Eure Champions

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    • WWE Champion:[/B] Randy Orton
      Intercontinental Champion: Jeff Hardy
      Womens Champion: Melina
      World Tag Team Champions: Cryme Time (aber nur bis es endlich Cade/Murdoch-CAWS gibt)

      World Heawyweight Champion: Batista
      United States Champion: MVP
      Cruserweight Champion: Chavo Guerrero
      WWE Tag Team Champions: MVP/Matt Hardy

      ECW Champion: CM Punk

      WWE Attitude Champion: The Rock
      WCW World Champion:
      Ric Flair
      Million Dollar Champion:
      Shane McMahon
      WWE Hardcore Champion:
      Tommy Dreamer
      Statt der weißen Fahne werdet ihr meinen Mittelfinger sehen
    • WWE Champion: John Cena(hab noch nicht um diesen title gekämpft;))
      Intercontinental Champion: Jeff Hardy
      Womens Champion: Mickie James
      World Tag Team Champions: BoD

      World Heawyweight Champion: Batista
      United States Champion: Finlay
      Cruserweight Champion: Kenny Dykstra
      WWE Tag Team Champions: Cryme Tyme

      ECW Champion: Umaga

      King of the Ring: The Rock in begleitung von Michelle McCool:D

      WWE Attitude Champion: The Rock
      WCW World Champion: Dynamite (CaW)^^
      Million Dollar Champion: MVP
      WWE Hardcore Champion: Rob Van Dam

      PS: Kurze zeit war Ric Flair Cruiserweight Champion. :D Da er ja Light-Heavyweight ist.
    • WWE Champion: Jeff Hardy (Er hat ein Tunier, um den WWE Titel gewonnen)
      Intercontinental Champion: Schröder CAW
      Womens Champion: Melina
      World Tag Team Champions: Merkel und Schröder (Sie haben gegen The BOD gewonnen) :nervös:

      World Heawyweight Champion: Stoiber CAW
      United States Champion: Jeff Hardy
      Cruserweight Champion: Edge
      WWE Tag Team Champions: Merkel und Schröder :wall:

      ECW Champion: Sandman

      WWE Attitude Champion: Vince
      WCW World Champion: Booker T
      Million Dollar Champion: Shane McMahon
      WWE Hardcore Champion: Mick Foley

      King of the Ring: Vince (der sieht echt bescheuert aus mit Krone)
    • WWE Champion: Randy Orton
      Intercontinental Champion: Jeff Hardy
      Womens Champion: Melina
      World Tag Team Champions: Cade & Murdoch

      World Heawyweight Champion: Batista
      United States Champion: MVP
      Cruserweight Champion: Gregory Helms
      WWE Tag Team Champions: The Miz & Nitro

      ECW Champion: CM Punk

      WWE Attitude Champion: The Rock
      WCW World Champion:
      King Booker
      Million Dollar Champion:
      Shane McMahon
      WWE Hardcore Champion:
      Rob van Dam
    • WWE Champion: Randy Orton
      Intercontinental Champion: Carlito
      Womens Champion: Ariel (CAW)
      World Tag Team Champions: Prototype & Christopher (CAW Ich und Kollege)

      World Heawyweight Champion: Kane
      United States Champion: MVP
      Cruserweight Champion: Chavo Guerrero
      WWE Tag Team Champions: Young Blood (Kenny Dykstra & Chris Masters)

      ECW Champion: Marcus Cor Von
      the wild boys are calling
      der letzte tighte
    • WWE Champion: The Rock
      Intercontinental Champion: Jeff Hardy
      Womens Champion: Candice
      World Tag Team Champions: Cryme Time

      World Heawyweight Champion: The Great Khali
      United States Champion: Terry Funk
      Cruserweight Champion: Rey Rey
      WWE Tag Team Champions: McMahons

      ECW Champion: Sabu

      WWE Attitude Champion: The Rock
      WCW World Champion: King Booker
      Million Dollar Champion: Tommy Dreamer
      WWE Hardcore Champion: Sandman
      There he goes. One of God's own prototypes. A high-powered mutant of some kind never even considered for mass production. Too weird to live, and too rare to die.

      Ich komm' direkt aus VIETNAAAAAM!
    • WWE Champ: Edge
      IC Champ: Umaga
      World Tag Champ: Terry and Sabu
      Womens Champ:

      World Champ: MVP
      US Champ: Matt Hardy
      WWE Tag Champ: Snitsky and Khali
      CW Champ:
      Rey Rey

      ECW World Champ: CM Punk

      WCW Champ: The Rock
      WWE Attituded Champ: Undertaker
      Hardcore Champ:
      ƒιgнтєя ι ωιηѕ ι ℓσѕѕ ι ∂яαω
      BJ Penn ι 00 ι 00 ι 00 [/COLOR]
    • WWE Champion: Randy Orton
      Intercontinental Champion: Umaga
      Womens Champion: Melina
      World Tag Team Champions: The Hardys

      World Heawyweight Champion: Batista
      United States Champion: MVP
      Cruserweight Champion: Chavo Guerrero (wird aber noch Gregory Helms)
      WWE Tag Team Champions: MVP & Matt Hardy

      ECW Champion: CM Punk

      WWE Attitude Champion: Ric Flair
      WCW World Champion: "Stone Cold" Steve Austin
      Million Dollar Champion: JBL
      WWE Hardcore Champion: Tommy Dreamer (wird aber noch Terry Funk)
    • WWE Champion: HHH
      Intercontinental Champion: HBK
      Womens Champion: Melina
      World Tag Team Champions: DX

      World Heawyweight Champion: Undertaker
      United States Champion: Mr.Kennedy
      Cruserweight Champion: Helms
      WWE Tag Team Champions: ?

      ECW Champion: Lashberg

      WWE Attitude Champion: The Rock
      WCW World Champion: Stone Cold
      Million Dollar Champion: Shane McMahon
      WWW Hardcore Champion: Tommy Dreamer

      Kleine Frage zum Thema Champs:

      Bei Batista und Rey Mysterio Jr. ist bei der Wrestlerauswahl so ein Titel im Feld...dabei sind sie bei mir gar keine Champs und können auch keinen Titel verteidigen...Was hat dieser Belt zu bedeuten??
      [center]Jedes Jahr im Herbst immer für ein paar Wochen anwesend ;)[/center]
    • WWE Champion: Jeff Hardy
      Intercontinental Champion: Carlito
      Womens Champion: Ashley (Eigendlich egal, die sieht einfach am besten aus ^^ denke aber sogar ich kann besser Wrestlen als die)

      World Tag Team Champions: Cryme Time

      World Heawyweight Champion: Matt Hardy
      United States Champion: MVP
      Cruserweight Champion: Helms
      WWE Tag Team Champions: The Hardy's

      ECW Champion: Sabu

      WWE Attitude Champion: Steven Austin
      WCW World Champion: Ric Flair
      Million Dollar Champion: Vince McMahon
      WWW Hardcore Champion: Tommy Dreamer
    • RAW Champions:

      WWE Champion: Mr. Kennedy
      Intercontinental Champion: Jeff Hardy
      World Tag Team Champions: Cryme Tyme
      Women's Champion: Melina

      SmackDown! Champions:

      World Heavyweight Champion: Batista
      WWE United States Champion: MVP
      WWE Tag Team Champions: Tommy Dreamer & Sabu
      WWE Cruiserweight Champion: Chavo Guerrero

      ECW Champions:

      ECW World Champion: CM Punk
      [COLOR="red"]Smackdown vs RAW 2008
      [COLOR="Yellow"]Best game ever!!![/COLOR][/COLOR]
    • WWE: Triple H
      Intercontinental: Mr. Kennedy
      World Tag Team: The McMahons
      Women's: Ashley

      World Heavyweight: The Undertaker
      United States: Kenny Dykstra
      WWE Tag Team: Gregory Helms & Chavo Guerrero
      Cruiserweight: Rey Mysterio

      ECW: Terry Funk

      King of the Ring: Lashley mit Mickie James

      WWF Attuide: The Rock
      WCW Classic: King Booker
      Million Dollar: Shane McMahon
      Hardcore: Mick Foley
    • WWE: Cena
      Intercontinental: Lashley
      World Tag Team: DX
      Women's: Melina

      World Heavyweight: Edge
      United States: MVP
      WWE Tag Team: Miz und Nitro
      Cruiserweight: Gregory Helms

      ECW: CM Punk

      King of the Ring: CM Punk und Kelly Kelly

      WWF Attuide: VKM
      WCW Classic: Y2J
      Million Dollar: Shane McMahon
      Hardcore: Dreamer
    • WWE: HHH
      Intercontinental: Jeff Hardy
      World Tag Team: DX

      World Heavyweight: Edge
      United States: Matt Hardy
      WWE Tag Team: BoD
      Cruiserweight: Gregory Helms

      ECW: CM Punk

      King of the Ring: King Booker

      WWF Attuide: The Rock
      WCW Classic: Ric FLair
      Million Dollar: Shane McMahon
      Hardcore: Mick Foley
      [center]Jedes Jahr im Herbst immer für ein paar Wochen anwesend ;)[/center]
    • WWE Champion: Randy Orton
      Intercontinental Champion: Jeff Hardy
      Womens Champion: Melina
      World Tag Team Champions: Cryme Tyme

      World Heawyweight Champion: The Undertaker
      United States Champion: MVP
      Cruserweight Champion: Chavo Guerrero
      WWE Tag Team Champions: MVP & Matt Hardy

      ECW Champion: The Sandman

      WWE Attitude Champion: The Rock
      WCW World Champion:
      Bret Hart
      Million Dollar Champion:
      Shane McMahon
      WWE Hardcore Champion:
      Tommy Dreamer
      [COLOR="Gray"]Frieden gibt es nicht, nur Leidenschaft.
      Durch Leidenschaft erlange ich Stärke.
      Durch Stärke erlange ich Macht.
      Durch die Macht erlange ich den Sieg.
      Durch den Sieg zerbersten meine Ketten.
      Die Macht wird mich befreien. [/COLOR]