WGL // ROSTER // Nighty

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    • WGL // ROSTER // Nighty

      Darby Allin, Rob Van Dam, Mandy Rose & X-Pac (Showdown)
      WGL Tag Team Champion (mit CM Punk) & Mister Money In The Bank
      CM Punk, Christian, Colt Cabana, Darby Allin, MJF, Orange Cassidy, Kenny Omega

      Everyone's Different, Everyone's Special - Tokyo Cyber Squad - Yes, Sir!
      A world without smiles and humor... has no bright future.
      Never End

      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 11 mal editiert, zuletzt von Payne ()

    • Darby Allin
      5 ft 8 in (1.73 m)
      180 lbs (82 kg)
      Seattle, Washington
      WGL // Darby Allin Titantron 2k21

      • Coffin Drop (Reverse Facing Diving Senton)
      • Last Supper (Modified Bridging Reverse Figure For Leg Lock Into A Pin)
      • Crucifix Driver
      • Shotgun Dropkick
      • Fujiwara Armbar
      • Leg-Trapped Sunset Flip Powerbomb
      • O'Connor Roll Followed By A Springboard Crossbody
      • Springboard Armdrag
      • Springboard Backsplash
      • Springboard Moonsault
      • Standing Diamond Dust
      • Suicide Dive

      Everyone's Different, Everyone's Special - Tokyo Cyber Squad - Yes, Sir!
      A world without smiles and humor... has no bright future.
      Never End

      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 11 mal editiert, zuletzt von Payne ()

    • "God's Greatest Creation" Mandy Rose
      5 ft 4 in (1.63 m)
      120 lbs (54 kg)
      Yorktown Heights, New York
      WGL // Mandy Rose Titantron 2k20

      • The Bed of Roses (Lifting double underhook sitout facebuster)
      • Standing Facelock
      • Inverted Tilt-A-Whirl Slam
      • Goddess Fall (Wheelbarrow Facebuster)
      • Lou Thesz Press
      • Headscissor Takedown
      • Powerslam
      • Delayed Suplex

      Everyone's Different, Everyone's Special - Tokyo Cyber Squad - Yes, Sir!
      A world without smiles and humor... has no bright future.
      Never End

      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 8 mal editiert, zuletzt von Payne ()

    • "The Whole F'N Show" Rob Van Dam
      6 ft 0 in (1.83 m)
      235 lbs (107 kg)
      Battle Creek, Michigan
      Hybrid: Hardcore/Techniker
      WGL 2K21 // RVD Titantron

      • Five-Star Frog Splash (High-Angle Frog Splash)
      • Split-Legged Moonsault
      • Van Daminator (Spinning Wheel Kick To A Steel Chair Held In Front Of The Opponent's Face)
      • Van Terminator (Coast To Coast)
      • Air Van Dam (Senton Bomb)
      • Northern Lights Suplex
      • Enzuigiri
      • (Springboard) Moonsault
      • Kick Variations (Diving, Legsweep, Super-, Drop-, Spinning Wheel-, Savate-)
      • Leg Drop Variations (Corkscrew, Diving, Slingshot)
      • Rolling Thunder
      • Steamroller Slam (Rolling Fireman's Carry Slam)

      Everyone's Different, Everyone's Special - Tokyo Cyber Squad - Yes, Sir!
      A world without smiles and humor... has no bright future.
      Never End

      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 9 mal editiert, zuletzt von Payne ()

    • Freundschaften:
      - Prince Mysterio
      - Becky Lynch
      - Bray Wyatt
      - Dustin Rhodes
      - Alexa Bliss

      - Xia Brookside
      - Adam Cole
      - The Priscilla Kelly

      - WGL Tag Team Champion

      Sonstige Erfolge:
      - Platz 4 bei amerikanischen Skateboard-Meisterschaften
      - Brodie Lee Memorial Cup Sieger
      - Money in the bank Sieger

      - Bianca Belair
      - Sasha Banks

      - Curt Hawkins

      - Alexa Bliss

      - Sasha Banks

      - WGL Hardcore Champion

      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 9 mal editiert, zuletzt von Nighty ()