticism, M-Dogg 20 used a flying rana on Dutt...M-Dogg 20 got staggered with a forearm from Ares...Sonjay Dutt hit M-Dogg 20 with a clothesline from the second rope...

      Ares took a flying dropkick from M-Dogg 20...M-Dogg 20 slingshotted into the ring with a senton on Ares...Dutt used an amateur-style move to take down Ares...Ares clotheslined Dutt to the mat...Dutt went from a side headlock into a drop toe hold to floor Ares...Ares got nailed with a M-Dogg 20 DDT...Ares took M-Dogg 20 over with a side headlock...

      M-Dogg 20 dived off the top of the ladder to elbow drop Ares...Off the top rope, Ares hit a moonsault onto M-Dogg 20...That nearly got a three count...Dutt went to the top rope and scored with a diving headbutt on Ares...Ares missed a charge, then took a kick to the gut. M-Dogg 20 lifted him up and dropped him with a powerbomb...Ares floored Dutt and went to the top rope. When Dutt got up, he was greeted with a missile dropkick...Sonjay Dutt hit a flying lariat off the top turnbuckle on Ares...Sonjay Dutt blasted Ares with a brainbuster...Claudio Castagnoli ran in...Double C DDTed M-Dogg 20 after a boot to the gut...This allowed Ares to get an easy pinfall.

      Result - Ares wins after 18 minutes.

      ----- Match Summary -----

      Match Reaction = 55.0%
      Match Quality = 58.1%


      When Ares and Claudio Castagnoli wanted starting the celbrating his title-win, Zandig came out and announced that Ares is NOT the new CZW Junior Heavyweight Champion, because Ares hasn't got the right weight to be CZW Junior Heavyweight Champion. After that Ares throwed the title through the ring and went angry away.

      ----- Angle Summary -----

      Overall Rating = 79.2%

      Flaming Table - 2v2 match for the CZW Tag Team title
      JC Bailey and Chris Cash vs Ruckus & Sabian

      This match was an elimination bout for the CZW Tag Team titles. First out were one half of the CZW Tag Team champions, JC Bailey and one half of the CZW Tag Team champions, Chris Cash. Next out, accompanied by Maven Bentley, were Ruckus & Sabian (Sabian and Ruckus). The referee for the match was Brian Logan.

      ----- Match Highlights -----

      Sabian got taken over with an arm drag from Cash...A big punch from Cash put Ruckus down...Bailey nailed Ruckus with a flying rana...A big spin kick from Sabian floored a groggy Cash...Using the ropes to his advantage, Ruckus hit a springboard splash on Cash...Chris Cash put Ruckus through a table with a legdrop off the top rope.

      Bailey got hit with a double suplex from Ruckus & Sabian...From the apron to the inside, Bailey used a springboard clothesline on Sabian...Sabian applied a standing leglock to wear down Bailey...JC Bailey slammed Sabian on a table, but it didn't break...Chris Cash nailed Sabian with a flying bulldog off the top rope...JC Bailey arm dragged Sabian, and followed with an arm bar...Cash kicked Sabian in the ribs...Sabian put Chris Cash on a table, then came off the top rope with the 450 Splash, breaking the table.

      JC Bailey slammed Sabian on a table, but it didn't break...After stunning him with a back elbow, Bailey climbed to the top rope and moonsaulted onto a standing Sabian...Bailey nailed Sabian with a flying rana...An arm bar by Sabian let him control Bailey...Bailey hit Sabian with a high dropkick to the face...Showing off his athleticism, JC Bailey used a flying rana on Sabian...Sabian DDTed Bailey after a boot to the gut...JC Bailey caught Sabian with the Rat Trap...JC Bailey pushed the foot of Sabian into the flames, setting it alight.

      Result - JC Bailey and Chris Cash win after 19 minutes.

      ----- Match Summary -----

      Match Reaction = 49.6%
      Match Quality = 52.8%

      Standard Rules match for the CZW Iron Man title
      Claudio Castagnoli vs B-Boy

      This match was a regular one fall bout for the CZW Iron Man title. First out was Claudio Castagnoli. Next out was the CZW Iron Man champion, B-Boy. The referee for the match was Bryce Remsburg.

      ----- Match Highlights -----

      B-Boy scored with a deep arm drag on Double C...B-Boy caught Double C with a big savate kick...Double C got taken over with an arm drag from B-Boy...Using the ropes to his advantage, B-Boy hit a springboard splash on Double C...Showing his high flying skills, B-Boy hit Double C with a springboard dropkick...Double C came off the ropes, but got sent down by a dropkick from B-Boy...B-Boy slingshotted into the ring with a senton on Claudio Castagnoli...B-Boy took Double C over with a spinning arm drag...B-Boy used a rana to take over Double C...

      B-Boy came over the ropes with a plancha dive on Claudio Castagnoli...B-Boy hit Claudio Castagnoli with a gutwrench suplex...A short powerbomb by B-Boy left Double C down on the mat...B-Boy caught Double C with a big savate kick...After putting Double C down, B-Boy hit an elbow drop from the second turnbuckle...B-Boy suplexed Double C...Claudio Castagnoli hit a sharp arm drag on B-Boy...

      Double C hit B-Boy with a flying elbow off the top rope...B-Boy used a spinning rana off the ropes on Double C...B-Boy had his knee driven into the mat by Double C...Claudio Castagnoli got hit with a flying elbow off the top rope from B-Boy...That was almost enough to get the pinfall...After doubling him up, B-Boy blasted Double C with an axe kick off the ropes...Double C got taken to the mat with a superplex by B-Boy...Double C went to the top rope and scored with a diving headbutt on B-Boy...Double C locked on a single leg crab to weaken B-Boy...Claudio Castagnoli got a three count on B-Boy following a low blow.

      Result - Claudio Castagnoli wins the CZW Iron Man title after 19 minutes.

      ----- Match Summary -----

      Match Reaction = 56.0%
      Match Quality = 66.6%


      The H8 Club II were in the ring, when out came Sexxxy Eddy. He introduced his mystery partner, who was Necro Butcher, making his debut.

      ----- Angle Summary -----

      Overall Rating = 55.0%

      Fans' Weapons DM - 2v2 match
      The H8 Club II vs Sexxxy Eddy and Necro Butcher

      This match was a regular one fall bout. First out were The H8 Club II (Nick Gage and Justice Pain). Next out were Sexxxy Eddy and Necro Butcher. The referee for the match was Brian Logan.

      ----- Match Highlights -----

      Justice Pain used a staple gun on Eddy...Butcher turned around, only to be rammed in the ribs with the ladder by Gage...Gage picked up and bodyslammed Butcher...A frying pan to the head from Eddy floored Gage...Sexxxy Eddy hit a clothesline on Gage from the middle rung of the ladder...Nick Gage clotheslined Butcher to the mat...

      Justice Pain slammed Eddy on to a trash can...Justice Pain hit a flurry of punches on Eddy...Justice Pain nailed Butcher with a right hand...Necro Butcher locked his arms around Gage and hit a series of headbutts to the chest...Justice Pain drove the ladder into the ribs of Butcher...

      Butcher slammed Gage on to a trash can...Eddy got slammed upside down into the turnbuckles by Gage...Eddy got slammed upside down into the turnbuckles by Justice Pain...Justice Pain dropped Eddy with a big punch...Justice Pain backed Butcher into the turnbuckles and unloaded with chops...

      Justice Pain set a table on fire, then powerbombed Eddy through it...Sexxxy Eddy blasted Justice Pain with a tiger bomb...Sexxxy Eddy blasted Gage with a tiger bomb...Eddy missed a charge into the turnbuckle when Justice Pain slipped behind him, and then got hit with a back suplex as he staggered backward...After a boot to the gut, Justice Pain piledrove Necro Butcher onto a stack of steel chairs...Nick Gage blasted Butcher with a big forearm to the jaw...Necro Butcher caught Justice Pain with the Asiatic Spike...That was enough to get the three count.

      After the match, Necro Butcher and Sexxxy Eddy shook hands.

      Result - Sexxxy Eddy and Necro Butcher win after 20 minutes.

      ----- Match Summary -----

      Match Reaction = 51.4%
      Match Quality = 61.0%

      Standard Rules match for the CZW World Heavyweight title
      Chris Hero vs The Messiah

      This match was a regular one fall bout for the CZW World Heavyweight title. First out was Chris Hero. Next out was the CZW World Heavyweight champion, The Messiah. The referee for the match was Bryce Remsburg.

      ----- Match Highlights -----

      Messiah headbutted Hero...A wild swing by Hero left him vunerable, and Messiah capitalized with a belly to back suplex...A right hand from Messiah put Hero down...Messiah got forearmed several times in the head by Chris Hero...Chris Hero chopped The Messiah across the chest several times...The Messiah rocked Chris Hero with a headbutt...Hero applied a knee bar on The Messiah, weakening the legs...

      A right hand from Messiah put Hero down...Hero took Messiah over with a spinning arm drag...Messiah drilled Hero with a headbutt...Hero nailed Messiah with a baseball slide under the ropes...Messiah pounded on Hero with punches to the face...Hero hit Messiah with a belly to belly suplex...

      Messiah slammed Hero...A single-leg trip from Hero was enough to put The Messiah down...Hero used a hammerlock to control Messiah...Hero went from a side headlock into a drop toe hold to floor Messiah...Chris Hero hit The Messiah with a punch...Messiah hit Hero with a clothesline...

      Chris Hero clotheslined Messiah as he staggered out of the corner...The Messiah powerslammed Hero as he came off the ropes...Messiah headbutted Hero...Hero came off the top rope with a flying axe handle on to Messiah...A boot to the gut set Hero up for Messiah to hit a Falcon Arrow...The Messiah scored with a boot to the stomach, then blasted Hero with a cradle piledriver...Hero dropped Messiah with a flying clothesline off the ropes...Showing off his power, Hero blasted Messiah with a high vertical suplex...The power of The Messiah was in evidence as he blasted Hero with a hard clothesline...A stunned Messiah staggered backward into Chris Hero, who hit the Hero's Welcome...That was enough to get the pin.

      After the bout, Chris Hero, Claudio Castagnoli and Ares celebrated in the ring and annouced that they are the new MIS (The Money is you Savior).

      Result - Chris Hero wins the CZW World Heavyweight title after 20 minutes

      ----- Match Summary -----

      Match Reaction = 60.0%
      Match Quality = 72.8%

      Show Rating: 47.1%
      Attendance: 809