TNA iMPACT! - Diskussionsthread

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    • Zitat von KingofKings88
      An alle interessierten: Hier sind 2 sehr informative Artikel die ich im Netz gefunden habe. Es gibt doch ziemlich interessante Fakten, die ich mal bisschen markiert habe. Und falls es schon gepostet wurde...sorry.
      Sind aber leider auf Englisch.

      With an increasingly stale product and THQ’s SmackDown! franchise delivering the same thing year in and out, wrasslin’ fans need a savior. Start bracing for Impact - literally - because Midway is developing TNA Impact for the PS2, PS3, Xbox 360 and Wii, next spring.

      Impact is pretty simple to control and actually harkens back to SmackDown’s older control scheme before the right thumbstick ruled the ring.
      We demoed the 360 version, but were told all versions will handle similarly.

      The left stick controls your wrestler, X punches, A kicks, Y is your Grab/Grapple and B is the “Action” move, used for climbing ropes or pinning.
      The Right Bumper counters and reverses moves based on the timing in your opponent’s moves, while the Right Trigger is used for running.

      Where the move set gets interesting is in the Left Bumper, or Strong Modifier.

      By holding LB and hitting one of your strikes during a grapple, you can execute powerful moves from a swinging neckbreaker to a devastating piledriver or even set up your opponent for a torture rack backbreaker submission.
      Hold LB and hit a strike button when prone and you’ll deliver anything from a punishing clothesline to a solid boot to the face.

      And TNA wouldn’t be anything without its X-division (think high-flyers) superstars. Hold LB and hit any of the face buttons towards any corner, and your wrestler will springboard off the turnbuckles and connect with a moonsault or high kick to the face.

      Impact excels where SmackDown! feels stale and that’s mostly in the character animations.
      In utilizing a modified Unreal Engine, Midway is pushing the limits of muscleman-rendering technology. Add to that the fact that many of TNA’s wrestlers worked the actual mo-cap sessions and you have a real labor of love on hand.
      The engine’s graphical prowess isn’t the only impressive feat. Wrestlers run in 360 degrees (something that took THQ years to accomplish) and when you stop, your wrestler pivots his foot, rather then returning to a prone standing position.
      Also, when dishing out attacks, they stumble into the corner weakened and tired, as if the ropes were the only thing keeping them upright.

      We were only able to sample one-on-one, but were promised common wrestling staples like tag team, create-a-wrestler and weapons modes would make an appearance in addition to Story mode where your created beefcake climbs the ranks to become TNA Champion. Not to mention TNA-specific specialty matches like Ultimate X and King of the Mountain are almost guaranteed and
      oh yes, there will be blood. And don’t worry, online grappling is a lock.



      "This... is TNA."
      For those who haven't followed TNA's progression, the wrestling company started in 2002 under the NWA flag, with PPV-only broadcasts, featuring names from both past and soon-to-be stars.Five years and now a two-hour television show (on Spike TV every Thursday night) later, TNA is finally receiving the video game treatment, courtesy of Midway's TNA Impact!

      Though Midway's sports titles have been typically over-the-top, the developers are taking a slightly more realistic approach with the TNA license. That's not to say the game will be encumbered with stamina meters and resting, however. Mark Turmell, Midway veteran and the game's producer, tells us, "We've opted not to slow down the wrestler when he's in pain. Coming from the coin-op world, which is my background, we never want to make the player feel worse. We always want to build, build, build. Your player will continue to fight as if he's fresh, but he'll get to the point where he's able to be finished."

      Like in those coin-op titles, visual quality is a huge focus for the developers. "TNA allows us access to all of their wrestlers," notes Sal Divita, another of Midway's producers. "We were able to take photographs of them up close -- actual photographs of their skin, their bodies, their shapes. We had access to get 3D scans of all their heads, which we could shape to be just like they are in real life."

      Midway recruited the likes of Samoa Joe and AJ Styles, as well as Jay Lethal, Sonjay Dutt, Senshi and Christopher Daniels to help out with the motion capture, and that -- combined with the 60 frames-per-second gameplay -- looks to have paid off, as the game runs very smoothly.

      The TNA superstars also apparently have been involved during the game's design meetings.
      "We hold No Mercy (N64) up as kind of a blueprint,"
      says Turmell, "and when the wrestlers came in, they immediately said, 'Have you guys played No Mercy?' So we knew we were all on the same wavelength right off the bat."

      As expected, the heart of the single-player game is the story mode, though the team at Midway has something different in store than the standard "go for the belt" scenario. "You wake up in a plastic surgeon's office in Mexico, and you have to figure out who you are and how you got there," says Turmell. "I would still classify it as a simple, straight-forward storyline, but there's a little bit of fantasy around why you're creating your character to begin with."

      That's right -- you won't be taking the role of an established TNA superstar in career mode. And Kevin Nash will make an appearance to train and mentor your up and coming superstar. Though we weren't given many details on the game's Create-a-Wrestler mode, Midway assures us that it's a very important part of the game's development, as the story mode is based on it.

      Wrestling game fans love to count the different modes and match-types, and thankfully, TNA Impact! has variety there. Aside from the usual exhibition and tag-team matches, Impact! will offer a "Royal Rumble-like" game mode , as well as TNA staples King of the Hill and Ultimate X matches (though the team is still working out how exactly the belt will be obtained in the latter). When asked about the chance of including the Six-Sides of Steel cage match, we were told it's "about 50/50 at this point ."
      All consoles (even Wii) will incorporate an online mode, which will also allow two players on the same console to compete against wrestling fans across the country.
      In addition, all of the game's match types will be playable online.

      By simply watching the character intros (which are shorter than the current WWE fare) or looking at stills, you can tell it is pretty. But we're happy to report that at this early stage, it plays well too.
      While the majority of moves quoted for the final retail game (2,500 or so) were not yet available at Midway's press event, the ones at our disposal were very easy to pull off.
      The preview version only included 10 or so TNA superstars, though the final game will reportedly contain just about everyone under TNA contract as of January.

      After finally having the controllers ripped out of our hands by Midway security, we came away very optimistic. When you combine a team experienced in developing wild sports titles with the TNA brand, you end up with a game that has a big opportunity to mix up the wrestling genre, which has become set in its ways in recent years. And competition is always a good thing, right?

      Wollt ich blos no mal posten damit wir hier darüber "diskutieren kennen"!

      Etwas was mich erfreut hat ist das es blut gibt ....juhu!
      Hoffe es sieht gut aus und nicht wie ein stück scheiße!
    • @ Undertaker Deti

      danke das du es hier gepostet hast.wollte es eben auch gerade hier nochmal posten damit alle fans des games es auch mitkriegen...hab es wohl in die falsche rubrik eingefügt:-)

      @ alle im forum

      hier nochmal alle facts auf deutsch grob übersetzt zusammengefasst:

      - TNA erscheint auf folgenden konsolen: XBOX360; PS2; PS3 und WIi

      - TNA erscheint im Frühling

      - TNA ist sehr leicht zu bedienen und orientiert sich an der alten steuerung
      der Smackdown reihe; bevor der rechte bzw 2. analog controller genutzt
      wurde....(für mich ein klares plus)

      - Der linke controllstick bewegt den wrestler, X = Schlag, A = Tritt,
      Y = Gegenr greifen, B ="Action" Taste ( ringecke hinaufsteigen/pin usw)
      RB Taste = Kontern; RT Taste = Laufen; LB Taste= Powerstrike/move
      (bezieht sich jetzt erstmal alles nur auf die xbox360 steuerung)

      - TNA nutz die Unreal Engine ( ich sage nur "Gears of War" )

      - Wrester bewegen bzw laufen in 360° bewegungen durch den ring ( das wofür THQ jahre gebraucht hat)

      - Wrestler taumeln und "hängen" auch in den ringseilen / ecken

      - Es wird Waffen ( + deren Modus(e) ) geben

      - Ultimate X und King of the Mountain sind bestätigt. (Käfig Match 50/50)

      - Es wird BLUT geben! ( die party kann beginnen :-)))

      - Es gibt kein Stamina System wie bei SvsR, d.h. die Wrestler werden nicht langsamer

      - TNA läuft mit 60sekunden pro frame ab

      - Midway nutzt "NO MERCY" auf N64 als "Vorlage" für TNA....für mich das bis heute vielleicht beste Wrestlinggame:-))

      - Es wird einen "Royal Rumble" ähnlichen modus geben

      - in der endversion wird es ca 2500 moves geben

      - Create-a-Wrestler mode ist ein sehr wichtiger Faktor ( hoffentlich )

      - Auf allen konsolen wird der Online - Modus unterstützt.

      - Alle matcharten kann man online zocken

      - Mindestens 2 Spieler werden an einer Konsole Online zocken können ( DAS finde ich persönlich einfach nur hammer !!!!! YES !!!!!! )

      Das sind so ziemlich die interessantesten fakten aus beiden texten.

      ich hoffe mal wirklich das Midway das einhält was es verspricht, den dann könnte allen wrestlinggame freaks ein richtiger diamand bevorstehen.

      mal sehen.
    • Das, was mich am meisten freut sind die Punkte, dass es bei der Wii-Version einen Online-Modus geben wird (ok war schon bekannt) und dass man zu zweit an einer Konsole online spielen kann. Online Tag Team Matches könnten so schon mal interessanter werden.
      Auch erfreulich, dass No Mercy als Orientierungspunkt verwendet wird.
      „Das ist der Weg.“
      2024 - Metaphor: ReFantazio, Visions of Mana
      2025 - Monster Hunter Wilds
      202X - Metroid Prime 4, Dragon Quest XII, Dragon Quest III HD-2D Remake, Mina the Hollower
      Für Vaders Faust: Die 501ste Legion!
      „Ich bin ein einfacher Mann, der seinen Weg in der Galaxis geht. Genau wie mein Vater vor mir.“ - Boba Fett
      klick -> John Cena sucks! <- klick
    • Dass sie in der Lage sind in einem Kreis zu laufen und nicht so wie bei den früheren SD!-Teilen, wo man immer nur gerade in eine Richtung laufen konnte und mann dann stoppen musste um sich dann drehen zu können.
      „Das ist der Weg.“
      2024 - Metaphor: ReFantazio, Visions of Mana
      2025 - Monster Hunter Wilds
      202X - Metroid Prime 4, Dragon Quest XII, Dragon Quest III HD-2D Remake, Mina the Hollower
      Für Vaders Faust: Die 501ste Legion!
      „Ich bin ein einfacher Mann, der seinen Weg in der Galaxis geht. Genau wie mein Vater vor mir.“ - Boba Fett
      klick -> John Cena sucks! <- klick
    • Scans von deutschen Magazinen sind hier untersagt.
      „Das ist der Weg.“
      2024 - Metaphor: ReFantazio, Visions of Mana
      2025 - Monster Hunter Wilds
      202X - Metroid Prime 4, Dragon Quest XII, Dragon Quest III HD-2D Remake, Mina the Hollower
      Für Vaders Faust: Die 501ste Legion!
      „Ich bin ein einfacher Mann, der seinen Weg in der Galaxis geht. Genau wie mein Vater vor mir.“ - Boba Fett
      klick -> John Cena sucks! <- klick