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    • Pappa Shango

      Name: Papa Shango Nicknam:none Call: 00 00 00 00 Gender: Male Hometown:none Height:6'2" Weight:290 Picture:124 agline: Vodoo Witchamaster (optional)

      Voice: male 1 Paremeters: Optional thats your job Charector:Heel Personality:Evil Male Charector: Kane+Batista+Undertaker+Gold

      Alignment F Type Man Appearence1:Skin D04 Face Model 1 Texture 1 D03 Texture2 15 Hair Model 1 Texture 0 Costume Upperbody 16 Texure 1 0 R=Red B=Blue G=Green Highlight R=0 B=0 G=0 Hue R=0 B=0 G=0 Shadow R=0 B=0 G=0

      Lowerboddy 16 texture O Highlight R=0 B=0 G=0 Hue R=0 B=0 G=0 Shadow R=0 B=0 G=0

      Left and Right Foot turn Symmetry on Model 5 Texture 1 0 Just change Hue to R=200 G=31 B=31

      Accessories: Head Model 73 ,or 80 i think its a bigger top hat Texture10 wear during match off Highlight R=0 B=0 G=0 Hue R=0 B=0 G=0 Shadow R=0 B=0 G=0 Accessories: Face Model 55 Texture0 Hue R=255 G=0 B=2 Neck Model 2 Texture 0 wear during match off

      Mask None Favorite Weapons Whatever Scale I didnt Mess With It

      Appearance2 Its all the same expect Lower Body Model 7 Texture 28 Highlight R=0 B=0 G=0 Hue R=0 B=0 G=0 Shadow R=0 B=0 G=0

      Entrance Optional Entrance Christian Vs Screen Rock Interference clothedline optional lights camrea flash Pyro 1 Flame A 24.8 sec dark 0% Pyro 2 Flame B 22.9 sec dark 100%

      Screeneffects off Screen Color off Entrence Music I used track 23 off the federation wwe anthology 3 disc set nice to have with this game wwe anthology... : ) or use errie music perhaps kanes

      Titontron Original Movie

      Screen Effects off Screen Color off

      text Animation 1 line1 Papa Shango line2 VooDoo!!!!!!!! line3 VooDoo!!!!!!!!

      line 2,3 optional

      text color sample red moves punc and kick

      Ok and finaly moves and Taunts

      Moves whatever you want heres what worked for me

      Moves Sample Batista standing grapple A X finisher Grapple 1 Tonga Death Grip Grapple 2 Fist of Fist

      Taunts optional heres what i used standing taunt 22 + taunt 60 ring post F Mist close to corner raise arms 2 on apron Look Around taunt 5
    • Owen Hart

      Profile Name: Owen Hart Nickname: King Of Harts, The Black Hart, The Rocket Call: 01 248 320 00 Gender: Male Hometown: Canada Height: 5' 10" Weight: 228 Picture: 92 Tag Line: King Of Harts, The Black Hart, The Rocket Sign Boards: 262 264 266 268 Sign Boards 2: 269 237 50 260 Voice: Male 6
      Offensive Punch: 2 Kick: 2 Grappling: 3 Submissions: 4 Acrobatics: 3 Rough Housing: 1
      Defensive Punch: 2 Kick: 2 Grappling: 3 Submissions: 4 Acrobatics: 3 Rough Housing: 1
      Physical Skills Recovery Power: 3 Voltage Recovery: 2 Jumping Distance: 2 Movement Speed: 3
      PERSONAL SKILLS Aggressive: 3 Intelligence: 3 Dexterity: 3 Social: 2 Charisma: 3 Luck: 1
      CHARACTER Type: Heel Personality: Chaotic Male Character: Harcore Holly - Christian - Lance Storm - Chris Jericho -
      Skin Texture: A02 Highlight: 31 31 31 Hue: 255 255 255 Shadow: 127 127 127
      Face Model: 4 Texture 1: A08 Texture 2: 83
      Hair Model: 5 Texture 1: 0 Highlight: 126 115 107 Hue: 97 71 21 Shadow: 0 0 0
      Upper Body Model: 15 Texture 1: 34 Highlight: 33 33 33 Hue: 0 0 0 Shadow: 33 33 33
      Left Arm Model: 1 Symmetry: On
      Left Arm Band Model: None Symmetry: On
      Left Elbow Model: None Symmetry: On
      Left Wrist Nodel: None Symmetry: On
      Left Hand Model: 1 Symmetry: On
      Lower Body Model: 9 Texture 1: 63 Highlight: 33 33 33 Hue: 0 0 0 Shadow: 33 33 33
      Left Knee Model: 9 Texture 1: 2 Highlight: 33 33 33 Hue: 0 0 0 Shadow: 33 33 33 Symmetry: On
      Left Foot Model: 14 Texture 1: 0 Highlight: 99 99 99 Hue: 0 0 0 Shadow: 33 33 33 Symmetry: On
      Fav Weapon Weapon: Baseball Bat Entrance: Off Apron 1: Baseball Bat Apron 2: Sledgehammer Apron 3: Long Steel Pipe Apron 4: Stop Sign
      Scale All: 102 Thighs: X Y Z - On Both Thighs make them 106
      For Appearence 2 I was going to make his Caution Costume or even the Blue Blazer but as it stands right now in my game, I don't have all the unlocked sh*t so you are gonna have to do it yourself or wait on me. So there! BLEH!
      Moves Entrance: Edit 9 VS. Screen: Edit 13 Interference 1: Clothesline Interference 2: Bull Dog
      Lights Stage Light A: Off
      Stage Light B 1st Color: 0 0 0 2nd Color: 255 71 255 Length (Color): 1.0 Sec. Flash: On Length (Flash): 0.2 Sec.
      Stage Light C: Off
      Stage Light D 1st Color: 255 71 255 2nd Color: 255 71 255 Length (Color): 1.0 Sec. Flash: Off
      Stage Light E 1st Color: 255 71 255 2nd Color: 255 71 255 Length (Color): 1.0 Sec. Flash: Off
      Ramp Lights Switch: On All Group Colors: 0 0 0 Length (Color): 1.0 Sec. Flash: Off
      Ring Lights Group A1: 255 71 255 Group A2: 0 0 0 Group B1: 255 71 255 Group B2: 0 0 0 Length (Color): 1.0 Sec. Flash: Off
      Hall Lights Switch: On Brightness 1: 12 Brightness 2: 22 Length: 0.0 Sec.
      Gate Area Lights Switch: On Color: 255 71 255 Animation: 2 Speed: 2 Same For Ramp Area Lights and Ring Area Lights.
      Flash Lights Switch: Off
      Fog Switch: On Color: 255 71 255
      Camera Flash Switch: On Amount: 4
      Pyro1 Switch: On Pyro: Laser C Start Time: 0.1 Sec Darkness: 0%
      Pyro2 Switch: Off
      Screen Effects Switch: Off
      Screen Color Switch: Off
      Entrance Music Owen Hart: Enough Is Enough YAY! For Music Rips! You can also use Steven Richards theme if you can't rip the theme. It sounds pretty close.
      Titantron Movies: Original
      Screen Effects Switch: On WideScreen: On Flicker: Off Filter: NoiseA Soft
      Screen Color Switch: On Value A B & C: 255 71 255
      Text Animation Switch: On Animation: 3 Text Color: 255 71 255 For the Text Lines I made a tribute by putting this. Line 1: Owen Hart Line 2: 1965 Line 3: 1999 You can put anything you want. But I did this for his date of birth and death.
      Moves Muscle Pose Credit gos to Sam97154
    • Sid Vicious

      skin A07

      model 2
      text 1: A07
      text 2: 81

      model 9
      text 1: 1

      Upper body
      model 61
      text 1: 1
      Shadow: Grey
      Hue: Black
      Highlight: Black

      Elbows both:
      Shadow: Grey
      Hue: Black
      Highlight: Grey

      Wrists both
      model: 4
      Shadow: Grey
      Hue: white
      Highlight: Grey

      Lower body
      model 2
      Shadow: black
      Hue: black
      Highlight: black

      Knees both:
      model 2
      Shadow: grey
      Hue: black
      Highlight: grey

      model 14
      Shadow: white
      Hue: black
      Highlight: black

      All 105
      head 101-100-101
      neck 130-99-130
      upperbody 105-100-100
      lowerbody 105-100-105
      shoulders 110-115-110
      upper arms 110-100-100
      forearms 120-100-120
      hands: 105-100-105
      thighs: 105-100-106
      Legs 120-100-120
      Feet 105-100-105

      Das Theme für ihm gibt es hier: Unter Old WWE Themes
    • "Flying" Brian Pillman

      Name: Brian Pillman
      Nick: "Flying"


      6'0 235 lbs.

      Face: Model 1 Tex 1 A09 Tex 2 0

      Skin: Tex 1 A 00
      H: 99 99 99
      H: 255 214 171
      H: 0 0 0

      Hair: Model 11 Tex 1 0
      H: 33 33 33
      H: 177 145 77
      S: 30 16 4


      Upper Body: Model 1

      Wrists: Model 1 Tex 1 0
      H: 31 31 31
      H: 255 255 255
      S: 189 189 189

      Lower Body: Model Tex 1 226
      H: 0 0 0
      H: 242 101 34
      S: 179 72 176

      Knees: Model 10 Tex 1 0
      H: 0 0 0
      H: 14 14 14
      S: 20 20 20

      Feet: Model 17 Tex 1 0
      H: 189 189 189
      H: 255 255 255
      H: 189 189 189

      Scale: All 100

      Head: 108 102 100

      Neck: 108 103 107


      Upper: 103 101 107

      Lower: 103 101 107

      Shoulders: 88 107 107

      Upper Arms: 110 97 110

      Forearms: 115 100 115

      Hands: All 112

      Thighs: 104 98 105

      Legs: 104 99 105

      Feet: 100 111 100

      Appearance 2


      Upper Body: Model 33 Tex 1 10
      H: 31 31 31
      H: 255 255 255
      S: 66 66 66

      Wrists: Model 4 Tex 1 2
      H: 31 31 31
      H: 255 255 255
      H: 31 31 31

      Lower Body: Model 12 Tex 1 3
      H: 31 31 31
      H: 255 255 255
      S: 127 127 127

      Feet: Model 6 Tex 1 4
      Color: Default

      Entrance: Moves Hardcore Holly Vs. Nowinski

      Lights all off except noted

      B: all white

      Runway all white

      Ring all white

      Titantron movies Original

      Screen effects on wide screen on Filter Noise A

      Text animation

      On ANimation 1 Color: 255 134 67

      Line 1: "Flying"
      Line 2: Brian
      Line 3: Pillman

      Moves Hurricane Rana

      Music Burn it or Benoits

      Moves Use Billy Gunns and change to the following

      Hell just change how you want he was quick and a flyier
      just not crazy ass flying

      Finisher Front: Drop Kick

      Turnbuckle Front: Diving Body Press 2 (This was his main move)
    • "The Model" Rick Martel

      Name - Rick Martel
      Nickname - "The Model"
      Hometown - Florida (Cocoa Beach)
      Height 6'0"
      Weight 226 lbs
      Picture 122


      Skin - C02
      31 31 31
      255 255 255
      127 127 127

      Face - Model 7
      Text 1 - C07
      Text 2 - 0

      Hair - Model 4
      42 33 28
      0 0 0
      0 0 0


      Upper Body
      Model 1

      Left & Right Wrist
      Model 10
      Text 1 - 0
      0 0 0
      255 255 255
      255 255 255

      Lower Body
      Model 2
      Text 1 - 0
      31 31 31
      255 33 173
      31 31 31

      Left & Right Knee
      Model 1
      Text 1 - 1
      31 31 31
      255 33 173
      31 31 31

      Left & Right Foot
      Model 17
      Text 1 - 0
      31 31 31
      255 255 255
      31 31 31


      Model 27
      Text 1 - 0
      42 33 28
      0 0 0
      42 33 28

      Model 8
      Text 1 - 0
      31 31 31
      255 33 173
      31 31 31


      Everything the same except for the following changes-

      Upper Body
      Model 58
      Text 1 - 0
      0 0 0
      0 0 0
      31 31 31

      Lower Body Colors
      31 31 31
      78 49 178
      31 31 31

      Left & Right Knee Colors
      31 31 31
      78 49 178
      31 31 31

      Neck Accessory Color
      31 31 31
      78 49 178
      31 31 31

      VS Screen - Edit 4
      Entrance Move - Rico


      Taunt 70
      Eddie Guerrero 1

      On Corner Post
      F Goldust

      Close to Corner

      At the Apron
      Clap Hand 1
      Chris Jericho

    • Charlie Haas
      WGTT attire

      texture A00

      model 1
      texture 1 A04
      texture 2 0

      model 2
      Highlight 156-120-0
      Hue 51-42-31
      Shadow 48-40-31

      model 18
      texture 1: 1
      Highlight 0-0-0
      Hue 82-0-0
      Shadow 31-31-31

      Elbows only right
      model 3
      texture 1: 0
      Highlight 31-31-31
      Hue 0-0-0
      Shadow 31-31-31

      wrists both
      model 1
      texture 1: 2
      Highlight 31-31-31
      Hue 255-255-255
      Shadow 31-31-31

      lower body
      model 9
      texture 1: 38
      Highlight 0-0-0
      Hue 82-0-0
      Shadow 31-31-31

      Knees both
      model 9
      texture 1: 0
      Highlight 31-31-31
      Hue 0-0-0
      Shadow 31-31-31

      model 18
      texture 1: 0
      Highlight 255-255-255
      Hue 0-0-0
      Shadow 0-0-0

      Charlie Haas
      Team Angle attire

      texture A00

      model 1
      texture 1 A04
      texture 2 47

      model 2
      Highlight 156-129-0
      Hue 51-42-31
      Shadow 48-40-31

      model 18
      texture 1: 2
      Highlight 0-0-0
      Hue 0-84-166
      Shadow 0-0-47

      wrists both
      model 3
      texture 1: 0
      Highlight 31-31-31
      Hue 255-255-255
      Shadow 255-255-255

      lower body
      model 9
      texture 1: 5
      Highlight 0-0-0
      Hue 0-84-166
      Shadow 0-0-47

      Knees both
      model 12
      texture 1: 0
      Highlight 0-0-0
      Hue 0-0-47
      Shadow 33-72-176

      model 18
      texture 1: 0
      Highlight 255-255-255
      Hue 204-0-3
      Shadow 0-0-0
      WGTT attire

      texture C00

      model 1
      texture 1 C01
      texture 2 0

      model 1
      texture 1
      Highlight 31-31-31
      Hue 0-0-0
      Shadow 31-31-31

      model 18
      texture 1: 1
      Highlight 31-31-31
      Hue 82-0-0
      Shadow 31-31-31

      Elbows both
      model 3
      texture 1: 0
      Highlight 31-31-31
      Hue 0-0-0
      Shadow 31-31-31

      wrists both
      model 4
      texture 1: 0
      Highlight 31-31-31
      Hue 255-255-255
      Shadow 255-255-255

      lower body
      model 9
      texture 1: 38
      Highlight 31-31-31
      Hue 82-0-0
      Shadow 31-31-31

      Knees both
      model 1
      texture 1: 0
      Highlight 31-31-31
      Hue 0-0-0
      Shadow 31-31-31

      model 6
      texture 1: 0
      Highlight 31-31-31
      Hue 0-0-0
      Shadow 31-31-31
      Team Angle attire

      texture C00

      model 1
      texture 1 C01
      texture 2 0

      model 1
      texture 1: 1
      Highlight 31-31-31
      Hue 0-0-0
      Shadow 31-31-31

      model 18
      texture 1: 12
      Highlight 255-255-255
      Hue 0-84-166
      Shadow 46-49-146

      wrists both
      model 4
      texture 1: 0
      Highlight 31-31-31
      Hue 255-255-255
      Shadow 255-255-255

      lower body
      model 9
      texture 1: 82
      Highlight 255-255-255
      Hue 46-49-146
      Shadow 0-84-166

      Knees both
      model 1
      texture 1: 0
      Highlight 0-0-0
      Hue 204-0-3
      Shadow 138-0-0

      model 35
      texture 1: 0
      Highlight 255-255-255
      Hue 46-49-146
      Shadow 33-72-178
    • Rosey
      Superhero gimmick

      texture B00

      model 3
      texture 1 B00
      texture 2 55

      model 22
      Highlight 126-115-107
      Hue 0-0-0
      Shadow 42-33-28

      model 40
      texture 1: 70
      Highlight 0-0-0
      Hue 99-99-99
      Shadow 255-255-255

      Arms both
      model 1
      texture 1: 0
      Highlight 0-0-0
      Hue 99-99-99
      Shadow 255-255-255

      Armband both
      model 2
      texture 1: 0
      Highlight 31-31-31
      Hue 255-46-46
      Shadow 156-156-156

      Elbows both
      model 5
      texture 1: 0
      Highlight 31-31-31
      Hue 255-46-46
      Shadow 156-156-156

      wrists both
      model 14
      texture 1: 0
      Highlight 255-255-255
      Hue 135-78-178
      Shadow 47-0-44

      hands both
      model 11
      texture 1: 0
      Highlight 255-255-255
      Hue 135-78-178
      Shadow 69-12-112

      lower body
      model 15
      texture 1: 7
      Highlight 66-66-66
      Hue 69-12-112
      Shadow 113-6-110

      Knees both
      model 2
      texture 1: 0
      Highlight 31-31-31
      Hue 31-31-31
      Shadow 0-0-0

      model 25
      texture 1: 0
      Highlight 102-45-145
      Hue 102-45-145
      Shadow 0-0-0

      model 57
      texture 1: 2
      wear during match on
      Highlight 0-0-0
      Hue 102-45-145
      Shadow 102-45-145

      head 98-98-98
      neck 99-99-99
      upper body 100-101-103
      lower body 110-101-10
      shoulders 100-100-100
      upper arms 105-100-105
      forearms 105-100-105
      hands 100-100-100
      thighs 107-100-107
      legs 107-100-107
      feet 105-100-105
    • Shane McMahon (2 Attires)
      Bild von Shane

      Shane McMahon
      Call: Shane - McMahon.
      Picture: 98
      Tagline: WWE.com
      Signs: 269 263 266 271
      Signs: 269 263 266 271
      Voice: Male 3

      *OK I’ve unlocked more attribute points so the section might not be applicable to you if not make it up.


      Offensive Skills:
      Total 21/21

      Defensive Skills:
      Total 21/21

      Physical Skills:

      Personal Skills:

      Type: Face
      Personality: Hero Male
      Ladder Big
      Kane -

      Type B

      Appearance 1:

      Head X-93 Y-93 Z-93
      Neck X-85 Y-85 Z-85
      Upper Body X-82 Y-82 Z-82
      Lower Body X-88 Y-88 Z-88
      Both Shoulders X-100 Y-100 Z-100
      Left Shoulders X-78 Y-78 Z-78
      Right Shoulders X-74 Y-74 Z-74
      Both Upper arms X-100 Y-100 Z-100
      Left Upper arms X-93 Y-93 Z-93
      Right Upper arms X-93 Y-93 Z-93
      Both Forearms X-100 Y-100 Z-100
      Left Forearms X-93 Y-93 Z-93
      Right Forearms X-93 Y-93 Z-93
      Hands X-100 Y-100 Z-100
      Left Hands X-91 Y-91 Z-91
      Right Hands X-91 Y-91 Z-91
      Both thighs X-100 Y-100 Z-100
      Left thighs X-100 Y-100 Z-100
      Right thighs X-100 Y-100 Z-100
      Both Legs X-100 Y-100 Z-100
      Left Legs X-110 Y-110 Z-110
      Right Legs X-110 Y-110 Z-110
      Both feet X-100 Y-100 Z-100
      Left foot X-97 Y-97 Z-97
      Right foot X-97 Y-97 Z-97

      Type: Man

      Skin: Text A00

      Model 1
      Texture 1: A02

      Model 9
      Texture 1
      Highlight RED 0 GREEN 0 BLUE 0
      Hue: RED 0 GREEN 0 BLUE 0
      Shadow: RED 0 GREEN 0 BLUE 0


      Upper body: *No Shane Logo >(
      Model 42
      Text 0
      Highlight: RED 31 GREEN 31 BLUE 31
      Hue: RED 171 GREEN 0 BLUE 0
      Shadow: RED 31 GREEN 31 BLUE 31

      Left Arm:
      Model 1
      Text 4
      Highlight: RED 31 GREEN 31 BLUE 31
      Hue: RED 171 GREEN 0 BLUE 0
      Shadow: RED 0 GREEN 0 BLUE 31

      Lower body:
      Model 7
      Highlight: RED 31 GREEN 31 BLUE 31
      Hue: RED 0 GREEN 0 BLUE 0
      Shadow: RED 33 GREEN 33 BLUE 33

      Left Foot:
      Model 6
      Text 3
      Highlight: RED 31 GREEN 31 BLUE 31
      Hue: RED 255 GREEN 255 BLUE 255
      Shadow: RED 31 GREEN 31 BLUE 31
      Symmetry: On

      Appearance 2:

      Head X-93 Y-93 Z-93
      Neck X-85 Y-85 Z-85
      Upper Body X-82 Y-82 Z-82
      Lower Body X-88 Y-88 Z-88
      Both Shoulders X-100 Y-100 Z-100
      Left Shoulders X-78 Y-78 Z-78
      Right Shoulders X-74 Y-74 Z-74
      Both Upper arms X-100 Y-100 Z-100
      Left Upper arms X-93 Y-93 Z-93
      Right Upper arms X-93 Y-93 Z-93
      Both Forearms X-100 Y-100 Z-100
      Left Forearms X-93 Y-93 Z-93
      Right Forearms X-93 Y-93 Z-93
      Hands X-100 Y-100 Z-100
      Left Hands X-91 Y-91 Z-91
      Right Hands X-91 Y-91 Z-91
      Both thighs X-100 Y-100 Z-100
      Left thighs X-100 Y-100 Z-100
      Right thighs X-100 Y-100 Z-100
      Both Legs X-100 Y-100 Z-100
      Left Legs X-110 Y-110 Z-110
      Right Legs X-110 Y-110 Z-110
      Both feet X-100 Y-100 Z-100
      Left foot X-97 Y-97 Z-97
      Right foot X-97 Y-97 Z-97

      Type: Man

      Skin: Text A00

      Model 1
      Texture 1: A02

      Model 9
      Texture 1
      Highlight RED 0 GREEN 0 BLUE 0
      Hue: RED 0 GREEN 0 BLUE 0
      Shadow: RED 0 GREEN 0 BLUE 0


      Upper body:
      Model 56
      Text 0
      Highlight: RED 31 GREEN 31 BLUE 31
      Hue: RED 0 GREEN 0 BLUE 0
      Shadow: RED 0 GREEN 0 BLUE 0

      Left Arm:
      Model 1
      Text 2
      Highlight: RED 0 GREEN 0 BLUE 0
      Hue: RED 0 GREEN 0 BLUE 0
      Shadow: RED 0 GREEN 0 BLUE 0
      Symmetry: On

      Lower Body:
      Model 11
      Text 0
      Highlight: RED 31 GREEN 31 BLUE 31
      Hue: RED 0 GREEN 0 BLUE 0
      Shadow: RED 0 GREEN 0 BLUE 0

      Left Foot:
      Model 5
      Highlight: RED 0 GREEN 0 BLUE 0
      Hue: RED 0 GREEN 0 BLUE 0
      Shadow: RED 0 GREEN 0 BLUE 0
      Symmetry: On


      Lights/ Fog/ Camera Flash and so on:
      *I sampled RVD entrance and made these changes.

      Edit 11
      Vs Screen: Kurt Angle

      Entrance Music:
      ”Here Comes the money” *Burned into my Xbox =), but if not Steph McMahon.

      Steph McMahon

      Move Edits:
      Sampled John Cena and changed and all his moves to what Shane Does. (Don’t worry guys if you look harder enough there all there!)

    • Typhoon

      Bild von Typhoon

      Hometown: Unknown

      Height: 6'03 387 lbs.

      Face: Model 4 Tex 1 A08 Tex 2 63

      Skin: Tex 1 A01
      H: 31 31 31
      H: 215 158 187
      S: 156 156 156

      Hair: Model 9 Tex 1 0 (Closest to a mullet they had)
      H: 0 0 0
      H: 28 15 0
      S: 42 33 28


      Upper: Model 16 Tex 1 63
      H: 31 31 31
      H: 204 0 3
      H: 31 31 31

      Lower: Model 2 Tex 1 157
      H: 0 0 0
      H: 0 0 0
      S: 31 31 31

      Knees: Model 2 Tex 1 0
      H: 0 0 0
      H: 0 0 0
      S: 31 31 31

      Feet: Model 17 Tex 1 0
      H: 222 222 222
      H: 0 0 0
      S: 31 31 31

      Scale: All 107

      Head: 118 109 120

      Neck: 121 100 116


      Upper: 115 104 127

      Lower: 112 112 130

      Shoulders: 93 108 100

      Upper Arms: 127 105 127

      Forearms: 129 100 130

      Hands: All 120

      Thighs: 113 97 117

      Legs: 112 99 1113

      Feet: 109 123 104
    • Earthquake

      Bild von Earthquake

      Hometown: Says B.C

      Height: 6'04 462 lbs.

      Appearnce 1 (There is only one atm )

      Face: Model 7 Tex1 A09 Tex 2 0

      Skin: Tex1 A07
      H: 31 31 31
      H: 255 220 212
      S: 121 118 114

      Hair: Model 20
      H: 0 0 0
      H: 24 16 9
      S: 42 33 28


      Upper: Model 17 Tex 1 53
      H: 31 31 31
      H: 0 0 0
      S: 33 33 33

      Lower: Model 2 Tex 1 157
      H: 31 31 31
      H: 204 0 3
      S: 66 66 66

      Knees: Model 2 Tex 1 0
      H: 31 31 31
      H: 204 0 3
      H: 33 33 33

      Feet: Model 17 Tex 1 0
      H: 31 31 31
      H: 204 0 3
      H: 33 33 33


      Face: Model 86 Wear during ON
      H: 0 0 0
      H: 31 19 6
      S: 42 33 28

      Scale: All 104

      Head: 116 113 114

      Neck: 117 110 112


      Upper: 128 114 120

      Lower: 109 118 130

      Shoulders: 90 130 130

      Upper Arms: 130 113 120

      Forearms: 120 105 120

      Hands: All 120

      Thighs: 115 94 120

      Legs: 128 98 130

      Feet: 105 117 109