[SVR07 - 360] Brock Lesnar by Wolfgang JT

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    • WolfgangJT schrieb:

      lol...and you guys can't deal with proof that you are wrong either. "Deal with critic"..that's funny...if what you are saying is so true, explain why every other board (7 of them to be exact) disagrees with you. Again, if you guys are so much better or know of so much better, please show it.

      Seems you have a problem being able to say what wrong on the caws....you just downrate certain people for some odd reason, give no suggestions at all, act like there is better, and when challenged to show one, you can't, then you chalk it off like we can't take criticism. no, you can't give truthful feedback or at least even prove your reasonings, especially when you are the only one saying it's not good...7 other boards, including the top caw site for the game, state otherwise....so out of what, the 2 of you, vs what 1000+ people who've voted...who do you think is wrong? me and the 1000+ people, or you 2? lol. Take your own criticism...you wouldn't know a good caw if it hit you in the face. Mine wouldn't be rated high if it didn't look like him. I might need a few things here and there, quite minor tweaks or changes (like since the posting, I have changed the eye makeup), but to say it sucks and doesn't look like him...yeah, ok, whatever. Your loss.

      If we´d explain it and give feedback and we´d say you should make hs nose smaller(just an example) you still woul´d cry like an little baby and say we can´t take criticism. But can´t you see that YOU can´t take criticsim??
      That´s just our opinion that we don´t think that this CAW looks like Brock Lesnar. You say, we don´t know Brock´s face. Ok, that´s YOUR opinion, but my/our opinion is the following: we can´t see Brock in that face! We have to accept your opinion, that we´re just some idiots which can´t see Brock in that face. Our opinion is, that you can´t take criticisim. Accept it and everybody is lucky.

      I can´t guarantee that this text has no mistakes, I´m sorry for them.
    • I think this Caw looks, I can see Brock Lesnar in this Caw!

      But if someone thinks this Caw doesn't look good, why do you not say: "Okay" And sty quiet?
      I Think Scarecrow has right! You make good Caws but only because somebody don't like your caw this not means that he don'T know good Caws!!
      Everyone has it own Opinion, so just live with this and be quiet!!

      Sry for the Mistakes! I can't speak English perfect!
      Ausserdem verstehst du doch Deutsch hast du mal gesagt warum lässt du uns dann auf immer auf Englisch schreiben? Lächerlich!!
    • WolfgangJT schrieb:

      lol...and you guys can't deal with proof that you are wrong either. "Deal with critic"..that's funny...if what you are saying is so true, explain why every other board (7 of them to be exact) disagrees with you. Again, if you guys are so much better or know of so much better, please show it.

      Seems you have a problem being able to say what wrong on the caws....you just downrate certain people for some odd reason, give no suggestions at all, act like there is better, and when challenged to show one, you can't, then you chalk it off like we can't take criticism. no, you can't give truthful feedback or at least even prove your reasonings, especially when you are the only one saying it's not good...7 other boards, including the top caw site for the game, state otherwise....so out of what, the 2 of you, vs what 1000+ people who've voted...who do you think is wrong? me and the 1000+ people, or you 2? lol. Take your own criticism...you wouldn't know a good caw if it hit you in the face. Mine wouldn't be rated high if it didn't look like him. I might need a few things here and there, quite minor tweaks or changes (like since the posting, I have changed the eye makeup), but to say it sucks and doesn't look like him...yeah, ok, whatever. Your loss.

      I´m not saying it dosen´t look good but every time somebody says something else like:It´s perfect.You totally freak out.And I think Deadman,Phenom,Undertaker said all.The caw looks good by the way but I only give him 8/10 bcause I don´t like the eyes and the nose and you used to make better ones.
      "Do you have a WOW acount?" - "No, I have a live!"
      Zitat von Chris Benoit fan:
      cena vs kaqlle,wath a fuck,gamlich ende,gaml.mitte ,gaml.anf=gleich gaqmell match
    • Hallo!

      Tja das war ich, der mit Wolfgang auf deutsch kommuniziert hat. In der Tat hat er gesagt, dass er bablefish verwendet um die Texte zu übersetzten.

      Wir wissen alle, das WolfgangJT üblicherweise sehr gute Caws macht, und der hier is tsicherlicht keine Ausnahme. Wir wissen aber auch, dass WolfgangJT eigentlich immer ausflippt oder unhöflich wird, wenn jemand anderer Meinung als er ist ^^

      Meine Meinung zu diesem Caw ist, das Körper, Attire, Tätowierungen usw. natürlich ziemlich perfekt aussehen. Aber mit dem Gesicht kann ich mich ebenfalls nicht anfreunden, und meiner Meinung nach hat das Wolfgang mit seinen Bildern nur bestätigt. Ich weiß nicht wieviel mit dem Editor vom 07er Spiel möglich ist, aber das Gesicht von diesem Caw sieht für mich nur wie ein guter Anfang aus, mehr nicht. Der Wolfgang den ich noch in Erinnerung habe, hätte jedenfalls an dieser Stelle nicht aufgegeben sondern das Ding weitergebastelt bis es wirklich gut geworden wäre. Aber das kann ja jeder auch selber versuchen. Einfach alles soweit nachbauen, und das Gesicht dann optimieren.

      Das Argument, dass in allen anderen Boards die User wie die Lemminge den Caw toll finden (inkl. Gesicht) halte ich allerdings für völligen Unsinn. Denn auch wenn tausende Leute eine Dummheit tun (bzw. sagen) so bleibt es trotzdem eine Dummheit.

      Warum Wolfgang immer gleich durchdreht und es als persönliche Beleidigung ansieht, wenn ihn jemand kritisiert, ist mir ebenfalls ein Rätsel. Hier nimmt jemand dieses _Computerspiel_ wohl ein wenig zu ernst ;)
      Egal was hier jemand sagt, und wie sehr er auch ein Banause sein mag, es gibt keinen Grund immer gleich so beleidigend zu werden. Meiner Meinung nach kann man ein solches Verhalten auch nicht mit den besten Caws auf der Welt rechtfertigen.

      Machts gut :)
    • lol..thus why I haven't posted things like my Jeff Hardy update on here, nor will I.

      It's not my attitude that's the problem, it's the fact that from what I've read, no one is giving any feedback on what to improve...you guys keep saying the face sucks, though interestingly, none of you nor anyone on any other board has yet to make a better one that'll match up to refs better. When I asked you guys for suggestions, best you came up with so far is "looks monkey-like"...sure like his face doesn't resemble a gorilla's in shaping:

      but whatever, I realized a while back I won't get all that much good feedback here, and all I'm getting is you think face sucks (which even alot of the top caw makers from the past that know the systems better than most of you have said it is a really good face, including SpearTheGame and Bhangraman)...well, if it "sucks" so much, do me a favor, and instead of consistantly insulting it and chalking it off to an attitude (when it's the fact you can't tell me what to fix)...make a better one. I'm open for competition....if you think you can.
    • Did anyone say that we´re able to make a better one? Noone said anything like that!
      Of course we should say why we don´t like on this CAW. But you still will say that we don´t know Brock Lesnar´s face, I´m sure you will!
      This Lesnar looks too young. His eyes doesn´t look like that ones from Lesnar.
      The attire is very good, no questions about it, but in that Face, I think, and that`s just my opinion und you have to accept it, I can´t see Lesnar there. There´s nothing what looks like Lesnar. I´m sorry for that rate, but I think that´s the truth. And I´ve already rated thhis CAW with 3/10, and I hope you´ll accept it.
    • lol..and you just proved my point exact...you named two things out of well over 40 + on the face:

      1) young....age (a one point change setting at the end of the morph section)...wow, easily must mean in your eyes 4 points for that one single number setting..lol
      2) eyes (or more or less eye makeup choice)...

      and for that, you subtract 7 points of 10? my exact point. Go ahead and rate it as you wish ( I seriously don't care about the ratings of one board and the fact you rate worth a crap)...you just proved your rating has nothing behind it to substantiate 7 points off....2 very minor things (age and eye makeup) and that makes 7 points..lmao...interesting philosophy you guys have here. Any other board would typically say in a "two or so things to change and it'll look right" situation "8/10" (meaning the caw is 80% correct...only needs a change in age to look older, and possibly an eyemakeup change)...guess the fact of a too young set age setting and an eyemakup makes the entire caw from 90% to 30% as you see it...lmao. 3/10 means the entire caw is less than even half right (seeing 5/10 means it's half correct).
    • You know what? I don´t care about what you think or why you´re crying. I can´t name more things because this CAW is bullshit. Make a new Face, the attire is very good but the face is NOT Lesnar. So, I needn´t explain you everything because on this face everything is not good. The age and his eyes are the worst things, that´s why i named still them. I´ve already said that I can´t see Lesnar in that face. Why I have to write all these things two times? When I say, I can´t see Lesnar in that face and I give 3 points because of the attire(Face gets no point) it´s like i´d say make it new. So did you understand it now or do you need a third time?
    • lol..whatever, I'm not crying, nor complaining.....you think I'm gonna change the face cause 2 or 3 guys at one board say they don't see it vs the over 1000 that say they do, including top creators for the Smackdown series...lol nah, I'll just let you think it doesn't, plain and simple....I get dozens of PM's daily thanking me for the Brock (from members and caw makers alike) and saying it looks fantastic....so your little opinion here, is just a grain of salt. Again, don't think you'll ever see a better one shaping wise for the game (hasn't been yet since this Lesnar came out, that was months ago)...I'll just wait and let you figure that out on your own....anyone can take age points up a notch and change one simple eye makeup to make it better....in fact, I already did months ago...just never posted the changes. You look at the pics, you can tell the morph shaping match up to him quite closely. But whatever, I'm done trying to get you to see what you refuse to look at....to you, eye makup and age mean everything....unless you'd care to get a little more detailed on what things could go where to help it out...that's what we in the caw world call constructive feedback....instead of just saying caw sucks and rating 3/10, yet not pointing anything out really to substantiate 7 points. You think you know what you are talking about, care to spill out a little more than "age and eye makeup"? "caw sucks" doesn't help me worth a crap...though honestly, since it's one of only maybe what 2 or 3 or so I've heard on it (all in here), doesn't really hurt either.
    • WolfgangJT schrieb:

      lol..whatever, I'm not crying, nor complaining.....you think I'm gonna change the face cause 2 or 3 guys at one board say they don't see it vs the over 1000 that say they do, including top creators for the Smackdown series...lol nah, I'll just let you think it doesn't, plain and simple....I get dozens of PM's daily thanking me for the Brock (from members and caw makers alike) and saying it looks fantastic....so your little opinion here, is just a grain of salt. Again, don't think you'll ever see a better one shaping wise for the game (hasn't been yet since this Lesnar came out, that was months ago)...I'll just wait and let you figure that out on your own....anyone can take age points up a notch and change one simple eye makeup to make it better....in fact, I already did months ago...just never posted the changes. You look at the pics, you can tell the morph shaping match up to him quite closely. But whatever, I'm done trying to get you to see what you refuse to look at....to you, eye makup and age mean everything....unless you'd care to get a little more detailed on what things could go where to help it out...that's what we in the caw world call constructive feedback....instead of just saying caw sucks and rating 3/10, yet not pointing anything out really to substantiate 7 points. You think you know what you are talking about, care to spill out a little more than "age and eye makeup"? "caw sucks" doesn't help me worth a crap...though honestly, since it's one of only maybe what 2 or 3 or so I've heard on it (all in here), doesn't really hurt either.

      I never said you HAVE TO make a new on. I said you should make it new that it looks better. I said the face doesn´t look like Lesnar. The face is horrible and you SHOULD(should and must is something completely different) make it new. Yes my opinion is one of 1000 it doesn´t really hurt you? I don´t think so. You wouldn´t be angry like that and write that my opinion doesn´t count. I wrote that a third time and you still didn´t understand that? Of course everybody could change something. But that doesnßt change my opinion that this CAW is not good. Why can´t you accept my opinion?????? Just because you thing that I don´t know Lesnar´s face? This is my opinion, your opinion is, that I don´t know Lesnar´s face. I accept it and I just want know why you can´t take criticisim. That´s no insult against you. I know you can make amazing CAWs, but I think that Lesnar is not one of them. I hope this "conversation" between us is done now.
    • lol..I said I wasn't angry. I could care less. You think it's horrible, fine..you don't have to use it, and you are intitled to your opinion....all I'm saying is that if 1000+ people think it looks like him, most odds, it's you that is wrong in your overexaggeration....unless, and again I'll state it and bold so you'll see it this time, if you can help with some ideas by being more specific in what you see wrong with it and what could be done in your opinion to fix whatever makes you take that 7 points off and bash it. (hopefully that bold made what I am asking for stand out this time) At this point, I look at 1000+ vs 2 or so of you...hmm...your odds don't seem that convincing to say you are right. I agree it needed age and eye work, but that doesn't make a caw horrible nor does it mean it should be a 30% right when the face isn't but 1 part of the caw. But again, if you feel you can give some ideas in that "expert" opinion of yours, try it...I'm open for suggestions if you'll ever spit them out (though specific suggestions as to what you feel hurts it other than a minor 2 things that seem to make 7 points worth of a caw to you). Can you do that, or are you just gonna keep acting like I'm complaing and whining...try I'm trying to get your opinion...which you apparently won't give beyond bashing it and naming a minor two things...which is useless to me. Specifics to look at help MUCH better....and if you give it 7 points off, you oughta be able to specify a whole bunch more than just 2 things...there's hunderds of points and 64 layers worth of things on a caw. 1 age point and 1 layer = 7 points off...lol...if you think that makes any sense, I'd be surprised. Now, do you care to give suggestions for any possible update, or are you still gonna come back not doing anything worth while?

      I figure if you see 7/10 points worth wrong on it, maybe you're someone that might be able to help if I can get you past bashing it every time you speak...let's see if you can the 4th time around. I can accept criticism....but I don't like cocky or rude bashers. You wanna criticize, be constructive, or don't post. I have no use for your "it's horrible" jargon. Doesn't help me in the slightest.

      Now please, rack off 7 points rating worth of things that need to be looked at and how they could be fixed....so I know what points you have issues with and why.
    • I won´t answer anymore to anything you´ve written. I´m sorry but that what we´re writing is pathetic. I don´t want to answer anymore because you can´t deal with criticisim and you write senseless comments. And I answer them:rolleyes:
      Talking with you doesn´t make sense because you have just your point of view and if another one think something different you can´t accept it. That´s miserable.
      You have no use for it? Then you needn´t answer!
    • no, what doesn't make sense is the fact you can't name 7 points worth of rating of things wrong with it (and you are continuously proving that) nor any true feedback beyond your opinion (horrible is an opinion, doesn't look like him is an opinion, have you moved from opinion to give fact based points to look at yet...no.....as in you haven't named really any specifics yet beyond wow, 2 points).

      I've simply asked for your full detailed advice on where to take things since you seem to say to see so much off on it yet will only say 2, and interestingly, you can't seem to give it. So apparently, I am wasting my time as you have no idea what you are talking about, and that you are showing on your own...if you did, you'd have been able to ramble it off by now instead of rambling excuses as to why you haven't and attemting to discuss a point you aren't backing up too well with anything beyond opinion....a person who knows what they are talking about and cares to be helpful, will be helpful...and should be able to answer when I ask you to name off the things that made you say what you said.

      When you decide to be more helpful and say more than 2 things while jerking off 7 points and saying it's horrible, let me know. I'll listen more than you think.
    • Why I should name details when I think that the whole face is not good? Are you unable to understand that? Should I say you the face, the ears, the nose, the age and so on? It´s easier for me to say that I would make the face completely new that it will look better if you start the face again. So, I don´t know how often I have to say that and I don´t know how often I already did. But for you I will say it again because it seems to me you haven´t understood that. In that face is nothing, for you again, NOTHING what looks like Lesnar. Make it new is the only explanation what I have to you. If I should name more, I had to name all things you can find in a face. But I say still that: Nothing looks like Lesnar is the same like the face, the ears, the nose sucks.
      So I took the easy way which you didn´t understand. I´m sorry but I don´t know where Lesnar is there. And when you post 100 posts more I won´t see him there except when you make a new one. But you won´t and that´s ok because, like you said, there are a lot of people who likes that CAW. But that´s not my opinion and you can´t accept it. If you would, you wouldn´t write so much posts to this topic. And don´t tell me you wrote them because you want have an explaination. Some people wrote 8/10 or 7/10 and there was no explanation. The only thing they said is It´s ok or it´s not perfect, he could be better. I give you the explaination that there´s nothing like Lesnar or lhow you like to see it: the nose is not good, the mouth is too big, the eyes aren´t Lesnar´s and so on. But why you like to see an explaination from me when other people didn´t write one? Just because i gave you 3/10 and not a 7/10? I don´t know what´s so bad when I don´t like that CAW. You said there are 1000 people who likes this CAW and you don´t care about my rate. But why do you still write these posts to me??????????? I thiink you don´t care??? It doesn´t look like you don´t care. it looks like you can´t accept it, when some persons out of 1000, like you said, doesn´t like your CAW. And that you´ve written me again and again it prooves that I´m right. And ask other people on this board. They´ll agree with me that you can´t take criticisim, isn´t it?