UFC® Undisputed™ 2010 (Fragen&Antworten, Karriere, Online-Erfahrung, Tipps&Tricks)

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    • Hey everyone,

      Your patience and feedback since our last patch has been extremely appreciated.

      We are officially working on our next patch which should resolve a wide range of issues for Undisputed 2010 on the Xbox 360 and PS3. The patch will focus on both Offline and Online mode fixes. The list below provides several of the top changes we plan to make, while others will be announced later once we have verified they can be patched successfully. A release date has not been determined due to the time needed for testing, however we are currently planning for release in the month of September.

      1) We are working on a fix for the mid-match disconnects which usually occur during the 2nd Round or later of an Online match.

      2) A solution for the Fighter Stats screen in the Online Fighter Select menu has been found. We believe that this can be done within the patch filesize limit.

      3) We are reviewing various methods to balance combat including adjustments to Transition Reversals.

      We will also continue working on improvements for the UFC servers, as well as a solution for resetting the online leaderboards.

      Update 8/19/2010: There have been a lot of questions pertaining to online tournaments. Tournaments are not associated with the patch, so keep an eye out for an update separate from this thread. We should have an announcement for these within a week or so.

      Update 8/24/2010: We are researching recent bugs to possibly be fixed in the patch while it is still being tested internally. This includes online records being randomly reset, and incompatibility between players online due to a Fighter Stats version error message. We are also working towards new server fixes which will hopefully alleviate connectivy issues in Camp mode on the Xbox 360.

      Update 9/1/2010: There has been some interest in offline bug fixes planned for the patch, so I will confirm a few fixes in the works along with their current status. This is not our complete list of offline fixes, so expect more to come.

      Fixed - Occasionally fighters become locked in the Muay Thai clinch until the end of the round.
      Fixed - In rare instances, WFA fighters will appear instead of UFC fighters who are coming out of retirement in Career mode.
      Fixed - Also in rare cases, fighters are awarded the same score following a Career match but the ruling is Unanimous Decision.
      In Test - Fighters sometimes become stuck matching against fighters from the wrong weight division when changing weight divisions during the Career.
      Fixed - Add Camera Shake during charged submissions, allowing players to be aware of an opponent charging a sub without relying on Stamina Bars.

      Für jeden, der das offizielle Forum nicht besucht. Hoffe mal das mit dem Patch wirklich ein paar Verbesserungen eingeführt werden, denn sehr viel schlechter kann es ja nicht mehr werden -.-
      So etwas wie Glück oder Zufall gibt es nicht! Geht deshalb jetzt auf gwf-wrestling.com/vote und gebt mir Cris Opus eure Stimme für das GWF Battlefield 2018 Match. #HardWorkPaysOff #Wrestling #FrankfurtFinest #CrisOpus
    • 1) We are working on a fix for the mid-match disconnects which usually occur during the 2nd Round or later of an Online match.

      3) We are reviewing various methods to balance combat including adjustments to Transition Reversals.

      We will also continue working on improvements for the UFC servers, as well as a solution for resetting the online leaderboards.

      We are also working towards new server fixes which will hopefully alleviate connectivy issues in Camp mode on the Xbox 360.

      Wenn die das so machen, sehr gut, ein riesen Schritt in die richtige Richtung. Nur sollten die nicht nur reden, sondern machen. Wir warten schon seit dem Spiel-Release darauf.
    • Alleine der flüssige Ablauf der Server wäre schon eine riesen Bereicherung für das Game und so wie ich es aus dem Forum heraus gelesen habe, scheint der 3 Punkt mit den Transition Reversals ebenfalls das Autoblocken zu beinhalten. Naja ich bin gespannt, wann das Ding erscheint und ob es wirklich was bringt
      So etwas wie Glück oder Zufall gibt es nicht! Geht deshalb jetzt auf gwf-wrestling.com/vote und gebt mir Cris Opus eure Stimme für das GWF Battlefield 2018 Match. #HardWorkPaysOff #Wrestling #FrankfurtFinest #CrisOpus
    • Fixed - Occasionally fighters become locked in the Muay Thai clinch until the end of the round.
      Fixed - In rare instances, WFA fighters will appear instead of UFC fighters who are coming out of retirement in Career mode.
      Fixed - Also in rare cases, fighters are awarded the same score following a Career match but the ruling is Unanimous Decision.
      In Test - Fighters sometimes become stuck matching against fighters from the wrong weight division when changing weight divisions during the Career.
      Fixed - Add Camera Shake during charged submissions, allowing players to be aware of an opponent charging a sub without relying on Stamina Bars.

      Super, genau die Sachen die wichtig sind :t-up:
      Ne ne, THQ wird nicht mehr gekauft. Bei Ea bin ich auch skeptisch aber alleine wegen dem Community Support wird es gekauft.
    • THQ hat übrigens heute bestätigt, dass der Nachfolger frühestens erst 2012 kommt.


      Today, THQ revealed its release schedule of "core games" for its 2012 fiscal year, which ends on March 31, 2012. Sure enough, the slate reveals that the next UFC game won't arrive until early 2012, nearly 2 years after after May's UFC Undisputed 2010. While still a bestseller with nearly 3 million units shipped, the game did not perform as well as expected.
    • Sehr gute Nachricht. Die haben dann genug Zeit alles umzukrempeln. Um das Spiel (von 09 auf 10) zu vermiesen, haben die nur knapp ein Jahr gebraucht, aber um den Karren aus der Scheiße zuziehen müssen zwei Jahre Entwicklungszeit her - verständlich.
      Hoffe, dass die nicht den 10er Teil als Grundstein nehmen, weil das Spiel von Vorne bis Hinten schlecht ist. Die müssen eigentlich ein zweites Mal versuchen auf den 09er aufzubauen, nur eben dann in die richtige Richtung.