FAQ eines THQ Mitarbeiters bei caws.ws

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    • FAQ eines THQ Mitarbeiters bei caws.ws

      im caws.ws forum ist ein angeblicher thq mitarbeiter, der fragen beantwortet. hier mal die bisher beantworteten fragen:

      Q. "Can you say when gameplay videos are going to be released?"
      A. The first trailer uses all in-game engine. But, we'll have more videos over the coming weeks showing more detail on some of the game modes.

      Q. Are you going to bring back all of the moves removed over the years - specifically for legends like Hogan's leg drop?
      A. There will be plenty of new moves in the game, but we're not talking about specific moves and finishers yet.

      Q. Which finishers have been updated?
      A. Some of the finishers have been updated, but we're not going to be talking about these just yet.

      Q. In SvR 2010 will we be able to edit ingame superstars like they're CAWs? Or like, small color edits?
      A. You won't have full editing abilities, but you can create alternate costumes for them.

      Q. Is still possible to create a finisher with 100000 chokes getting the opponent instantly DEAD? That was lame
      A. When you're creating a finisher you won't be able to use the same move in every slot.

      Q. Will Create A Finisher include diving, submission, Behind, or Turnbuckle Finishers?
      A. Diving, behind and turnbuckle moves are all in. Not sure about submission moves.

      Q. In CAW mode, will you be able to put "Wrestling Tight Designs" on "Bottoms" and not just "Wrestling Tights" for PS3.
      A. Yes.

      Q. What is the 3D tool?
      A. It's not a tool as such, but it does mean that any logo you create will react naturally with the clothing.

      Various questions about this, understandably..
      Q. Could someone tell us more about the create a storyline?
      A. The Gamespot article does a good job of describing this: uk.gamespot.com/sports/blogs/sports...on-is-king.html

      Q. Is design a story for exhibition. I read the gamespot preview but didn't quite figure out if its a mode or you can do it in exhibition?
      A. It's a completely separate mode in the game.

      Q. is this story mode/rtwm for all caws (males & females?) so, i can play a story mode with my diva caw?
      A. Yep, you can use any created Superstars - including divas - in the Design-A-Story mode.

      Q. i didnt understand what did they mean with "design a broadcast" ?
      Q. Is Design a Story supposed to be like 'design a full episode of ECW/SD!/Raw' or is it creating your own Road to Wrestlemania?
      A. It's similar to Road to WrestleMania, so multiple shows rather than a one-off episode. The Gamespot article has all of the info we're allowed to talk about so far on Create-A-Story: uk.gamespot.com/sports/blogs/sports...on-is-king.html

      Q. Anybody know if the highlight reel's still in?
      A. Yep, it's still in!

      Q. Is Create an Arena going to be in?
      A. No, sorry, you won't be able to create your own arena.

      Q. Still max 6 people on the screen? (4 online)
      Q. Will the Wii have online play?
      A. We're not allowed to talk about multiplayer yet.

      Q. Will edit an attire be on PlayStation 2?
      A. Yes.

      Q. Can we use designs on our caws online again? "the sharing online in this article states that you can upload your caws online even edited superstar attires "
      Q. If we are able to create a superstar logo, can we put them online?
      A. Yes

      Q. Pre-orders - Play.com The Rock....Gamestop Stone Cold But can you get both super stars? Unlock codes if you don't preorder?
      A. There are currently no plans to release the unlocks, so it's pre-order only.

      Q. Banners for Legends of Wrestlemania – does this mean a sequel?
      A. There are currently no plans for a sequel. If it does happen, we'll be sure to shout about it.

      quelle: caws.ws/forum/index.php?showtopic=331630
    • Neues FAQ von THQ

      Sry ich kann kein englisch, heißt das wirklich nur das es nur für die vorbesteller ist ?

      Q. Pre-orders - Play.com The Rock....Gamestop Stone Cold But can you get both super stars? Unlock codes if you don't preorder?
      A. There are currently no plans to release the unlocks, so it's pre-order only.
      Liebt seine PS4
    • Ja aber mir fällt spontan kein Beispiel ein....bzw. doch man Top Rope Gordbuster den Jeff öfters macht also man geht auf das 2 Seil hebt den Gegner dann auf 3 Seil Gordbuster Lift und Impact ;)
    • Evan-Bourne schrieb:

      a) Submission wirds wahrscheinlich sowieso nicht geben....
      b) Turnbuckle Moves:

      Ich könnte es mir so vorstellen....
      1 - Taunt Raise Arm
      2 - Moonsault Stand
      3 - 1/2 Moonsault Sprung + 1/2 Schraube
      4 - 1/2 Moonsault Sprung
      5 - Senton Impact

      = 180 Moonsault

      Das wär ja ein Diving Move ;)
    • Die Frage zum Multiplayer darf er nicht beantworten. Will da jetzt nicht zu viel reinspekulieren, aber evtl. sind endlich mal 8 Leute im Ring möglich. Wäre super für Survivor Series Matches!