WWE 2K17 - Der Last Gen-Thread

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    • Aus dem 2k Forum:

      WWE 2K17 - Patch 1.02 PS3/360 Notes

      WWE 2K17 Patch 1.02 on PS3/360 should be live now. Here are the patch notes.

      • Addressed an issue in which Superstars were kicking out too quickly after being hit by a Finisher and pinned
      • Fixed an issue with the release bar width for pin attempts not appearing correctly after the pinned Superstar had previously been hit with a Finisher
      • A Superstar can now force an opponent to lean against the ropes or corner by striking the opponent when adjacent to the ropes or corner
      • Fixed issues with certain Finisher moves not being able to be performed properly
      • Fixed an issue with certain moves not applying damage correctly
      • Fixed an issue in which a Superstar could become frozen in mid-air if attacked while the ladder they were on was pushed over
      • COM managers are more likely to distract the referee during a pin or submission attempt against their managed Superstar
      • Addressed issues with the animation speed of select moves
      • Fixed issues with Superstars not being able to hit an opponent with certain springboard and diving moves
      • Fixed an issue with the Phenomenal Forearm 2 move not being able to be performed properly
      • Addressed an issue in which corner running strikes weren’t performed properly

      • Addressed an issue with missing tag team victory scenes

      • Entrance Names can now be 22 characters long without any display cutoff

      • The default volume for generic entrance themes has been increased

      • Adjusted a number of WWE Superstar champion statistics
      • Fixed a stability issue that could occur when editing Contendership Settings (55212)

      • Eliminated circumstances that could contribute to desyncs in online matches (54266, 55688, 55574)

      • Fixed impact audio issues in handicap backstage brawl matches (55360)
      • Fixed an issue with ring announcer and commentary audio during Special Referee matches featuring a Custom Superstar as the special referee (55256)
      • Fixed issues with missing sound effects for certain moves (54377, 55495)
      • Added entrance music for The Golden Truth and Breezango to the music jukebox (55205)
      • Increased the volume of Superstars’ voices in Enzo Amore and Sheamus’s entrances (55232, 55233)
      • Fixed issues with the ring announcer not announcing a Superstar’s weight at the right time (54323, 53757)

      • Made a number of essential fixes and updates related to functionality for the “WWE 2K17 New Moves Pack” downloadable content ahead of release.

      "Es jibt sone und solche, und dann jibt es noch janz andere, aba dit sind die Schlimmsten"

      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von Tony Stark ()

    • Rockatilly schrieb:

      Auch bei Originaltiteln?
      Leider... vor dem Patch war ich als K.O. Universal Champion und hatte den Ansagerbug; nach dem Patch bin ich als K.O. noch immer Universal Champion und hab den Ansagerbug immer noch... hab dann mal "zu SmackDown rübergeschaut" und mir nen Einzug von Dolph Ziggler (IC Champ) angesehen, und auch da hatte ich den Ansagerbug.

      Einzig bei meinem erstellten CAW habe ich jetzt beim Einzug die Gewichtsangabe beim Ansagen (die vor dem Patch komplett gefehlt hatte) - gebe ich dem CAW jedoch nen Titel verschwimmt auch dort die Champion-Gewichts-Ansage...

      Hab mir dann den Einzug von Big Cass & Enzo angesehen - jetzt funktioniert das Mic-Work der beiden beim Einzug... wobei ich die vor dem Patch jedoch noch nicht gespielt habe und von daher nicht weis, obs nicht vorher eh auch funktioniert hat.

      Auch die Einzugsmusik scheint jetzt etwas lauter zu sein als zuvor.

      Die anderen Sachen konnte ich mir noch nicht anschauen.
    • Der nächste Patch ist raus. Hier die Details aus dem 2k Forum:

      WWE 2K17 Patch 1.03 for PS3/360 is live. Here are the notes.

      • Fixed a stability issue when playing a ladder match featuring a Women’s Champion
      • Fixed several issues with certain moves being unable to reliably hit the opponent
      • Fixed an animation speed issue when performing the Rebound Suplex move


      • Fixed an issue with AJ Styles’s appearance when performing certain moves during matches


      • Fixed an issue with the user not being able to save changes to the color of Dolph Ziggler’s boots


      • Fixed an issue with the user not being able to set up a rivalry using the “Underdog Debut” story


      • Fixed an issue with “Slobber Knocker” matches being incorrectly referred to as “Last Man Standing” matches
      • Fixed an issue with Ring Announcer and commentary audio overlapping during Special Referee title matches


      • Made a number of essential fixes and updates related to functionality for the “WWE 2K17 Future Stars Pack” downloadable content ahead of release.
      • Fixed an issue with Paige not being listed in the “Weeks Held” statistics for the NXT Women’s Championship

      Achtung: Verschiedene User berichten, das dieser Patch sämtliche New Moves Pack Inhalte, bis auf den Elbro Drop, löscht. Via Twitter hat sich 2k inzwischen dazu geäußert und eine Behebung des Problems angekündigt.

      "Es jibt sone und solche, und dann jibt es noch janz andere, aba dit sind die Schlimmsten"
    • Neuer Patch, neues Glück:
      (aus dem 2k Forum)

      Patch 1.04 is live on PS3 and 360. Here are the details.


      • Tuned damage values of various moves that were previously dealing too much or too little damage.
      • Fixed an issue with certain moves causing damage to the Superstar performing the move.
      • Fixed issues with Superstars failing to hit the opponent when pulling off certain diving finishers.
      • Fixed an issue in which Superstars could get stuck when performing or reversing ground submission moves in “I Quit” matches.
      • Fixed an issue with the “Insult to Injury” signature improperly awarding a Finisher icon when reversed.
      • Adjusted the animation speed of various moves, including multiple Spinebuster moves.


      • Fixed an issue with the ring apron display during Brock Lesnar’s entrance.


      • Added wrist tape to Sami Zayn’s right hand when editing Superstar Threads.
      • Addressed an inconsistency with Goldust’s boots between his ring and entrance attires.


      • Revised the listings for various move categories to include more available moves, especially for Strike Attacks and Strong Strikes.
      • Fixed a display issue that occurred when marking a move as a “Favorite.”


      • Made a number of essential fixes and updates related to functionality for the “WWE 2K17 Hall of Fame Showcase” downloadable content ahead of release.
      • WWE 2K17 New Moves Pack - Fixed a major issue introduced by Patch 1.03 in which the majority of moves from the “WWE 2K17 New Moves Pack” downloadable content were unavailable in Edit Move-set.
      • WWE 2K17 Future Stars Pack – Fixed a ring announcer issue with The Club’s trio entrance.
      • WWE 2K17 Future Stars Pack – Fixed an issue with the “Tye Breaker” finisher not consuming a Finisher icon properly.
      Die New Moves sind zurück! :bryan:

      "Es jibt sone und solche, und dann jibt es noch janz andere, aba dit sind die Schlimmsten"