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    • Originally posted by Dead Men@27.11.2004 - 09:41:05
      Ich Brauche Die Movelist für Ay Styles  :ja:
      [post=129277]Quoted post[/post]

      Meine SD vs. RAW Movelist für AJ Styles:
      Ring In Move: Triple H
      Ring Out Move: Roll Down
      Taunt #1: Hold Up 02
      Taunt #2: Edge
      Taunt #3: RVD 04
      Taunt #4: Hardcore Holly
      Fighting Style: The Rock
      Walking Style: Normal
      Running Style: Normal
      Entrance Movie: Logo
      Entrance Moves: Christian
      Entrance Music: when worlds collide

      Ready Moves
      Attack #1: Dropkick 01
      Attack #2: Toe Kick 1
      Attack #3: Enzuiguri 02
      Attack #4: Spinning Punches
      Attack #5: Dropkick To Knee 02
      Attack #6: Low Kick 1

      Submission Grapple
      Grapple 03
      -Wrist Clutch & Elbow 01
      -Wrist Lock
      -Headlock Takedown

      Signature Grapple
      Grapple 01
      -Suplex 03
      -Cruiserweight Moves 03
      -Combination 06
      -Neckbreaker 12

      Power Grapple
      Grapple 08
      -Clothesline 21
      -Roundhouse Dropkick
      -DDT 18
      -Suplex 04

      Quick Grapple
      Grapple 09
      -Hurracanrana 02
      -Hurracanrana Pin 03
      -DDT 02
      -Neckbreaker 04

      Ready Moves
      -Grapple Elbow Strike 01
      -Grapple Elbow Strike 02
      -Grapple Punch 01

      Back Attack
      DDT 24
      Cruiserweight Moves 04
      German Suplex Pin 02
      Back Suplex 05

      Backbreaker 06
      School Boy Roll Up
      Hurracanrana 07
      DDT 21

      The Edge Of The Cell: Downward Thrust

      Attack #1: Kurt Angle Stomp
      Attack #2: Leg Drop
      Attack #3: Elbow Drop 03

      Head Grapple #1: Fury Punch 09
      Head Grapple #2: Head Scissor Roll Over
      Head Grapple #3: Ric Flair Knee Drop

      Leg Grapple #1: Deathlock With Bridge
      Leg Grapple #2: Kick To Back
      Leg Grapple #3: Moonsault Splash 03

      Attack #1: Crossbody
      Attack #2: Turnbackle Dropkick
      Attack #3: Turnbuckle DropKick 02

      Grapple #1: DDT 27
      Grapple #2: Whisper in the Wind 02
      Grapple #3: Frankensteiner
      Lower Grapple: Foot Choke 02
      Back Grapple #1: Super Back Suplex
      Back Grapple #2: Dropkick and Schoolboy
      Back Grapple #3: Cross Powerbomb
      Back Grapple #4: Rolling Powerbomb

      Rope Opponent
      Rope Down: Throw To The Rope
      Rebound Attack #1: Lionsault
      Rebound Attack #2: Slingshot Body Splash 01
      Rebound Attack #3: Moonsault Attack
      Jump Down Over: Shooting Star Press 02

      Stand #1: Missile Dropkick
      Stand #2: Diving Hurracanrana
      Down #1: Shooting Star Press 01
      Down #2: Diving Moonsault 02
      Down #3: The 450 Pin

      Attack #1: Clothesline 12
      Attack #2: Running Calf Kick
      Grapple #1: Arm Drag 02
      Grapple #2: Victory Roll Pin 02
      Back Grapple #1: Snapmare 05
      Back Grapple #2: School Boy Pin 02
      Squatting Attack #1: Running Flip Splash
      Squatting Attack #2: Dropkick To Knee 03
      Counter #1: Powerslam 01
      Counter #2: Arm Drag 07
      Counter #3: Hip Toss 01

      Double Team:
      Double Dropkick
      Dropkick & Rolling Clutch
      Double Suplex
      Double Clothesline
      Double Punches 02

      Backbreaker & Leg Drop
      Stungun & Neckbreaker
      Calf Kick & Sweep
      Double Stomping

      Finisher #1: Landing Pin
      Finisher #2: Corkscrew Body Pin
      Favorite #1: Neckbreaker 04
      Favorite #2: Shooting Star Press 01
      Favorite #3: Suplex 04
      Special Weapon #1: DDT
      Special Weapon #2: Vandaminator
      Combination Moves #1: Low Kick 1
      Combination Moves #2: Outlaw Punches 02
      Combination Moves #3: Outside Crescent Kick 01
    • Habe grade lex luger fertig gemacht in dem trainingsanzug outfit ihr wisst schon was ihm liz damals immer abreißen musste das ganze wurde ja immer die stunde des biegers genannt ;)
      [In Memory of Owen Hart & Eddie Guererro]

      SD vs. Raw Offline Liga Stone Cold Steve Austin
    • Ich brächte Move Lists für folgende Wrestler:

      Gail Kim
      The Hurricane
      Tyson Tomko
      Billy Gunn
      Billy Kidman
      Danny Basham
      Doug Basham
      Dawn Marie
      Kenzo Suzuki
      Miss Jackie
      Orlando Jordan
      Spike Dudley
      [COLOR="Gray"]ECW Champion,[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]World Heavyweight Champion,[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]WWE Champion[/COLOR]
      [COLOR="Red"]Meine[/COLOR] [COLOR="DeepSkyBlue"]my[/COLOR][COLOR="Yellow"]BUZZ![/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Quiz-Fragen[/COLOR]

      Gene Snitsky Movelist

      Strength: 10
      Submission: 7.5
      Endurance: 9
      Technique: 6
      Speed: 6
      Charisma: 7

      Super Heavyweight

      Move Set Number 6- Test

      Ring In Move: Over The Rope
      Ring Out Move: Over The Rope
      Right Analog Stick Down: Raising Arm 4
      Right Analog Stick Left: Wake Up
      Right Analog Stick Up: Raising Arm 4
      Right Analog Stick Right: Wake Up
      Fighting Style: Normal
      Walking Style: Normal
      Running Style: Normal

      Movie: A-Train
      Moves: Hardcore Holly
      Music: Chuck Palumbo

      Down + X: Big Boot 2
      Down + Right/Left + X: Toe Kick 1
      Left + X: Austin Punches 1
      Up + Right/Left + X: Clothesline 2
      Up + X: Clothesline 3
      Right + X: Body Punch

      Down + O: Submission Grapple: Grapple 5
      Down + O: Bearhug 3
      Left + O: Snapmare & Neck Lock
      Up + O: Shoulder Armbreaker
      Right + O: Ric Flair Headlock
      Left + O: Signature Grapple: Grapple 10
      Down + O: Kane throat uppercut
      Left + O: Test Full Nelson Slam 1
      Up + O: STO
      Right + O: Suplex 4
      Up + O: Power Grapple: Grapple 11
      Down + O: Falling Powerslam 1
      Left + O: Manhattan Drop 1
      Up + O: Powerbomb 4
      Right + O: Backbreaker 2
      Right + O: Quick Grapple: Grapple 4
      Down + O: DDT 11
      Left + O: Body Knee Strike
      Up + O: Club To Neck 3
      Right + O: Kitchen Sink 2
      X: Grapple Attack

      Back Attack
      O: Irish Whip
      Down + O: Mat Slam 2
      Left + O: Test Full Nelson Slam 2
      Up + O: Elbow To Back Of Head 2
      Right + O: Forearm Smash
      Groggy O: Irish Whip
      Groggy Down + O: Pumphandle Slam 2
      Groggy Left + O: Pumphandle Drop
      Groggy Up + O: Backbreaker 9
      Groggy Right + O: Sidewalk Slam 4
      Edge Of The Cell
      Front O: It Thrusts Down
      Front Up/Down/Left/Right + O: It Thrusts Down
      Back O: It Thrusts Down
      Back Up/Down/Left/Right + O: It Thrusts Down

      X: Angry Stomp
      Up/Down + X: Leg Drop
      Left/Right + X: Elbow Drop 2
      Upper O: Raise
      Upper Down + O: Pin Fall
      Upper Left + O: Sleeper Hold 8
      Upper Up + O: Fury Punch 10
      Upper Right + O: Camel Clutch 2
      Lower O: Raise
      Lower Down + O: Pin Fall
      Lower Left + O: Leg Lock 8
      Lower Up + O: Leg Lock 9
      Lower Right + O: Boston Crab

      X: Turnbuckle Clothesline
      Up/Down/Left/Right + X: Turnbuckle Clothesline
      Opponent Sitting X: Knee Attack 1

      O: Irish Whip
      Down + O: Mudhole Stomping 2
      Left + O: Foot Choke 1
      Up + O: Toss To Turnbuckle
      Right + O: Back Elbow Strike 2
      Sitting O: Raise The Opponent Up
      Sitting Up/Down/Left/Right + O: Foot Choke 2

      Back Attack
      O: Irish Whip
      Down + O: Illegal Pin
      Left + O: Hanging In Reverse
      Up + O: Turnbuckle Smash
      Right + O: Turnbuckle Toe Kick

      Rope Down
      O: Austin Attack 1
      Rebound Attack
      Triangle, X: Yakuza Kick
      Triangle, X: Double Axe Handle 5
      Triangle, X: Vaulting Body Press 2
      Jump Down Over
      Square, X: Baseball Slide

      Left + X: Flying Clothesline 1
      Right + X: Double Axe Handle 3
      X: Elbow Drop 3
      Down + X: Diving Elbow Drop Pin 1
      Up + X: Elbow Drop 3

      X: Clothesline 14
      Up/Down/Left/Right + X: Kitchen Sink 1
      O: Irish Whip
      Up/Down/Left/Right + O: Turn Behind
      Groggy O: Neckbreaker 1
      Groggy Up/Down/Left/Right + O: Neckbreaker Drop 1
      Back Attack
      O: Mat Slam 2
      Groggy O: Bulldog 2
      Squatting Attack
      Triangle, X: Elbow Drop 11
      Triangle, Up/Down/Left/Right + X: Double Axe Handle 5
      O: Powerslam Pin 2
      Up/Down + O: Back Drop 2
      Right/Left + O: Sleeper Hold 4

      O: Double Flapjack
      Down + O: Double Facecrusher
      Left + O: Double Suplex 1
      Up + O: Double Clothesline
      Right + O: Double Beat Head
      O: Irish Whip
      Down + O: Whip & Lay Down
      Left + O: Mudhole Stomping 1
      Up + O: Powerbomb 1
      Right + O: Kick To Gut

      L1: Magnum Driver or Pumphandle Slam
      L1: Spiral Bomb

      Favorites (done most of the time when controlled by computer)
      Test Full Nelson Slam 1
      Falling Powerslam 1
      Powerbomb 4
      Weapon Special
      L1: Guillotine
      Up/Down/Left/Right + L1: Guillotine
      Combination Moves
      1st X: Back Chop 1
      2nd X: Austin Punches 1
      3rd X: Big Boot 2



      Ring In Move: Over The Rope
      Ring Out Move: Over The Rope
      Taunt: Cut theAir 2 / Hold Up / Wake Up / Cut the Air 2
      Fighting Style: Kane or Big Show
      Walking/Running Style: Normal
      Ready Moves
      Attack: Clothesline 2 / Toe Kick 1 / Back Chop 1 / Clothesline 3 / Undertaker Punches 3 / Body Punch
      Submission Grapple: Kane Lifting & Toss / Bearhug 3 / Dragon Screw 1 / Big Shoulder Claw
      Signature Grapple: Backbreaker 10 / Belly To Back Slam / Scoop Slam 2 / Undertaker Arm Wrench
      Power Grapple: Body Press Slam / Chokeslam 3 or Oklahoma Slam 1 / Gunn Stinger / Sidewalk Slam 1
      Quick Grapple: Club To Neck 2 / Kitchen Sink 2 / Suplex 4 / Elbow to Back of Head 1
      Back Attack: Sidewalk Slam 4 / Bulldog 3 / Electric Chair Drop / Forearm Smash /// Victoria Sidewalk Slam / Atomic Drop / Sleeper Hold & Scissors 1 / Back Suplex 7

      Attack: Angry Stomp / Leg Drop / Elbow Drop 10
      Grapple: Elbow & Sleeper Hold / Fury Punch 10 / Camel Clutch 2 /// Leg Lock 8 / Toss 1 / Knee Smash 2

      Attack: Turnbuckle Clothesline / Running Shoulder Attack / Knee Attack 1
      Grapple: 10 Punch or Superplex (1 or 2) / Back Elbow Strike 2 / Foot Choke 1 / Shoulder Thrust /// Mudhole Stomping 3
      Back Attack: Shoulder Strike / Turnbuckle Toe Kick / Turnbuckle Smash / Hanging In Reverse

      Down: Big Boot 6
      Rebound: Axe Handle 1 / Double Axe Handle 5 / Vaulting Body Press 2
      Jump Down Over: Baseball Slide

      Stand: Flying Clothesline 1 / Double Axe Handle 3
      Down: Diving Elbow / Elbow Drop 3 x2

      Attack: Clothesline 15 / Yakuza Kick
      Grapple: Neckbreaker Drop 1 / Lou Thesz Press 1
      Back Attack: Triple H Low Kick / Bulldog 2
      Squatting: Double Axe Handle 5 / Double Axe Handle 5 or Elbow Drop 11
      Counter: Sidewalk Slam 7 / Tilt A Whirl Sideslam 1 / Scrapbuster Pin

      Double Team
      Stand: Double Beat Head / Double Facecrusher / Punches & Full Nelson / Double Suplex 1 / Double Flapjack
      Turnbuckle: Spine & Neckbreaker / Mudhole Stomping 1 / Backbreaker & Leg Drop / Body Splash & Whip

      Finishers:Scrapbuster pin, Cobra Clutch
      Favourites: Victoria Sidewalk Slam / Belly To Back Slam / Tilt A Whirl Sideslam 1
      Weapon: DDT / Guillotine 3 or DDT
      Combination: Undertaker Punches 1 / Undertaker Punches 1 reversed / Big Boot 4



      Ring In - Booker T
      Ring Out - Roll Down
      Taunts - Taunt William Regal1, Taunt Helicopter, Taunt Stacy Keibler2, Hand-Clapping
      Fighting Stance - Muscular
      Walking Style - Normal
      Running Style - Normal
      Winning Style - Vince McMahon
      Entrance - MOVIE ??, MOVES Eric Bischoff, MUSIC ??

      Attacks - Double Axe Handle1, Toe Kick1, Swinging Punches, Dropkick3, Bubba Ray Punches1, Tajiri Punches
      Submission - Grapple5, Headlock Takedown, Headlock1, Suplex4, Wrist Clutch Elbow1
      Signature - Grapple10, Aeroplane Spine, Fireman's Carry Slam, Scoop Slam4, DDT20
      Powerful - Grapple11, Manhattan Drop1, Headlock & Punch1, Stone Cold Stunner5, Fury Punch5
      Quick - Grapple4, Arm Drag3, Eye Poke5, Snapmare1, Leg Trip2
      Grapple Attack - Body Attack1(x3)
      Back Grapples - Backslide Pin2, Atomic Drop, Back Suplex9, Back Sideslam2 / German Suplex Pin1, Eddie Cradle Pin, Russian Leg Sweep2, Rolling Cradle Pin2

      Attacks - Angry Stomp, BookerT Stomp, BookerT Stomp
      Grapples - Headlock2, Fury Punch10, Armlock1 / Toss1, Leg Lock9, STF

      Attacks - Clothesline(x2), Knee Attack1
      Grapples - 10 Punch, Mudhole Stomping2, Shoulder Thrusts, 10 Punch, Foot Choke2
      Back Grapples - Turnbuckle Smash, 10 Turnbuckle Smash(x2)

      <Rope Opponent>
      Rope Down Grapple - Irish Whip
      Rebound Attack - Back Elbow Attack4, Double Axe Handle5, Vaulting Body Press
      Jump Down Over - Baseball Slide

      Standing - Double Axe Handle3(x2)
      Down - Elbow Drop3(x3)

      Attack - Shoulder Block4, Clothesline5
      Grapples - School Boy1, Spear & Punches
      Back Grapples - School Boy2, Snapmare4
      Squatting Attacks - Elbow Drop11, Running Leg Drop
      Counter Grapples - Back Drop4, Hip Toss1, Back Drop2

      <Double Team Attacks>
      Standing - Double DDT, Suplex1, Suplex2, Clothesline, Beat Head
      Turnbuckle - Kick to Gut(x4)

      Special Moves - The People's Elbow, The Rock Bottom
      Favourite Moves - German Suplex Pin1, Aeroplane Spine, Manhattan Drop1
      Weapon Signatures - DDT, DDT
      Combination Attacks - Austin Punches1, Austin Punches2, Swing Punch
    • @ dario: BIG THX! :)
      Besser nur diese drei Movelists al gar keine. ;)
      BTW: Die Luther Reigns Movelist ist für HCTP.
      [COLOR="Gray"]ECW Champion,[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]World Heavyweight Champion,[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]WWE Champion[/COLOR]
      [COLOR="Red"]Meine[/COLOR] [COLOR="DeepSkyBlue"]my[/COLOR][COLOR="Yellow"]BUZZ![/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Quiz-Fragen[/COLOR]