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    • Geil. Wie macht man das?

      Habe mir nun auch die Demo gezogen und bin begeistert. Gerade die angesprochene Atmosphäre und der Impact sind absolut da. Also ich zockte heute über Kopfhörer und da kann man klar die harten von den weichen Treffern unterscheiden.

      Einzig mit den Submissions will es noch nicht so klappen. Freue mich auf sehr auf das Spiel.
    • DerHerbman schrieb:

      Ich darf euch stolz mein erstes Video der EA UFC Demo Präsentieren ;) Werde noch zum YT Star:ugly:! Voll schlechte Quali, da muß ich erst noch hinter kommen. Soll aber mal die Conterschläge verdeutlichen:

      Herb wird zum YT Star :D
      Warum hast du so schlechte Quali beim Upload genommen? Sieht langsam gut aus mit dem Bewegungen, Combos usw. Zudem sieht man hier sehr gut den Body Damage. Sehr effektive Waffe
    • theLastEmperor schrieb:

      Den rechten Stick um 1/4 Kreis drehen, 3 mal. Beim dritten mal tut er das.

      Das wo du meinst ist ein sogenannter Sweep. Diese können nicht von jedem Kämpfer ausgeführt werden. Die Tastenkombination ist L1 + Viertel Drehung von links oder rechts nach oben.

      Jones hat diese in North South, Full Mount und Full Guard.
      Gus hat wenn ich mich nicht täusche in Halfguard und sicher Full Guard.
    • Hier hat ZombieRommel ein sehr schönes Tutorial zum standup geschrieben:

      ZombieRommel schrieb:

      At the request of user bcelts, who remembers me from the Undisputed forums, I have decided to write up some strategy for people who want explore the finer points of the demo and prepare for the full game. I think a great many issues people are having with the game will resolve themselves if they simply understand the mechanics better. Everything that I write is based off countless hours playing Player vs Player with my friend. Without further ado, Volume 1 -- Standup:
      It is important to recognize first off that striking in EA UFC, as in Fight Night Champion, is rooted entirely in dynamic physics. What this means is that every strike that lands does so because of hundreds if not thousands of code parameters have calculated, "Yes, this will be a hit!" It is not simple like with the old THQ games or EA MMA with its "heat-seeking" strikes.
      This means that if you want certain things to land, you have to set them up properly. You need to be in certain ranges. And movement will affect impact. Meaning, the infamous Dan Henderson KO of Bisping is something that can, to a degree, be replicated here. If one fighter is dashing INTO the other's power hook, there's a much greater likelihood of a health event being sustained.
      Here are a few tips:
      -Keep your stamina higher than your opponent's when at all possible
      -High stamina affects your movement speed, punch speed and your striking power
      -Low stamina makes you slow, weak, and prone to getting KO'd MUCH more -- you spam yourself out, you die
      -Parry counters are far more likely to cause staggers than are normal punches
      -After a parry counter, quickly follow up the stun you've inflicted with more hits -- jabs and straights are great for following up a hook counter because these punches come out super fast
      -Leg kicks are terrific for interrupting the opponent's rhythm - they almost always trigger a hit reaction when they aren't blocked, allowing you to dictate rhythm and set up your hands
      -If you find yourself getting into a "parry war", you can get out of it by swaying backward when your opponent's parry counter is incoming -- to get a parry you must wait for your opponent's punch animation to run its full course, but you can sway in the opening frames of his punch, meaning you can come back with heat of your own before he can parry you again
      -You are able to chain dashes into sways -- try it! I like to chain the forward dash into a back sway to bait out strikes and mix my opponent up. A lateral dash to the left chained into a right sway is also a favorite.
      -Dashes/lunges can be buffered into your combos to give you greater maneuverability -- in laymen's terms this means you can quickly press JAB, JAB, DASH, and the whole sequence will play out after you've entered your inputs.
      -Lunging and swaying out of the way of strikes seems to grant counters on par with parries. Parries are easier to do but lunging and swaying is great for mixups or, like I said, to break up a parry war.
      -Go into 2P mode and throw multiple unblocked strikes in rapid succession -- notice how quickly your opponent becomes rocked or KO'd. Combos KILL! They can be hard to land against a skilled opponent because of all the defensive options everyone has, but when you can land them, they are devastating.
      -Do not underestimate jabs and straights - they are great at multiple things: they do not deplete your stamina much, meaning they are good for pressuring; the jab moves you forward meaning you can close distance with it and chase down avoidant opponents; you can use them to disrupt the other fighter's targeting, letting you land power punches easier; they are a great way to follow up power shots and counters during the stun window because you can land killer combos with them.
      -Forward dashes are also good for chasing down avoidant opponents
      -Whenever you score a wobble that causes your opponent to stumble backward into the fence, this is a prime opportunity to use the off-the-cage knee and FINISH HIM ;)
      -If you find that your opponent is doing a good job mixing up your body and your head, don't be too quick to try to parry the body as this makes you a bit more vulnerable to head shots. Instead, just use the normal RT block. It's a pretty damn good block when you have high stamina and will allow you to absorb everything (albeit not 100%).
      -When you are rocked, try blocking unless you see a head strike coming, and then tap a punch button while blocking to parry. Don't just hold RT+Punch the whole time as this will drain your stamina and make you easier to KO.
      -If you are in the TKO state on the ground, time your blocks to the punch since your block becomes less effective the longer you hold it... and then click the LS to try to stand up. Even if your opponent denies your standup attempt, it doesn't matter... you are buying yourself time for your head health to recover... that's what's important.
      -Alternating punches are generally much faster than one-hand spam. A double jab is fine, but spamming a lead hand hook will be much slower than if you alternated lefts and rights.
      -Don't forget about Jones' elbows! He has 4 standing elbows - both LB variants and both LB+Back variants. They are devastating. Try to score them off of parry counters and/or sways/lunges.
      -Is someone spamming takedown and clinch attempts on you? No problem! Predictable opponents are dead meat. Simply spam out straight punches (jabs and straights) and you will punch them out of it every time.
      -When it comes to takedown denials, there are multiple factors at play here: #1 How fast are you on the stick? The faster your reactions the better -- pro-tip: HOLD the RT+RS Down... don't just flick it... #2 What is your TDD rating? #3 What is your opponent's TD rating? #4 What is your stamina? #5 What is your opponent's stamina? Ideally you are fast on the stick and your stamina is higher or at least the same as your opponent's. Note that Jones has an easier time stuffing Gustafsson than vice versa due to the TD stat differential. This doesn't mean you're screwed as Gus, just have fast reactions and never spam yourself out on the feet.


      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 2 mal editiert, zuletzt von DerHerbman ()

    • Ich versteh den Sinn hinter solch Hilfen nicht.. Sind alle so schlecht das ihr das nich selbst hin bekommt? :D Is nich böse gemeint ^^
      [COLOR="Silver"]Der Glaube an eine übernatürliche Quelle des Bösen ist unnötig. Der Mensch allein ist zu jeder möglichen Art des Bösen fähig. — JOSEPH CONRAD[/COLOR]
    • SO war das nich gemeint xD
      Ich hab beim Anspielen den Boden auch nich gerafft. Aber dennoch jeder kommt da mit der Zeit rein ^^
      Egal wie ich hoff einfach das unsere Ligen voll werden und wir alle Fun haben werden :D
      [COLOR="Silver"]Der Glaube an eine übernatürliche Quelle des Bösen ist unnötig. Der Mensch allein ist zu jeder möglichen Art des Bösen fähig. — JOSEPH CONRAD[/COLOR]
    • Hab grad vorhin mal so 4 Partien gespielt und muss sagen, ich komme noch überhaupt nicht klar. Das Tutorial hab ich schon nach beednigung wieder vergessen und ich hab dann einfach nur wie ein Depp wild drauf losgeschlagen..ab und an mit Erfolg :D Muss mir das Tutorial wohl noch einige male geben ehe ich die Steuerung drauf habe.
    • Hab grad vorhin mal wieder so 4 Partien gespielt und ich muss sagen, so langsam macht es richtig spaß und auch sinn. Man braucht nur ein bisschen zeit um reinzukommen, aber je besser man klar kommt, desto mehr spaß mach es natürlich auch. Also einfach dran bleiben. Das spiel ist bis auf ein paar kleinigkeiten, echt ziemlich gut geworden.
    • Jop. Anfangs hab ich dort ja auch nur auf die Fresse bekommen ^^
      Von dir davon abgesehen immer außer ein einziges mal :D
      [COLOR="Silver"]Der Glaube an eine übernatürliche Quelle des Bösen ist unnötig. Der Mensch allein ist zu jeder möglichen Art des Bösen fähig. — JOSEPH CONRAD[/COLOR]