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      WWE All Stars PS3 Cheats

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      Printable Version

      Master code:

      Unlock entrances:
      Win ten matches with a superstar to unlock his entrance in Create-A-Superstar mode.

      Unlockable characters:
      Unlock the listed character by performing the corresponding task:

      Drew McIntyre - Win the "Pride Of Scotland" Fantasy Warfare match with Drew McIntyre.
      Eddie Guerrero - Win the "Greatest High Flyer" Fantasy Warfare match with Eddie Guerrero.
      Edge - Win the "Excellence Of Execution" Fantasy Warfare match with Edge.
      Jack Swagger - Win the "Stars & Stripes Showdown" Fantasy Warfare match with Jack Swagger.
      Jimmy Snuka - Win the "Ruthless Aggression" Fantasy Warfare match with Jimmy Snuka.
      Kane - Win the "Ruthless Aggression" Fantasy Warfare match with Kane.
      The Miz - Win the "Perfectly Awesome" Fantasy Warfare match with The Miz.
      Mr. Perfect - Win the "Perfectly Awesome" Fantasy Warfare match with Mr. Perfect.
      Sgt. Slaughter - Win the "Stars & Stripes Showdown" Fantasy Warfare match with Sgt. Slaughter.
      Shawn Michaels - Win the "Mr. Wrestlemania" Fantasy Warfare match with Shawn Michaels.

      Unlockable attires:
      Unlock the listed attire by performing the corresponding task:

      Andre The Giant - Complete any path in Path Of Champions mode with Andre The Giant.
      Andre The Giant (second) - Complete any two paths in Path Of Champions mode with Andre The Giant.
      The Big Show - Complete any path in Path Of Champions mode with The Big Show.
      Bret Hart - Complete any path in Path Of Champions mode with Bret Hart.
      CM Punk - Complete any path in Path Of Champions mode with CM Punk.
      Drew McIntyre - Complete any path in Path Of Champions mode with Drew McIntyre.
      Eddie Guerrero - Complete any path in Path Of Champions mode with Eddie Guerrero.
      Edge - Complete any path in Path Of Champions mode with Edge.
      Hulk Hogan - Complete any path in Path Of Champions mode with Hulk Hogan.
      Hulk Hogan (second) - Complete any two paths in Path Of Champions mode with Hulk Hogan.
      Jack Swagger - Complete any path in Path Of Champions mode with Jack Swagger.
      Jake Roberts - Complete any path in Path Of Champions mode with Jake Roberts.
      Jimmy Snuka - Complete any path in Path Of Champions mode with Jimmy Snuka.
      John Cena - Complete any path in Path Of Champions mode with John Cena.
      John Cena (second) - Complete any two paths in Path Of Champions mode with John Cena.
      John Morrison - Complete any path in Path Of Champions mode with John Morrison.
      Kane - Complete any path in Path Of Champions mode with Kane.
      Kofi Kingston - Complete any path in Path Of Champions mode with Kofi Kingston.
      The Miz - Complete any path in Path Of Champions mode with The Miz.
      Mr. Perfect - Complete any path in Path Of Champions mode with Mr. Perfect.
      Randy Orton - Complete any path in Path Of Champions mode with Randy Orton.
      Randy Savage - Complete any path in Path Of Champions mode with Randy Savage.
      Randy Savage (second) - Complete any two paths in Path Of Champions mode with Randy Savage.
      Rey Mysterio - Complete any path in Path Of Champions mode with Rey Mysterio.
      Rey Mysterio (second) - Complete any two paths in Path Of Champions mode with Rey Mysterio.
      Ricky Steamboat - Complete any path in Path Of Champions mode with Ricky Steamboat.
      The Rock - Complete any path in Path Of Champions mode with The Rock.
      Roddy Piper - Complete any path in Path Of Champions mode with Roddy Piper.
      Sgt. Slaughter - Complete any path in Path Of Champions mode with Sgt. Slaughter.
      Shawn Michaels - Complete any path in Path Of Champions mode with Shawn Michaels.
      Sheamus - Complete any path in Path Of Champions mode with Sheamus.
      Steve Austin - Complete any path in Path Of Champions mode with Steve Austin.
      Triple H - Complete any path in Path Of Champions mode with Triple H.
      The Ultimate Warrior - Complete any path in Path Of Champions mode with The Ultimate Warrior.
      The Undertaker - Complete any path in Path Of Champions mode with The Undertaker.

      Punk and Austin attires:
      At the main menu press LEFT, LEFT, RIGHT, RIGHT, UP, DOWN, UP, DOWN.

      Orton and Roberts attires:
      At the main menu press UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT, UP(2), DOWN(2).

      Morrison and Savage attires:
      At the main menu press DOWN, LEFT, UP, RIGHT(2), UP, LEFT, DOWN.

      Signature moves and finishers:
      Andre The Giant
      Scoop Slam Toss - Press Square + X.
      Jumping Head Scissors - Press Away + Triangle + Circle.
      Step On Chest - Press Triangle + Circle.
      Corner Butt Slam - Press Square + X or Triangle + Circle (opponent must be slumped in corner).
      Finisher (Lifting Head Butt) - Press Triangle + Circle.

      Bret Hart
      Spike Piledriver - Press Square + X.
      Running Bulldog - Press Triangle + Circle.
      Snap Mare To Sleeper - Press Away + Square + X.
      Back Body Drop - Press Away + Y + Circle.

      Eddie Guerrero
      Three Amigos (Triple Suplex) - Press Square + X.
      Mexican Head Scissors - Press Triangle + Circle.
      Gory Special - Press Away + X + X.
      Lasso From El Paso - Press Away + Triangle + Circle.

      Hulk Hogan
      Scoop Powerslam - Press Square + X.
      Backbreaker - Press Triangle + Circle.
      Atomic Knee Drop - Press Away + Square + X.
      Jumping Leg Drop - Press Triangle + Circle (running while opponent on ground).

      Jake "The Snake" Roberts
      Short Arm Clothesline - Press Square + X.
      Inverted Atomic Drop - Press Triangle + Circle.
      Gut Wrench Gut Buster - Press Away + Square + X.
      Knee Lift - Press Away + Triangle + Circle.

      Jimmy "Superfly" Snuka
      Snuka 3 Strike Combo - Press Square + X.
      Headlock To Big Punch - Press Triangle + Circle.
      Jumping Headbutt - Press Away + Square + X or Away + Triangle + Circle.
      Diving Cross Body - Press Square + X or Triangle + Circle from top turnbuckle.

      Mr. Perfect
      Double Snap Mare - Press Square + X.
      Missle Drop Kick - Press Square + X from top turnbuckle.
      Groin Leg Drop - Press Away + Square + X.
      Spinning Toe Hold - Press Triangle + Circle.

      Macho Man Randy Savage
      Atomic Drop - Press Square + X or Triangle + Circle.
      Jumping Knee Drop - Press X + X (while running).
      Double Axe Handle - Press Square + X from top turnbuckle.
      Running Sitout Lariat - Press Triangle + Circle (while running).

      Ricky Steamboat
      Arm Drag Toss - Press Square + X.
      Atomic Electric Chair - Press Triangle + Circle.
      Spin Chop - Press Square + X or Triangle + Circle (opponent must be knocked down).
      Wrist Lock Lift Slam - Press Away + Triangle + Circle.

      The Rock
      Samoan Drop - Press Square + X.
      Spinebuster - Press Away + X + X.
      Peoples Elbow - Press Square + X (opponent must be knocked down).
      Swinging Neckbreaker - Press Triangle + Circle.
      Belly To Belly Suplex - Press Away + Triangle + Circle.

      Roddy Piper
      Airplane Spin - Press Square + X.
      Haymaker - Press Triangle + Circle.
      Atomic Drop Kick - Press Away + X + X.
      Punch Flurry - Press Away + Triangle + Circle.

      Shawn Michaels
      Teardrop Suplex - Press Square + X.
      Figure Four - Press Triangle + Circle.
      Front Flip Elbow - Press Square + A or Y + Circle from top turnbuckle.
      Flying Forearm Kip Up - Press Triangle + Circle (while running) or Square + X (while running).

      Sgt. Slaughter
      Inverted Suplex Slam - Press Square + X.
      Gutbuster - Press Triangle + Circle.
      Punch Combo - Press Away + X + X.
      Slaughter Cannon - Press Square + X or Triangle + Circle from top turnbuckle.

      Stone Cold Steve Austin
      Inverted Suplex Slam - Press Square + X.
      Mudhole Stomp - Press Square + X or Triangle + Circle (while opponent is slumped in corner).
      Stun Gun - Press Triangle + Circle.
      Lou Thesz Press - Press Square + X (while running) or Triangle + Circle (while running).

      Ultimate Warrior
      Choke Lift Toss - Press Square + X or Triangle + Circle.
      450 Splash - Press Triangle + Circle from top turnbuckle.
      360 Double Axe Handle - Press Square + X from top turnbuckle.
      Flying Shoulder Block - Press Square + X (while running) or Triangle + Circle (while running).

      Big Show
      Cobra Clutch Backbreaker - Press Square + X.
      Show Stopper - Press Away + Square + X.
      Reverse Powerbomb - Press Triangle + Circle.
      Chest Slap - Press Away + Triangle + Circle.

      CM Punk
      Straight Edge Clothesline - Press Square + X.
      Punch Kick Combo - Press Triangle + Circle.
      Punch Knee Bulldog - Press Square + X (while opponent is slumped in corner).
      Step Up Enziguri - Press Away + Triangle + Circle.

      Drew McIntyre
      Mounted Punches And Head Butt - Press Square + X.
      Scot Drop - Press Triangle + Circle.
      Inverted Alabama Slam - Press Away + X + X.
      Tilt A Whirl - Press Away + Triangle + Circle.

      Edgecution - Press Square + X.
      Edge-O-Matic - Press Triangle + Circle.
      Spinning Wheel Kick - Press Away + Square + X.
      Electric Chair Face Buster - Press Away + Triangle + Circle.

      Jack Swagger
      Double Leg Takedown - Press Square + X.
      Side Belly To Belly Slam - Press Triangle + Circle.
      Corner Slingshot Splash - Press Away + Square + X.
      Oklahoma Stampede - Press Away + Y + Circle.

      John Cena
      Side Slam - Press Square + X.
      Delayed Suplex - Press Triangle + Circle.
      5 Knuckle Shuffle - Press Square + X (while near the head of a grounded opponent).
      Air Leg Drop - Press Square + X or Triangle + Circle from top turnbuckle.

      John Morrison
      Moonlight Drive - Press Square + X.
      Capoeira Kick - Press Away + Triangle + Circle.
      Tornado DDT - Press Triangle + Circle.
      Rope Spring Roundhouse Kick - Press Square + X (while running near ropes).

      Falling Powerbomb - Press Square + X.
      Gorilla Press Powerslam - Press Away + Triangle + Circle.
      Tombstone - Press Triangle + Circle.
      Diving Clothesline - Press Square + X or Triangle + Circle from top turnbuckle.

      Kofi Kingston
      Trouble In Paradise - Press Square + X or Triangle + Circle.
      Diving Cross Body - Press Square + X from top turnbuckle
      Koronco Buster - Press Square + X (while opponent is in corner).
      Boom Drop - Press Triangle + Circle (near the head of a grounded opponent).

      The Miz
      Shoulder Jawbreaker - Press Square + X.
      Reality Check - Press Triangle + Circle.
      Rope Neck Snap - Press Away + Square + X.
      Leaping Corner Clothsline - Press Triangle + Circle (while opponent is in corner).

      Randy Orton
      Running Punt - Press Square + X.
      Orton Stomp - Press Triangle + Circle.
      Inverted Headlock Backbreaker - Press Away + Square + X.
      Rope Hung DDT - Press Away + Triangle + Circle.

      Rey Mysterio
      Mysterio Rana - Press Square + X.
      Angel Splash Miss - Press Square + X from top turnbuckle.
      Wheel Barrow Bulldog - Press Triangle + Circle.
      Seated Senton - Press Triangle + Circle from top turnbuckle.

      Double Axe Handle - Press Square + X.
      Fiery Red Hand - Press Away + Triangle + Circle.
      Irish Curse - Press Triangle + Circle.
      Pump Kick - Press Square + X (while running) or Triangle + Circle (while running).

      Triple H
      Spinning Spinebuster - Press Square + X.
      Kneeling Facebuster - Press Triangle + Circle (while running).
      Falling Neck Breaker - Press Triangle + Circle.
      Jumping Knee Strike - Press Square + X (while running).

      Chokeslam - Press Square + X.
      Last ride - Press Triangle + Circle.
      Old School - Press Square + X or Triangle + Circle (while opponent is slumped in corner).
      Running Lariat - Press Square + X (while running) or Triangle + Circle (while running).


      Bronze trophies
      The New Generation - Defeat a Legend with a Superstar.
      Showing Them How It's Done - Defeat a Superstar with a Legend.
      Facing the Deadman - Complete the Legends Path of Champions with any Superstar.
      The Apex Predator - Complete the Superstars Path of Champions with any Superstar.
      Breaking the Rules - Complete the Tag Team Path of Champions with any Superstars.
      Rising Star - Complete any Path of Champions with a created Superstar.
      The Next WWE Superstar - Make a created Superstar.
      Reversal of Fortune - Perform at least 5 grapple reversals during a match.
      Chain Gang - Perform a combo at least 5 moves in length.
      Dominating - Win a match against the CPU without losing any health.
      Layeth the Smacketh Down! - Win a match in under 2 minutes.
      Five Moves of Doom - Execute signature moves in a single match.
      Born to Fly - Perform 10 successful regular aerial moves in a single match.
      Punch Drunk - Land at least 100 strikes in a single match in any mode.
      Five Star Rating - Achieve a five star rating in any category while facing the CPU.
      Mark of Excellence - Earn a gold medal in any match type while facing the CPU.
      Make Them Humble - Win 25 matches by knockout.
      Man of 1000 Holds - Win a match without using any strikes.
      Over the Top - Win a Steel Cage match.
      In the Spotlight - Win an online match.
      Last Man Standing - Win a Fatal 4 Way Elimination match.
      He's Got a Chair! - Land at least 10 successful strikes with an object in a single match.
      Beating the Odds - Win a Handicap match.
      Totally Extreme! - Win an Extreme Rules match.
      Enhancement Talent - Win 10 online matches.
      Mid Carder - Win 25 online matches.
      The New Face of Cyberspace - Defeat a created Superstar in an online match with your own created Superstar.
      Suck It - Win a Tornado Tag Team match as Triple H and Shawn Michaels.
      Mega Powers - Win a Tornado Tag Team match as Hulk Hogan and Randy Savage.
      Comeback of the Year - Win a match when your Superstar is at zero health.
      I'm Your Papi! - Defeat Rey Mysterio in a Steel Cage match as Eddie Guerrero.
      The Pride of Scotland - Win a Tornado Tag Team match as Roddy Piper and Drew McIntyre.
      Booyaka Booyaka - Defeat Andre the Giant and Big Show in a Handicap Match as Rey Mysterio.
      Winner by Default - Win an online match due to opponent's disqualification.
      Attitude Problem - Get disqualified in three consecutive matches in any mode.

      Silver trophies
      Old School - Complete all Fantasy Warfare matches as a WWE Legend.
      Legend Killer - Complete all Fantasy Warfare matches as a WWE Superstar.
      Running Wild - Perform 50 successful finishers in any mode over the course of the game.
      Slobberknocker - Win a match without using any grapples.
      The Champ is Here! - Complete all three Path of Champions as John Cena.
      The King of Kings - Defeat the entire WWE All Stars roster as Triple H.
      The Bottom Line - Defeat the entire WWE All Stars roster with a single created Superstar.

      Gold trophies
      The Ultimate Achievement - Defeat the entire Roster and all three Path of Champions as The Ultimate Warrior.
      Main Eventer - Win 50 online matches.
      You Can't See Me! - Win 10 consecutive online matches.

      Platinum trophy
      All trophies awarded - Earn all Bronze, Silver, and Gold trophies.
    • Hab die Demo zwar schon lange gehabt, gezockt wirklich aber nie.

      Gestern hab ich mich mal länger damit beschäftigt und muss sagen das Spiel mach unglaublich Spaß. Des Kontertimung muss ich nur noch rauskriegen :D
      Denk ich werds mir aufjedenfall holen bei nem guten Angebot.
      Lionel Messi - GOAT

      #5 Sergio Busquets

      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von Miklo-Velka ()

    • Habe mir das Game jetzt bei GameStop für 'nen Zehner bestellt und es kam heute - finde es auf jeden Fall mal was anderes! Wird aber im Endeffekt wie WWE LoW dann auch nur im Regal verstauben! Aber egal! Für die paar Euro ist es echt klasse. Erst mal alle Trophäen freispielen! :)
      Stay (05:28 PM) :
      ich hab meine mutter nicht mehr erkannt
    • Heute mal wieder All Stars eingelegt. Das Spiel zeigt mal wieder so deutlich, wieviel Potenzial THQ mit dem San Diego Studio hatte. Traurig das wir niemals ein Sequel sehen werden. Alleine die Konter sind so traumhaft. Zudem hatte ich wirklich vergessen, wie herausfordernd der Titel ist. Habe mehrere Matches gespielt die alle super knapp waren.